Author: Andy Rowell

  • Nonfiction Audiobooks from the Library

    I have listed some audiobooks from the library I have recently listened to, and then some more I have just requested.

    In addition to CD's, audiobooks may be available in a downloadable format for 7-14 days through your library through downloadable eBook services like: Recorded Books One-Click Audio, Ingram Digital's MyiLibrary Audio Book Platform, or Audiobooks from Overdrive.

    Audiobooks I have recently listened to:

    Fascinating and fresh.  Makes you think differently about food–meticulously researched and wonderfully written.  5 out of 5 stars. 



    Brief and engaging story about George Washington's army losing and winning battles at the beginning of the war for independence.  5 out of 5 stars.



    Relatively engaging story of the friendship between Churchill and Roosevelt during World War II and the events they directed.  4 out of 5 stars.



    Engaging argument about talent and most of the research stands up to critical review. Cf.  4 out of 5 stars. See my reflections at: A few theological reflections on the pursuit of greatness, excellence, success, and parenting



    Relatively engaging overview of how Britain outsmarted the Germans before and during the air battle over Britain in World War II.   4 out of 5 stars. 




    The fictional characters distract from and muddle the research–I was almost put off enough to quit it–but very interesting factoids and lots of people are talking about this book–e.g. Andy Crouch and James K. A. Smith–so I am sticking with it.  4 out of 5 stars.



    Thought-provoking and fairly brief about a motorcycle mechanic who has a Ph.D. in philosophy and how he thinks about manual work.  4 out of 5 stars. 



    Good portraits of Stalin and Hitler and how they faced off.  4 out of 5 stars. 



    Interesting reflections on poetry, short stories, Shakespeare and more from a Yale professor of English but not something that is easy to finish.  4 out of 5 stars.



    A decent introduction to Shakespeare but moves too slowly for an audiobook.  3 out of 5 stars.




    I couldn't make it through the long descriptions but the story about zookeepers in Warsaw, Poland who resist the Nazis is worth telling.  3 out of 5 stars. 



    Audiobooks Requested from the Library:

    59 seconds [sound recording] [think a little, change a lot] / Richard Wiseman.


    Aristotle's children [sound recording] : [how Christians, Muslims, and Jews rediscovered wisdom and illuminated the Dark Ages] / by Richard E. Rubenstein.
    by Rubenstein, Richard E.

    Collapse [sound recording] : [how societies choose to fail or succeed] / Jared Diamond.
    by Diamond, Jared M.

    Gandhi & Churchill [sound recording] / by Arthur Herman.
    by Herman, Arthur, 1956-

    Green metropolis [sound recording] : [what the city can teach the country about true sustainability] / David Owen.
    by Owen, David, 1955-


    Guns, germs, and steel [sound recording] : [the fates of human societies] / Jared Diamond.
    by Diamond, Jared M.

    One L [sound recording] [the turbulent true story of a first year at Harvard Law School] / by Scott Turow ; [with a new introduction by and interview with the author.]
    by Turow, Scott.

    Paris 1919 [sound recording] : [six months that changed the world] / by Margaret MacMillan.
    by Macmillan, Margaret Olwen.

    A short history of nearly everything [sound recording] / Bill Bryson.
    by Bryson, Bill.


  • A few reflections about Christian Smith, Biblicism, and Barth

    I highly recommend engagement with Christian Smith's two books released this summer:

    Smith is a theologically-savvy sociologist of religion who teaches at Notre Dame.  He is also a feisty friend of mine who attended my church until he decided to convert to Roman Catholicism and to whom I unsuccessfully tried to defend evangelicalism over many cups of coffee.  Smith is well-worth engaging.  I wish I had more time to write and reflect about this but I need to keep working on my dissertation this year so a little blog post is all I can manage and hopefully the big project will bear fruit in conversations like this one some day. 

