Pause before tossing out megachurch for spiritual formation model

I worry a bit about churches that dramatically switch church models. I teach a course on the Contemporary Models of the Church and wants students to see strengths in each and to borrow and adapt those strengths to their situation. One certainly noble aim is to really try to implement "spiritual formation" practices that Dallas Willard recommended (spiritual disciplines, etc.). Still, I worry that a massive shift to this approach may squelch other positive aspects of a church — especially reaching outsiders. I dialogue about this with a friend below.



  1. This is an fantastically refreshing book. Our leadership team is reading through this together. Highly recommended.

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    I thought they fell for spiritual formation fad but if you think it is good, I'll have to rethink.


    fad? really? If anything, I think they chose to leave the fad of the church growth/attractional fad.


    Though wary of anti-intellectual, independence, anti-depth, I am sympathetic to the strength of seeker model: evangelism.

    1. I love Willard. Just seen instances where pastor reads book or goes to a conference and falls for new model–destroying church.

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    This one is disgruntled member: Both "come and see" (community) and "go and tell" (mission) are needed.

that makes sense. Thanks for your thoughts. Helpful.



    1. This is an fantastically refreshing book. Our leadership team is reading through this together. Highly recommended.

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      I thought they fell for spiritual formation fad but if you think it is good, I'll have to rethink.


      I believe they wrestled for years (in pain) about it. Admirable. I don't think Willard would endorse a book that's a church fad


      I love Willard. Just seen instances where pastor reads book or goes to a conference and falls for new model–destroying church.

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    This one is disgruntled member: Both "come and see" (community) and "go and tell" (mission) are needed.