As I have noted before, because I am busy working on my dissertation, I have mostly limited my blogging to doing 140 character tweets on Twitter the last couple of years. Here is another 3 month batch–about 90 tweets–about one each day. Again, I hope these are useful resources for those who "follow" me and those who would want to read my blog. In other words, I am trying to link to things I have found interesting and others might be interested in as well. The general topics tend to be theology, church ministry, leadership, and higher education. Someday perhaps these tweets will be blogged about and expanded on. They are something of a intellectual journal.
Greetings to all,
Decision making, etc.–all these have been studied with far greater care by sociologists than by theologians. Radner, …
"As disciples of Christ, the members of His Church do not rule: they serve." Karl Barth, Against the Stream, 40.
… 'prayer' and mean rite; 'order' and mean regimentation; 'Christ' and mean the Fathers." Karl Barth, Against the Stream, 75.
Barth (2-tweet quote): "We must not say 'gift' and mean our own ability; 'service' and mean office; 'confession' and mean denomination;…
Stanley Hauerwas writes tribute to Rowan Williams–including reference to John Howard Yoder. … @ABCReligion
Superbly-written review by @millinerd in @booksandculture of Ephraim Radner's A Brutal Unity on ecclesiology. …
In WWII, the firing of generals was seen as a sign the system was working, but now is seen as the system failing. Thomas Ricks, The Generals
George Marshall: Leaders have common sense, know their profession, are cheerful, energetic, loyal & determined. Thomas Ricks, The Generals.
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell16 Mar
These memes–doctored from photos released by the Vatican–reflect well on Pope Francis. … & …
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell16 Mar
Heard Cheryl Sandberg on HBR Ideacast podcast, 60 Minutes podcast, & read Time cover story. I was impressed. Fresh encouragement to women.
St. Peter's List @StPetersList16 Mar
Pope Francis explains his choice of name and what happened when he was elected
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
Matthew Milliner @millinerd15 Mar
.@jwilson1812 huzzah. Blogs at their best are servants of good books.
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
Todd Rhoades @toddrhoades14 Mar
Maybe your church should pull a 'Google' –
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
"Ironically, I think the reason Google always wanted to pull the Reader team off to build these other…"
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
"When rich people present the idea that they’ve learned to live lightly as a paradoxical insight, they…"
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell14 Mar
Google Reader being shut down July 1. I have been using @feedly Instructions on switching: … & …
"It was a surprise that the most satisfied were in the program that relies most on online technology." @ahc & Mouw …
NY Times columnist Tom Friedman reports on online learning at M.I.T. and Harvard. … via @RevAdamHamilton
I commented on entry level church positions at Greg Henson's 2nd of 3 posts analyzing incoming seminary student data. …
"Reade's atheism left Winston Churchill with 'a predominantly secular view' of life that lasted until his death." Gandhi & Churchill, 97.
"He who broods over results . . . is ever distracted." Mohandas Gandhi, quoted in Arthur Herman, Gandhi & Churchill, p. 81.
"You cannot teach non-violence to a man who cannot kill." Mohandas Gandhi quoted in Arthur Herman, Gandhi & Churchill, p. 114.
Good look at incoming seminary student data from Greg Henson though I commented with one stat quibble. … @scotmcknight
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell28 Feb
Former @DukeDivinity OT prof Jo Bailey Wells & wife of Sam Wells appointed chaplain at Lambeth Palace by @ABCJustin …
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell28 Feb
Hans Küng, who like the outgoing pope interacted with Karl Barth in the 1960's, is still feisty: "A Vatican Spring?" …
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell27 Feb
Good conversation here between @fitchest and @edstetzer about megachurches, sheep-stealing, stats, and consumerism. …
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell20 Feb
See previous tweet. Traditional lexicon: ἐπισκοπή overseer/bishop, πρεσβύτερος elder, εὐαγγελιστής evangelist, ἀπόστολος apostle.
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell20 Feb
Church leadership lexicon: ἐπισκοπή supervisor, πρεσβύτερος person with experience, εὐαγγελιστής good-newscaster, ἀπόστολος spokesperson.
