I have been doing most of my “blogging” on Twitter the last year and a half. I thought I would copy my tweets from my Twitter account to the blog for posterity and searchability (accessibility).
Why Twitter? I suppose the reason I have been mostly posting on Twitter is that (a) I tell myself these thoughts are little insights that don't deserve an entire blogpost (but on further reflection I realize most people's blogs are indeed these little thoughts and so perhaps the most basic reason is that) (b) I want to share resources with folks and enjoy the connection with people who appreciate them, but I need to be focusing on my doctoral work at Duke and my family and Twitter is fast and happily limited by 140 characters.
So, here are my tweets from Nov 9, 2009 when I last pasted my tweets into my blog and today May 16, 2011.
Warm greetings to any readers.
Or you can just click on my Twitter page and scroll through my posts.

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I am trying and liking Feedly suggested by @baker_steve It syncs w/ Google Reader thus making it easy to use and has some needed features.
20 seconds ago

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Is there a good alternative to Google Reader? I want 1 click unsubscribe and a way to mark 100 posts at a time "read" like in Gmail.
12 hours ago

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Fun to hear audio of Karl Barth speaking in English on his trip to the United States in 1962. http://karlbarth.unibas.ch/index.php?id=33
12 hours ago

ivpress InterVarsity Press
by AndyRowell
Did you miss the Wheaton Theology Conference this year? Here are all the audio/video recordings of the sessions: http://ow.ly/4IfXt
27 Apr

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I have learned that a baseball cap helps with glare from windows and lights while reading. But eye black is frowned upon at the library.
27 Apr

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Congrats @jonestony on finishing Ph.D. at Princeton Theological Seminary yfrog.com/hsb6xtsj
26 Apr

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I passed my preliminary exams. Next step: dissertation proposal. But lots of grading to do first.
25 Apr

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Mark @goodacre has persuaded me that Mark was written first, then Matthew, then Luke (Farrer Theory). See his free book http://bit.ly/ep34oH
23 Apr

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Sad. Lots of problems with Greg Mortenson's Three Cups of Tea. See 60 Minutes http://bit.ly/gH6ESN and Jon Krakauer http://www.byliner.com/
20 Apr

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
5-year-old Ryan on my career, "You're nothing yet. How should I put it? . . . You're still learning."
9 Apr

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Barth: All creation praises God–"from an eschatological standpoint . . and eschatological means supremely realistic." http://bit.ly/fSBnPf
9 Apr

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Barth: Calvin had a "very aristocratic doctrine of ecclesiastical office"; then again, laity can be stupid. IV.3 33-35 http://bit.ly/fTYOba
9 Apr

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Good parenting songs: the peppy "Setting Up the Pins" by @grovesroad and the mellow "Planting Trees" by @AndrewPeterson http://bit.ly/fky4L1
2 Apr

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I learn from Hans Hoekendijk, Paul Lehmann, and Ernst Käsemann but it would have been maddening to sort through this stuff in the 1960's.
1 Apr

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Ernst Käsemann says Paul's letters "are not very intelligible." http://bit.ly/fHmcKW Hmm . . .then why am I reading his take on them?
1 Apr

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Barth's 5 children: Franziska 1914-1994, Karl "Markus" 1915-1994, Christoph 1917-1986, Robert "Matthias" 1921-1941, Hans Jakob 1925-1984.
28 Mar

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Barth: Religion and God are "like an obstinate child in the arms of its mother." CD I/2 p. 299 (1938). His youngest of 5 children was 13.
28 Mar

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Helen's dad accidentally drowns shortly after arriving in India as missionary. Helen marries Lesslie Newbigin & insists they go to India.
26 Mar

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Newbigin at 1929 college camp: I realized that the cross "was the clue that I must follow if I were to make any kind of sense of the world."
26 Mar

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Barth: At a mature church, people say, "I am needed there" more than "I am going because I need something for myself." http://bit.ly/fWx3BY
22 Mar

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Fuller president @richardmouw writes "Rob Bell’s Love Wins is a fine book and I basically agree with his theology." http://bit.ly/fhso5B
15 Mar

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
A good summary of John Flett's important book Witness of God on the history of the missio Dei and on Barth's missiology http://bit.ly/eDQbCR
15 Mar

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
An interview with Eugene Peterson about his new memoir. http://n.pr/gbm60l H/T @davidswanson & @jr_briggs
7 Mar

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
"Exactly halfway between exegesis and practical theology stands dogmatics." Barth, Dogmatics in Outline 12. So that is how I ended up there.
4 Mar

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Bonhoeffer: "Unfortunately I sense that my productivity has grown dependent on smoking; luckily enough I'm well-supplied." LPP, p. 518.
3 Mar

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Bonhoeffer: So-called mythology (resurrection and so forth) cannot be taken out of Christianity-it is the thing itself. http://bit.ly/glIn3h
3 Mar

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Barth: "H. is supposed to have said some nasty things about me. I have not read it and therefore am quite ready to forgive him everything."
28 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
On universalism & @realrobbell See blogposts by @spulliam @senseijfk @trevinwax @dreamawakener Tweets @cameronstrang @Scharen @RootAndrew
27 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I commented on @ZonderAcademic post "Barth on the Word and Scripture" http://bit.ly/fEwL57
27 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Eberhard Busch "Karl Barth did not espouse a doctrine of universal reconciliation" (i.e. universalism). Karl Barth & the Pietists, p. 305.
26 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Rob Bell @realRobBell the 8th biggest trend on Twitter because Justin Taylor @between2worlds blogs that he is a universalist. Cf @JohnPiper
26 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Where do denominations come from? I posted for my Church History students 5 denominational maps on Google Docs. http://bit.ly/eEc2qI
23 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
English Reformation joke: Why do Roman Catholics always beat Anglicans in chess? They can tell the difference between a bishop and a king.
18 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Study tricks: 20 min nap, 5 min walk, Beethoven, gum, skinny vanilla latte, green tea, almonds, seat cushion for wooden chair at coffee shop
16 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
You can now read the introduction to The Pastor: A Memoir by Eugene H. Peterson harpercollins.com/browseinside/i… which will be released Feb 22nd.
16 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I like Yoder but not his "Jeremian" phrase. See my comment @fitchest "Yoder’s Jeremian ecclesiology as the way forward" http://bit.ly/ecluna
15 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
John Flett: Barth gets lost in translation. Christians are sent and have a task, commission, and calling from God. http://bit.ly/gWlfJ8
15 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
George Hunsberger says: Barth's 'election' = Newbigin's 'purpose of God'; Barth's 'calling' = Newbigin's 'election.' http://bit.ly/gcuN2H
15 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
A sympathetic, warm review of Stanley Hauerwas's memoir Hannah's Child from @scotmcknight http://bit.ly/eVVtwP
13 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I did some parent blogging: 9 mos Allie photos; parenting tips for Durham NC; What's in the Bible/JellyTelly: http://www.andyrowell.net/kids
13 Feb

