Author: Andy Rowell

  • Comparing biographies of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche

    A thread by Andy Rowell

    Recommended: Kierkegaard: A Single Life (Zondervan, 2016) by Stephen Backhouse. A short accessible biography of Kierkegaard that made me want to pursue truth with a pure heart, obey Jesus, and read more Kierkegaard. Endorsements by Stanley Hauerwas and Rowan Williams. I learned (afresh) from Kierkegaard's father to talk with one's kids!

    Poor Kierkegaard. What agony he lived in after spurning his true love! A lesson from Kierkegaard: Instead of making fun of the kid who is not good at sports, engage him in conversation. There may be some very interesting thoughts going on in there.

    A very wholesome effect of reading Kierkegaard is the invitation to question whether the observed Christian religious behavior looks like Jesus. Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855). Age 42.

    Kierkegaard: A Single Life
    By Stephen Backhouse (2016)
    304 pp.


    Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). Age 55.

    I Am Dynamite!: A Life of Nietzsche
    By Sue Prideaux (2018)
    464 pp.

    Both were creative, prolific philosophers. Both single. Both Kierkegaard and Nietzsche were rejected and suffered. Kierkegaard seemed to respond largely with mercy and joy, though also firmness; whereas Nietzsche wandered and squirmed in rage and misery. I felt sorry for and grateful for both of them. Kierkegaard fell in love with Regine, got engaged to her, broke it off, repeatedly rejected faithful Regine, insisted she move on (which she finally did), then journaled about his regular sightings of her on the street and in church for the rest of his life. Don't be like Søren.

  • Dan Busby retires from ECFA after Julie Roys exposé in World Magazine in September


    Julie Roys

    president Dan Busby is stepping down after more than a decade of failing to hold member organizations accountable. Yet ECFA statement praises Busby for his "amazing legacy" and says he'll continue as president emeritus. SMH

    ECFA President Dan Busby to Retire Amid Controversy | Julie Roys
    The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) today announced that ECFA President Dan Busby will be stepping down as president in spring 2020. Though the ECFA's statement says Busby…
    6:55 PM · Oct 14, 2019Twitter Web App




    Julie Roys

    For 9 months, I've been publishing stories suggesting that accreditation by

    is nothing more than a rubber stamp. Today

    did same with cover story, documenting pattern at ECFA of accrediting grossly negligent, or even fraudulent, orgs.

    WORLD Magazine Cover Story Suggests ECFA Accreditation is a Rubber Stamp | Julie Roys
    For the past nine months, I have been publishing stories suggesting that accreditation by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) is nothing more than a rubber stamp. Today, WORLD…


    A thread by Andy Rowell

    The ECFA is supposed to protect the integrity of evangelical organizations but because of their incompetence has regularly instead shielded corrupt leaders by telling detractors that an organization is financially transparent and accountable when it is not.

    Dan Busby must go.


    Does accreditation from the @ecfa ensure an organization's responsible use of donor dollars?  @MichaelReneau investigates

    An easy ‘A’

    Does approval from the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability offer Christians useful information about an organization’s financial discipline?

    See WORLD's other Tweets

    Julie Roys@reachjulieroys

    Pres of @ecfa Dan Busby is responsible for enforcing ethics standards for 2,300 churches & nonprofits. He should be above reproach. Yet VA Board fined Busby for 15 years of unlicensed use of CPA title on books, ECFA’s website & @ChurchLawAndTax website 

    President of Evangelical Financial Accountability Group Fined for Unlicensed Use of CPA Title |…

    UPDATE: Though the original story did not mention it, I sent numerous requests to Dan Busby for an interview through his agent, Anna Hutstell of the public relations firm DeMoss. Instead of an…

    71 people are talking about this

    Andy Rowell@AndyRowell

    See also this history in 2009: 
    And this recent history: 

    Julie Roys@reachjulieroys

    Pres of @ecfa Dan Busby is responsible for enforcing ethics standards for 2,300 churches & nonprofits. He should be above reproach. Yet VA Board fined Busby for 15 years of unlicensed use of CPA title on books, ECFA’s website & @ChurchLawAndTax website 

    Andy Rowell@AndyRowell

    Evangelicals need the ECFA but need it to be much, much better. It is time for Dan Busby to step aside. Mark Driscoll's Mars Hill, K.P. Yohannan's Gospel for Asia, and James MacDonald's Harvest Bible Chapel touted ECFA approval for years when financial wrongdoing was public.

    See Andy Rowell's other Tweets
  • Oct 4 and 12: Trump says the biggest evangelical pastors tell him ‘we have never seen our religion or any religion so electrified’


    A thread by Andy Rowell

    Transcript “I got a call the other night from pastors, the biggest pastors, evangelical Christians. They said, 'we have never seen our religion or any religion so electrified.' They say they’ve never seen anything like it. Churches are joining … hundreds of thousands of people."

    Transcript continued:
    "And that's largely because of you [the media] and your partners, the Democrats.”




    Thomas S. Kidd

    This is revolting. And, he's been taught to talk this way by the Republican evangelical insiders.
    Quote Tweet
    Josh Marshall
    Trump says his fight with the Democrats and Media has led to a Christian revival bigger than any in history.
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    Michael Wear

    "Not a word from their mouth can be trusted; their heart is filled with malice. Their throat is an open grave; with their tongues they tell lies. Declare them guilty, O God! Let their intrigues be their downfall."
    Quote Tweet
    Josh Marshall
    Trump says his fight with the Democrats and Media has led to a Christian revival bigger than any in history.

    Michael Wear
    "But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you."
    11:27 AM · Oct 4, 2019Twitter Web App


    Replying to

    Trump is likely drawing on the words of Robert Jeffress (and Jerry Falwell Jr. and Franklin Graham who are not pastors) that the evangelical base is united behind him to falsely claim hundreds of thousands "are joining": a. churches or b. his base. It is unclear which.
    12:13 PM · Oct 4, 2019Twitter for Android
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    A thread by Andy Rowell

    Nope and nope.
    – Probably Robert Jeffress just told Trump about the applause at the National Quartet Convention in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee on Sept 26, 2019.
    – In the Oct 9 Fox News poll, 28% of white evangelicals say they want Trump impeached and removed.

    Aaron Rupar


    JUDGE JEANINE: "What do you know about those 2 men who have been arrested who allegedly worked with Rudy Giuliani? They say they had dinner with you at the White House."

    TRUMP: "Well I don't know who they are. I mean, I guess maybe I met them, or maybe I took pictures with them"

    Embedded video

    Aaron Rupar



    Trump tells Judge Jeanine that "people are joining the church" because "everybody knows the Russian witch hunt was a phony fraud."

    Embedded video

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