Category: Missional

  • My Fall 2013 Required Textbooks at Bethel Seminary for Discipleship, Evangelism, and Leadership courses

    Here are the textbooks I am requiring for my three Ministry Leadership (ML) courses this fall at Bethel Seminary (St. Paul, MN). I am teaching each of these courses this three times this year and I am teaching each in both traditional format as well as in an online or intensive format. I would love to have you. Registration begins today: July 1st, 2013. 


    ML 506: Discipleship in Community

    Parrett, Gary A., and S. Steve Kang. Teaching the Faith, Forming the Faithful: A Biblical Vision for Education in the Church. Downers Grove, IL.:
    IVP Academic, 2009. 

    This is a thoughtful theological treatment of teaching and theological formation in the church–drawing on the richness of the literature in Christian education, social science, and spiritual formation. Parrett is known as a superb person and teacher as well as (along with Kang) being cognizant of the need to be sensitive and thoughtful about diversity in the church. This is the preeminent text today for helping pastors grasp the spiritual formation task while equipping them for teaching effectiveness. Too many pastors know nothing beyond preaching and thus try to bring the lecture method into all settings including small groups and classrooms and are oblivious of the challenges and rewards of seeing adults, youth, children really learn and grow. 


    Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. Life Together and Prayerbook of the Bible. Vol. 5.
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress, 1996.

    Bonhoeffer's Life Together is both a classic warning against pride in ministry leadership while also being an inspirational description of a passionate, creative, ecumenical, emergency attempt to form pastors for ministry. It is a classic and it only gets richer as one learns more about Bonhoeffer's life and his theological work from the beginning of his career to the end of it which reinforces his ideas here.


    ML 507: Missional Outreach and Evangelism

    Bowen, John P. Evangelism for "Normal" People: Good News for Those Looking for a Fresh Approach. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress, 2002. 

    Bowen, with years of experience in post-Christian university contexts with Inter-Varsity university ministry as well as steeped in the biblical and theological thoughtfulness of evangelical Anglicanism, describes the process of inviting outsiders into Christian community. This textbook in evangelism by a leading professor of evangelism sketches the biblical and theological case behind virtually all of the thriving contemporary approaches to church and ministry today.


    Keller, Timothy J. The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism.
    New York: Dutton, 2008. 

    Keller, one of our most articulate theologically-interested church leaders is also one of the best examples of an effective evangelists in 2013. Here he plies his craft–knocking down objections to the Christian faith and making his case for it so as to make intellectually plausible the winsome life with Christ which he hopes Christians live out before their non-believing neighbors. 


    Newbigin, Lesslie. The Gospel in a Pluralist Society. Grand Rapids,
    MI: Eerdmans, 1989.

    Newbigin, in his life and in this book, demonstrate the full scope of sophisticated philosophical reflection on epistemology in a pluralist world, strong biblical sensibilities, as well as an emphasis on the sociological demonstration of the gospel in the church. In Newbigin, we see a first-rate apologist, academic, missionary, pastor, and leader. 


    ML 523: Introduction to Transformational Leadership

    Northouse, Peter G. Leadership: Theory and Practice. 6th ed., Thousand
    Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2013. 

    Both of my colleagues teaching leadership at Bethel Seminary, Mark McCloskey and Justin Irving, also require this classic leadership textbook which familiarizes students with the latest in leadership theory and modeling.  


    Wren, J. Thomas. The Leader's Companion: Insights on Leadership Through the Ages. New York: Free Press, 1995. 

    This books provides readings from a variety of figures throughout history on leadership–fleshing out the analytical contemporary models and theories in the Northouse volume. 


    Yoder, John Howard. Body Politics: Five Practices of the Christian Community Before the Watching World. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1992.

    This 80-page gem by genius theologian and ethicist John Howard Yoder gives a compelling description of what the church should look like. A leader in the church has the task for wrestling with how this vision compares with the status quo. We'll start the course with this to catalyze our reflection.  


  • Ken Carder’s course The Local Church in Mission to God’s World

    I am a teaching assistant for Ken Carder's Spring 2010 course at Duke Divinity School entitled Local Church in Mission to God's World (PARISH 175).  Here is the latest version of the syllabus.  Below are the required texts. 

    Ken Carder, Ruth W. and A. Morris Williams Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry at Duke Divinity School, is a veteran pastor and retired Bishop in the United Methodist Church.  50 students signed up for the course.

    I first learned about Bishop Carder from reading Resurrecting Excellence: Shaping Faithful Christian Ministry 

    by Greg Jones and Kevin Armstrong (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006) when his insights jumped off the page for their wisdom.   For example, see this definition of excellence from Carder. 

    Excellence, then, is being a sign and instrument by which creation is healed, reconciliation is experienced, and justice is practiced. Excellence in the pursuit of healing, reconciliation, and justice requires explicit theological vision, Christ-formed character, and skills that shape persons and institutions that approximate God’s reign of compassion, generosity, and joy.  Pastoral excellence includes announcing in word and deed God’s telos, inviting persons and communities to an identity and purpose rooted in God’s new creation, and leading congregations on their journey toward the new creation.   

    Kenneth L. Carder, "What does God have to do with excellence?" Faith & Leadership website (9 January 2009) partially quoted in Greg Jones and Kevin Armstrong, Resurrecting Excellence: Shaping Faithful Christian Ministry (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006), 49.

    See also Bishop Carder's other articles at Duke Divinity School's Faith & Leadership website.  

    Kevin Baker, the lead pastor at Reconciliation United Methodist Church in Durham, NC, is the other teaching assistant.  Kevin and I are Bishop Carder's regular preceptors for his courses: Introduction to Christian Ministry and Local Church in Mission.  It should be a great course. 

    Last year I was the teaching assistant for the course and posted the syllabus and books.  Spring 2009 Ken Carder's course The Local Church in Mission to God's World books

  • Two different definitions of missional: Guder and Newbigin

    Go read Brad Brisco's post: Lesslie Newbigin and the GOCN if you want to get at a more nuanced understanding of the divisions within the missional conversation at a scholarly level. 

    Brisco excerpts a few paragraphs from Trinity Western University professor Michael W. Goheen 500 page dissertation on Newbigin:
     “As the Father Has Sent Me, I Am Sending You”: J.E. Lesslie Newbigin’s Missionary Ecclesiology.

    Goheen points out differences between the work of Darrell Guder and The Gospel and Our Culture Network who produced the famous book The Missional Church and the work of Lesslie Newbigin who was a big influence on them. 

    In the comments, D.Min. student at Fuller Josh Rowley and I both remark that the work of Guder bears striking similarities to Stanley Hauerwas here at Duke (who I am taking a class with starting January 7 "HAPPINESS, THE LIFE OF VIRTUE, AND FRIENDSHIP"), and John Howard Yoder.  And that they all diverge in some ways from Newbigin. 

    At Duke Divinity School, we like all of those folks and read them.  I personally recommend them as well. 

    See also Laceye Warner (one of my advisors) and Paul Wesley Chilcote outstanding new set of schoarly readings on this topic:
    The Study of Evangelism: Exploring a Missional Practice of the Church (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008).  They include selections from both Newbigin and Hauerwas.

    If you are interested in seeing what all the fuss is about–"what this really means on the ground"–you can look through some of the debate about the term "missional" which I have chronicled at this post.
    Following Dan Kimball's Missional vs. Megachurch conversation If you think the megachurch is terrible, then you will probably be on the side of Guder, Hauerwas and Yoder.  If you are not so sure it is that bad, you will appreciate Newbigin.