booksandculture Books & Culture
by AndyRowell
Fascinating study of the tensions between liberal & evangelical churches in the Pacific Northwest: http://ow.ly/3UF59
11 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Solid movie recommendations: 2010 Most Redeeming Films http://bit.ly/gg8vPl & Critics' Choice Awards http://bit.ly/hFqJXO from @CTmagazine
11 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Finally published: John Howard Yoder's critique of Bonhoeffer. “The Christological Presuppositions of Discipleship” in http://amzn.to/gSNtCC
10 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Here are the links to the 5 major reviews of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by @ericmetaxas http://bit.ly/gfkxsT in the last year.
8 Feb

Bunyip21 Jurgen Mark Mantzke
by AndyRowell
One last #Exodus joke: #Moses could have told the #Israelites to just protest and riot against the Egyptians, and run Pharaoh out. #Mubarak
3 Feb

Bunyip21 Jurgen Mark Mantzke
by AndyRowell
If #Moses were alive today, he'd tell #Mubarak to let himself go. Keep the people in #Egypt.
3 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Jeremy Ridenour read all of Barth's Dogmatics last year as well as a whole bunch of other theology. Robots read less. http://bit.ly/hJ9kGo
4 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
180 papers to grade this semester (30 students) for Church History: Modern European Christianity @DukeDivinity. 9 on Luther. Here we go.
2 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Fun with theologians: Don't say God & Holy Spirit; instead: "first article" & "third article" (of the Apostles' Creed). http://bit.ly/gBI83T
2 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
2011 Christianity Today @CTmagazine Book Awards: http://ht.ly/3M7fA include McGrath, Peterson, N.T. Wright, Kenda Dean and @bradley_wright
1 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Hearts & Minds Bookstore's @byronborger picks the Best Books of 2010 http://bit.ly/fv8nfQ including Metaxas, Fields, Hunter, and Yancey.
1 Feb

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I commented on "Which Missional Church?" post by @jonestony How is the term "missional church" being used recently? http://bit.ly/emfrqz
27 Jan

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Dec 2010 Last Decade Lists: Trends by @ahc, Albums by @joshjackson, Films by @brettmccracken, Books by @mafeinberg http://bit.ly/e2r2Zi
26 Jan

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I found Martin Marty's 2004 biography of Martin Luther readable, quick-paced, thoughtful and brief. Recommended. http://bit.ly/fabdhV
26 Jan

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
John Flett "Elasticity is a hallmark of the concept [the missio Dei], present at its genesis, and a function it continues to fulfill." p.157
25 Jan

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
One of my main advisors, Stanley Hauewas, has written on "Church as Mission." I'm working along similar lines. http://bit.ly/hCS31P
24 Jan

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Two books I have read recently just for fun: The 4-Hour Workweek and Social Intelligence. Neither encourage twittering. http://bit.ly/ided9a
14 Dec

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Wainwright, "Both Barth and Balthasar drew back in the end from universalism as a certainty and I think that is a wise choice."
3 Dec

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Wainwright, "Still, we can hope that all will be saved. That is a quite proper hope."
3 Dec

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Wainwright, "Universalism in the sense of 'all will in the end certainly be saved' is a heresy condemned by the fifth ecumenical council."
3 Dec

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Geoffrey Wainwright at today's last day of Christian Theology course, “I myself have to say I don’t know much about the inner life of God.”
3 Dec

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Ch. 5-7 on distractions in 4-Hour Workweek by @tferriss are thought-provoking. Most pages readable at Google Books: http://bit.ly/gY39mf
29 Nov

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
When I clean, I think of Bruce Cockburn's line "Got to kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight"–probably not what he had in mind.
26 Nov

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
At SBL, @Zondervan sold out of cool "A Reader's Hebrew and Greek Bible" http://amzn.to/eQ6xgo which gives Hebrew/Greek help in footnotes.
23 Nov

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Everyone will finally be able to access a free online solid Greek New Testament. SBLGNT http://www.sblgnt.com/ will be at http://biblia.com/
23 Nov

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Eugene Peterson's "The Pastor: A Memoir" will be released in February 2011. http://amzn.to/aNNoB0
10 Nov

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I posted advice about exploring Karl Barth's ecclesiology in Church Dogmatics IV.2 67.4 "The Order of the Community” http://bit.ly/bYtBFQ
9 Nov

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Occupational hazards. As a pastor, everyone grades you. As a professor, you have to grade everyone's papers. Pick your poison.
7 Nov

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Fall back–time to change your clocks.
6 Nov

edstetzer Ed Stetzer
by AndyRowell
One of the unintended consequences of “church excellence” is it can attract "consumers of excellence." #WFX
3 Nov

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
The list of textbooks for the Spring 2011 courses at @dukedivinity are now online at http://www.divinity.duke.edu/academics/course-schedule
3 Nov

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Brad East gives us some highlights from AAR this weekend. http://bit.ly/bhOZmj
2 Nov

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
@sheddenm Yes, "fresh expresssions of church" is Church of England language for church planting. CofE try to do it & minimize divisiveness.
2 Nov

