Some 2021-2022 Association for Theological Schools statistics
Largest Seminaries by Head Count
1. Liberty University John W. Rawlings School of Divinity
2. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
3. Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
4. Dallas Theological Seminary

Largest Seminaries by Full Time Equivalent enrollment
1. Liberty University John W. Rawlings School of Divinity
2. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
3. Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
4. Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
5. Asbury Theological Seminary

Most Full Time Faculty
1. New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
2. Talbot School of Theology
3. Dallas Theological Seminary
4. University of Notre Dame Department of Theology
5. Candler School of Theology
6. Asbury Theological Seminary
7. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

The most increase in student head count from 2011-12 to 2021-22.
1. Liberty University John W. Rawlings School of Divinity
2. Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
3. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
4. Dallas Theological Seminary
5. Wesley Seminary

The most % increase in student head count from 2011-12 to 2021-22.
1. Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
2. Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
3. Kairos University
4. Central Baptist Theological Seminary
5. Wesley Biblical Seminary
6. Shepherds Theological Seminary

The most increase in student Full Time Equivalent enrollment from 2011-12 to 2021-22.
1. Liberty University John W. Rawlings School of Divinity
2. Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
3. Grand Canyon Theological Seminary
4. Wesley Seminary
5. Grace School of Theology

The most % increase in student Full Time Equivalent enrollment from 2011-12 to 2021-22.
1. Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
2. Central Baptist Theological Seminary
3. Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary
4. Kairos University
5. Shepherds Theological Seminary

Highest spending by the institution:
1. Princeton Theological Seminary
2. Fuller Theological Seminary
3. Dallas Theological Seminary
4. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
5. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
6. Harvard University Divinity School

Highest Endowment or Long-Term Investments:
1. Princeton Theological Seminary
2. Harvard University Divinity School
3. Yale University Divinity School
4. Candler School of Theology
5. Duke University Divinity School
6. Columbia Theological Seminary

Highest expenditure per student head count
1. McGill University School of Religious Studies
2. Pontifical College Josephinum
3. Princeton Theological Seminary
4. St. Patrick’s Seminary and University
5. Virginia Theological Seminary
6. Kenrick-Glennon Seminary

Highest expenditure per Full-Time Equivalent student
1. Pontifical College Josephinum
2. Sacred Heart Major Seminary
3. Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary
4. University of the South School of Theology
5. Chapman Seminary
6. Princeton Theological Seminary

Least cost for MDiv tuition for one year
not including schools that listed a 0 because they don’t offer an MDiv or it is free (?).
1. North Park Theological Seminary
2. Erskine Theological Seminary
3. Antiochian House of Studies
4. Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary

There are 53 schools where the Full Time Faculty and Full Time Equivalent Faculty are equal so it seems no adjunct (part-time) professors are used.

There are 31 schools where adjuncts teach 60% of the courses (the Faculty FT / Faculty FTE is .4 or less).

Here are the schools with the lowest percentage of Full Time Faculty to Student Head Count.

Here is the Excel Document I made with the ATS data.
It is from the pdf document Annual Data Tables of the Association for Theological Schools website.
Originally tweeted by Andy Rowell (@AndyRowell) on June 21, 2022.