Me: Ryan, I think I am going to move the couch over here.
Ryan (3 yrs old): I'm ok with that.
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I’m ok with that
Five Summer 2008 Photos
Ryan (3 yrs) and Jacob (now 11 mos then 10 mos) sitting on the front steps this summer.
The boys sit together in a trailer pulled by a bike at Hilton Head, SC.
The boys with yours truly at the beach at Hilton Head.
Ryan insisted on having coffee and a cell phone as he sat in the driver's seat. I don't know where he gets that.
Jacob pulls himself up and out of the tub and other updates
Yesterday Jacob pulled himself up while inside the tub bathing and tossed himself over the side on to the floor as I narrowly missed catching him. That was a fine time to learn to pull himself up.
Today he pulled himself up on the coffee table. He is cruising side to side better.
Today while I was on the roof washing the siding he clapped his hands together telling me "More" – meaning "Dad, I want some food. Will doing this sign language help get some food?"
He tries to say "All done." He has a nice Chicago accent with a drawl of an a sound.
Ryan to us at breakfast when the babysitter put him down to sleep, "You guys were gone a long time."
When I went into his room he woke up one night, "Fanny the fox was already sleeping" meaning he was projecting his own sleep on to the stuffed animal.
Similarly, he said tonight, "I am not sure what to do tonight. I guess I will do whatever Brachiosaurus wants to do."
After sleeping past 8 am for the first time ever and contemplating his digital clock, "Where did the seven go?"
When he gets in trouble for say knocking Jacob over taking a toy from him, Ryan has been exclaiming non sequiturs like, "No one knows my name" or "I'm not a good singer anymore" or "I'm not a good hitter anymore." We have tried to psychoanalyze and probe whether there is some substance behind these expressions of inadequacy / self-doubt but at this point we are chalking them up to being poorly articulated expressions of remorse for being caught doing something wrong.
Ryan wore his knee pads (the biggest accomplishment) and learned to ride his two-wheeler bike with training wheels down the driveway. He also with my spotting/gently pushing rode the bike for 10 minutes in a row yesterday.
We have new sleep schedule (i.e. we are recommitted to it).
Both wake up 7:00 am
Jacob nap 9:00 am
Both nap 1:00 pm . Ryan gets woken up at 3:00 pm.
Bedtime 8:00 pmOf course it is never that simple but that is the idea.
Ryan still can't put on his underwear and shorts or socks and shoes
though he can take them all off. That should probably be pursued soon.
Amy has Jacob weaned down (skipping the dinner nursing) to just wake up, lunch and bedtime. Lunch is the next to be eliminated.
Ryan loves red raspberries (and blueberries if they are sweet). They both like Life and Shredded Oats cereal. Jacob loves cheese. They both like meat (chicken and steak). Ryan also loves peanuts and cashews. Ryan likes baby carrots. Jacob will eat broccoli. Jacob tosses things he doesn't like overboard. Both will eat sliced cucumbers. They both eat pita. Ryan and Jacob love
yogurt – why not with all the sugar is what I say. Jacob can eat a
whole meal by himself but he still likes baby food served up on a spoon. Ryan loves to
dip everything – ranch dressing and BBQ sauce and syrup being the most
frequent. Of course peanut butter and honey on multigrain bread is a favorite for both boys, we try not to have it everyday at lunch. Jake loves whole milk (cold) in a sippy.We didn't know you were supposed to teach kids to drink out of cup without a lid but apparently it is better for their mouth development to do so thus both Ryan (3) and Jacob (11 mos) are on the cup regimen. Jacob can do it (even one-handed) in his high chair though he is sloppy so we take the cup when he has had a few sips. Plus, he ends up burping a lot later. Ryan is worried about spilling on the carpet, "It will make a stain!" he says (which causes Amy to glare at me that Ryan knows this). Ryan openly wonders what it would be like to pour it over Jacob's head.