Author: Andy Rowell

  • Setting up the Pins by Sara Groves music video about drudgery and meaning in parenting

    Ever feel like you are just "setting up the pins and knocking them down" in parenting? 

    We like this song and video by Sara Groves.  (I have recommended it before but found the video tonight).  Groves keeps us sane.  We highly recommend all her stuff.  The video is of her and her family.  Most of her stuff is serious and reflective.  This is one is cute and fun.  Double-click to get the full screen view.  It is also at YouTube


  • Tweets from May 2011 to November 2011 on writing, Karl Barth, John Howard Yoder, and random musings

    I have posted my latest batch of tweets from Twitter for the last six months below.  I have tweeted about once every other day: 180 days / 100 tweets.  This 100 includes "Retweets" which are tweets by other people that I thought were worth passing along.  I have been doing most of my “blogging” on Twitter the last couple of years.  I basically try to share quality insights so I think the tweets may have some enduring value but I also post them here for myself because saving my tweets on the blog helps me to access them easily through search–Google searches the blog but not Twitter. 

  • You can "follow" me by setting up a Twitter account.  You yourself need not actually post any tweets, you can just follow people. 
  • Or, you can subscribe to my tweets by RSS feed such as Google Reader which I am using with these days.  
  • Or you can just click on my Twitter page and scroll through my posts.
  • For more tweets see my Twitter category on the blog.

So, here are my tweets from June 2, 2011 when I last pasted my tweets into my blog and today November 16, 2011. 

Warm greetings to any readers.  



Anna Blanch
Goannatree Anna Blanch
what PhD stands for –…
17 hours ago Favorite Undo Retweet Reply
Retweeted by AndyRowell
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Writing tip: Include the alternative word you were considering [debating with yourself about] using in brackets and keep writing [going].
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
RT: Thanks for a Great Three Years: On Vanhoozer’s Departure from Wheaton College by @JeremyTreat5 @WheatonBlog…
Trinity Int'l Univ.
TIU Trinity Int'l Univ.
Retweeted by AndyRowell
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Dissertation-persistence means swatting away the common garden-variety demons of procrastination, distraction, and self-doubt. #AcBoWriMo
Joseph Bottum
JosephBottum Joseph Bottum
“The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it’s difficult to determine whether or not they are genuine.” ~Abraham Lincoln
Retweeted by AndyRowell
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I listed a bunch of Theological and Biblical Audio Resources at my blog:
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Audio & video of Eugene Peterson's Oct 2011 lectures at Seattle Pacific University are online for free #SAF11 @SPUnews
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Tip: Coffee grounds made the grass grow on the bare spots in my lawn.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
"A cup of coffee followed by a 15-minute nap may be more restorative than either one alone." @nytimeswell
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
The kids will enjoy the "Trick or Treat" song by Justin Roberts.… Roberts is our favorite for kids' music.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Costumes cause children under 4 to cry. Chocolate lessens the crying but the smeared face detracts from the sought-after-cute-photo.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Looking for Karl Barth pumpkin carving patterns. #dissertationprocrastination
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
The announcer, "C u tomorrow night for Game 7 of the World Series." Ryan (6) asks, "Can we go, dad?" "No, but that is the right response."
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Enjoyed hearing @chapclark @jonestony Sharon Ketcham, Mike Langford, @RootAndrew @JeffKeuss at #ayme2011 (…)
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I heard Eugene Peterson speaking tonight at and… @napce #SAF11
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Eugene Peterson: Find a couple of theologians you trust and read them. We are not paying enough attention to our good scholars.@napce #SAF11
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Eugene Peterson: St. Mark teaches us that we get to enter the center of the story but we are not the center. @napce #SAF11
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Eugene Peterson: Mark 8–Peter tried to avoid the cross's asceticism. Mark 9– Peter tried to make the aesthetic functional. @napce #SAF11
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Eugene Peterson: The capacity to say no is the key to freedom. I don't have to do what my culture and glands tell me to do. @napce #SAF11
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Eugene Peterson: Spirituality is today viewed as a certain insipidity–blurred piety. But in the Bible, it means livingness. @napce #SAF11
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Eugene Peterson: Mark 9-16 is dominated by death talk. But Mark is not morbid–Matthew, Luke, and John keep that proportion. @napce #SAF11
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Eugene Peterson: Mark 1-8 Jesus is strolling–leisurely meandering, he has time to eat meals with anyone and take boat rides. @napce #SAF11
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Amy and I are excited for Sara Groves @grovesroad Greensboro concert tonight. Cf @CTEntertainment:…
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell

