Author: Andy Rowell

  • Two articles on the new study in Pediatrics on sleep training

    Two articles on the new study in Pediatrics on sleep training.

    It’s O.K. to Let Babies Cry It Out at Bedtime

    Sleep-training a crying baby isn't easy, but a new study finds that certain techniques work in the short term without causing later psychological harm

    By ALEXANDRA SIFFERLIN | @acsifferlin | September 10, 2012 |



    September 11, 2012

    Sleep Training Won’t Hurt, Might Help


  • Allie the Gymnast

    We miss the Olympics!  Our kids really loved watching them this year–especially 7-year old Ryan who learned about countries, courage, and self-discipline.  Today they got the gymnast mat out, had 2-year-old Allie do some tricks, then pose for a picture.  My favorite part was the 15.1 score Ryan gave her with a nearby etch-o-sketch.  What fun!–Amy




    Here is a minute and a half video of Ryan trying to get Allie to do more on the mat.  She is more interested in drawing at the moment, but he is a good big brother. 






  • Memorable humorous quotes from our kids 2009-2012

    I looked through my Facebook timeline and thought I would paste here for posterity a number of humorous quotes from the kids I have been posting to Facebook. I also include today’s photo of the kids.


    Ryan (7), Jacob (4), and Allie (2) with Duke basketball players Tyler Thornton and Nolan Smith (now with the Portland Trail Blazers) at the home opener of the #1 ranked Duke women’s soccer team.
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    4 year-old Jacob, “I saw the women’s bathroom at church and it is way nicer than the men’s bathroom.” 7-year-old Ryan, “Maybe that’s because women didn’t used to have rights.” 
    Andy Rowell
    Amy Steinfield Rowell asks 7 year-old lying on his bed after a long day of swimming: “Ryan, are you tired or hungry? Are you ok?” Ryan: “It’s just my mind is blank.” 


    While cutting up 4-year-old Jacob’s waffle, he opens up his mouth wide and points to it saying, “Dad, here’s how big my mouth is. Now you can cut up my waffles the right size.”
    Me: “Allie, was there a kiddie pool?” Allie (2 years old): “Yes, a cat pool. A kitty pool.”


    Today is Ryan’s last day of first grade. He woke up this morning and wrote a note to a friend in his class. — with Amy Steinfield Rowell.




    Me: “Jacob, you are in need of sanctification.” Jacob (age 4): “No, you need a vacation.”



    Our six-year-old Ryan really wants a dog. Sigh. Gotta love the phonetic spelling though. — with Amy Steinfield Rowell.

     ‎”I am saving my many for a chiwwa dog. It cost 70¢ and 70 dolers.$ I will trito wat until my sisttr gross up.”


    Me to the kids: “We don’t like commercials and advertisements because they are always wanting us to do stuff we don’t need to do.” 4-year-old Jacob: “Daddy, you are kind of like a commercial.”


    Jacob (4), after the Duke hockey game, watching the players shake hands. “Do they get a parent tunnel?”
    A couple good lines from 3-year-old Jacob: “The disciples said, ‘No.’ But Jesus said ‘Let the monkeys come to me.’” And unrelated–As Jacob is attempting to put on his pajamas: “Is that the shirt or the pants?”
    Andy Rowell
    April 9, 2011

     5-year-old Ryan on my career, “You’re nothing yet. How should I put it? . . . You’re still learning.”
    Andy Rowell
    March 16, 2011

     3-year-old Jacob watching the Duke game on TV on Saturday after playing 3-4-year-old basketball at the YMCA, “Hey, they are letting the daddies play.”
    3-year-old Jacob on the deck listening to the birds, “The birds are saying ‘rebound, rebound’ to the Duke players . . . No, they are saying ‘chicken, chicken.’” Hmm . . .
    5-year-old Ryan praying for food he is not excited about: “Thank you God for the food I guess.”
    Five year old Ryan seeing a peace sign: “That means Hannah Montana.”
    At breakfast, five year old Ryan: “I’m not sure if Santa will know whether I want a real or pretend puppy from the letter I wrote him at school.” At lunch, Ryan: “Do we have a chimney?” Me: “No.” Ryan: “Is that why we go to other people’s houses on Christmas eve?” At dinner Amy prays: “Thank you God for baby Jesus.” Three year old Jacob: “And thank you God for Santa.”
    Ryan, our new kindergartner, who does not speak any Spanish, on his friend Ken from school who does not speak any English, “He says my name in English. He understands me. We’re friends.” [Sadly, after two months of school, Ken’s family is moving to Mexico this weekend].
    Four year old Ryan, “There will be five in our family once the baby hatches.”
    Andy Rowell
    December 26, 2009

     On our way back to Durham from Charlotte, two year old Jacob recognized our neighborhood Starbucks: “There’s mommy’s house!”
    4 year old Ryan today: “That [the Christmas story] is a good story except there is this one bad part. The king says he wants to worship the newborn king but he wants to hurt the newborn king. The king is LYING.”
    Ryan (4) left his stuffed animal Fanny the Fox at church tonight. Amy: She can sleep at church. Ryan: Oh no, she will be cold! Amy: Someone at church will cover her up. Ryan: No, they will think she’s pretend!
    Jacob turns 2 today. When he woke up this morning I told him: “Jacob, Happy Birthday.” Jacob: “Pizza.” He has learned a few things about life these first two years.
    2 quotes from Ryan (4) today. “I don’t want water on my hair–I don’t want it to grow fast!” and “My tummy is full–am I becoming a mommy?”
    Ryan (4): “Jonah was always going to to go to Nineveh. He just wanted to ride in a whale.”
    Ryan (4), “Goliath wore flip-flops.”