The Digital Karl Barth Library search support ticket

Dear Alexander Street,

I am having mixed results doing word searches in The Digital Karl Barth Library. I thought I would do a simple search and document the steps in order to demonstrate why it is confusing and discouraging.  

For example, if I go into Advanced Search and search for: Bonhoeffer. 


I specify Language of Edition as: English. 


It gives me 11 results where this word is found. 


 Let’s click on that second result Doctrine of Reconciliation, Vol. 2.  What is odd is that you do NOT see “Bonhoeffer” in the text. 


However, if you do click the #3,4,5,6,7 matches, you do see Bonhoeffer result. Those work correctly!  


So, where are the first two matches? 
And when you hover over all of the matches it shows the Page Number as NA. 


This makes it hard to find the references without the page number. 
Also, note that when you click on the 3rd match, it does NOT highlight Bonhoeffer in the text. But when you click on the other matches, it does highlight Bonhoeffer in the text in blue.  


I am also doing searches with German but I just wanted to identify the inconsistencies and confusion in just one search. 
I also did not mention that often a document takes 30 seconds to load. 
Thank you for looking into this. 


  • I used the previous “legacy” platform extensively for my dissertation but they have created a new platform.
  • Many people are having trouble. See the thread at:
  • My hope is the above will help others who are also having trouble so that we can pinpoint the problems and hopefully advocate so they can be solved.