@PLeithart I'm enjoying your tweets: biblical, theological, and historical treats. Thanks!
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
From now on I will put my tweets on Google+ as well as Twitter.…
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Richard Mouw says Mormonism not a cult but not Christian. Jehovah's Witness and Christian Science are cults. H/T @ahc
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Review by @jasonclark of @DougGay "Remixing The Church…Emerging Ecclesiology" Compare @jonestony "The Church Is Flat"
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
An online index of John Howard Yoder's work has begun: by John Nugent, et al. Cf. N's Y. resources
David Dark
DavidDark David Dark
"I wasn't saved to run." Fred Shuttlesworth
Retweeted by AndyRowell
ABC Religion
abcreligion ABC Religion
Very exciting piece of news: @WestLondonMan appointed as Professor of Theological Ethics at Duke Div School, replacing #Hauerwas in 2012.
Retweeted by AndyRowell
ABC Religion
abcreligion ABC Religion
Leading Christian theologian Stanley #Hauerwas on why greed still deserves its place among the deadliest of sins.
Retweeted by AndyRowell
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Assemblies of God position paper on "Endtime Revival" (2000) is useful resource regarding charismatic manifestations.…
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
D.H. Williams at Duke. "Never refer to yourself as a 'scholar.' Let others do that. Refer to yourself as a 'student' of this or that area."
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
"Theology" is rooted in but reflects on more than Systematic Theology topics (doctrine of God, creation, Christology, eschatology, etc).
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
UVa conference topics give glimpse of theology today: Xian reflection on politics, economics, medicine, educ. and race.…
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
"Complete Your Diss. in 2 Semesters or Less" gives blunt crass advice but "Writing Your Diss. in 15 Min. a Day" is more freeing & healthy.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Get a bunch of award winning books if you are bored reading to your kids:… & Read-Aloud Handbook:
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
The War by Ken Burns (2007). Good overview of American side of WWII. Get DVDs from library or stream from library, Amazon Prime, or Netflix.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
"Complete Your Dissertation or Thesis in Two Semesters or Less" gives blunt logical directions for getting it done.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day is an encouraging writing book–a salve for anxiety. "Write first."
Andy Crouch
ahc Andy Crouch
Unfortunately, due to my fiduciary responsibilities as a Fuller trustee, I can't tell you what a fantastic time I had at @regentcollege. 🙂
Retweeted by AndyRowell
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell

@agnologist Barth and Thurneysen secretly visit Brunner's church when he is preaching and then tell him how bad it was afterward. Ouch!
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell

@agnologist In John W. Hart's Karl Barth vs. Emil Brunner (Peter Lang, 2001). Brunner does not look too good.
IVP Academic
ivpacademic IVP Academic
Registration is open for the 2012 Wheaton Theology Conference, "Bonhoeffer, Christ and Culture" sponsored by @ivpress.
Retweeted by AndyRowell
jr_briggs jr_briggs
During a coaching session a pastor told me he just read Nicholas Sparks' book "The Rise of Christianity." I think he means *Rodney Stark*
Retweeted by AndyRowell
Author, Deep Church
JimBelcher Author, Deep Church
Update: Back in Cali after 15 months. Moving to South Florida in one month to be head of practical theology at Knox Seminary. Excited.
Retweeted by AndyRowell
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Princeton Seminary's Kenda Creasy calls Sustainable Youth Ministry by @markdevriesYMA "the most sane book on youth ministry ever written."
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Sustainable Youth Ministry by @markdevriesYMA is a phenomenally wise and readable introduction to church ministry.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Registration for Oct 10-11 Pastor's Conference @DukeDivinity with Jeremy Begbie and Marilynne Robinson ends tomorrow.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
J.I. Packer's church, one of the largest Anglican in Canada, finally got evicted from their building by their Diocese.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Practical Ministry faculty opening at Pepperdine but one must be associated with "acapella Churches of Christ."
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I loved Moneyball the book (way back in 2003)–the only baseball book I recommend (& I played college baseball). The movie comes out Friday.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Erik Larson's NYT best seller "In the Garden of Beasts" is useful background on Bonhoeffer and Barth
Andy Crouch
ahc Andy Crouch
Some provocative ideas from Skye Jethani (@skye_jethani) on the "recipe" for a better kind of church
Retweeted by AndyRowell
ERBks EnglewoodReviewOfBks
Review: John Howard Yoder: Spiritual Writings – //"A Xian life marked by both the politics&the spirituality of Jesus"
Retweeted by AndyRowell
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Roman Catholic Nicholas Healy says in ecclesiology "we need to begin with scripture."
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Roger Olsen is quite a blogger: takes on Al Mohler, Rob Bell, evangelicalism, Calvinism, the Masons, and Kierkegaard.…
Christianity Today
CTmagazine Christianity Today
Report: Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams to quit next yr An earlier CT piece
Retweeted by AndyRowell
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Summary by @PLeithart of Robert Jenson's critical review of Nathan Kerr's Christ, History & Apocalyptic HT: @agnologist
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Wendell Dietrich told Hauerwas that Barth said Yoder was his brightest American student.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Yoder gave Barth the pamphlet "Karl Barth and the Problem of War" before his doctoral exams. B. said to Y., "You Mennonites are bellicose."
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Pervasive interpretive pluralism is fine! says @dwcongdon on Gundry's @booksandculture review of Christian Smith's book
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Hauerwas is impressed with papers for tomorrow's Duke Law event: Theological Argument in Law: Engaging with S. Hauerwas
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Twice Hauerwas has read that aloud to me. It summarizes what Protestants need-massive theological reflection–if they aren't to become RC.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
In response to "the ecclesial problem" . . . "Peterson became a Roman Catholic. Barth wrote the Dogmatics." Hauerwas, With the Grain, 178.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Stanley Hauerwas and Curtis Freeman are my co-directors. Allen Verhey and Will Willimon round out my committee. Now, 250 pages to write.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I passed my dissertation proposal defense! The title: "Exemplary Church: John Howard Yoder’s interpretation of Karl Barth’s ecclesiology."
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I'm dying to read the brand new "Karl Barth and American Evangelicalism" edited by Bruce McCormack & Clifford Anderson
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Well-written history is as fun to read as the newspaper and much more useful. I'm reading Evangelicalism & Barth (1995)
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I commented on W. Vander Lugt's review of B. Conner's "Practicing Witness: A Missional Vision of Christian Practices"
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I briefly commented on The Emperor’s New Clothes: A Review of Defending Constantine @theotherjournal re: @PLeithart and Yoder
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I commented on Out to Lunch: A Response to Stephen Webb’s “Against the Gourmands” @theotherjournal re: @michaelpollan
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I was amused by a school looking for a "Head of User Services"… That just sounds funny.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, Novum Testamentum Graece (ed. Nestle-Aland) 27. and Septuagint at Look out biblegateway
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I don't know how long Microsoft Word has had the Table of Contents feature but it is gloriously easier than doing it by hand.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
The title of Karl Barth's major work is not The Church Dogmatics but rather the Church Dogmatics. At my blog:
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Christian Smith and I commented on Biblicism and Barth at Cf. Smith's comment #46 @scotmcknight
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I commented on some nonfiction audiobooks from the library I have recently listened to and what's on the docket next
Andy Crouch
ahc Andy Crouch
Why I charge so much, and so little, to speak
Retweeted by AndyRowell
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I posted a few reflections about Christian Smith, Biblicism, and Barth at my blog
Brookhaven Concerts
bhavenconcerts Brookhaven Concerts
Sara Groves announces her Reason to Gather Tour! Our Raleigh house concert is a featured stop. Check it out.
Retweeted by AndyRowell
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I wrote up a few theological reflections on the pursuit of greatness, excellence, success, and parenting at my blog
InterVarsity Press
ivpress InterVarsity Press
"This is a must-read for parents with young children"
Retweeted by AndyRowell
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I continue to enjoy and recommend by Wheaton College English professor @ayjay It is witty, intelligent, and diverse.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Good piece by @Jasonbyassee "Here's my latest Faith & Leadership essay, worked for months on this one."
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Good writing advice from 23 authors assembled by @stevesilberman You have to page down to get to the bulleted advice.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
This summer Amy and I enjoyed listening to and recommend The Omnivore's Dilemma by @michaelpollan CD's from the public library–good stuff!
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I recommend The Genius in All of Us by @dshenk Similar to Outliers. Critically reviewed at but most of it stands up.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
"I will routinely rewrite a sentence, paragraph and/or chapter 20, 30, 40 times." David Shenk, Genius in All of Us.
David Swanson
davidswanson David Swanson
@ebertchicago: My review of "The Interrupters." There may not be a better documentary this year.” / Seeing it on Sat.
Retweeted by AndyRowell
Sarah Pulliam Bailey
spulliam Sarah Pulliam Bailey
I feel inspired to write today thanks to Slate. RT @magger I read all the research about how to write faster:
Retweeted by AndyRowell
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell

@agnologist Christian Smith has 2 new books out: The Bible Made Impossible & How to Go from Being
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell

@jr_briggs God in Action is a good first exposure to Barth. See my review at See also my advice:
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
If you like Winston Churchill's courage, oratory, humor, wit, and grumpiness (1874-1965), Karl Barth (1886-1968) has all that and more.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I found a paper my dad wrote for Gordon Fee at @WheatonCollege in 1972 on Raymond Brown on John. I had Fee 30 years later @regentcollege
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
"The average American watched 34 hours 39 minutes of TV per week in Q4 2010." @NielsenWire
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Another Year (92% positive reviews Rotten Tomatoes; 4 of 4 stars Christianity Today) and True Grit (96%, 3 1/2 stars) DVDs at Redbox today.
Andy Rowell
AndyRowell Andy Rowell
In his 80's in 1961-1968, Barth refers to Ratzinger now pope 84, Moltmann 85, Küng 83, Pannenberg 82, Eberhard Jüngel 76, & Billy Graham 92.
2 Jun




  • On using Hitler in Facebook posts

    Some of my friends use their Facebook account to express their outrage about things in the news.  Often I "hide" (now more benignly called "Unsubscribe from") these people because I find their opinions either: valueless distraction, poorly researched, or socially inappropriate.  Sometimes a position is called Nazi-like or related to Hitler.

    I think this "Analysis of a Typical Facebook Debate" posted by 22 Words is pretty accurate.

    I have been reflecting on this and have tried to approach this freshly and even-handedly.  In the end, I think Facebook may be worthwhile for debates if one doesn't not alienate the people you are hoping to engage. Hitler references, while useful for conjuring moral outrage when it is needed, may breed more violence and hate.

    Maybe Facebook is a decent place for serious discussion.  Facebook (and other social media) is something of a public square where moral discussion that involves lots of people takes place.  One could argue that it would be better for people to engage in energetic participation in other venues (town halls, magazines, journals, classrooms, churches, guilds) where the level of discussion may be, but is not necessarily, more careful than Facebook.  But in these places, very few can talk and much of it is quasi-anonymous. 

    In our highly transitory culture where people go away to college and pursue jobs wherever they may be anywhere in the world, Facebook and other social networking is a means of resisting that damaging social dispersion that makes everyone feel that there are few people who know you because no one around you today knows where you came from and what you have been through.  The people of your past are people who it is worth discussing things with on a moral level.  Hence, Facebook may be an appropriate venue for discussion of religion, money, and politics despite my usual disgust with it.     

    I suspect in our relativistic culture that values tolerance above all else,"Hitler" or "Nazi" are among the few words that provoke moral reflection for most people. But they may provoke more ignorant hate and violence. In order for the public to pay attention to any moral argument, one has to tether it to some moral absolute that is quasi-universally accepted. Most people believe Hitler=Bad. So if one can connect what they find morally-problematic to Hitler, they have anchored it somewhere solid.  People in our culture are flailing in a relativistic abyss looking for some handhold. (As someone writing a dissertation, I can't help but footnote.  I'm attempting to follow along the lines of the largely compatible analyses of our culture of moral reasoning depicted by some of our best Christian minds: Alasdair MacIntyre's After Virtue and Three Rival Versions of Moral Inquiry, Charles Taylor's A Secular Age, Lesslie Newbigin's Foolishness to the Greeks, C.S. Lewis's The Abolition of Man, Rowan Williams's Lost Icons).  As Christians, we have the more adequate, interesting and challenging source of moral reflection: listening to the God of Jesus Christ as richly depicted in the Scriptures.

    Despite the fact that it might "work" in public discussion to demonstrate the consequences of decisions or ideas, one should bear the following in mind.  Using Hitler is unquestionably a guilt by association ad hominem argument that will destroy the credibility of the user if they cry wolf/Hitler too many times especially because it is often cheap and the analogy tenuous.  Furthermore and worst, associating someone else with a Hitler-like position may incite World War II Allies-like violence against that person.  If you insinuate that someone has Hitler-like intentions, those who are persuaded by you, may attempt to be violent to the person you originally attacked. If that is not your intention, do not make the Hitler comparsion.