    I agree with Smith that the people of God gathering to discuss the Scriptures together will indeed produce a variety of interpretations; but contra Smith I am convinced that the Scriptures (read in the Christian community through the Holy Spirit) still chasten and delimit "interpretive pluralism" and "divergent readings" in such a way that another check (such as leaders legitimized by "apostolic succession") is at worst, counter-productive and is at best, a secondary consideration.  

    I must also register my objection that Karl Barth is not with Smith on this one but with me despite Smith's comment in his response to Peter Leithart that he is "following Barth" along these lines.  Barth is trying to facilitate in the Church Dogmatics a weighing of divergent readings of Scripture and proffering a fresh coherent synthesis for the Church to weigh and consider.  It is true that Barth could be hard on fundamentalists or biblicists (for taking verses out of context or for trying to prove the Bible is true with secular methods so as to construct an unassailable starting point and foundation) but Barth's vision of the church is largely compatible with the biblicist. Barth writes that the the apostolic Church is the church that is fixated on conforming to what the Scriptures teach.

    What we have learned to know as apostolicity and therefore as the mark of the true Church is quite naturally identical in substance with the term which in a very different dogmatic context has been used to describe the authority of the Bible as the source and norm of the existence and doctrine and order of the Church–the "Scripture principle."

    Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics, 4 vols. (New York: T&T Clark, 2009), IV/1, 721.

    Barth envisions congregations gathered around the Scripture and he is confident that Jesus Christ will be their unity.  This strikes Roman Catholics like Smith as the licensing of appalling disunity.  Smith sees little "interpretive convergence" in biblicist evangelicalism, but rather only a "pervasive interpretive pluralism in biblical interpretation and theology."  I find this inherently subjective and therefore unpersuasive but can grant that there is certainly some biblicist interpretation that becomes heretical and cultish but like Barth I am optimistic that God is at work by his Spirit when people are sincerely gathered around the Scriptures.  In the following (admittedly difficult to understand) quote, Barth acknowledges the ubiquity of bad interpretation of Scripture but still insists that Jesus Christ is present when people gather together around the Scriptures to hear from God by the Spirit. 

    Thus in the confession of the community that which is lawful and right takes place, and the community is constituted, even though–and when is this not the case?–it sets itself in the wrong with its human speaking and hearing; even in impotent witness and poor proclaiming and publishing and teaching and preaching. 

    Barth, Church Dogmatics, IV/2, 700. 

    It is particularly interesting to read the litany of problems Barth is aware of: "impotent and poor . . . publishing and teaching and preaching" yet this in no way eliminates the possibility that God is at work.  

    Roman Catholics will regard this approach (relying on the Scripture principle and the common hearing of the Spirit's leading while gathered around the Scriptures) as inadequate and unpersuasive.  Surely there is a need for a more stable hierarchical structure and a system of traditional creedal and episcopal precedents to facilitate unity, they will say.  Barth denies this.  He writes this about denominational structures,

    It cannot supply, let alone create, the guarantee of unity, the mutual recognition of the individual communities . . . such an organ or institution is not an integral constituent of the essence of the Church . . . The one Church exists in its totality in each of the individual communities.

    Barth, Church Dogmatics, IV/1, 672-773.

    If now Smith sees an absence of "fairly convergent readings of the Bible" [emphasis mine–this seems to be an entirely subjective judgment–Do they all acknowledge Jesus as Lord?  If so, that seems to be a pretty important convergence] as theologically indefensible, he also noted a decade ago the missionary power of the flexibility of evangelicalism. 

    Of the four theories reviewed [Sheltered Enclave Theory, Status Discontent Theory, Strictness Theory, and Competitive Marketing Theory], Roger Finke, Rodney Starke, and Laurence Iannaccone’s competitive marketing theory seems to us to present the best orienting framework and set of assumptions with which to construct an explanation for evangelicalism’s vitality . . . Contemporary evangelicalism inhabits a pluralistic, competitive religious economy, on which it has very successfully capitalized . . .

