The Birthdates of Famous Living Pastors, Theologians, Christian Leaders, Philosophers, etc.

I have read biographies about Billy Graham, John Stott, Jürgen Moltmann, and J.I. Packer.  This started me thinking about the ages of other famous pastors, theologians, Christian leaders, philosophers, etc..  I looked some of them up tonight on Wikipedia and made a list.  It is intentionally eclectic–showing some odd connections.  For example, Moltmann, LaHaye and Packer are all 83.  Tim Keller and Rowan Williams are both 59. 

[Updated slightly Feb 4, 2013]

The Birthdates of Famous Living Pastors, Theologians, Christian Leaders, Philosophers, etc.

Here they are from oldest to youngest. 

Billy Graham (born November 7, 1918)

John Stott, born April 27, 1921) Died 27 July 2011

Jürgen Moltmann (born April 8, 1926)

Tim LaHaye (born April 27, 1926)

J.I. Packer (born July 22, 1926)

Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Alois Ratzinger (born 16 April 1927)

Donald G. Bloesch (born 1928) Died Aug. 24, 2010.

Gustavo Gutiérrez (born 8 June 1928)

Jean Vanier (born September 10, 1928)

Wolfhart Pannenberg (born 2 October 1928

Alasdair MacIntyre (born 12 January 1929

Pat Robertson (born March 22, 1930)

John Zizioulas (born 10 January 1931)

Chuck Colson (born October 16, 1931) Died April 21, 2012.

Thomas Oden (born October 21, 1931)

Charles Taylor (born November 5, 1931)

Eugene Peterson (born November 6, 1932)

Walter Brueggemann (born 1933)

Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. (born 1933)

Gordon Fee (born 1934)

Dallas Willard (September 4, 1935)

Walter Wink (born 1935)

Tony Campolo (born 1935)

James Dobson (born April 21, 1936)

E.P. Sanders (born 18 April 1937)

James D. G. Dunn (born 1939)

Jay Kesler (1939?)

Darrell Guder (1939)

Ronald Sider (born 17 September 1939).

George Marsden (born February 25, 1939)

Stanley Hauerwas (born July 24, 1940)

Os Guinness (born September 30, 1941)

L. Paige Patterson (born October 19, 1942)

Marilynne Robinson (born November 26, 1943)

Gordon MacDonald (1943?)

Larry Crabb (born 1944)

Walter Wangerin, Jr. (born February 13, 1944)

Oliver O'Donovan (born 1945)

John Piper (born January 11, 1946)

William Willimon (born May 15, 1946)

Mark A. Noll (born 1946)

Martha Nussbaum (born May 6, 1947)

John C. Maxwell (born 1947)

Wayne A. Grudem (born 1948)

Richard B. Hays (born May 4, 1948)

Jim Wallis (born June 4, 1948),

Marva J. Dawn (born August 20, 1948)

N.T. Wright (born December 1, 1948)

Philip Yancey (born 1949)

Rowan Williams (born 14 June 1950)

Tim Keller (born 1950)

Bill Hybels (born 1951)

Sarah Coakley (1951)

John Milbank (born 1952)

Alister McGrath (born 23 January 1953)

Rick Warren (born January 28, 1954)

John Webster (born 1955)

George Barna (born 1955)

Brian McLaren (born 1956)

Miroslav Volf (born 1956)

Kevin J. Vanhoozer (born 1957)

John Ortberg (born May 5, 1957)

T. D. Jakes Sr. (born June 9, 1957)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr. (born 1959)

Bono (born 10 May 1960)


One response to “The Birthdates of Famous Living Pastors, Theologians, Christian Leaders, Philosophers, etc.”

  1. Shirley A Thomas Avatar
    Shirley A Thomas

    I wonder how many white Evangelicals and Pastors in the 40s 50s 60s stood by did nothing watch blacks being tortured and killed like Emmett Till with school was being segregated Woodland now to eat at the restaurants swim at the beaches turn their backs on black people but now the church is packed with black people Pat Robertson is one I want to flush them out in the opening