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I'm thinking about how Church of England guidelines for "fresh expressions of church" http://bit.ly/aWLJjD might be adapted for free church.
2 Nov

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Elijah Wade Smith appreciated the rebuke from Hipster Christianity by @brettmccracken See the review at http://ow.ly/19KVNa @Transpositions
2 Nov

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Today the updated translation of the NIV & Translators' Notes are online at http://www.biblegateway.com/ replacing 1984 NIV and 2005 TNIV.
1 Nov

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
"crucial": cross-shaped 18th cent; that decides between rival hypotheses, decisive 19th cent. The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology.
31 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Here is the iTunes link for @dukedivinity Oct 2010 Convocation & Pastors' School with N.T. Wright @realrobbell & @ahc http://bit.ly/bXFDK0
28 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
@ericaustinlee @geoffholsclaw Hays had said in Echoes that Paul has "ecclesiocentric hermeneutic" but later says "ecclesiotelic" is better.
28 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I admit it. I have had lots of joy preparing for preliminary exams in theology last Friday and New Testament tomorrow. Heartburn of Lk 24:32
28 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
@geoffholsclaw Responding to apocalypticism of Beker, Hays grants "ecclesiocentric" not right–instead "ecclesiotelic": God forms a people.
28 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
@geoffholsclaw asks "ecclesiocentric apocalypticism?" @dwcongdon says no. Richard Hays says "Perhaps 'ecclesiotelic.'" http://bit.ly/bmCoOc
28 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Kavin Rowe's book World Upside Down on the book of Acts is a delight–exegetical, theological, courageous and lots of MacIntyre and Taylor.
27 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I commented on "The Singularity of Jesus & the Mission of the Church: An Interview with Nathan Kerr" http://bit.ly/d7TyTE @theotherjournal
27 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
When carrying out the "carefrontation" process of Mt 18:15-20, it is important that all of Mt 18 (4th discourse) be taken into account.
26 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
My blog comments about Barth:(1) how to read CD http://bit.ly/bgwIoV (2) church/kingdom http://bit.ly/9R2363 (3) church http://bit.ly/drNJEM
26 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
James K.A. Smith sees similarities: "Theology and Race: A 'Duke School?'" http://bit.ly/dqKdnb @DukeDivinity @jkameroncarter @BrianBantum
22 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
"Schools of Thought: Choosing a graduate program in theology" by R.R. Reno in First Things http://bit.ly/bexd9V @rofters
20 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Is Wheaton College the Top School in America? First Things thinks so. http://bit.ly/avVts5 @rofters
20 Oct

roflyer Ry Siggelkow
by AndyRowell
Hijacking Bonhoeffer | The Christian Century – http://goo.gl/Ldx7
19 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I read the quotes that Wheaton College English prof Alan Jacobs @ayjay highlights at http://ayjay.tumblr.com/ more than any other blog.
19 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
The 6 hour documentary from PBS #GodinAmerica can be watched online at http://to.pbs.org/duex30 See Oct 12-13 tweets by @jkameroncarter
18 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Reaction to opening session of Lausanne Congress: @skye_jethani http://bit.ly/9y4h0r & @tallskinnykiwi Andrew Jones http://bit.ly/9FV9xU
18 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Though it is dry, Missional Church (1998) edited by Darrell Guder et al. is still the gold standard textbook introduction to ecclesiology.
16 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I wrote a long comment arguing for the similarity of Hauerwas and Barth on mission, church, formation, and witness. http://bit.ly/9QsJn4
14 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
For evangelicals suspicious of Karl Barth, consider this soaring paragraph from the last pages of his Church Dogmatics. http://bit.ly/bgE3dU
12 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Both "Whoever is not for us is against us" (Luke 11:23)–we are right & "Whoever is not against us is for us" (Luke 9:50)–many on rt track.
10 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Though I have read a lot of stuff since my M.Div. @RegentCollege, I still think it is hard to beat Gordon Fee or Eugene Peterson.
9 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Lots of theological tweets because I have my theology "preliminary" (or "comprehensive" exam) Oct 22 and my New Testament one Oct 29.
9 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Though evangelical biblical scholars assume supersessionism, many do great biblical theology showing continuity btw OT and NT people of God.
9 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Lindbeck says Christians are "honorary Jews"–part of a "Jewish sect." Yoder says of Judaism & Christianity divide "It Did Not Have to Be."
9 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I think most evangelicals are unaware that most postliberals are against supersessionism. Barth, Newbigin, Yoder & Lindbeck use Rom 9-11.
9 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Highly talented people in the church bring great benefits and cause great injuries. C.K. Barrett http://bit.ly/aVLAbt
9 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
A church that rejects the gifts of leadership will greatly impoverish itself but the worldly way destroys. C.K. Barrett http://bit.ly/cLWids
9 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
The Church's shape differs as did Israel in the wilderness, under judges and kings, and in exile. Lindbeck, Church in a Postliberal Age, 157
8 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Good article @CTmagazine on David Crowder's worship conference from my fellow Th.D. student @DukeDivinity David Taylor. http://bit.ly/cVENje
8 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Lindbeck's Nature of Doctrine is similar to Newbigin's Open Secret, MacIntyre's 3 Rival Versions, Hauerwas's With the Grain, & McClendon v3.
7 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Liked George Lindbeck's The Nature of Doctrine (1984) but the genre is odd–meandering theology, sociology, philosophy and world religions.
7 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Deciphering George Lindbeck's “The Story-Shaped Church: Critical Exegesis and Theological Interpretation.” Readable at http://bit.ly/cG5wv3
6 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I have blogged about the brand new D.Min. (Doctor of Ministry) program at @DukeDivinity See http://bit.ly/DukeDMin
6 Oct

