Church Leadership Conversations

  • How does a pastor respond to a family who has an intersex child?

    I am a better pastor for having read tonight the following article in the New York Times Magazine:

    What if It’s (Sort of) a Boy and (Sort of) a Girl?

    Published today: September 24, 2006

    It is the fourth most emailed article tonight on   

    Most recent articles on the are free to view.  It is really quite amazing that way.  You may have to create a free login account to view some of them.   

    The article describes the dilemma parents have when a baby is born with genitals which are difficult to identify as either male or female.  Additional testing is needed and often surgery is recommended to make the genitals either "more male" or "more female" in appearance.  The article appropriately asks doctors and families to carefully consider whether surgery has more benefits or pitfalls. 

    "Reports on the frequency of intersex births vary widely: Chase claims
    1 in 2,000; more conservative estimates from experts put it at 1 in
    4,500. Whatever the case, intersex is roughly as common as cystic

    Just being aware that this occurs regularly will help all pastors to be prepared mentally, emotionally and spiritually to meet families or individuals who find themselves coping with this situation.  Pastors should counsel families that this issue is somewhat common and can encourage them to consider it thoughtfully.  Most importantly they can encourage the family to begin to love the child deeply.  I would also of course urge pastors to respect the confidentiality of families regarding the privacy of this matter.   

    Here are the first couple paragraphs of the article which give one example of this dilemma. 

    When Brian Sullivan — the baby who would before age 2 become Bonnie Sullivan
    and 36 years later become Cheryl Chase — was born in New Jersey on Aug. 14,
    1956, doctors kept his mother, a Catholic housewife, sedated for three days
    until they could decide what to tell her. Sullivan was born with ambiguous
    genitals, or as Chase now describes them, with genitals that looked “like a
    little parkerhouse roll with a cleft in the middle and a little nubbin forward.”
    Sullivan lived as a boy for 18 months, until doctors at Columbia-Presbyterian
    Medical Center
    in Manhattan performed exploratory surgery, found a uterus
    and ovotestes (gonads containing both ovarian and testicular tissue) and told
    the Sullivans they’d made a mistake: Brian, a true hermaphrodite in the medical
    terminology of the day, was actually a girl. Brian was renamed Bonnie, her
    “nubbin” (which was either a small penis or a large clitoris) was entirely
    removed and doctors counseled the family to throw away all pictures of Brian,
    move to a new town and get on with their lives. The Sullivans did that as best
    they could. They eventually relocated, had three more children and didn’t speak
    of the circumstances around their eldest child’s birth for many years. As Chase
    told me recently, “The doctors promised my parents if they did that” — shielded
    her from her medical history — “that I’d grow up normal, happy, heterosexual and
    give them grandchildren.”

    The article continues at

    Later comment:

    Todd Rhoades noticed this post and referred to it here at his blog "Monday Morning Insights."  The comments there are well worth reading.  While you are there, check out the rest of his blog.  From what I have seen in five minutes of checking it out, if you like my blog, you will love his. 

  • Conferences This Fall: ETS, SBL, NAPCE, Catalyst, Drive, and YS

    There are a number of conferences this fall that you might be interested in hearing about. 

    Below I discuss the:

    1. Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting
    2. Institute for Biblical Research Annual Meeting
    3. Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting
      • How to Survive and Thrive at ETS and SBL
    4. The North American Professors of Christian Education Annual Conference
    5. Catalyst Conference
    6. The Drive Conference at North Point Community Church
    7. The Youth Specialities 2006 National Youth Worker’s Convention

    The Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) Annual Meeting is November 15-17, 2006 in Washington, DC.  They have just posted their full program today at the link above.   I attended this meeting last year and enjoyed a number of excellent presentations (in the areas of New Testament, Old Testament, philosophy, church history, practical theology) from a conservative evangelical perspective.  The condition for membership into the ETS is subscribing to the following statement:

    "The Bible alone, and the Bible in its entirety, is the Word
    of God written and is therefore inerrant in the autographs. God is a Trinity,
    Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each an uncreated person, one in essence, equal in
    power and glory."