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell16 Feb
Listened to Double Cross: Story of the D-Day Spies. German, American, British accents! Bonhoeffer Abwehr parallels. …
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell13 Feb
@jonwasson That sounds good. I am reading Barth's CD III/1, 42: "the meaning of creation is to make possible the history of God's covenant."
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell12 Feb
It is not that God made a world and then needed the Jesus plan to fix it. No, God created a world so that he could carry out his Jesus plan.
Karl Barth: "the expression hominum confusio [human confusion] is theologically appropriate because it says neither too little nor too much"
So far in Double Cross, German Abwehr portrayed as incompetent but org was led by Canaris and Oster–Bonhoeffer's Hitler plot accomplices!
Barth mentions Eisenhower Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in 1959. Dulles Daughter: Presbyterian minister. Son: Cardinal Avery Dulles.
John Penniman @Historiographos6 Feb
Les (Really) Miserables – the Grad School edition | … #academia
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
Bob Costas on NFL lawsuits and brain damage from football on Meet the Press yesterday. … via @meetthepress
Lax sports drug testing. Daring to Ask the Performancing Enhancing Drug Question … @BillSimmons via …
Updated my 2009 post slightly: The Birthdates of Famous Living Pastors, Theologians, Christian Leaders, Philosophers. …
Listened to Darrell Guder Oct 2012 lectures: Missional Thing? Missional Theology Superb analysis.
BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking4 Feb
Justin Welby – @ABCJustin – confirmed new Archbishop of Canterbury, spiritual leader of 80m Anglicans around the world
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
Enjoyed every one of the 300 tweets by @evnglcalhipster Great humorous depiction of 20's/30's evangelical American seminary culture.
Evangelical Hipster @evnglcalhipster13 Jul
Barth-B-Q pork sliders #EdibleTheology
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
Darrell Guder on Missional Church (1998) "There are 40,000 copies in print which for a theological book is remarkable."
Women only won the right to vote in 1966 in Basel-Stadt where Karl Barth lived; Switzerland, 1971. Barth died in 1968. USA: 19th Amend:1920.
"Until they have explained how to 'test the spirits' (1 Jn 4:1) their critique of classical casuistry is theological adolescence." J.H.Yoder
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell27 Jan
5-year-old Jacob: "Mommy, did you know that an ogre came out when Jesus opened Lazarus's tomb?" [John 11:39 ". . . there is a bad odor."]
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell25 Jan
Found "End This Depression Now" by Princeton economics professor @NYTimeskrugman counterintuitive/astounding. Listened to library audiobook.
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell21 Jan
RT @byronborger HERE IT IS. Imagining the Kingdom by @james_ka_smith ON SALE at a place that cares about it. …
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell18 Jan
I commented on this good article "Play-Fighting May Actually Be Good for Kids" by @Rachel_M_Stone … at @CTmagazine
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell14 Jan
RT @TGC How @AndyStanley and Tim Keller preach with non-believers in mind. Compiled by @TrevinWax …
David Congdon @dwcongdon13 Jan
My first “real” blog post in awhile. An attempt to further clarify the different forms of apocalyptic theology.
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell14 Jan
Both Owens and Coakley stress prayer with others: spiritual director and silent prayer group. … …
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell14 Jan
L.Roger Owens "the crucial aspect in the life of prayer is our willingness to yield to God’s leading." @theotherjournal …
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell14 Jan
In prayer there "is a barely perceptible sharpening or transformation of the senses and the mind." Sarah Coakley …
2012 Leadership Book Awards winners include @waynecordeiro @DanKimball @AndyStanley @timastevens @TransformingCnt
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell14 Jan
Mark Noll's Aug review of God Talks Back by @tanyaluhrmann in @tnr is also excellent–a similar take to @calebmaskell …
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell14 Jan
"What is important to the process is a little faith, via imaginative risk, that God's voice can actually be heard." …
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell14 Jan
"God's communication is known subjectively in the mind but is best interpreted in community." @calebmaskell …
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell14 Jan
Superb review by @calebmaskell of book by @tanyaluhrmann in July/Aug @booksandculture on prayer and Vineyard churches. …
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell11 Jan
MT @stevelaubeagent A thousand decisions to write any book – great article by @PLeithart @firstthingsmag …
Paste Magazine @PasteMagazine1 Dec
Our most read story this week: The 50 Best Albums of 2012
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell10 Jan
I commented on this: … @zachicks @james_ka_smith saying "going through the motions" is ok if you have the right motions.
