Author: Andy Rowell

  •     #2: How do you wrestle with the "me" focus and making a meaningful response to God?
  •     #3: How do you choose worship music? Are there certain themes that you look for? Does that change depending on environment?
  •    #4: How do you react to the statement "One cannot sing praise songs
    without noticing how first person pronouns tend to eclipse every other subject?"
  •    #5: How does the corporate worship that occurs on Sunday morning
    differ from the corporate worship of chapel or other Christian formation experiences throughout the week?
  •     #6: What can seekers gain from worshiping?
  •     #7: What kind of music we should sing, particularly in regards to worship music?
  •     #8: What part do you think that traditional worship should play in corporate worship?
  • Jack Welch: Most pastors could never make it in the business world

    I have a new post today on Leadership Journal’s Out of Ur blog entitled

    Are Pastors Competitive Enough?

    A CEO says pastors would never make it in the business world, but is that bad?

    by Andy Rowell

    I comment on a BusinessWeek article by Jack Welch regarding people trying to move from the non-profit world (i.e. church) to the business world. 

    Make your comments there!