Author: Andy Rowell

  • Pastoral Leadership and Sabbatical Grant Programs

    I wanted to let you know about a number of grants that might be of interest to pastors and academics reading this blog.  Money

    The Pastoral Leadership Grant Program "supports research and reflection by pastors and academics on the conditions of contemporary Christian ministry, the nature of contemporary pastoral leadership in light of those conditions, and the character of pastoral excellence."

    The grant application deadline is March 1, 2007.  You can find more info at the link above.  There is another General Grant which is similar.  The Louisville Institute has a number of Pastoral Grants and Academic Grants.   

    There is also another grant called the FTE Calling Congregations Grants.  This grant is designed "to strengthen the congregation’s capacity to nurture vocation and the call to ministry."  The application deadlines are March 15 and October 15, 2007.

    There are two grants for pastors taking a sabbatical.  The first is called the National Clergy Renewal Program.  It "provides an opportunity for pastors to step away briefly from the persistent obligations of daily parish life and to engage in a period of renewal and reflection." The deadline is May 15, 2007.

    The other one is called the Sabbatical Grant for Pastoral Leaders (SGPL). Deadline: September 15, 2007.

  • Review of Dissident Discipleship by David Augsburger

    Christian_scholars_review_1My review of Fuller Seminary professor David Augsburger‘s excellent new book Dissident Discipleship is now in print.  Sorry, it is not available online.  You can only see the Table of Contents for that issue. Taylor University faculty received their copies of the Winter 2007 Christian Scholar’s Review a couple of weeks ago so it is probably at your nearest Christian college / seminary library. 

    Here is the citation for my review:
    Rowell, Andrew D.  Review of David Augsburger, Dissident DiscipleshipChristian Scholar’s Review 36 (2007): 236-239.
    It is in the Winter 2007; XXXVI:2 issue if that helps. It is actually the last few pages of the entire issue so it is easy to find.

    Here is the citation of the book reviewed:Dissidentdiscipleship_1
    Augsburger, David. Dissident Discipleship: A Spirituality of Self-Surrender, Love of God, and Love of Neighbor.  Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2006.  245 pp. $19.99 (paper), ISBN 9781587431807. 

  • Biblical Literature II Textbooks

    I have posted below the textbooks I am requiring for BIB 210: Biblical Literature II (New Testament Survey) which starts next Wednesday.  Both this and OT survey "Bib Lit I" are required for all Taylor University students. 

    I have 45 students in the course.  I have 30 freshmen, 8 sophomores and 7 juniors.  They represent 17 different majors including accounting, chemistry, economics, engineering, environmental science, sociology, and visual arts.  (Reminds me of a church).  There are 15 different states and three countries represented.Encountering_the_new_testament

    1.     Elwell, Walter A. and Robert W. Yarbrough. Encountering the New Testament: A Historical and Theological Survey. 2d ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2005.   I assigned a different book last semester but I used this one for lecture preparation. What I most appreciate about the book is its scholarly simplifying.  Elwell and Yarbrough weigh issues as they are normally weighed in recent scholarship.  For example, the four-source vs. two-source synoptic gospel hypotheses are not given much time at all.  This is not crucial information for undergraduates nor is there a particularly helpful scholarship consensus to pass on to them.  This was a huge question in the 1960’s when source criticism was at its height.  Furthermore this is an incredibly well-organized and well-written work.  It is colorful and has great summaries.01_how_to_read_the_bible_for_all_its_wor    

    2.     Fee, Gordon and Douglas Stuart. How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth. 3d ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003.  Make sure you get the third edition. Though not always crystal clear, this book engages the difficult questions about reading the Bible that trip up the sharpest readers.  Later in life, students who wrestle with this material will be much better Bible study leaders and lay church leaders because they have wrestled with some important hermeneutical issues. 01_tniv_study_bible 

    3.     Bible. If you do not yet have a study Bible, I recommend the Zondervan TNIV Study Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006.  (It costs $24.99-79.99 on depending on the size and cover you choose among 9 choices).  The TNIV is the updated version of the 1978-1984 NIV.  It includes a number of improvements based on 25 years of scholarship since the NIV was published. I really think it has made the NIV obsolete though many churches are slow to change.  It is famous or infamous for its inclusive language.  I think they have been responsible and judicious in their use of inclusive language in the TNIV (see here) but there are definitely some conservative evangelicals who beg to differ. I recommend it to my students as an outstanding version to use in their reading through the New Testament during the semester.  In my sermon preparation, besides consulting the original languages, I will consult the ESV, NRSV, NLT, The Message, and HCSB.  See my description of the best Bible study tools on the web and more about Bible versions at my post here. 

    Download BIB 210 Syllabus.doc