DukeDivinity Duke Divinity School
by AndyRowell
Listen to AEHS “Fathoming an Archbishop: What is Rowan Williams Up To?” panel discussion. http://bit.ly/9aVwUR
5 Oct

winncollier winncollier
by AndyRowell
Hauerwas, Vanhoozer, Hunsinger, Yong, Coakley, et. al. give their essential theology books of the past 25 years http://tinyurl.com/2dq99tp
5 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
From whom did Nazi-resister theologian Ernst Käsemann learn the power of the gospel? His youth pastor Wilhelm Weigle. http://bit.ly/depKeH
5 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Only those who are still learning are fit to teach and only those who teach others are fit to learn. Ernst Käsemann http://bit.ly/c5k4iW
5 Oct

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I finally downloaded @Dropbox to backup and access files. 2GB free. It took all of 3 minutes to set up. It is about time I did this.
30 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
My response piece "Barth’s Growing Appreciation for Bonhoeffer" is up at the Karl Barth Blog Conference http://bit.ly/98KtM9
29 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Barth on writing, "begin with a certain audacity to write (without reflection whether what you write is new or good)." http://bit.ly/9Ho3C6
27 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
The 3 week long Karl Barth Blog Conference (KBBC) begins today at http://derevth.blogspot.com/ Look for my piece on Barth & Bonhoeffer.
26 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Barth, "Christians are not naive children led astray by wicked rascals. They themselves are wicked rascals." http://bit.ly/cGjME0
24 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Barth on the Church in the world: "Better something over-bold & therefore in need of forgiveness, than nothing at all!" http://bit.ly/b6Xb19
24 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Barth describes 6 ministries of action: (7) Prayer, (8) Cure of souls, (9) Examples, (10) Diaconate, (11) Prophetic action, (12) Fellowship.
24 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Barth describes 6 ministries of speech:(1) Praise, (2) Preaching, (3) Instruction, (4) Evangelisation, (5) Foreign Missions, (6) Theology.
24 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I'm reading Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics IV.3.2 pp. 865-901. He names 12 forms of ministry: 6 speech. 6 action. http://bit.ly/aVjfCk
24 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
My @booksandculture review of "Christians are Hate Filled Hypocrites . . ." by @bradley_wright just got posted online: http://bit.ly/cNxMDT
23 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
@fitchest Barth:To attest the Gospel by portraying Jesus Christ to people is the task of the church. IV.3.2 p.810 http://bit.ly/9QoaoH
22 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
@fitchest I am going over Hauerwas's With the Grain of the Universe for prep for prelims with H. I think H., Yoder & Barth are very close.
22 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
@fitchest Barth: "It is impossible to be called to be a Christian and not to be called into the Church." IV.3.2 p. 681 http://bit.ly/9xyNbI
22 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
1301 DMin degrees were completed at ATS schools in 2009. ATS 2009-2010 data tables p.61. http://bit.ly/97TrLu
14 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Assistant Professor average salaries: 4 year Public 59K; 4 year Private 62K; ATS Schools 54K. ATS 2009-2010 data p.82. http://bit.ly/97TrLu
14 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
In the USA in 2009, MDiv degrees were completed by 4,444 men and 2,038 women. ATS 2009-2010 data tables p.62. http://bit.ly/97TrLu
14 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
401 ThD/PhD degrees were completed at ATS schools in 2009. ATS 2009-2010 data tables p.61. http://bit.ly/97TrLu
14 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
In 2009 in USA, there were 20,835 MDiv students at Protestant schools and 2,170 at Roman Catholic schools. ATS p.25, 27 http://bit.ly/97TrLu
14 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
195 schools in the USA offer MDiv. ATS 2009-2010 data tables p.16 http://bit.ly/97TrLu
14 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
The average salary for a full-time faculty member at a seminary in the USA: $62-64,000. ATS 2009-2010 data table p.80. http://bit.ly/97TrLu
14 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Fuller is the largest seminary in North America. Southern Baptist Convention seminaries take 5 of the top 10 spots. http://bit.ly/99zdTf
14 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
My Christianity Today @ctmagazine interview with Stanley Hauerwas @DukeDivinity just got posted. http://bit.ly/HauerwasInterview
9 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I give a big update on what I've been up to: Prelims and Precepting, Barth and Birthday, Friends and Family at my blog http://bit.ly/cI1VOU
5 Sep

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Full churches impress. An empty church is regarded as an indication of the pure Gospel. But neither factor = truth. Barth http://ow.ly/2wX86
30 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
God's holiness is not given to the Church as an umbrella under which it can rest but as a pillar of cloud and fire. Barth http://ow.ly/2wUkq
30 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Six Keys to Being Excellent at Anything @HarvardBiz http://s.hbr.org/aFH0tF Do the hardest work first. HT David Taylor http://bit.ly/99DZdA
30 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I agree with "Reading Is Not a Skill" @chronicle argument that “domain knowledge” is crucial for reading comprehension. http://bit.ly/c527eg
29 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Dan Meyer: Math class needs a makeover @tedtalks video http://bit.ly/9PJgpX reminds me when teaching theology to ask Q's & be slow to speak.
26 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Theology professor @JKameron Carter of @DukeDivinity on memoir "Jesus Land" he is using to kick off Christology course http://bit.ly/a2hj2Q
25 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
The Jesus Creed blog of @scotmcknight is moving websites so update your RSS feeds: http://ow.ly/2uT8q
25 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
He who takes pleasure in divisions may be a good Roman Catholic, Reformed, Orthodox, or Baptist but not a good Christian. (Barth, IV.1, 676)
25 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
On church unity: "we must quote word for word Eph 4:1-7 because it says in nuce [in a nutshell] all that has to be said." (Barth, IV.1, 668)
25 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
"The Church *is* when it takes place that God lets certain men live as His servants, His friends, His children." (Barth, IV.1, 650).
25 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
On conversion stories: They are undoubtedly the person's insights and decisions, but one should simply be thankful. (Barth, IV.1, 646).
25 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
The Holy Spirit is the "doctor veritatis [teacher of truth]" (Tertullian), the "digitus Dei [finger of God]" (Augustine) (Barth, IV.1, 645).
25 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Open Faculty Positions in Christian Theology http://bit.ly/XianTheo and Theological Ethics http://bit.ly/TheoEthics @DukeDivinity
23 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Great post "32 Christian Twitter Guidelines " last Monday by Stuff Christians Like's @prodigaljohn (Jon Acuff). http://bit.ly/bYoOQY
23 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Great practical advice for new doctoral students. http://chronicle.com/blogPost/An-Open-Letter-to-New-Graduate/26326/ @chronicle
21 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
John Wilson's critique of @brettmccracken on @booksandculture website. http://bit.ly/bIklEo @ahc concurs @scotmcknight says too harsh
20 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Fuller's Daniel Kirk and DTS's Daniel Wallace talking inerrancy at: http://bit.ly/aL9OYX and Truett's Roger Olsen at http://bit.ly/cbUjSu
20 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Aug cover stories @CTmagazine on Beth Moore: http://bit.ly/bTAP6Y & http://bit.ly/bbBJDM Response by Moore's daughter: http://bit.ly/dk5QHq
18 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
"Christianity sustained its first fracture when the emperor became a Christian." John Howard Yoder? Nope–Kierkegaard. http://bit.ly/b79Y00
16 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
@dwcongdon vs.@geoffholsclaw @ericaustinlee @adalehunt similar to Bonhoeffer's fears of Barth's reactionary churchiness http://bit.ly/pangri
16 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
@dwcongdon plays Bonhoeffer w/ @ericaustinlee @adalehunt as Barth in reenactment of argument over worldliness vs. churchiness (Pangritz 18).
16 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Revised my post My Favorite Bibles for Kids ages 2-5 http://www.andyrowell.net/kids/2010/04/my-favorite-bibles-for-kids.html
11 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Jim Collins in HTMF says companies fail more often from overreaching than complacency. Churches too fail when they despise the basics.
11 Aug