    • Some well-known people I would enjoy listening to at ETS include: Ron Sider, Scott Hafemann, Robert Yarbrough, William Lane Craig, Jean Bethke Elshtain, J. Budziszewski, Gordon T. Smith, Craig Blomberg, William J. Webb, Tremper Longman, Greg Boyd, Jim Wallis, Shane Claiborne, Kenneth Barker, Larry Hurtado, Scot McKnight, Clark Pinnock, and I. Howard Marshall.  This gives you a flavor of some of the quality of people involved. 
    • From Taylor University’s Biblical Studies, Christian Educational Ministries and Philosophy department, we have eight (Win Corduan, Michael Harbin, Bill Heth, Sheri Klouda, Bob Lay, Ed Meadors, Jim Spiegel and me) presenting!
    • See Justin Taylor’s quick preview of ETS here.   

    In between ETS and SBL, is the Institute for Biblical Research Annual
    (Nov 17 evening and Nov 18 morning).  You can find it in the
    SBL Program Book under Additional Meetings.  "The Institute for
    Biblical Research, Incorporated (IBRI) is an organization of
    evangelical Christian scholars with specialties in Old and New
    Testament and in ancillary disciplines. Its vision is to foster
    excellence in the pursuit of Biblical Studies within a faith
    environment."  Craig Blomberg and Craig Evans, among others, are presenting this year.  Its out of date website was pulled down two weeks ago but you can still see it via google cached. 

    The Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) Annual Meeting is November 18-21 in Washington DC.  "The Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of biblical scholars in the world. At this combined meeting with the American Academy of Religion, scholars benefit
    from sessions on religion, philosophy, ethics, and diverse religious traditions."  I also attended this event last fall. 

    • Some well-known names (at least to me) at SBL include: Larry Hurtado, Judith Gundry-Volf, Robert Walter Moberly (friend Joel Lohr doing dissertation under him), Michael Bird, Phyllis Trible, Thomas Long, Christopher Stanley (Regent College grad), Joel Green, Marcus Bockmuehl, Peter Machinist, James Dunn, Walter Brueggemann, Bart Ehrman, Douglas Campbell, Sheri Klouda (Taylor University colleague), Mark Goodacre, Rikk Watts (Regent College prof), Edith Humphrey, Donald Hagner, Philip Jenkins, John M. G. Barclay, Richard A. Horsley, Craig A. Evans, Richard Bauckham, Ben Witherington, Joel Willitts, Michael Theophilos (Regent College grad with me), Ellen Charry, Jacob Neusner, Luke Timothy Johnson, John G. Stackhouse, Jr. (Regent College prof), William Willimon, N. Thomas Wright, Richard B. Hays, Clark Pinnock, Francis Watson, Beverly Gaventa, John Sanders, Scott Hafemann, Robert Derrenbacker (Regent college prof), Susan Eastman, Robert Wall, Marianne Thompson, and Miroslav Volf.  (I have put hyperlinks to those I know have blogs).

    How to Survive and Thrive at ETS and SBL:

    ETS is followed by SBL so that you can attend both if you are interested.   

    (1) The paper writers present their own papers.  They basically read the academic paper aloud.  You hear regular laments in the hallway about bad pedagogy.  "We present with PowerPoint and illustrations in our classrooms back home but read papers when we are together.  Oh academia . . ." But it is still pretty fun if you are interested in seeing the scholars or are interested in the topic.  Need I mention that caffeine helps? 

    (2) If two papers are scheduled at 8:30 am, you have to choose one to attend.  But if the paper is over at 9:10, you can run to another one.  In other words, you don’t have to attend all three papers of one session.  There is lots of movement in between papers.  So make your schedule ahead of time and run around and go to the papers you want to. 