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell10 Jan
In @booksandculture piece, @ayjay is skeptical that "stories" are always good for us. All of them? he asks exasperated. …
Relive all the excitement! "What Did Jesus Do?" atonement symposium videos now up. Including me & @scotmcknight
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
American Experience @AmExperiencePBS9 Jan
If you missed last night's episode of The Abolitionists, catch it streaming free on our website! #AmericanExperience
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
Profile of Ken Myers of Mars Hill Audio Journal at … in @weeklystandard
Critics from @CTmagazine list The Most Redeeming Films of 2012. …
@DGShroyer Also: Tweet right after yours in my feed: RT @byronborger Best audio books. The 2012 Listen-Up Awards
@DGShroyer Unbroken, In the Garden of Beasts, Omnivore's Dilemma, Greater Journey, Behind the Beautiful Forevers, Bring Up the Bodies.
The Wilson Quarterly @wilsonquarterly7 Jan
Editing nerds will have a cackle over this. Everyone else? Eh, sorry…,30806/ … via @TheOnion
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
Maria Popova @brainpicker5 Jan
The 25 most read and shared Brain Pickings articles of 2012
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
New Testament … and Old Testament … bibliographies (recommended commentaries, etc.) @denverseminary
David Brooks @nytdavidbrooks3 Jan
OP-ED COLUMNIST; Suffering Fools Gladly
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
Jeremy Walker @peregrinus752 Jan
A review of Spurgeon's "Lectures to my Students" in the hopes that more will take it up and read it
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
Audiobooks to download from library: Thomas Jefferson, Behind the Beautiful Forevers, Why Nations Fail, Bring Up the Bodies, The Last Lion.
Nestle-Aland 28 Greek New Testament Now Online … H/T Michael Gorman
David Swanson @davidswanson1 Jan
5 Favorite Books of 2012
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
I liked Les Misérables but Jeffrey Overstreet @Overstweet didn't and articulates superbly why he didn't. …
Jeffrey Overstreet @Overstweet1 Jan
So, here they are: The films that inspired, moved, challenged, and intrigued me in 2012. @PatheosMovies
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
4 of 6 Wonkbloggers picked Kate Boo's "Behind the Beautiful Forevers" as one of their books of the year: …
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell31 Dec
@james_ka_smith @ayjay "adolescents seem to be merely reflecting what the adult world is routinely inculcating in its youth." Smith, SS,166.
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell31 Dec
Christianity Today @CTmagazine 2013 Book Awards … and Christian Century @ChristianCent recommends …
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell31 Dec
Kindle ed. of Faith Without Illusions by @Byers_Andy is $.99 at: … Recommended in @booksandculture …
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell31 Dec
RT @jonestony Pastor @JohnPiper retires from Bethlehem Baptist. … by @STactsoffaith of @StarTribune
James K.A. Smith @james_ka_smith30 Dec
@KYLEDBENNETT I used to say to Deanna: "For my next PhD I'd like…" She'd immediately retort: "Well, your NEXT wife…"
Retweeted by Andy Rowell
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell28 Dec
Our kids (7, 5, & 2) continue to love Justin Roberts @MusicianJustin and the 3 @slugsandbugs albums from @randallgoodgame & @AndrewPeterson
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell28 Dec
Thoroughly enjoyed hard copy magazines @booksandculture and @ERBks while traveling & in bed. Vacation! Thanks @jwilson1812 and Chris Smith.
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell26 Dec
I thought Les Misérables, which came out today, was wonderful, powerful. @CTmagazine @nytimes @chicagotribune disliked closeup camera shots.
Andy Rowell @AndyRowell24 Dec
Yesterday's family photo at Grandma's house. Amy, Jacob (5), Allie (2.5), me, and Ryan (7.5).
One response to “Dec 24 2012 to March 21 2013 Tweets”
I really dislike Twitter, but am glad that you post this summary of your tweets. It is convenient to be able to scroll through without having to have Twitter. Hopefully you will be able to resume blogging at some point…