Here is audio from yesterday’s session at the Society of Biblical Literature annual meeting where Douglas Campbell’s new book The Deliverance of God: An Apocalyptic Rereading of Justification in Paul (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2009) was reviewed.

I received written permission ahead of time from all of the participants to record and post this. It is very kind of them to be willing to make this session more widely available.
The session was very good. Michael Gorman, Doug Moo, and Allan Torrance read responses to the book. They were asked to especially focus on Campbell’s treatment of Romans 1:18-3:20. Then Campbell read a written response. Then Gorman, and Moo asked additional questions and Campbell answered them. Then the floor was opened and they had time for four questions–Barry Matlock, Seyoon Kim, N.T. Wright and Richard Hays. Other New Testament scholars I recognized included Daniel Kirk, Susan Eastman, Ross Wagner, Francis Watson, Craig Blomberg, Leander Keck, Richard Longenecker, and Beverly Gaventa.
I’m frustrated and disappointed that the quality of recording is not great. But I did just add below the original WMA file which I think is better than the MP3 version. I sat in the front row in the center but there was a lot of echo in the room. I had recorded the theology of Romans session in the middle of the room. Neither place worked well. The next time I will have to use some other method. If someone who knows sound recording wants to try and clean it up, I will repost the clearer version.
I have given you WMA and MP3 versions. You need Windows Media Player installed for WMA to work. (Or you can download the file and then in iTunes go to File . . . Add File to Library. . . and it will convert the file into a format iTunes uses).
All computers will play MP3’s. I think the WMA are of a higher quality because they were recorded originally in that format. You just right click on it and click “Save Link As . . .” or “Save Target As . . .” and you can save it to your desktop (and it will be on your computer and you can listen to it whenever you want).
MP3 Part 1 Deliverance of God (Gorman, Moo, Torrance reviews) (103 MB) 1 hr. 15 min.
MP3 Part 2 Deliverance of God (Campbell response and discussion) (80 MB) 58 min.
August 20, 2011 Update:
Tim Wai has sent me a link. He writes “This is the link to the enhanced audio, it is 114 mb. 2 files are combined into one.”
Pauline Soteriology
1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Room: Grand Ballroom C – SH
Theme: Book Review: Douglas Campbell, The Deliverance of God: An Apocalyptic Rereading of Justification in Paul (Eerdmans, 2009)
Ann Jervis, Wycliffe College, Presiding
Michael J. Gorman, Saint Mary’s Seminary and University, Panelist (20 min)

Douglas Moo, Wheaton College, Panelist (20 min)
Alan Torrance, University of St. Andrews-Scotland, Panelist (20 min)

Break (10 min)
Douglas Campbell, Duke University, Respondent (20 min)
Discussion (60 min)
- I have collated a number of early reviews at: Reviews of Douglas Campbell’s The Deliverance of God: An Apocalyptic Rereading of Justification in Paul
- I also recorded and posted another session: Audio from SBL: Gaventa, Hays and Gorman on Romans as Christian Theology