    (3) If nothing looks good, go to the book room.  Every publisher in the world has all of their books at 50% off.  Very cool.   

    (4) Don’t bother going to see a moderator because they really don’t do a thing except make sure that the person doesn’t go over time.  If it says that the moderator is participating in a discussion, then it could be interesting. 

    (5) Schedule lunch and dinner with your friends or acquaintances.
    You’ll be running around all day but you don’t want to get stuck eating
    alone (unless you found a good book in the book room).  And it easy to
    lose your friends in the chaos around mealtimes.  So schedule your
    meals and meeting places ahead of time. 

    (6) The General sessions are also optional.  I would recommend the one at ETS with the dinner though.  I sat next to Gordon Wenham last year.  Again, I recommend booking people ahead of time to sit with.   

    (7) The theme really means nothing except for influencing the general sessions.   

    (8) Book a place to stay now as things get filled up and you’ll get stuck with the real expensive hotels. 

    The North American Professors of Christian Education (NAPCE) Annual Conference is October 19-21, 2006 in Denver, CO.  The keynote speaker is Richard Osmer, professor of Christian Education at Princeton Theological Seminary and author of the new book The Teaching Ministry of Congregations. 

    The Catalyst Conference is October 5-6 in Atlanta, GA. "Catalyst was conceived as a Next Generation Leaders Conference in 1999 by a small group of influential young leaders.  Catalyst was created to meet the felt need existing within the church for a leadership event that was focused on a new generation of church leaders.  Catalyst was able to meet the demand for fresh leadership insights for young leaders by creating a conference experience specifically focused on leaders under the age of 40 . . . and this October, over 10,000 young leaders will gather again to experience Catayst up close."   Speakers this year include Andy Stanley,  Donald Miller, John Maxwell, Gary Haugen, Louie Giglio, John Stott, Marcus Buckingham, and George Barna.  Some of their "Catalyst Lab" speakers include some of my favorite people: Eugene Peterson, Mark Buchanan, Andy Crouch, Lauren Winner, and Shane Claiborne.  Catalyst has a blog here

    The Drive Conference at North Point Community Church is November 6-8, 2006 in Alpharetta, GA.  North Point, pastored by Andy Stanley, is the "third most influential church in the nation" according to here. "DRIVE ’06 is an opportunity for our staff to download what we’ve learned over
    the past ten years about creating and maintaining irresistible ministry
    environments."  Here are my posts that have touched on Andy Stanley.    

    The Youth Specialities 2006 National Youth Worker’s Convention is:

    • Austin: Oct 5-9
    • Anaheim: Nov 2-6
    • Cincinnati: Nov 16-20
    • Charlotte: Nov 30-Dec 4

    Speakers and musicians vary by location but some locations will include some of my favorites: David Crowder Band, Mike Pilavachi, Shane and Shane, Donald Miller, Kenda Creasy Dean, and Shane Claiborne. 

  • Excellent LA Times article on why Chuck Smith, Jr. has moved away from his father’s Calvary Chapel movement

    Update February 18, 2007: Check out this series of article in Christianity Today on Calvary Chapel.   

    Original post:

    I enjoyed learning more about Chuck Smith, Sr., founder of the Calvary Chapel fellowship of churches, and his son Chuck Smith, Jr. in this excellent LA Times article.


    Father, Son and Holy Rift: For Pastor Chuck Smith, the big issues are undebatable. For Chuck Smith Jr., also a pastor, it’s not so crystal clear. Something had to give.

    By Christopher Goffard, Times Staff Writer
    September 2, 2006


    Summary:  Chuck, Jr. was asked to sever ties with the Calvary Chapel fellowship of churches because he has become less of a fundamentalist.  Father and son still have a good relationship with one another.

    All the bloggers I have read feel the article is quite well done and fair with both sides.   

    The wikipedia article on Calvary Chapel gives good background on the movement. 

    If you know someone who attends a Calvary Chapel or you attend one, this is must reading.