My mom photoshopped this image of the family from a few recent photos.
Andy, Amy, Ryan (4) and Jacob (2) and baby #3 due May 13, 2010.
Coming May 15, 2010: Stanley Hauerwas, Hannah's Child: A Theologian's Memoir (Eerdmans).
This introduction is now (January 31, 2010) available for download at Eerdmans's website.
Dr. Hauerwas is Gilbert T. Rowe Professor of Theological Ethics at Duke Divinity School.
I also recommend four snippets from interviews with Hauerwas from
In this first video (1:50) Hauerwas describes the comfort of the tactile in baptism which remind us of the reality that we in our dying are not alone.
Aloneness from The Work Of The People on Vimeo.
In this second video (2:55) Hauerwas worries about efforts that focus on church growth which end up producing homogenous congregations and entertaining worship in which the people are spectators rather than participants .
In this third snippet at Are You Aware You're Going To Die? or at Facebook (3:58), Hauerwas reflects on how many Christians live in denial that they are going to die.
In this fourth snippet (1:12) only at Facebook, Hauerwas says, "because we are not in control anymore, we are free."
See also more audio by Hauerwas at and Socratic Audio Files.
See also Hauerwas's other recent books:
I also highly recommend the fascinating dense article by Hauerwas on theological interpretation of Scripture.
Stanley Hauerwas, "Why 'The Way the Words Run' Matters: Reflections on Becoming a 'Major Biblical Scholar,' in The Word Leaps the Gap: Essays on Scripture and Theology in Honor of Richard B. Hays (ed. J. R. Wagner, A. K. Grieb and C. K. Rowe; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008), 1-19.
which can be read at Google Books here.
Update December 21, 2009
Here are three more recent Hauerwas articles.
1. Tuesday, December 15, 2009
How Do You Know a War is a War?
"The Hope of All the World": Ekklesia Project Responses to President Obama's Nobel Speech.
2. Stanley Hauerwas: What only the whole church can do
Faith & Leadership
December 21, 2009
Published Online: Dec 8 2009 10:37PM
Modern Theology Volume 26 Issue 1 (January 2010)
Special 25th Anniversary Issue Modern Theology: a quarter century retrospect and prospect. See my post about it: 25th Anniversary Edition of Modern Theology
Modern Theology is usually available online to subscribers only but this issue is available online for free.
If you need subscribers only access: I have access to it through the Duke University library and my Duke NetID and Password. (Go to Duke Divinity Library. Find e-Journals. Search: Modern Theology.) But I can also access it through Durham County Public Library. In other words, many of you may also have access to Modern Theology through your public library. Look under "Research" or "Magazines" and you may have access to "Academic Search Premier" with your library card.
Update January 31, 2010
Halden Doerge has a number of posts about Stanley Hauerwas at his blog Inhabitatio Dei. See especially Why can’t Hauerwas just be a witness? from January 27, 2010 with 98 comments from a number of scholars including Nathan Kerr, D. Stephen Long, James K. A. Smith, and Gene McCarraher.
Related posts:
Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer course with Stanley Hauerwas
What does Hauerwas's course have to do with church leadership?