    Evangelicalism has created a meaningful identity-space on the American religious field that, under one banner, manages to accommodate a remarkable degree of theological and political diversity.  Evangelicalism incorporates Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Pentecostals, Charismatics, Independents, Anabaptists, Restorationists, Congregationalists, Holiness Christians, even Episcopalians.  It also includes right-wing political conservatives, Republicans, moderates, Democrats, liberals, Independents, and political progressives.

    Christian Smith, American Evangelicalism: Embattled and Thriving (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998), 86-87.   

    What Smith calls here "vitality"–that is, quantitatively verifiable growth documented by the sociologist–is a thin theological approximation of what Barth is aiming at when he repeatedly says the task of the church is to witness to Jesus Christ.  Barth is prepared to tolerate some "plurality" for the sake of freeing up space for witness. “Better something doubtful or over-bold, and therefore in need of correction and forgiveness than nothing at all” (Barth, Church Dogmatics, IV/3.2, 780). He is prepared to listen, study and argue vigorously in the church for what God is saying to the church through the Scriptures knowing that this conversation will be unfinished (like his magnum opus the Church Dogmatics is) and knowing that some "impotent witness and poor proclaiming and publishing and teaching and preaching" will invariably be part of the process; rather than squelching the response to Scripture with the imposition of some drab synthesis that touts itself as apostolic though it has little resemblance to the missionary movement of the original apostles.

    The Church is apostolic and therefore the true Church where its external order–what is called Church government–is made so loose by respect for the direction of Scripture that all encroachment on the lordship of the One who is alone the Lord is either avoided or so suppressed and eliminated in practice that there is place for His rule.

    Barth, Church Dogmatics, IV/1 p. 723.

    In other words, some "interpretive pluralism" is to be contested in the church with better interpretation, but other "interpretive pluralism" may be appropriate expressions of witness to Jesus Christ in the world.  As Leithart suggests, some "biblicist" books may perhaps be "very bad"–at a minimum they may strike readers of Smith as odd.  That oddness may be theological error to which true "biblicists" will presumably be open to "examining the Scriptures . . . to see" if what they had written "was true" (Acts 17:11).  But it may also seem odd merely because the world is a diverse place and faithful witness in the world may strike people in other parts of the world as odd.  Barth writes of the variety of forms that witness will take in the world.    

    Intrinsically unholy possibilities in the structuring of man's life in society are sanctified and made serviceable to the gathering and upbuilding of the people of God in the service of its commission and for the purpose of its election and calling. The free God gives to this human people, which still cannot do anything more or different in this respect than what others can also do, the freedom to adopt its own form, i.e., the form corresponding to its calling and commission, in the sphere of general human possibilities.

    Barth, Church Dogmatics, IV/3.2 p. 741

    Again, it pains me to not engage even more fully on these matters but these are the general lines of reflection I would want to contribute to the conversation surrounding Smith's two new books. 


    See also:
    Robert H. Gundry
    Bible-reading and "pervasive interpretive pluralism."
    Books & Culture
    September/October 2011


    Justin Taylor also highlights various articles: On Not Evading the Charges of “Bibliclism” and “Pervasive Interpretive Pluralism”


  • A few theological reflections on the pursuit of greatness, excellence, success, and parenting

    I would like to write more about this but am in for (the next year) the throes of writing my dissertation so I need to be content to just sketch a few thoughts here. 

    Recently I have read three books on “greatness” or performance:

    Shenk, David. The Genius in All of Us: Why Everything You’ve Been Told About Genetics, Talent, and IQ Is Wrong. New York: Doubleday, 2010.

    Colvin, Geoffrey. Talent Is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else. New York: Portfolio, 2008.

    Gladwell, Malcolm. Outliers: The Story of Success. New York: Little, Brown and Co, 2008.

    I found all three enormously stimulating for reflection on parenting, ambition, achievement.  Furthermore, there is the ancillary benefit which pastors will appreciate of learning a smattering about a number of different careers and pursuits–valuable for relating to people in one’s congregation of diverse backgrounds and interests. 

