Church Growth Evangelism Sociology

Fourteen theories of church growth from seven research teams

Between 2001 and 2009, seven different teams of national researchers have used quantitative data to suggest 14 different factors that correlate with church growth.

I looked at work from seven researcher teams: Stark, Hout/Greeley/Wilde, Woolever/Bruce, Stetzer/Dodson, Olson, Chaves, and Thumma. 

Here is a summary of the 14 factors which I document fully below: (1) witnessing, (2) strictness, (3) high fertility rates, (4) caring for children and youth, (5) high involvement, (6) welcoming new people, (7) leadership, (8) prayer, (9) being a church of 1000+ attendees or under 50 attendees, (10) being located in rural counties, (11) being in rapidly growing zip codes, (12) being in a tradition that is altering worship practices slightly but not too much, (13) churches that offer “intimacy and choice” and (14) attractive worship style, senior pastor, and church reputation.

It is clear that the causative factor in church growth is in dispute.

Researchers should consider these theories as they design studies and interpret data. 

Pastors should realize that a consensus has not been achieved and thus caution should be exercised when one researcher claims to have found the cause of church growth.

The 14 factors that researchers claim correlate with church growth       

1. Witnessing

Rodney Stark suggests that fervent witnessing and strict beliefs are the key factors.

He writes, “Why do conservative churches outperform the liberals? Because they work much harder at attracting and holding members. How do they do that? By inspiring their members to witness to others.”[1]

2. Strictness

Stark goes on to say,

For many observers of the American religious scene, especially Europeans, the real mystery is why the strict churches—those who demand the most of their members—are the ones that are flourishing, while the more permissive and accommodating churches are falling by the wayside . . . The findings in this chapter can be summed up in a sentence: strict churches are strong because groups that ask more from their members get more from them, which provides them with the resources to provide a more satisfying religious ‘product.’[2]

3. High fertility rates 

Some recent research by Michael Hout, Andrew Greeley, and Melissa Wilde suggests that high fertility rates are really the main factor contributing to growth.

U.S. Protestants are less likely to belong to “mainline” denominations and more likely to belong to “conservative” ones than used to be the case. Evidence from the General Social Survey indicates that higher fertility and earlier childbearing among women from conservative denominations explains 76% of the observed trend for cohorts born between 1903 and 1973: conservative denominations have grown their own. Mainline decline would have slowed in recent cohorts, but a drop-off in conversions from conservative to mainline denominations prolonged the decline. A recent rise in apostasy added a few percentage points to mainline decline. Conversions from main- line to conservative denominations have not changed, so they played no role in the restructuring.[3]

4. Caring for children and youth

5. High involvement

6. Welcoming new people

Cynthia Woolever and Deborah Bruce suggest that “Three congregational strengths are positive predictors of numerical growth: Caring for Children and Youth, Participating in the Congregation [including giving rates], and Welcoming New People.”[4] However, they also note: “Other factors don’t predict growth — denomination or faith group, congregational size, income levels of worshipers, average age of worshipers, and population growth around the church.”[5]—conflicting with some other theories. They also note:

Many new people (47%) visit for the first time because someone invited them; only 6% came for the first time due to advertising . . . People return because of the quality of the sermon (36%), the friendliness of the people (32%), and the overall worship experience (30%) . . . Growing congregations are more likely to hold events to meet new people or to add members, advertise in the newspaper or telephone book, use email, have a church Web site, and send materials to or telephone first-time visitors . . . Services in growing congregations are more likely to include contemporary music and laughter.[6]

7. Leadership

Ed Stetzer and Mike Dodson report that “we let the data set the agenda, and godly leadership was at the top.”[7]

8. Prayer

Stetzer and Dodson go on to suggest that “Prayer, Children’s Ministry, Evangelism, Youth Ministry, and Leadership” were the top five areas that were changed in the growing churches they studied.[8]

9. Being a church of 1000+ attendees or under 50 attendees

David Olson points out that large (1000+ attendance) and small churches (1-49 attendance) are growing at the fastest rates. “While the larger churches grew according to expectation, the smallest churches actually grew at a faster yearly rate. The churches that declined the most were those with a weekly attendance between 100 and 299.”[9]

Confirming this findings from another angle, Olson reports that in the fourteen diverse denominations he studied, all the denominations that were growing were planting lots of churches; specifically all those denominations planting at least one new church per year for every one hundred existing churches continued to grow.[10]

Mark Chaves affirms the movement of people into large churches.

In every denomination on which we have data, people are increasingly concentrated in the very largest churches, and this is true for small and large denominations, for conservative and liberal denominations, for growing and declining denominations. This trend began rather abruptly in the 1970s, with no sign of tapering off.[11]

10. Being located in rural counties

Olson points out from his research that “Growing churches were more likely to be rural and less likely to be small town, suburban, or urban. While the common assumption is that rural churches are under the most stress, the research supports the opposite.”[12] Thumma and Travis similarly notes that “We are now seeing a rapid rise in the number of churches reaching megachurch proportions that are located in more exurban, formerly rural counties.”[13]

11. Being in rapidly growing zip codes

Olson also points out that growing population areas tend to have growing churches.

