Author: Andy Rowell

  • Theological Spanish Reading Exam Practice

    Here are the theology and biblical studies journals I practiced translating when preparing for my Spanish reading exam for the Duke Th.D. (Doctor of Theology) program.

    They are available through ATLA.  (ATLA link for Duke students).  Many people have free online access to these journals through ATLA or EbscoHost or Academic Search Premier through their public library.  Just go to the "Research" or "Magazines" or "Journals" page of your local county or city library.  You will probably have to put in your library card number.  Or call the library and get help from a librarian.

    I have also read some homilies from the martyred Oscar Romero, liberation theology from Gustavo Gutiérrez, and some theology by evangelicals Samuel Escobar and René Padilla. 

    I practiced with English and Spanish versions of books:  



    See my comments and advice about theological language reading exams at my website  My advice is about German but much of it would be applicable to learning Spanish. See especially Tips for German Reading Exams.  See also the Duke Th.D. program language exam requirements as a sample of what Ph.D. theological exams are like.

  • Recommended: Lesslie Newbigin’s Unfinished Agenda: An Updated Autobiography

    This fall I am one of the teaching assistants for Geoffrey Wainwright’s course at Duke Divinity School: The Theology of Lesslie Newbigin.  I will be posting more about that course eventually. 

    In reading Newbigin’s autobiography, Unfinished Agenda: An Updated Autobiography, I was impressed with his leadership, passion for the unity of the church, constant championing of evangelism, love for missions, and emphasis on Bible study.

    Unfinished Agenda: An Updated Autobiography by Lesslie Newbigin

    Here is my review: 

    5.0 out of 5 stars
    The best introduction to Newbigin is this–his accessible autobiography, August 21, 2009
    By  Andrew D. Rowell (Durham, NC) – See all my reviews

    This accessible autobiography is the best way to get to know Lesslie
    Newbigin (December 8, 1909 – January 30, 1998) who was an Englishman, Scottish pastor, missionary to India, bishop, ecumenical leader, theologian and
    missiologist. Newbigin briefly describes his life with stories and
    summaries of the different chapters of his life. It is enormously
    helpful for making sense of the complex relationships and positions he
    had throughout his life and appreciating his writings.

    “Unfinished Agenda” was originally published in 1985 when Newbigin
    was 76 by SPCK (London) and Eerdmans (Grand Rapids). It was later
    published with a new chapter in a revised version in 1993 when Newbigin
    was 84 by Saint Andrew Press (Edinburgh) with a new subtitle
    “Unfinished Agenda: An Updated Autobiography.” It is now in 2009 being
    published by Wipf and Stock (and is available cheaper there than Amazon).

    In a review in International Bulletin of Missionary Research 20 no 1 Ja 1996, p 36, Lamin Sanneh writes,

    This updated autobiography of Bishop Lesslie Newbigin brings his
    life’s story up to 1992. It is a rich and varied story, not just of a
    remarkable man but of the ecumenical movement, one of whose architects
    he was and the beginning of whose sad decline he has also witnessed . .
    . As a guide to ecumenical affairs and their great, leading
    personalities, Newbigin’s autobiography is a record of inestimable
    value. It will also stand as the testament of a broad, generous spirit
    whose tireless and characteristically self-effacing efforts for the
    cause remain a reason for profound thanksgiving.

    -Lamin Sanneh, the D. Willis James Professor of Missions and World Christianity at Yale Divinity School, New Haven, Connecticut.

    The Wipf and Stock page gives this information about the book:

    Complete with a provocative new chapter for this revised edition of
    his popular autobiography, Lesslie Newbigin describes the breadth and
    depth of his missionary service-as a student, wrestling with problems
    of faith and vocation; as a Church of Scotland missionary, helping to
    build the Church of South India; as a bishop in Madurai and Madras; as
    a midwife of the integration of the International Missionary Council
    and World Council of Churches; and as pastor in one of Birmingham’s
    toughest inner city areas. With commitment, spirituality, and a happy
    marriage to support him, he invites the reader to share the joy of his
    adventure in Christ.

