Category: Ecclesiology

  • How to Read Hybels: Book Review of Axiom by Bill Hybels

    Axiom by Bill Hybels

    Bill Hybels started Willow Creek Community Church in 1975. It is probably the
    most influential church in the United States and also one of the largest with a
    weekly attendance of some 23,500 people. In Axiom: Powerful Leadership Proverbs, Hybels
    gives 76 leadership tips and briefly describes each in 2-3 pages. Most will find
    the book inspiring and thought-provoking. But this is a book that will be
    incomprehensible to others and revolting to a few.

    If you sense that churches are too often poorly managed, their programs
    shoddy, their staff aimless, and their efforts mediocre, you will love this
    book. Hybels's father expected him to take on the family business but instead
    Bill decided to plant a church and he has managed it better than most
    businesses.  Hybels sees no reason why the doing things well is inconsistent
    with God's work.

    But, if you think the pastor's role is to be a nurturing shepherd and that a
    church should never grow beyond the size where the pastor can know everyone's
    name, then Hybels's advice will be incomprehensible to you and likely disgust
    you. The kindly parish priest—who preaches, administers the sacraments, and
    visits the sick—Hybels is not.

    The insights of Hybels—many of which assume a large paid staff—will apply
    best to the pastor of a church with 500 or more weekly attendance because at
    this size it is difficult for the pastor to oversee everything and his or her
    role begins to entail significant staff supervision. According to Duke
    sociologist Mark Chaves in Congregations in America, in 1998, "71
    percent of [U.S. congregations] have fewer than one hundred regularly
    participating adults" (p.17-18). The size of the church radically changes the
    way a pastor functions. (See also his post Congregational Size). Roy M. Oswald writes in "How to Minister
    Effectively in Family, Pastoral, Program, and Corporate Sized Churches"
    the smallest size of congregation,

    This small church can also be called a Family Church because it functions
    like a family with appropriate parental figures. It is the patriarchs and
    matriarchs who control the church's leadership needs. What Family Churches want
    from clergy is pastoral care, period. For clergy to assume that they are also
    the chief executive officer and the resident religious authority is to make a
    serious blunder. The key role of the patriarch or matriarch is to see to it that
    clergy do not take the congregation off on a new direction of ministry. Clergy
    are to serve as the chaplain of this small family.

    But one need not confront the family of the church antagonistically, one can
    learn to thrive as a pastor of a smaller congregation by soaking in the rich
    work of Eugene
    , enjoying the delightful little book The Art of Pastoring by David Hansen, and learning
    from the example of the wise Father
    in the fictional Mitford series by Jan Karon.

    Another complication besides size for some readers will be that many
    denominations closely define the role of the pastor and the local church with
    policies and committees. Hybels had the freedom and danger of making these
    structures up as he went along as the founder of an independent
    nondenominational church. I would recommend the writings of Will
    , Patrick
    , Alan
    , and Mark
    Lau Branson
     for advice about navigating leadership and effectiveness issues
    in an established small denominational church.

    Finally, there are those who argue that a church with 500 plus weekly
    attendance and multiple staff loses much of the intimacy and flexibility of what
    a church should be. To Alan
    , David Fitch, Neil Cole and Frank Viola, Hybels's tips would
    probably be evidence of the corporate, cold, impersonal and bureaucratic dark
    side of the large “attractional model” church. However, even they might find the
    insights of Hybels valuable in their efforts leading large church planting

    Despite the disclaimer that pastors of small churches, ministers of
    denominational churches, and critics of large churches may be turned off by this
    book, let me praise this book for what it is: candid insights by an extremely
    capable church leader. A sign of Hybels's considerable leadership ability is
    that he could not help but start a huge consulting arm called the Willow Creek
    Association and a widely-acclaimed annual leadership conference The Leadership
    Summit—there was huge demand for his advice.

    The 57-year-old's tone is intense. He sounds like a drill-sergeant, a CEO, or
    a tough football coach. This week Connecticut
    basketball coach Jim Calhoun
    was hospitalized for dehydration. A nurse asked
    him, "Are you type A?" to which he replied, "What's beyond that?" I thought of
    Hybels. Hybels writes, "Those who know me well know that I'm intense and
    activistic. For me, the bigger the challenge, the more I like it. I've always
    pushed myself hard to solve problems, raise the bar, and make as many gains for
    God as I possibly can" (142). Hybels's personality reminds me of the apostle
    Paul, the Puritan Richard
    , Methodism founder John
    and the energetic Dietrich
    —they are all driven and intense. Out of the 76 tips, all but
    about a handful suggest the need for harder and more strategic work. Still,
    Hybels tells of a few ways he has learned to soften his approach and slow down
    his pace. See for example, 9. "The Fair Exchange Value," 58. "Create Your Own
    Finish Lines" and 75. "Fight for Your Family."

    The 2-3 page tips and stories are a great medium for his thoughts. He
    illustrates and explains his ideas clearly. It is an easy read. If you liked
    this book, also read the 99 practical hints in Simply Strategic Stuff by Tim Stevens and Tony Morgan.  Both these books give the
    uninitiated and naive church leader a glimpse of the nuts and bolts of the
    dreaded "administrative" part of pastoral ministry.

    If you are not turned off by Axiom, perhaps you belong serving in a
    larger church where these leadership and organizational skills are highly
    valued. Chaves points out that more and more people are attending large churches
    so it is not correct to see them as an anomaly: "the median person is in a
    congregation with four hundred regular participants" (p.18). Or you may resonate
    with Hybels and play the thankless but necessary reforming role in the small
    church. Or you may take his insights and apply them to the pioneering
    entrepreneurial work of a new church plant.

    I am grateful for the opportunity to hear the candid thoughts as over a lunch
    conversation from one of the most important American church leaders in the last 25
    years.  Hybels may eventually write an autobiography but much of what is
    fascinating about him he has generously already shared in Axiom.

  • Review of John Burke’s book No Perfect People Allowed

    I reviewed and would recommend

    No Perfect People Allowed

    John Burke: No Perfect People Allowed: Creating a Come-as-You-Are Culture in the Church

    5.0 out of 5 stars An outstanding description of what the church should be today, February 25, 2009

    Andrew D. Rowell (Durham, NC) – See all my reviews


    John Burke tells many stories about the way Gateway Community Church in Austin, Texas has touched people who were skeptical about Christianity. In the process, we learn much about the way Burke approaches ministry at both the personal counseling and leadership structure levels. This might be the best book for describing what people who are not Christians want from a church–compassion, practical help, meaning and God. I would expect church leaders to read this and say, "No wonder we do not have many people becoming Christians at our church–our church is nothing like Gateway." I would expect people who are skeptical about the church to say, "Church wouldn't actually be that bad if it looked like what Burke here describes in this book." There are few easy answers here–Burke expects leaders to be thoughtful, compassionate, personable, theologically astute, courageous and strategic. Burke is a free church or "nondenominational" evangelical who used to work at Willow Creek Community Church so his approach will seem quite casual, flexible, and non-liturgical to people from Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopal, Presbyterian, and Methodist backgrounds but even they will appreciate his sensitivity and thoughtfulness toward outsiders. As a doctor of theology student, I occasionally wondered about the coherence of his approach to apologetics and how he reconciles encouraging affinity groups along with "a culture of acceptance" but my pastoral experience and my interest in missiology make me sympathetic to the need to be flexible in some of these respects–the Apostle Paul could be accused of these same "inconsistencies." All in all, this is a fine book. If I were to teach a course on Christian ministry or evangelism or the church, I would require it. No Perfect People Allowed provides hope about what the church can be and this is what many people need.

    See also