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
My post "13 Ecclesiology Conversations: Making sense of the Guilds, Silos and Books" is reposted @scotmcknight blog http://bit.ly/clcXgJ
26 Jul

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Hauerwas, "Much of the child care fell to me. I have never regretted that it did so. Adam was a delight." Hannah's Child, 89.
22 Jul

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Hauerwas: It did not occur to me that I needed blocks to time to write. Give me 30 min. here or there, and I could get something done. HC 86
22 Jul

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Lots of people liked Inception: Baptist pastor @MattChandler74 Duke NT professor @goodacre Nottingham Ph.D. theology student @ericaustinlee
19 Jul

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
@Christianbook has $99 deal for Barth's Church Dogmatics (the old edition) but even better: $349 deal for new edition. http://bit.ly/b0Qrb5
17 Jul

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I commented about choosing a church at a post by @david_a_zimmerm Between Churches: Excursus on Mission http://bit.ly/cMsj15
15 Jul

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Few manage this. W. Travis McMaken. Reflections on Reading Barth's 'Church Dogmatics 4' in its Entirety in 3 wks. http://bit.ly/c9xb4r
14 Jul

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Reviewed Brad Wright's new book (July 1st) Christians Are Hate-Filled Hypocrites http://bit.ly/9YLFCC @scotmcknight @johnortberg @edstetzer
10 Jul

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I am somewhat relational for a theologian-type but John Maxwell' "Everyone Communicates, Few Connect" still convicting. http://bit.ly/bq64Pa
9 Jul

ahc Andy Crouch
by AndyRowell
"Thank you, Mom & Dad, for being brave… because of you I did not get that scholarship." @mbhohorst praises slow parenting http://ow.ly/29bHU
9 Jul

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Reading David H. Kelsey's “On Human Flourishing: A Theocentric Perspective” for Duke's Theology & Ethics Colloquium http://bit.ly/aErLgZ
7 Jul

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
A couple days ago, I commented (#33) on @ScotMcKnight & @fitchest discussion of sociology data about evangelicals. http://bit.ly/atIcxR.
7 Jul

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
A fun post by Tim Keel reporting on N.T. Wright's comments "On PhDs and Myers-Briggs Types." http://bit.ly/9b62Sq / I am more N than S.
7 Jul

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Hauerwas was presented with a festschrift at the Ecclesia Project last night, D. W. Horstkoetter reports. http://bit.ly/9W5dBk
7 Jul

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Compare deep-reading and speed-reading comments by @johnortberg http://bit.ly/arK55D and Andy Crouch @ahc http://bit.ly/cb1gKK
30 Jun

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
James K.A.Smith http://bit.ly/emergentecclesiology & David Fitch @fitchest http://bit.ly/FitchonRollins linking @PeterRollins w/ Prov Theses
28 Jun

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
University of Chicago's Don Browning, author of Fundamental Practical Theology, died June 3. http://bit.ly/doIFMf
25 Jun

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Audio from 2009 @emergentvillage Theological Conversation with Jürgen Moltmann now online. http://www.emergentvillage.com/podcast/
25 Jun

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Gary M. Simpson qualitative research recommendations: Grounded theory by Charmaz, Qualitative Interviewing by Rubin, and Narrative Inquiry.
21 Jun

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
At American Society of Missiology, lots of Ph.D. students from Luther Seminary, Boston University School of Theology, Asbury, and Fuller.
19 Jun

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Sad to miss Barth conference this week http://bit.ly/BarthConf but look forward to reading John Flett's new book. http://amzn.to/Flett
19 Jun

CTmagazine Christianity Today
by AndyRowell
Find out why Frederica Mathewes-Green gives Toy Story 3 five stars http://bit.ly/b099LL
18 Jun

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I have learned at ASM that Paul Hiebert is the consensus choice for introductions to anthropology. http://amzn.to/HiebertBooks
19 Jun

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
My German friend recommends Wilfried Härle's "Dogmatik" and "Wachsen gegen den Trend"; Christoph Schwöbel; and Eberhard Jüngel.
19 Jun

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Another friend recommended UK's Stuart Murray. He has new book: "Planting Churches in the 21st Century" http://amzn.to/plantingchurches
19 Jun

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
My Russian friend recommends Georges Florovsky and Sergei Bulgakov for those interested in 20th century Russian Orthodox theology.
19 Jun

