Category: Uncategorized

  • Babybook Blog

    I'm trying to record a few things each day about what our kids are doing.  It is kind of a "babybook."

    Here are three reasons:

    1. It may be of interest to Grandma and a few others.  

    2. It might help us remember when they did certain things. 

    3. They might be curious some day. 

    These are different audiences but we'll just see how it goes.

    Today is my day (Tuesday) to watch the boys since Amy is working at church on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

    Ryan likes playing "soccer" with his "figures" (dinosaurs, lemurs, etc.) and a foosball soccer ball. 

    Jacob ate our dinner for the first time.   It was Amy's first time making "ratatouille" and it is nice and soft.  He ingested lots of new ingredients for him: red pepper, zucchine, eggplant, garlic, onion. We are glad he didn't react to anything.  I shared a little of it with him last night when we had it first but tonight he ate a lot!

    Up until now, he has been eating baby food and we have been gradually introducing new foods: Peas, Green Beans, Squash, Carrots, Banana, Apple sauce, Baby Cereal, Turkey, Beef.  He had gagged on (choked on purposefully) the vegetables originally but he liked the fruit.  Now he eats it all.  (He has little choice).  We started feeding him it around six months.  We had started Ryan on solids at four months but times have changed and they are recommending it later.  Jacob also likes feeding himself banana puffs and cheerios. 

    Jacob is making a buzzing sound with his mouth that some call "raspberries" which is a developmental stage.  I don't know why they call it that.

    Jacob loves Jolly Jumper. 

    Jacob in bed at 7:30 pm.  He is basically sleeping until 7.  Then napping 9-11.  Then napping 2-4 – at least that is the ideal.  He goes to sleep on his tummy with his pacifier.

    Ryan is waking up at 7 and then napping 1:30-:3:30 and then going to bed at about 8:30.  That is the ideal.  He goes to sleep with his white blanket.  We used to allow him to pick one toy to go to sleep with but that became a major hindrance to sleep and the process of picking a toy was also a major delay tactic.  Ryan asks us, "Sleep with me, Mommy?  Sleep with me, Daddy?" when we put him down.  We sometimes lay down with him for a couple of minutes. 

    Ryan wants to sit on the adult chairs at dinner. 

    We potty trained Ryan in February I believe, before he turned three in April.  Today he held it from noon to five.   

    Ryan is learning his letters.  We are hoping to instill the love of reading though primarily and let the mechanics take care of themselves. I like the book: The Read-Aloud Handbook: Sixth Edition (Read-Aloud Handbook)
    by Jim Trelease
    (Paperback – Jul 25, 2006)

    Ryan likes his big wheel.  We go almost to the top of the street with me pushing him with the handle and then he goes all the way down the hill (slight incline) to our house and cul-de-sac. 

    Tonight Ryan and I played outside in the street with a superball, old minibasketball and old soccerball after it had rained. 

    Jacob who just turned 8 months does not crawl or have any teeth unlike others his age.  But Ryan was the same way.  Jacob will stand if leaned on the couch. 

  • Putting the Conservative Reformed Theology movement (Piper, MacArthur, and Dever) in perspective

    Summary of this post:

    I think the Conservative Reformed Theology movement's emphasis on solid theology is good but I think there is a lot of other great theology being done today outside this movement. 

    Why does the Conservative Reformed Theology movement matter?  

    1. Recently a reader of my blog from the UK emailed to ask me for seminary advice.  One of the things he mentioned was that one of his three favorite authors was John Piper
    2. Another friend recently told me that his congregation wished he preached more like John MacArthur
    3. Another friend who attends a United Methodist Church (not-Reformed) expressed her frustration with her own church and her appreciation for Mark Dever and his Reformed Theology
    4. One of my best friends attends Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.

    What do these four things all have in common?  Conservative Reformed Theology.   

    Christianity Today's Collin Hansen described the movement in his September 2006 Christianity Today cover story positively as: "Young, Restless, Reformed: Calvinism is making a comeback—and shaking up the church."

