Following Dan Kimball’s Missional vs. Megachurch conversation

Dan Kimball provoked a response with his post at Christianity Today's Leadership Journal blog.  Here is some of the response in chronological order.  You can put in the comments any posts I have missed but put "reaction" comments on one of the other blogs as I intend this post just to be an index.

December 2, 2008

Dan Kimball's Missional Misgivings

Small, indigenous churches are getting lots of attention, but where's the fruit?

Dan is a pastor and author of Emerging Church and They Like Jesus, But Not the Church

Brother Maynard of Winnipeg, Manitoba responded to Dan's article at:

Missional Misgivings, or Missional Misunderstandings?

December 4, 2008

Megachurch Misinformation

Mega or missional? The stats say both are doing well.

by Andy Rowell

See also at my blog:

The research behind my Out of Ur post: Megachurch Misinformation

David Fitch, a pastor and professor at Northern Seminary, responded to Dan's original article at:


Erika Haub, a Fuller Seminary grad and lives in LA, also responded:

“The church that came to me”

Julie Clawson, a Wheaton College grad and coordinator of the Emerging Women blog, also responded

Missional Effectiveness

Dan Kimball responded in the comments of the original article:

Comments 31 and 34

and Dan wrote the same comment and clarification at Brother Maynard and David Fitch's blog.

December 5, 2008

Tim Keller, pastor Church of the Redeemer in NYC with 4017 attendance according to the Hartford megachurch database and author of the #1 bestselling apologetics book at The Reason for God, then also commented at David Fitch's blog. 

Jonny Baker over in London, UK also noted the exchange.

when did christianity become a popularity contest?

a rant from julie clawson on missional effectiveness

The Out of Ur posted a video and noted that its most recent issue issue of Leadership Journal Fall 2008 was all about the missional conversation. 

Defining "Missional"

Michael Frost clarifies and increasingly unclear word.

Scot McKnight, professor at North Park puts in his take at his blog:

Weekly Meanderings

Len Hjalmarson – NextReformation notes the the discussion.

Missional vs Mega.. again

Brother Maynard responded again:

The Missional/Attractional Divide: Dan Kimball Unpolarized

December 6, 2008

I posted 60 Theologians on an Ecclesiological Spectrum

December 8, 2008

David Fitch and Tim Keller posted additional comments at Fitch's blog

Out of Ur posted: Tim Keller Weighs in on Missional Debate

Fitch posted a new post: The Attractional/Missional Debate Won't Stop: Three Take-Aways

Bill Kinnon: Keller on Fitch on Kimball on Missional Growth?

Meanwhile, Len Hjalmarson reviewed ReJesus by Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost.  Hirsch responded in the comments a dialogue commenced. 

Jamie Arpin-Ricci: Interview With Michael Frost about ReJesus: A Wild Messiah for a Missional Church

December 11

Alan Hirsch Responds to Kimball's "Missional Misgivings"

David Fitch, Scot McKnight, Alan Hirsch and Dan Kimball all left comments

December 12

Defining Missional
The word is everywhere, but where did it come from and what does it really mean?
Alan Hirsch | posted 12/12/2008

From the fall issue of Leadership Journal

Brian Russell

and Jonny Baker

note the article.

Andrew Jones adds his comments at:

Missional and Alan Hirsch

Neil Cole series with lots of comments by Dan Kimball

Misgivings 1: A Response to Dan Kimball’s Editorial comments

Misgivings 2: The Walmart Effect

Misgivings 3: Bigger isn’t Better

Misgivings 4: Do the math

Misgivings 5: A cost too high

Misgivings 6: Here is some fruit…

December 16

Out of Ur: Missional vs. Attractional: Debating the Research – a post by Andy Rowell and the editors of Leadership Journal

See also my post:

The research behind my post at Out of Ur: Missional vs. Attractional: Debating the Research

Here I clarify some of the research that gets discussed in the Out of Ur post.  

December 17

Brad Brisco at the Missional Church Network

Lesslie Newbigin and the GOCN