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Regent College grads at ASM: Sam Law (Ph.D. Asbury), David Leong (Ph.D. Fuller; SPU prof); Scott Hagley (Ph.D. Luther), me (Th.D. Duke).
19 Jun

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
The article "Is God Colorblind or Colorful?" by Miriam Adney recommended at ASM. See it at http://www.missionfrontiers.org/latestissue.html
19 Jun

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
George Hunsberger recommended I read "Rooted in Jesus Christ: Towards a Radical Ecclesiology" by Daniel Izuzquiza http://amzn.to/Izuzquiza
18 Jun

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I commented on dueling heady discussions about ecclesiology and mission at http://bit.ly/KerrSiggDoerge and http://bit.ly/LongHolsclawSmith
9 Jun

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Arrived yesterday: a very fine June cover story @CTmagazine by @edstetzer argues for advantages of denominations. Not yet available online.
5 Jun

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
My new book review of Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas is up this morning at @booksandculture online. See http://bit.ly/booksandculturebonhoeffer
4 Jun

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
See my book recommendation: Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas http://bit.ly/BonhoefferMetaxas
20 May

adalehunt Tony Hunt
by AndyRowell
"We have these positions and those; what we need is a third or middle way; mine is that way" – by By-Pretty-Much-Everyone
19 May

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Got 13 pieces of mail from lawyers today (Tues) and 2 from spine practices after car got hit on Sunday. Our society is messed up.
18 May

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Had my car totaled while parked at Starbucks. http://www.andyrowell.net/kids/2010/05/totaled-in-the-parking-lot-at-starbucks.html
16 May

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Busy day. New baby and online @CTmagazine piece http://bit.ly/duAe1g about pastors resigning after book success. I also commented.
6 May 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Alice "Allie" Madelyn Rowell was born at 1:29 am this morning. Mom and baby are doing well. http://www.andyrowell.net/kids/ .
6 May 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
@JimBelcher joins the ranks of Francis Chan @PeterRollins @AlanHirsch @BrianMcLaren who left church they planted after book-writing success.
4 May 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
This NYTMag article about people obsessively/curiously keeping track of personal behavior is very thought provoking. http://nyti.ms/cyJepe
1 May 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I have series on music, books, and toys our boys (5 and 2 years old) have enjoyed on our Rowell Kids blog. http://www.andyrowell.net/kids/
30 Apr 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I commented on a post by @scotmcknight on James Davidson Hunter's book To Change the World http://bit.ly/9CxUxA
30 Apr 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I commented on the post by @tallskinnykiwi on Jeremy Begbie's theological assessment of the Emerging Church movement. http://bit.ly/9Sb9IJ
30 Apr 10

ivpress InterVarsity Press
by AndyRowell
Know anyone looking for a job? We've got three positions open! http://ow.ly/1EPqB
29 Apr 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Sociologist Christian Smith on Karl Barth and sociology http://bit.ly/9rSMor via @ayjay @booksandculture Subscribers: http://bit.ly/cUE8VZ
29 Apr 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Audio of Stanley Hauerwas interview with America Magazine http://bit.ly/bvLMNj about his memoir released two weeks ago http://amzn.to/cQH6u3
29 Apr 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
For a year much talk @DukeDivinity about Atheist Delusions by David Bentley Hart. Now see his big essay in First Things http://bit.ly/bcYh6d
28 Apr 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Wheaton Theology Conference 2011 info is not yet online. It is April 7-9, 2011. Theme: Global Theology in Evangelical Perspective.
27 Apr 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
NT Wright (61) is moving Aug 31 from Bishop of Durham http://bit.ly/d3z3Ci to take chair at St. Andrews (Scotland). http://bit.ly/bv464M
27 Apr 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Hauerwas, Cross-Shattered Church, 9. If you can only read a little H., read this book, Cross-Shattered Christ, Disrupting Time, or Matthew.
26 Apr 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Sixty percent of Duke undergraduates have never engaged in sexual intercourse. http://bit.ly/c3bTQI
26 Apr 10

ahc Andy Crouch
by AndyRowell
"How Not to Change the World"—my review of James Davison Hunter's new book at Books & Culture: http://ow.ly/1Cg4F
23 Apr 10

ahc Andy Crouch
by AndyRowell
"So you need a typeface. . . . handwritten, not too fancy . . . Are you alone?" "Yes." "Okay then, come with me." http://ow.ly/1BGyr
22 Apr 10

CTmagazine Christianity Today
by AndyRowell
Downloadable audio files for NT Wright-focused Wheaton Theology Conference here: http://tinyurl.com/y3ydukr
18 Apr 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
My Wheaton Theology Conference reflection: "N. T. Wright, Richard Hays, and Karl Barth on Scripture and Tradition." http://bit.ly/crmnVN
17 Apr 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Hays wants to unmask assumptions and outchurch opponents with beauty; Wright wants to recover the Bible and outargue opponents with reason.
17 Apr 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
RB Hays vs. NT Wright today. My theory: Hays concerned about liberal Christianity and secularism; Wright about fundamentalism and atheists.
17 Apr 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Calvin Festival of Faith & Writing, Wheaton Theology Conference, Together for the Gospel–all this week–suggest range of evangelicalism.
14 Apr 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
If you're going, you should see my Resources for Wheaton Theology Conference on N. T. Wright. http://bit.ly/9Ov09M
10 Apr 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Some 2010 conferences worth considering: APT, Wheaton, AETE, ASM, Barth, Duke, AAR, ETS, and SBL. http://bit.ly/bjKq2F
8 Apr 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
See the required textbooks for Fall 2010 Duke Divinity School courses. http://bit.ly/dcNWPI
8 Apr 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Barth Conference: “The Church Is As Such A Missionary Church”: Barth as a ‘Missional’ Theologian. PTS June 20-23, 2010. http://bit.ly/ds51kh
8 Apr 10

praxishabitus Gerardo Martí
by AndyRowell
Tenure note: 1975 to 2003, positions occupied by tenured and tenure-track faculty members fell from 56.8% to 35.1% http://ow.ly/1uNQM
5 Apr 10