    (Some of these may be available as well through your local public or school library as audio books on CD or downloadable through your library through downloadable eBook services like: Recorded Books One-Click Audio, Ingram Digital’s MyiLibrary Audio Book Platform, or Audiobooks from Overdrive).

    Each of the three books emphasizes the power of disciplined practice for the achievement of success or “greatness.” 

    A few theological reflections on the pursuit of greatness, excellence, success, and achievement

    1. Jesus’ description of the posture that leads to greatness.  Our theological scruples should immediately be piqued when the issues of success and greatness are raised.  How does this idea of greatness mesh with Jesus’ insistence that greatness must not be directly pursued?  Our first reaction ought to be to recoil in revulsion as our thoughts converge on the sick pursuit of greatness promulgated and imposed by Hitler qua Nietzsche.  If there is overlap between K. Anders Ericsson’s understanding of “deliberate practice” (relied on heavily in all three books above) and Jesus’ teaching, it is rich and complex.  For Jesus, greatness is indeed achieved by intentional repeated habitual development as Ericcson recommends, but it is in becoming childlike (Mt 18:4; Lk 9:48) evoked in a very distinctive way by Jesus, and by serving others (Mt 23:11; Lk 22:26)–again illustrated in precise ways.  Similarly, material accomplishments (“all of these things”)–one might think of success here–“will be added” after God’s kingdom and righteousness are first sought (Mt 6:33).  Again though, righteousness is defined in surprising, peculiar ways in Matthew 5-6.  I say “precise” and “distinctive” to explode any notion that “being childlike” or “serving” or “God’s kingdom” or being “righteousness” are obvious and self-evident slogans that can be abstracted and deployed without bringing to bear the larger mosaic of wisdom contained in the Scriptures.  

    2. The biblical mandate to put gifts and talents to use.  It is interesting in the literature on talent that the Bible is blamed for the reductive idea that people are inherently talented or gifted or not. The Bible has had a formative influence on Western culture and in particular on the English language with the words “talent” and “gift” being used in the King James Version.  But when the biblical texts are examined more closely, it is impossible to get the sense that “some are gifted and some are talented and if you do not have these gifts or talents, then it is futile to try.”  The idea of “talent” or “gifts” in the Scriptures is not wholly about what is innate or imparted by God miraculously (though there is a sense of gratitude that is crucial: “What do you have that you did not receive?” (1 Cor 4:7)); rather the “talent” and “gift” Scriptural texts all emblazon emphasis on making the most of what you have been given (Mt 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27; Rom 12:6-8; 1 Cor 12:31; 1 Cor 14:1).  This quote should be sufficient to illustrate the point: “You wicked, lazy servant! . . . throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Mt 25:26, 30).

    3. Single-minded focus on the kingdom of God.  When one reads about the single-minded focus of Tiger Woods or Mozart on their craft, the obvious reaction is to wonder what area of greatness I or my children should singlemindedly pursue.  If I were not a Christian, I would be deeply disturbed by this.  If one can only achieve greatness by pursuing one thing; then “what is that one thing?” (as Billy Crystal’s character put it in the 1991 movie City Slickers).  In response to this, as a Christian, it is enormously comforting not to be “tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people” (Eph 4:14).  We know where joy is found.  It is to be found in attentiveness and obedience to God as described richly in the Scriptures which we pore over and reflect on in communities of Christians. 

    4.  Sorting through what it means to develop “greatness” in our children.  So what does this mean for me as a parent of three children (6, 3, and 1 years old)?  The powerful message of these books is that one can develop talent in children in some area–whether it be music, sports, art, languages, math or science.  But the Scriptures teach that these competencies pale in significance in comparison to the deep appropriation of God’s wisdom (Prov 3).  Therefore, parents will want to reflect on how to encourage their children to use their time and how as parents to interact with their children.  Compare these five sample ways of thinking to that of parents trying to develop their children into standout artists, musicians, intellectuals, athletes and leaders. 

