Social science literature on persuasion

Thread on social science literature on persuasion.

It is a process of conversation and relationship over an extended period of time.

To persuade, you will want to invite people to reflect.

My comments on: on

"It is possible to talk people out of bigotry. But the method that seems to work is time-intensive, emotionally difficult, and requires a lot of careful work to keep people from reacting defensively." Thread from Ezra Klein.

In the most effective sales call, the salesperson talks 46% of the time and asks 13 questions.
– Amit Bendov of to Michael Lewis @pushkinpods!68200

"Felt understanding led to more positive intergroup orientations and action intentions in most contexts."
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, November 2020.

Often people begin thinking like the people they are hanging out with.

"As individuals realigned their party affiliation in accordance with their initial abortion views, their other political, economic and social views followed suit.",

And on the morality of persuasion:

Originally tweeted by Andy Rowell (@AndyRowell) on October 8, 2020.