DukeDivinity Duke Divinity School
by AndyRowell
Join us for Convocation & Pastors’ School 2010, featuring N.T. Wright, Rob Bell, Andy Crouch, and Vashti McKenzie. http://bit.ly/agKbz7
2 Apr 10

JohnPiper John Piper
by AndyRowell
Why I asked our elders for an 8-month leave of absence. No preaching, no books, no blogs, no tweets. http://ow.ly/1rM37
28 Mar 10

donmilleris Donald Miller
by AndyRowell
Read These Seven Books and You'll be a Better Writer: http://donmilleris.com/
24 Mar 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Steven Pearlstein recommends http://bit.ly/dkokNZ Michael Lewis's The Big Short http://bit.ly/dtRZw1 about greed, competency, and deceit.
13 Mar 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Paul J. Griffiths, Duke Div professor of Catholic Theology, rightly reminds us few of us need to know much on the news. http://bit.ly/an4VEy
11 Mar 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
"Rabbit's clever. And he has a Brain . . . I suppose that that's why he never understands anything." Piglet & Pooh http://bit.ly/cbbAqb p295
11 Mar 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
#1 NYT article rightly argues teaching is an art that can be learned from master teachers but misses imp of community. http://nyti.ms/aSK4gl
7 Mar 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Fellow theologians, the AAR deadline for proposals has been extended a week through March 8th. No need to stay up until midnight tonight.
1 Mar 10

booksandculture Books & Culture
by AndyRowell
The long-awaited redesigned Books & Culture website is now live. Please let us know what you think. http://bit.ly/dvU8CR
26 Feb 10

ahc Andy Crouch
by AndyRowell
RT @alissamarie: Books & Culture's looking fiiiine . . . http://www.booksandculture.com/
26 Feb 10

agnologist Davey Henreckson
by AndyRowell
Hays vs. Biggar. Just war vs. non-violence in SCE: http://bit.ly/bkFz9b
25 Feb 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Great advice from Anna Blanch for Ph.D. students trying to stay sane. http://bit.ly/97B8tU
23 Feb 10

CTmagazine Christianity Today
by AndyRowell
Breaking: Philip Ryken Named Wheaton College's Next President http://bit.ly/97wqhp
20 Feb 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Christianity Today critics (@CTEntertainment) name Most Redeeming Films http://bit.ly/a9Hxyy and Critics' Choice Awards http://bit.ly/a2WB2q
18 Feb 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Great article from Telford Work in Theology Today 2001 evaluating the VeggieTales (which my boys ages 4 and 2 love). http://bit.ly/cm7j9m
17 Feb 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I found Eugene McCarraher's 3-part interview with @theotherjournal scathing, dazzling, and thought-provoking http://bit.ly/cf9zZF
13 Feb 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
See Sept 2009 review by @scotmcknight which praises @DukeDivinity Joel Marcus's magisterial Mark commentary. http://bit.ly/aURFWV
11 Feb 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Andy Crouch @ahc reviews Wuthnow and Noll books that argue the decline of American Christianity is exaggerated. http://bit.ly/b9dJvF
10 Feb 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Karl Barth, "Is not the term 'Systematic Theology' as paradoxical as a 'wooden iron?'" Dogmatics in Outline, 5. Online: http://bit.ly/99fE9c
7 Feb 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Outstanding Feb 2010 issue of @CTmagazine arrived in the mail yesterday. Great stuff on sports, M. Robinson, hunger, best books, and music.
5 Feb 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Remembering Dietrich Bonhoeffer's birthday–reading his letters from Feb 4, 1944 (LPP p. 208)–he greatly valued "exacting friendship."
4 Feb 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I have a new blogpost about the 25th anniversary issue of the journal Modern Theology. http://bit.ly/bYqvqg
3 Feb 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Chris Smith of @ERBks has written a new eBook with 50 practical and thought-provoking ideas for churches. Free at http://is.gd/7jFEX
30 Jan 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
#1 emailed story at NYTimes.com: The Web Way to Learn a Language http://bit.ly/dnC1L9 I too like Rosetta Stone http://bit.ly/mO9fv
28 Jan 10

DukeDivinity Duke Divinity School
by AndyRowell
Dean L. Gregory Jones to step down at the end of the academic year for a new post at Duke. http://bit.ly/9ugapG
27 Jan 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Greg Jones will be senior advisor for international strategy for Duke University. Hays will be 2 yr interim dean while search is going on.
27 Jan 10

j_andersen Jonathan Andersen
by AndyRowell
Greg Jones to step down as Dean from Duke Divinity School March 1 & Dr. Richard Hays will be named Dean for a 2 year interim.
27 Jan 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Our baby due in May is a girl. We're excited. http://www.andyrowell.net/kids/2010/01/our-baby-due-in-may-is-a-girl.html
24 Jan 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Andrew Chignell, professor at Cornell, argues a new Wheaton College president should give faculty more wiggle room. http://bit.ly/6GHduN
14 Jan 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Fantastic 2009 books of the year awards by Hearts & Minds Bookstore (Dallastown, PA) owner @byronborger http://bit.ly/8NBJX8
13 Jan 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
A new interview with my adviser Richard B. Hays about his background, influences, and work http://bit.ly/7qYwbM
9 Jan 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Books I have been reading over the holidays: Cahn, Foss and Waters, Smith, Gladwell, Willimon, Miller-McLemore, Lewis http://bit.ly/6c0mnZ
9 Jan 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
New widgets for iGoogle.com: WSJ, NYT, Daily Beast, Weather Channel, WashPost, HuffPost. Go to "Add Stuff." Screenshot: http://bit.ly/4KsNtH
6 Jan 10