    Collin has now written a book called Young, Restless, Reformed: A Journalist's Journey with the New Calvinists (Mar 30, 2008) (which I haven't yet read).  Hansen covers the Passion Conference in Atlanta, John Piper's
    Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minnesota, Yale University's Jonathan Edwards Center, The Southern Baptist Seminary in
    Louisville (Al Mohler), Covenant Life Church in Maryland (CJ Mahaney
    & Josh Harris), The New Attitude Conference in Louisville, and Mars
    Hill Church in Seattle (Mark Driscoll).

    John Piper is perhaps the best known of these Conservative Reformed
    leaders and is also a leader in some organizations that are not
    explicitly Reformed but are strongly influenced by Conservative
    Reformed Theology:   

    Piper's fans admire him for his passion and academic rigor.  Who doesn't like that? 

    But problems develop when Piper's fans don't realize that the Conservative Reformed Theology movement is only one slice of the church-renewing substantive theology being done today in a variety of places in a variety of theological traditions. 

    1. Conservative Reformed Theology is just one particular kind of Reformed Theology.

    I call this Piper-associated movement
    "Conservative Reformed Theology," because there is Reformed Theology
    that is associated with the Presbyterian Church (USA), Princeton
    Theological Seminary, Jurgen Moltmann, Lesslie Newbigin, and Karl Barth which would not be related at all
    to the Conservative Reformed Theology of Piper and friends.   I use the adjective "Conservative" because this is the operative word within American theological circles.  It is left over from the Fundamentalist / Modernist and Conservative / Liberal controversies within the United States in the twentieth century.  It bothers me that the Piper movement sometimes seems to portray themselves as the only theological heirs of Calvin when there are many more "Reformed Theology," "contemporary Calvinist" and "evangelical Calvinist" theologians.

    2. Much of the Conservative Reformed Theology movement is Baptist-leaning.

    Some significant parts of the Piper /
    Dever /MacArthur / Mohler "Conservative Reformed Theology" are very
    Baptist (rather than Reformed in their polity).  For example, unlike Calvin and the Puritans they often cite, many embrace
    Believer's Baptism rather than Infant Baptism.  Non-Presbyterians Jonathan Edwards (Congregationalist) and Charles Spurgeon (Baptist) are
    some of the people these Baptist-like Conservative Reformed Theology people see as
    their theological fathers. 

    3. Some of the Conservative Reformed Theology movement is Reformed in polity (that is, Presbyterian). 

    But Piper and friends see theological kinship even with others who disagree with them about Baptism and other polity issues.  Piper writes, "I would gladly admit Ligon Duncan or Sinclair Ferguson or R. C. Sproul
    or Philip Ryken to membership at Bethlehem (if I were allowed by our
    constitution), and in doing so I would not be giving up my view on the proper nature of baptism" (from John Piper's dialogue with Wayne Grudem on infant baptism). As Piper indicates, there are people who are Reformed in their polity (church structure) who Piper sees as colleagues in the Conservative Reformed Theology movement.  Presbyterian Church of America people include Tim Keller and Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis. Westminster Theological Seminary, R.C. Sproul's church, Reformed Theological Seminary are not officially part of the Presbyterian Church of America but are part of the Conservative Reformed Theology movement. Michael Horton of Westminister Seminary California (Reformed Episcopal Church and United Reformed Churches in North America) and Modern Reformation is also associated with the what I am calling the Conservative Reformed Theology movement. 

    All of that to say, that one of the main things that unites this disparate group is the Conservative part of their theology.  The "Reformed" part varies greatly.   

    4. What the Conservative Reformed Theology people have in common is the "the study of doctrine" and particular emphases on substitutionary atonement and limiting women's roles in church leadership.

    The two greatest "doctrines" that I hear unanimously emphasized by the Conservative Reformed Theology people are (1) an emphasis on substitutionary atonement and justification by faith (See Piper's book in response to N.T. Wright) as the uniquely true interpretation of the cross; and (2) opposition to women in church leadership.  Piper was one of the founders of Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood with his Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.  I see very little else that starkly differentiates the insiders of the Conservative Reformed Theology movement from those outside. 

