Church Leadership Conversations

  • Evangelicals for Trump Coalition Launch rally at King Jesus International Ministry in Miami on Friday January 3, 2020

    On Friday January 3, 2020, the Trump Campaign had an Evangelicals for Trump Coalition Launch rally at King Jesus International Ministry in Miami. 

    See my Twitter thread on this story, which includes my thoughts and links to other articles.

    Here is a PDF of the thread: 

    Download Thread by @AndyRowell_ Thread on Fri Jan 3 2020 5 pm_ _'Evangelicals for Trump' Coalition Launch_ event at King Jesus International Ministry


    Below I also try to identify the people in the group photo but I need your help with a few:


    Evangelicals for Trump group shot

    Evangelicals for Trump group shot_LI (4)

    The photo is of 38 "evangelicals" and President Trump. 

    Back row: 1. Richard Land (Executive Editor, Christian Post ), 2. Unknown (gray hair and blue suit and red tie), 3. Luke Barnett (Senior Pastor of Dream City Church), 4. Unknown (white hair and blue suit), 5. Cissie Graham Lynch (Samaritan's Purse and BGEA), 6. Jay Strack (Founder of Student Leadership University), 7. Tim Clinton (President of American Association of Christian Counselors), 8. Harry Jackson Jr. (Senior Pastor of Hope Christian Church), 9. Jonathan Cain (husband of Paula White-Cain), 10. Unknown (black shirt and striped tie), 11. Jim Garlow (Founder, Well Versed). 

    Third row: 12. Danny Gokey (American singer was on American Idol), 13. Michelle Bachmann (Former Republican Congresswoman), 14. Eric Metaxas (author, radio host), 15. Alberto Delgado (Pastor of Alpha & Omega), 16. Jack Hibbs (Pastor, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills), 17. Robert Jeffress (Senior Pastor of First Baptist Dallas), 18. Ralph Reed (Founder and Chairman of Faith & Freedom Coalition), 19. Tom Mullins (Senior Pastor of Christ Fellowship) (Mullins has his head between Trump and Paula White), 20. Jenn Johnson, and 21. Brian Johnson (President of Bethel Music), 22. Johnnie Moore (KAIROS Company public relations firm), 23. Gary Bauer (President of American Values) 24. Tony Perkins (President of Family Research Council). 

    Second row: 25. John Hagee (John Hagee Ministries), 26. Greg Laurie (Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship), 27. Michael Tait (Christian music artist), 28. Guillermo Maldonado (Co-Founder and Senior Pastor of King Jesus International Ministry / El Rey Jesús), 29. Paula White-Cain, 30. Joni Lamb, and 31. Marcus Lamb (Daystar Television), 32. James Robison.

    First row: 33. Alveda King (Director, Civil Rights for the Unborn), 34. Chris Hodges (pastor of Church of the Highlands in Birmingham, AL), 35. Jack Graham (Senior Pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church), 36. Donald Trump, 37. Jentezen Franklin (Senior Pastor of Free Chapel), 38. James Dobson, and 39. Shirley Dobson (Focus on the Family).   

    Corrections and additions welcome in the comments below. 


    Evangelicals for Trump 2020-01-03

    Praying with Trump at the beginning of the rally on stage. 

    Left to Right: Guillermo Maldonado, Alberto Delgado, Cissie Graham Lynch, Paula White-Cain, Jentezen Franklin, Donald Trump, Jack Graham, Michael Tait, Alveda King. 

    See also my November 2019 list of "evangelical leaders" who have been visiting the White House (which includes most of the same people): Timeline of instances of "evangelical leaders" meeting with Trump

    A number of similar names are among the "200" signers of the letter of complaint against Mark Galli's Christianity Today editorial. See also my post: Reaction to Mark Galli's Christianity Today editorial calling for Trump's removal

    See also: List of worship leaders gathering at the White House on Friday, Dec 6, 2019 (which includes Brian and Jenn Johnson)

  • Response to Franklin Graham saying all immorality is the same

    A response to Franklin Graham's December 23 Facebook and Twitter post.

    Mr. Graham,
    Your comments seem to draw upon the truth of Romans 3:23 that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." The idea is that no one should "boast" of their perfection before God (verse 27). But to use this concept to excuse the flagrant immorality of someone is to break one of the Ten Commandment by using the Lord's name in vain (Exodus 20:7; Deuteronomy 5:11). This misleads people about who God is. God detests immorality.

    "There are six things the Lord hates,
    seven that are detestable to him:
    haughty eyes,
    a lying tongue,
    hands that shed innocent blood,
    a heart that devises wicked schemes,
    feet that are quick to rush into evil,
    a false witness who pours out lies
    and a person who stirs up conflict in the community" (Proverbs 6:16-19).

    And the Judges and Prophets and John the Baptist called out the immorality of kings, that the king might be chastened and that the people of God might not think the wicked prospering was a sign of God's approval.

    When running for president, Republican Senators Lindsay Graham, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz all recognized Donald Trump's moral unfitness to wield presidential power. There is a more valid transactional argument that the least of all evils is that a Republican president should be supported because he furthers Republican policy. But it is another thing, as you do here, to throw sand in the eyes of people by saying there is no such thing as disqualifying immorality. "Woe to those who call evil good" (Isaiah 5:20).

    This post by you raises the question as to whether your conscience is seared so you cannot see gradations of immorality. Indeed you received a salary of $636,451 in 2018 from Samaritan's Purse (Operation Christmas Child)—an organization supposed to be assisting the poor, while also drawing a full-time salary from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (last disclosed in 2014 as $205,999 according to public 990 tax forms). The BGEA now formally "exists to support and extend the evangelistic calling and ministry of Franklin Graham." All four of your children also receive salaries from either Samaritan's Purse or the BGEA. Franklin Graham's pay is “definitely an outlier for the nonprofit sector,” Sandra Miniutti, Charity Navigator’s chief financial officer, told the Charlotte Observer. Is this what you mean that you too are immoral like Trump? Consider whether Psalm 50 applies to you:

    "God says:
    When you see a thief, you join with him;
    you throw in your lot with adulterers.
    You harness your tongue to deceit.
    When you did these things and I kept silent,
    you thought I was exactly like you.
    But I now arraign you
    and to the blameless I will show my salvation"
    – Psalm 50:16,18,19,21,23.

  • Reaction to Mark Galli’s Christianity Today editorial calling for Trump’s removal

    I compiled a thread on Twitter of responses to Mark Galli's Christianity Today editorial calling for Trump's removal on December 19, 2019. Here is the end of the thread.


    Also, here is a PDF of the thread (and the last few tweets are not included).

    Download Reaction to CT editorial PDF