    1. Teaching them to read, write, and speak well through reading aloud, exposure to the best books, as well as engaging mature intentional conversation with adults, that they might grow to be able to verbally witness to and receive God’s wisdom. 
    2. Teaching them to build friendships through intentional social activities with the children of other quality families, together with immersion in church activities, that they might develop an appetite for and facility in participating in rich Christian community. 
    3. Teaching them to care for creation with respect and compassion by closely supervised care of younger siblings, pets, flowers, and vegetables, that they might develop into soft-hearted parents, care-givers, and stewards. 
    4. Teaching them the perseverance and joy of loving people who are different whether economically or socially, perhaps through adoption or fostering children, that they might become reflexively inclusive advocates of empathy and justice.
    5. Teaching them to love the Scriptures by enlivening the stories and wisdom in a way that delights the child that they might be a person who thinks with and after God.  I wonder too about teaching Koine Greek and Biblical Hebrew (ideally as spoken languages that it might be more joyful than onerous) in order to provoke additional fascination with the Scriptures. 

    It seems to me that these values and activities (or “virtues” or “practices”) described above engaged in with enthusiastic peers (“community”), modeled by parents, and sharpened by expert winsome teachers (“mentors”) should supersede in importance a number of other worthwhile but secondary values such as the following. 

    • Teaching a love of music through immersion in a musically rich environment, training under wonderful teachers, and the use of age-appropriate techniques that the child might be a contributor to the Christian community with their creative, composing, and performing abilities.  
    • Teaching courage, hard work, team work, and leadership through team sports and Scouts that the child might be an influencer for good and God now and in the future. 
    • Teaching math prowess through supplemental tutoring, drills, and games with winsome teachers that the child might become a precise thinker–contributing to the world and church in important ways. 
    • Teaching a love for science by equipping children with a growing knowledge of knowledge together with exposure to the fascinating areas of physics, chemistry, biology, and geology that the child might be a teacher of stewardship.
    • Teaching dexterity with language by exposing children to multiple languages in the home and elsewhere that they might be people who transcend language barriers (both literal and figurative) as ambassadors for Christ.  
    • Teaching art with introduction to basic skills of drawing, sculpture, and paint, along with appreciation for and exposure to superb art, that they might be vibrant witnesses of God’s beauty and truth. 

    6. The sober truth about the parent as example.  Needless to say, what is disturbing is that much of this is “caught rather than taught.”  That is to say, children tend to pick up what they observe.  The reaction of the parent should be: “God change me into the person you would want me to be.  Fill me with the fruit of the Spirit.  Friends in Christ, help me to see what is in me that God might not want me to pass on my children.”

    7.  Keeping ambition in check.  The implications personally for we adults (of this idea of deliberate practice emphasized in the books above) is to consider what we are becoming.  Are there things we are filling our lives with that do not contribute to who we want to become?  I am referring here to the obvious destructive habits.  The complementary constructive action is to pursue those things that form us into who God would want us to be.  Secondarily, as with the children, is there an area of skill or talent that we want to grow in for the next 10 years (or 10,000 hours) that it takes to become particularly adept in some arena?  Again, this seems to be a question that can better be discerned in community with other Christians.  The question to ask is, “I would like to be this. Do you think the pursuit of this can be done without detracting from the more important pursuit of seeking first God’s kingdom and his righteousness?”  This pursuit of ability (whether it be a leadership position, a scientific breakthrough, a promotion, achievement, measure of wealth, health goal) must be delimited by the more important pursuit of godliness.“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (1 Tim 4:8).

    I would recommend the books as fruitful catalysts for reflection.  What I have sketched here are the sorts of reflections that would occur to many Christian readers.  


    I have not cluttered the above reflections with references but in the background are a number of books which I will paste below.