Preaching Bibliography

Bell, Rob. “The Subversive Art: Drawing from the prophets, the rabbis and Jesus to confront the culture.” Leadership Journal. XXV.2 (2004): 24.

Bell, Rob. “Life in Leviticus: Planting this church, I spent a year preaching through Leviticus, and (surprise!) it worked.” Leadership Journal. Winter (2002): 45-47.

Gibson, Scott M., ed. Preaching to a Shifting Culture: 12 Perspectives on Communicating That Connects. Baker Books, 2004.

Johnston, Graham. Preaching to a Postmodern World: A Guide to Reaching Twenty-First Century Listeners. Baker Books: 2001.

Kimball, Dan. “Preaching: Becoming Storytellers Again.” “Preaching Without Words.” and “Spiritual Formation.” Ch.16-17, 19. The Emerging Church. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003. 155-196, 213-225

Larson, Craig Brian and Haddon Robinson, eds. The Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching: A Comprehensive Resource for Today’s Communicators. Zondervan, 2005.

Long, Thomas G. Witness of Preaching. Westminster John Knox Press, 1990.

McLaren, Brian. “Learn a New Rhetoric” The Church on the Other Side. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000. 87-93

Nelson, Alan E. Creating Messages That Connect: 10 Secrets of Effective Communicators. Group Publishing, 2004.

Pagitt, Doug. Preaching Re-Imagined. Zondervan, 2005.

Robinson, Haddon W. Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages. 2nd ed. Baker Academic, 2001.

Stone, Dave. Refining Your Style: Learning from Respected Communicators. Group Publishing, 2004.

Stott, John. Between Two Worlds: The Challenge of Preaching Today. Eerdmans, 1994.

Taylor, Barbara Brown. The Preaching Life. Cowley Publications, 1993.

Troeger, Thomas H. Ten Strategies for Preaching in a Multimedia Culture. Abingdon Press, 1996.

Wilson, Len and Jason Moore. Digital Storytellers: The Art of Communicating the Gospel in Worship. Abingdon Press, 2002.


One response to “Preaching Bibliography”

  1.  Avatar

    The following is a writing from Y2K. Wayne has been addressing some of the things you mention in your writing about the franchise church of Andy Stanley (My term)…

    Living in the Relational Church III

    BodyLife * September 2000

    By Wayne Jacobsen

    …Unfortunately today, institutional priorities are usually the guiding force of the shared life of believers. We have blindly accepted their demands while failing to realize that those priorities are the opposite of family. Instead of celebrating diversity and authenticity, or making room for people to be at different places in the journey, they are pressed into conformity. Smooth running programs are championed above building healthy relationships and the gifts of a few are exalted instead of unlocking the gifts of all. Institutions exist to secure their own preservation, rather than to embrace God’s wider work in the world and genuinely serving those who do not know him. It’s no wonder that these dynamics have proven more successful at entertaining crowds than nurturing Father’s family…

    Perhaps you have read Frank Viola’s _Who is Your Covering?_ perhaps not – Frank does a good job at differientiating between “office-ial” (my term for official)) authority and Devine authority in the body of Christ. These are terribly confused today.
    The use of guilt motivation displays an effort at “official authority” (exousia) – and when that occurs in “church,” it is usurped authority.

    Where does that leave our typical church models? In a sad place, sadly.

    Cal B. Twitty Sr.