    I agree with them that the inerrancy of Scripture is not something that is unique to their movement. That doctrine is closely associated with places that are not explicitly Reformed like Dallas Theological Seminary.  Furthermore, there are many people those who agree with them about the inerrancy of Scripture but would argue the Bible describes the work of the cross with a variety of metaphors not just substitutionary atonement.  There are also those who would subscribe to inerrancy but would argue the Bible teaches ministry according to gifts regardless of gender.  See for example the work of Craig Keener, William Webb and Gordon Fee – exemplified in Discovering Biblical Equality.   

    5. The Conservative Reformed Theology movement wants to see theological depth.  This goal is being pursued as well by theologians from other traditions. 

    Hansen writes in the following quote that Calvinism does partly unify the Conservative Reformed Theology movement but that opposition to shallow theological thinking may be the real common ground. 

    Perhaps an attraction to serious doctrine brought about
    3,000 ministry leaders to Louisville in April for a Together for the
    Gospel conference. The conference's sponsors included Mohler and
    Mahaney, and Piper also spoke. Most of the audience were in their 20s
    and 30s. Each of the seven speakers holds to the five points of TULIP.
    Yet none of them spoke of Calvinism unless I asked about it. They did
    express worry about perceived evangelical accommodation to
    postmodernism and criticized churches for applying business models to
    ministry. They mostly joked about their many differences on such
    historically difficult issues as baptism, church government,
    eschatology, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They drew unity as
    Calvinist evangelicals from their concerns: with seeker churches,
    church-growth marketing, and manipulative revival techniques. Roger
    Olson, professor of theology at Truett Seminary, Baylor University,
    said more than just Calvinists worry about these problems. "A lot of us
    evangelical Arminians agree with them in their criticisms of popular
    folk religion," Olson said. "I agree with their basic theological
    underpinnings—that doctrine is important, that grace is the decisive
    factor in salvation, not a decision we make."

    I agree with Olson that the Conservative Reformed
    Theology movement''s concern about the shallowness of much Christianity is not unique to them.  What I think the Conservative Reformed Theology people fail to recognize is that many other Christians are seeking to deepen churches but are drawing from different theological resources than they are.  Some of the Conservative Reformed Theology people like to cite Charles Spurgeon's quote:
    "It is a nickname to call it Calvinism; Calvinism is the gospel, and
    nothing else."  At Duke Divinity School, a United Methodist Church
    school, it is easy
    to see that there is much gospel work that does not call itself
    Calvinist.  It is remarkable to me how circumscribed these groups are.
    The Calvinists read Calvinist books.  The non-Calvinists can smell the
    Calvinists books a mile away and ignore them.   

    In my limited knowledge of what is going on theologically, I would submit that the strengthening of the church theologically is being resourced by a variety of different movements today. 

    • The Conservative Reformed Theology people turn to Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon and the Puritans. 
    • Evangelicals and Biblical studies people look for more depth by
      turning to the Scriptures. Examples of this mentality are as diverse as N.T. Wright, Ben Witherington,
      Scot McKnight, Walter Brueggemann,
      Eugene Peterson, Dallas Theological Seminary, Rob Bell, and the Evangelical
    • Others look for answers in reading the Church Fathers, the Great Tradition and liturgy. Examples of this include Chris Hall, Thomas Oden, Bryan Litfin – see CT interview, Robert Webber, see Chris Armstrong's CT cover story, Warren Smith at Duke Divinity School, and Rowan Williams. 
    • Many post-liberal mainline theologians at Duke Divinity School and
      Princeton Theological Seminary turn to Karl Barth as a way of exploding
      liberal theology and forming a biblically-rooted theology.
    • Tony Jones of Emergent Village likes Jurgen Moltmann.  Brian McLaren draws eclectically from all of the above. 


    This is my take!  This is my perception of what is going on in the theological landscape!  I have not read all of the books by the 100 or so people mentioned in this post!  I am happy to have my perception corrected by others who have carefully read particular people mentioned above.   My goal is to sketch the theological landscape and my hope is that my orienting might help some people understand where they are and perhaps where else they might want to explore!  Two years ago I wrote a post called Seminaries for Evangelicals which similarly aimed to help orient people about the seminary landscape however fallibly.   Grace and peace, andy

    Related Reading:

    a. Conservative Reformed Theology movement News
    Justin Taylor often covers (he is like a reporter) what is happening among the Conservative Reformed Theology crowd at his Between Two Worlds blog.

    b. Responses to the Conservative Reformed Theology movement
    A guest blogger on Between Two Worlds, Thomas McCall, assistant professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, wrote a post April 29, 2008 called Two Cheers for the Resurgence of Calvinism in Evangelicalism: A Wesleyan-Arminian Perspective. McCall is not Reformed but appreciates much of what these young Calvinists are about.  Still he warns them about a few things.  Because of his appreciative but critical perspective, this is a very helpful way of seeing the movement in my opinion. 

