Category: Sociology

  • Some statistics on women in church ministry

    – 79% of Americans are comfortable with a female pastor, but only 39% of evangelicals.
    – 72.8% of evangelicals are fine with a woman preaching on Sunday morning.
    – 3% of evangelical congregations and 30% of mainline congregations have a female senior pastor.

    See sources below.

    According to a 2016 Barna survey,
    79% of Americans would be comfortable with a female priest or pastor.
    But only 39% of evangelicals would be.

    Only 13.5% of U.S. congregations in 2018-2019 had a female as the head or senior clergyperson.
    Or slicing the data differently, only 7.4% of U.S. attendees attend a congregation with a female as the head or senior clergyperson.

    In 2020, 72.8% of evangelicals approved of a woman preaching on Sunday morning.
    including 76.1% of weekly plus attenders.,
    See Ryan Burge’s 2020 writeup about this:

    In 2018-2019, only 3% of evangelical congregations had a female senior or head clergyperson. But 30% of mainline congregations did.

    Here was the percentage of ordained clergy for different denominations in 2018, compiled by @ecampbellreed

    Here is the percentage of senior and secondary ministerial leaders who are female in each religious tradition, 2018–19.
    36% of secondary clergy are female in evangelical churches.
    62% in mainline churches.
    p. 37

    Originally tweeted by Andy Rowell (@AndyRowell) on February 8, 2022.

  • New sociological research reports on churches and pastors in the United States in October 2021.

    New sociological research reports on churches in the United States in October 2021. See thread below.

    "only 34% of faith communities grew by 5% or
    more between 2015 and 2020 – which means an average of 1% growth per year."
    Scott Thumma – Faith Communities Today – Hartford Institute for Religion Research at Hartford Seminary. Oct 14, 2021

    "26% of U.S. adults say they have attended religious services in person in the last month (prior to when the survey was conducted, Sept. 20-26, 2021). This is up from 17% who reported having attended in person as of March 2021, and from 13% in July 2020."

    "Empty Pews Are an American Public Health Crisis
    Americans are rapidly giving up on church. Our minds and bodies will pay the price."
    OCTOBER 19, 2021
    They cite Barna Group twice without a link to the source. Not good.

    Brendan Case says they are citing this March 4, 2020 Barna Group report.

    I'm adding to this thread of October 2021 sociological research on churches, this new August-September survey of pastors.

    Originally tweeted by Andy Rowell (@AndyRowell) on October 22, 2021.

  • You should throw a party and have people over. The value of gatherings.

    I asked eight students in my worship class whether they were the kind of person who plans and hosts parties and celebrations (Super Bowl, Halloween, birthday, anniversary, graduation, Academy Awards, hockey playoffs) and family gatherings (Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter).

    Or were they more of a party pooper or kill joy or wet blanket.
    All eight men said they were not much of a planner. The one woman present said she was more of a party-planner.

    Martin Short Franck GIF

    "But," I asked, "what about Sunday morning church worship services, baptisms, the Lord's Supper, weddings, and funerals? Do you think those are valuable? Are you interested in planning those and getting people together for those?"
    "Oh, yes," they said, "*those* are important!"

    The question is how those other human celebratory gatherings relate to the explicitly Christian gatherings. Is it concerning that a seminary student sees the value in the latter but not so much in the former?

    It seems to me, after a year more isolated from big gatherings because of the pandemic, that people are asking about both secular and Christian events: "Why should we gather together for events and celebrations? Did we really miss them?"

    These face-to-face gatherings in groups jostle us out of our logical, self-centered, routine lives and inject some sort of unexpected conversations, interactions, and insights. They are messy emotionally and mess up the house and kitchen too but we are enriched emotionally.

    The logical "Spock" person says: "Why get together to eat? I have food to eat at home."
    Often the social person is not able to articulate why we should gather and gives poor explanations like "We should" or "We were invited" or "It's tradition."

    There is a better explanation but it is still somewhat mysterious. Human beings are social animals. We don't function at our best alone. Solitary confinement is among the worst punishments.

    In the Bible, Adam was lonely by himself until Eve was created. The Jewish people gathered in Jerusalem a few times year for festivals and feasts. The stories about Jesus have to do with his interactions with strangers and crowds and his time at meals with his 12 or so disciples.

    And numerous studies show that church attendance correlates with happiness and health.

    So, yes, Hebrews 10:25 says Christians should "not [be] giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing." But that is not because "it's tradition" but because it is good for us. It's healthy. And the gatherings can "spur one another on toward love and good deeds."

    I grant that some gatherings are more important than others.
    – "Dudes, let's go to the bar and get hammered!"
    – "Come to my baby's gender reveal party!"
    BUT, I still think the convener, the gatherer, the host, the partier is on the right track. It is good for people to gather.

    Originally tweeted by Andy Rowell (@AndyRowell) on June 1, 2021.