Seminaries Sociology

More interesting facts from ATS about seminaries

I noticed some interesting facts in the The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada 2009-2010 data tables

  1. 195 schools in the USA offer the MDiv degree  p.16 
  2. In 2009 in USA, there were 20,835 MDiv students at Protestant schools and 2,170 at Roman Catholic schools. p.25, 27 
  3. In 2009 in the USA, 6,482 MDiv degrees were completed. p.60.
  4. In the USA in 2009, MDiv degrees were completed by 4,444 men and 2,038 women. p.62.
  5. 1301 DMin degrees were completed at ATS schools in 2009. p.61.

  6. 401 ThD/PhD degrees were completed at ATS schools in 2009. p.61. 
  7. The average salary for a full-time faculty member at a seminary in the USA: $62-64,000. p.80.
  8. Assistant Professor average salaries: 4 year Public 59K; 4 year Private 62K; ATS Schools 54K. p.82. 

See also: The 22 largest seminaries in North America

Seminaries Sociology

The 22 largest seminaries in North America

According to data from The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, here are the theological schools in North America with the highest enrollment.  Fuller is the largest.  Southern Baptist Convention seminaries take up 5 of the top 10 spots. 

Casual Name / Full Time Equivalent Enrollment / Real Name / Status / Independent, University-Affiliated, or College-Affiliated. / Predominate racial/ethnic identity / State / Denom

  1. Fuller 1940 Fuller Theological Seminary ACCRED I W CA INTER
  2. Southwestern 1477 Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary ACCRED I N TX SBC
  3. Southeastern 1430 Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary ACCRED I W NC SBC
  4. Southern 1364 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary ACCRED I W KY SBC
  5. Dallas 1108 Dallas Theological Seminary ACCRED I W TX INTER
  6. Gordon-Conwell 1037 Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary ACCRED I W MA INTER
  7. TEDS 908 Trinity Evangelical Divinity School ACCRED C W IL EFCA
  8. Asbury 781 Asbury Theological Seminary ACCRED I W KY INTER
  9. Golden Gate 772 Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary ACCRED I W CA SBC
  10. New Orleans 656 New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary ACCRED I W LA SBC
  11. Bethel 649 Bethel Seminary of Bethel University ACCRED C W MN BAPTGC
  12. Talbot 604 Talbot School of Theology ACCRED U W CA INTER
  13. RTS 584 Reformed Theological Seminary ACCRED I W MS INTER
  14. Princeton 578 Princeton Theological Seminary ACCRED I W NJ PCUSA
  15. Seventh Day Adventist 566 Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary ACCRED U W MI SDADV
  16. Luther Seminary 548 Luther Seminary ACCRED I W MN
  17. Duke 517 Duke University Divinity School ACCRED U W NC UMC
  18. Denver 479 Denver Seminary ACCRED I W CO INTER
  19. Ashland 473 Ashland Theological Seminary ACCRED U W OH BRCHAO
  20. Candler 458 Candler School of Theology of Emory University ACCRED U N GA UMC
  21. Covenant 451 Covenant Theological Seminary ACCRED I W MO PCA
  22. Concordia Seminary (MO) 450 Concordia Seminary (MO) ACCRED I W MO LUTHMS

See Table 1.2 on pages 7-11 of the to the 2009-2010 Annual Data Tables from ATS.

Stanley Hauerwas

My Christianity Today interview with Stanley Hauerwas just posted online

My Christianity Today interview with Stanley Hauerwas just got posted online.

'The Gospel Makes the Everyday Possible'

70-year old Duke theologian Stanley Hauerwas explains
his new memoir, addresses his critics, and explains why he says, 'We're
all congregationalists now.'

Thanks to Christianity Today online editor Sarah Pulliam for all her work on this as well.