    On November 26, 2007, North Park New Testament professor Scot McKnight posted a letter from someone about his experience with some Conservative Reformed Theology people.  There were over 200 comments from people discussing the phenomenon.  See Letter about those pesky Calvinists

    This week there has also been a five-part dialogue at Christianity Today:

    Tony Jones and Collin Hansen find connections as they discuss each other's books and movements.
    Collin Hansen and Tony Jones | posted 5/01/2008

    c. Non-Reformed Theological Reflection
    It is worth noting that there are explicitly non-Reformed theologians pushing for depth and vitality.  For example, in the blogosphere, there are some good United Methodist blogs worth watching:    

    Adam Hamilton – Seeing Gray – megachurch UMC pastor in Kansas
    Andrew Thompson – Gen-X Rising, UMC pastor and Th.D. student at Duke
    Ben Witherington – Professor of New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary
    Scott Jones – Kansas UMC Bishop Blogs and Columns
    Will Willimon – A Peculiar Prophet – Alabama UMC Bishop

    Many of the other blogs on my List of 80 Church Leadership Blogs I am watching would not call themselves Reformed or Arminian/Wesleyan categories.  They would probably call themselves "ecumenical," "evangelical," "emergent," "Anglican," "Baptist," "Presbyterian," or something else. 

    d. More Conservative Reformed Theology links
    From the Conservative Reformed Theology perspective, you might read Mark Dever's 10 post series entitled: Where'd All These Calvinists Come From?
    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4
    Part 5
    Part 6
    Part 7
    Part 8
    Part 9
    Part 10

    See also my post from two years ago February 14, 2006 John MacArthur Attacks the Emergent Church For Questioning the Clarity of the Scriptures

  • Youth and Children’s Ministry Positions Open

    My friend Rob Rienow, Family Pastor at Wheaton Bible Church in Wheaton, IL, has asked me to spread the world about some positions that they have open in youth and children's ministry.  They are particularly looking for people who are interested in a home centered approach to youth and children's ministry.  He has invited me to post his letter on the blog. 

    Rob is an outstanding leader, supervisor and speaker.  He has been at Wheaton Bible for fifteen years.  You can learn more about him and his philosophy at his Visionary Parenting site or by listening to WBC sermons.   

    Wheaton Bible Church is the church where I grew up and my mom still attends there.  It has about 2200 people in attendance.  They are currently building a new facility.

    I have posted previously about How to Search for a Christian Ministry Position


    Letter from Rob Rienow

    Dear friends,

    I wanted you to know that Wheaton Bible Church is currently looking three major positions in our Children's and Youth Ministries. I thought that you might be able to help!

    We are committed to finding people who are already familiar with and committed to a theology of ministry that puts parents first in the discipleship process. We need people who believe their primary job as youth and children's ministers is to inspire and equip families become centers. Ben Freudenberg calls this "home centered, church supported" discipleship. That is what we are after as we move into the future at Wheaton Bible Church.

    Here are the three positions that we are looking for right now:

    1. Elementary Director – serving on the larger Childrens and Family team, supporting the parents of our elementary school kids – 400 kids with their families.
    2. High School Pastor – serving on the larger Student and Family team, supporting the parents of our high schoolers – 350 students with their families.
    3. Girls Discipleship Director – serving on the larger Student and Family team, supporting the parents of our teen (both hs and jr) girls – 225 girls with their families.

    If you are interested in any additional information about these positions, or you know potential candidates that you can send my way, I would be grateful for your help. Feel free to email me back, or direct potential candidates to email me their resume at

    God's Love,

    Rob Rienow
    Family Pastor
    Wheaton Bible Church