I hope you will enjoy the categories to the right in the "cloud." I have gone back through all my old blog entries and categorized them! The ones in larger fonts (like Taylor University, Syllabi and Books) are referred to in more posts. You can click on the category and it will take you to all of the posts that are connected to that category. Yeah!
Category: Blogging
Moving to New Home August 1st
We are moving a block away. Taylor University is going to tear down the house we are living in now because it needs a new roof and lots of other repairs. We will still be close to campus (3 blocks) so that will be nice. Here is a photo of the two bedroom house we will be renting. The house is a block closer to Ivanhoe’s, the wonderful ice cream place, which is dangerous for the waistline.
Download IvanhoesMenu2007c.pdf
Program and Curriculum Syllabus
I taught Christian Educational Ministries 352: "Program and Curriculum Development" this spring and will teach it again next year. Here is the syllabus we used. I’m attaching it as a Microsoft Word document.
Download syllabus_ced352_revised.doc
I couldn’t do this with Blogger on my previous blog.