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Josh Rowley names best theology books of the decade: Long, Roxburgh, Placher, Broyles, Hooker, Wright, Walsh/Keesmat. http://bit.ly/86DAqm
31 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
A new interview with Stanley Hauerwas on leadership–a good glimpse into his wisdom, depth and warmth @faithleadership http://bit.ly/4y6Fyj
23 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Best Books Lists of 2009 http://bit.ly/66BKTc by Ben Myers @FaithTheology and @scotmcknight http://bit.ly/6tLSWV
21 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Movies that look fun and quality: in theaters: Avatar, Invictus, Fantastic Mr. Fox; on DVD: Julie and Julia. Up, Proposal & Earth were good.
20 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I commented on the article in The American Spectator entitled "Stanley Hauerwas's America" http://bit.ly/4PcAm0
19 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Just registered for the Wheaton Theology Conference April 16-17 with N.T. Wright (and Hays, Begbie, Vanhoozer, et al.) http://bit.ly/6CB0X5
18 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
After ch 3, I am loving Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell. Makes me think about parenting and habits. http://bit.ly/68QIty
18 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
A delightful day in the life of a pastor story by @pastorjdgreear about last night's accident with a truck with toys http://bit.ly/VsJaX
18 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
A very fine piece by @JasonByassee @faithleadership on Jaroslav Pelikan, creeds, and the work of the Spirit http://bit.ly/8jCtTy
18 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
"I like old Barth. He throws the furniture around." Flannery O'Connor. Letter to Brainard Cheney, 1963. http://bit.ly/7vQBHJ p. 181
18 Dec 09

dwcongdon David Congdon
by AndyRowell
RT @roflyer: Hauerwas' response to Obama's Nobel speech: http://bit.ly/7iyfDq
16 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I think Obama got the Christian just war tradition mostly right. H and S stress Christians primarily need to be proactive in peacemaking.
15 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Watch the 37 min. Dec. 10 Nobel Lecture by Obama on just war http://bit.ly/60eDlF and then listen to Hauerwas & Stassen http://bit.ly/5Y0wJa
15 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Google Wave as Group Sermon Preparation Tool @jonestony @DGShroyer @dalecarter http://bit.ly/7Kuscr Cf. Free for All http://bit.ly/8IJdwY
15 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
7 reasons I like John Howard Yoder and 7 new John Howard Yoder Books. http://bit.ly/6BJx2n
12 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
@GStephanopoulos received his master's degree in theology from Balliol College, Oxford University 1984. His father is Greek Orthodox priest.
11 Dec 09

faithleadership Faith & Leadership
by AndyRowell
John W. Kuykendall: Institutional leaders shouldn't say “my” church, faculty or institution, but “the church’s.” http://bit.ly/4A1t7n
8 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Celebrating Lesslie Newbigin's 100th Birthday Today with 10 Things You Probably Did Not Know About Him. See my post: http://bit.ly/6G766d
8 Dec 09

MaryShore Mary Hinkle Shore
by AndyRowell
What professors wish students knew about grading: http://tinyurl.com/ykcp8wx.
4 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Dan Wallace bemoans the prejudice against Dallas Theological Seminary graduates in Ph.D. admissions. 402 comments! http://bit.ly/87aSqx
3 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I commented on David Fitch's “You Must Admit You Are A Sinner!”: Why This Doesn’t Work in Post Christendom Evangelism http://bit.ly/5ipQxV
2 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I commented on Tim Keller's post "The Country Parson" http://bit.ly/6pFybV in which he recommends being a solo rural small church pastor.
2 Dec 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I made 2 comments about Hauerwas's Matthew Brazos Theological Commentary and Richard Hays at a post by Joel Willitts http://bit.ly/5szush
28 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I share a number of ways you can hear what is going on with Stanley Hauerwas at my post Memoir and Movies http://bit.ly/8PrFma
27 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I commented about Barth the pastor and Willimon the bishop at @ERBKS Brief Review: The Early Preaching of Karl Barth http://bit.ly/6XFIm5
27 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I recommend Up (rated PG)–out on DVD–the most joyful and beautiful film I have seen in a long time. http://bit.ly/8ih9oq
25 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I have now posted yesterday's Audio from SBL Deliverance of God session with Campbell, Gorman, Moo and Torrance http://bit.ly/5MEb5M #SBL09
24 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Audio from SBL: Gaventa, Hays and Gorman on "Romans as Christian Theology" http://bit.ly/6k8ZiN #SBL09
22 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Coming on May 15, 2010. "Hannah's Child: A Theologian's Memoir" by Stanley Hauerwas (Eerdmans). http://bit.ly/2NQDEw H/T Andy Goodliff
18 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Moo, Torrance, Gorman and Campbell said I can record and post SBL session on The Deliverance of God. http://bit.ly/38LqJE
16 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
John Flett is right. "Barth's theology underlies the missio Dei? No such connection exists." http://bit.ly/3CeVKr and http://bit.ly/2WlLXQ
15 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I highly recommend the audio of Will Willimon's workshop "Keeping Preaching Fresh." http://bit.ly/3DWGFJ or iTunes link http://bit.ly/bljXv
15 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Great interview with the interviewer Ken Myers. His thoughts on music are particularly provocative. http://bit.ly/SdjPW
15 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I tried to explain Hauerwas to people at the post @FaithTheology "Ask Hauerwas a question" http://bit.ly/nNIId
14 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
See the great post by Mark @Goodacre "How to enjoy SBL" http://bit.ly/yAbMN I gave my advice at http://bit.ly/1AbGTu #SBL09
14 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
My Guide to the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting 2009 http://bit.ly/1AbGTu #SBL09
13 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
Skye Jethani has put together a list of Church Leader / Celebrity Look Alikes. You don't want to miss it. http://bit.ly/ixWMS
10 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I made a comment on the post by Andy Crouch @ahc about the #9 most pop story at NYTimes about Kiva microfinance. http://bit.ly/3xUrqC
9 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I responded to comment by @JasonByassee @faithleadership about what evangelicals and mainliners think of each other http://bit.ly/2oKorb
9 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
I commented on "Twitter Theology" by @ScotMcKnight @OutofUr http://bit.ly/1S318C saying we should ask ourselves "Does it build up?"
9 Nov 09

AndyRowell Andy Rowell
See all of the early reviews of Douglas Campbell's The Deliverance of God–the most talked about book in NT right now. http://bit.ly/38LqJE
8 Nov 09 Favorite Reply Delete