    A fascinating autobiography full of wise comments on the developments in the World Church since 1945 . . .”

    -Dr. Chris Wigglesworth

    former moderator of CCOM,

    Church of Scotland

    “Lesslie Newbigin is one of the few great figures of the Church who has both practiced mission and thought deeply about it.”

    -Bishop Hugh Montefiore

    Bishop of Birmingham

  • July / August Personal Update: leisure reading, preliminary exams preparation, and personal habits.

    All is well with me.  Here is what I have been up to in July and August 2009. 

    1. I have been formulating preliminary exam questions and booklist
    with Richard Hays–my primary adviser–for my Th.D. program.  I am
    happy to have your input. 

    Download Booklist for Preliminary Exams 12 Word 2003

    Download Questions for Preliminary Exams 5 Word 2003

    I have finished my twelve courses:

    Download List of courses in my Th.D. program

    I am beginning to get more specific regarding my dissertation. 

    Download Dissertation Proposal Draft 2

    I am processing Nijay Gupta’s thoughts on dissertations from October
    2008: Notes on PhD Thesis Writing  I just need to get together with some more faculty and hear their advice on a draft of what I am thinking.

    3. I have been reading theology in German–enjoying Barth and Bonhoeffer that way.  See my Theological German website. 

    4. I am scanning the blogs.  A couple people have discussed the life of the theological student recently: Ben Myers’s sarcastic post from January 2009 Advice for theological students: ten steps to a brilliant career and Carl Trueman’s article Minority Report A Question of Accountability.  A couple things I haven’t read yet but look forward to reading: Rob Wegner, Tony Morgan, and Kevin Miller blogged about Willow Creek’s Leadership Summit.  Josh Rowley has been reflecting on statistics regarding Mainline Decline.

    5.  I am trying to read through the Bible in a year but it will
    probably be more like 2 or 3 years!  I have loved Proverbs and James. 
    Here are a few favorites: “Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends
    in forced labor” (Proverbs 12:24).  “All hard work brings a profit, but
    mere talk leads only to poverty” (Proverbs 14:22).  “Mercy triumphs
    over judgment” (James 2:13).   

    6.  I am thoroughly enjoying our Blacknall Presbyterian Church community–sharing meals and exchanging childcare.  My wife Amy preached a couple weeks ago on James 3:13-18 in our series in James. 

    7. I have read a couple of books on holiday and on sabbath: both of which I give 4 1/2 of 5 stars.  

    A little slow but beautifully written with good theology.  It had been recommended to me as a “must read for pastors.”  It made me reflect on parenting a lot.  It is a Pulitizer Prize winner.   

    Wonderful to learn more about these two fascinating men.  John Wilson of Books & Culture also liked it

    8. I have been enjoying cooking–using the Weight Watcher cookbooks and Men’s Health Belly Off for ideas of healthy recipes.

    I have been enjoying omelets (with tomatoes) and oatmeal (with banana and peanut butter) for breakfast and more string cheese, yogurt, almonds, and vegetables than I used to eat.  The internet is great for help finding ways to cook veggies that taste good and for help with substitutions and recipe instructions.  Who is going to let me borrow their P90X DVD workouts

    9. I am enjoying my kids (Ryan 4 and Jacob almost 2) as they swim, play t-ball, soccer, ride bikes, and enjoy books.  I blog a little about them at our Rowell Kids blog

    10.  Amazon Associates has indeed dropped me forever because North Carolina passed a new tax law that would tax all North Carolina customers a sales tax if Amazon had any business operations in the state. See Final N.C. budget bill has ‘Amazon tax’.  I had made a couple hundred dollars per year through that, so that is too bad.

    With regard to all of this . . . “But he gives us more grace” (James 4:6). 

    Warm greetings to all,