Church Leadership Conversations

  • Making abortion rare. Reducing the number of abortions.

    A thread by Andy Rowell

    As study after global study has shown, "pro-life" limiting access to abortion is not a significant factor in reducing the number of abortions.

    The main factor that reduces the number of abortions is making contraceptives easily accessible, which often "pro-life" people oppose.

    kate shellnutt@kateshellnutt

    The abortion rate dropped in Ohio by 27% and in Texas by 30%, and by similar amounts in states that protected abortion access, including California, Hawaii and New Hampshire 

    Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973

    NEW YORK (AP) — The number and rate of abortions across the United States have plunged to their lowest levels since the procedure became legal nationwide in 1973, according to new figures released…

    See kate shellnutt's other Tweets

    Andy Rowell@AndyRowell

    Rev. A.J. Dudek "If Donald Trump will help save a couple million babies, that's a good thing. My vote has to align with my view of God's word — I should care for the baby in the womb." Likely, millions more abortions occurred in the United States because Trump was elected.

    Andy Rowell@AndyRowell

    "increasing access to highly effective methods of contraception (and thus preventing unintended pregnancies) is a more effective way to reduce abortion rates" [than restricting access to contraception]. 

    Dietician Krista Mangan prepares an examination room at the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) office inside a Salt Lake County health clinic in South Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2, 2013. The Salt Lake County government appropriated special funding to continue to offer certain aspects of federally funded WIC program for a week while many other WIC offices in Utah have been shut due the federal government shutdown,...

    Reducing access to contraception won’t reduce the abortion rate

    Increasing access to highly effective methods of contraception (and thus preventing unintended pregnancies) is a more effective way to reduce abortion rates.

    See Andy Rowell's other Tweets

    "1.4 percent of all abortions came after 21 weeks …
    None of these Democrats [candidates for president] is explicitly saying, 'I support allowing third-trimester [28-40 weeks] abortions' — and, in fact, they seem to be trying hard to avoid doing so." (…)

    Blake, Aaron. "Democrats’ leftward shift on third-trimester abortion." The Washington Post (Online), Sep 11 2019. This is also correct.

    Daniel Grossman:
    “Not all restrictions on abortion are the same — some create a minor obstacle that most patients overcome, while others result in the closure of large-volume providers, making it impossible for some to access care.”

    Belluck, Pam. "America’s Abortion Rate Has Dropped to Its Lowest Ever." New York Times (Online), Sep 18 2019. "43 states prohibit some abortions after a certain point in pregnancy.
    – 22 states ban abortion between 13 and 24 weeks LMP (Last menstrual period).  
    – 20 states impose a ban at 24-28 weeks .
    – 1 state imposes a ban … 25 weeks LMP onward" (…)

    There is a some consensus about late term abortion:
    – 43 of 50 states ban abortion between 13-25 weeks.
    – Only 1.3% of abortions occur after 21 weeks.
    – Third trimester abortion would be (28-40 weeks).
    – Democratic presidential candidates are talking in generalities. See also:

    for an argument that pro-life persuasion regarding the immorality of abortion and pro-life restrictions have reduced US abortion rate. But I am thinking about rates of abortion in different countries and the main factor is contraceptive access.

    Michael New@Michael_J_New

    I am on the @LozierInstitiute blog with some thoughts on new Guttmacher data showing a 53 percent decline in the U.S. abortion rate between 1980 and 2017. 

    See Michael New's other Tweets
  • American Christian fundamentalists met with MBS on Sept 10, the day that the transcript of Jamal Khashoggi’s dismembering was published



    Andy Rowell

    In light of Trump's tweet of deference to Saudi Arabia, note a delegation of American Christian fundamentalists met with MBS on Sept 10, the day that the transcript of Jamal Khashoggi's dismembering was published. The murderer is using them for positive publicity.

    A thread by Andy Rowell

    "New York Times bestselling author Joel Rosenberg led the delegation that included Rev. Johnnie Moore, a co-chairman of President Donald Trump's Evangelical Advisory Council; Larry Ross, longtime spokesman for Billy Graham; Ambassador Ken Blackwell who served as US Ambassador to the UN Human Rights Council; Michael Little, former president of CBN; Pastor Skip Heitzeg, senior pastor of Calvary Albuquerque … ; and Wayne Pederson, a member of the board of directors of the National Religious Broadcasters." (…)


    Daniel Silliman@danielsilliman

    According to @emmillerwrites and @jackmjenkins’ reporting at @rns, the people involved have not secured government approval for the plan, nor do they seem to be clear on the process to get approval.

    Andy Rowell@AndyRowell

    Johnnie Moore founder of Kairos Company.


    James MacDonald: 

    Trump "advisor" 

    Rewarded with USCIRF: 

    NAE is reputable. He is on that Board. 🤷‍♂️ 

    Andy Rowell@AndyRowell
    Replying to @onesarahjones

    Four Trump cheerleaders: Tony Perkins, Gary L. Bauer, Johnnie Moore, Sam Brownback.
    "While Christians are often called to speak 'truth to power,' [Jack] Graham said the leaders in the room felt called to speak 'love to power.'" 
    See @JohnFea1's Believe Me.

    See Andy Rowell's other Tweets


    Andy Rowell@AndyRowell

    17. Relationship-building events like a prayer breakfast or 1-on-1 meetings across partisan lines or even with dictators may lead to positive breakthroughs. But when the evangelist is in a position of power, the evangelized may be looking for what they can get in exchange.

    Andy Rowell@AndyRowell

    18. A Senator or Representative doing "relationship-building" with dictators or any foreign leader will want to be realistic about the good influence they are having as compared to how the leader is using them to further their (possibly evil) aims.

    See Andy Rowell's other Tweets



    Does accreditation from the @ecfa ensure an organization's responsible use of donor dollars?  @MichaelReneau investigates

    An easy ‘A’

    Does approval from the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability offer Christians useful information about an organization’s financial discipline?

    Andy Rowell@AndyRowell

    "Wayne Pederson, an executive with Far East Broadcasting Company, serves on the NRB board. He also serves as ECFA’s treasurer." Conflict of interest.

    He also just went to Saudi Arabia and hung out with those who murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi. 

    Andy Rowell@AndyRowell
    Replying to @AndyRowell @danielsilliman

    to the UN Human Rights Council; Michael Little, former president of CBN; Pastor Skip Heitzeg, senior pastor of Calvary Albuquerque … ; and Wayne Pederson, a member of the board of directors of the National Religious Broadcasters." 

    See Andy Rowell's other Tweets
  • On big government

    Andy Rowell

    On "big government" Both Democrats and Republicans should be wary of government bureaucracy. Indeed, huge government programs can be inefficient or totalitarian. But Republicans should be just as passionate and practical about addressing injustice and the needs of the vulnerable.