Only one [other] external factor was significant in the growth or decline of the church—the change in the population of its zip code. Fast-growing churches—those that increased by more than 20 percent in attendance—were more likely to be located in zip codes where the population growth was higher than the national average. If a church declined or was stable, it was more likely located in a low-growth zip code where population growth was lower than the national average.[14]

12. Being in a tradition that is altering worship practices slightly but not too much

Chaves hypothesizes the development of denominational traditions through “an ecological interpretation of denominational variation.”[15] He argues that denominations have developed from one another in terms of worship practices. New religious traditions (like the Pentecostal tradition) “position themselves relative to already existing groups such that their worship is different, but not too different, from prevailing worship practice.”[16] Chaves is just doing descriptive work but it is hard not to make the connections between this movement and the charts about denominational winners and losers in other books. He also tacitly acknowledges this, “It is remarkable that newer religious traditions tend to appear . . . less ceremonial and more enthusiastic . . . than older religious traditions. No major religious movement has successfully moved” the other direction.[17] It seems that this type of gradual variation “change that occurs through relatively small alterations in existing practice” toward more enthusiasm and less ceremony is a factor in growth.[18]

13. Churches that offer “intimacy and choice.”

Scott Thumma argues that “niche” house churches and megachurches both are offering individuals a product they are interested in. “In certain ways, the megachurch is the complete opposite of the house church, but with hundreds of ministries, programs, and fellowship groups, it offers intimacy and choice in one package.”[19]

14. Attractive worship style, senior pastor, and church reputation

Thumma’s latest report about megachurches notes that people report being attracted to the megachurch for three main reasons: worship style, senior pastor and church reputation. 

The worship style, senior pastor and reputation of the church were most strongly influential in initially bringing people into the megachurches. . . Clearly, most people coming to a megachurch need a direct personal contact with someone they know but it is the public image and their first impression of the church (shaped by the worship style, the personality and quality of the senior pastor and the church’s reputation) that potential, permanent participants find most appealing . . . those characteristics that are most influential for keeping the largest percentage of attenders are indeed the same three items that initially attracted them to the church – the senior pastor, worship style and church reputation.[20]

[1] Rodney Stark, What Americans Really Believe: New Findings from the Baylor Surveys of Religion (Waco: Baylor University Press, 2008), 25.

[2] Stark, What Americans Believe, 29.

[3] Mark Chaves, Congregations in America (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004), 33. Michael Hout, Andrew Greeley, Melissa J. Wilde, “The Demographic Imperative in Religious Change in the United States,” The American Journal of Sociology, 107: 2 (Sep 2001): 468-500.

[4] Cynthia Woolever and Deborah Bruce, Beyond the Ordinary: 10 Strengths of U.S. Congregations (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2004), 113.

[5] Cynthia Woolever and Deborah Bruce, “Myths and Facts about Evangelism and Church Growth,” U.S. Congregations website, n.p. [cited 8 December 2008]. Online:

[6] Woolever and Bruce, “Myths and Facts.”

[7] Ed Stetzer and Mike Dodson, Comeback Churches: How 300 Churches Turned Around and Yours Can Too (Nashville: B&H Publishing Group, 2007), 34.

[8] Stetzer and Dodson, Comeback Churches, 193.

[9] David T. Olson, The American Church in Crisis: Groundbreaking Research Based on a National Database of over 200,000 Churches (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2008), 86.

[10] Olson, American Church in Crisis, 146.

[11] Mark Chaves, “All Creatures Great and Small: Megachurches in Context,” Review of Religious Research 47 (2006): 329.

[12] Olson, American Church in Crisis, 132-133.

[13] Scott Thumma and Dave Travis, Beyond Megachurch Myths: What We Can Learn from America’s Largest Churches (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2007), 26.

[14] Olson, American Church in Crisis, 132-133.

[15] Chaves, Congregations, 155.

[16] Chaves, Congregations, 152.

[17] Chaves, Congregations, 157.

[18] Chaves, Congregations, 156.

[19] Scott Thumma, “The Shape of Things to Come,” in Faith in America: Changes, Challenges, New Directions (ed. Charles H. Lippy; Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2006), 194.

[20] Scott Thumma and Warren Bird, “Not Who You Think They Are: The Real Story of People Who Attend America’s Megachurches” The National Survey of Megachurch Attenders report (June 2009), Hartford Institute for Religious Research website, n.p. [cited 16 June 2009], 15. Online:


This was an appendix for a paper for Mark Chaves during the fall of 2008.


Andy Rowell, “Fourteen theories of church growth from seven research teams” Church Leadership Conversations blog (June 16, 2009),  n.p. [cited 16 June 2009]. Online:

There are at least four reasons why the theories differ.    

(a) It is difficult to find just one correct hypothesis to account for church growth. 

(b) Many of the the researchers do not explicitly intend for church leaders to “try these things out in your churches” though church leaders often jump to this conclusion.   

(c) Even with proven trends, there are almost always exceptions.

(d) The details of the social science deserve scrutiny.

See the outline of my unpublished essay “Eight Warnings for Church Leaders about Using Sociologist Data” in my post Two new reports: Thumma / Bird on Megachurches and Chaves on American Congregations

For more sociology regarding churches, see my Sociology category.


I have not yet looked at

FACTs: A new look at the dynamics of growth and decline in American congregations based on the Faith Communities Today 2005 national survey of congregations
C. Kirk Hadaway
on Growth: A Publication of Faith Communities Today and CCSP

German Learning Theological German website Theological German

Tips on Motivation For Learning Theological German

The Top 13 Reasons To Study Theological German

  1. You want to gain competency quickly so you can focus on other things you are more passionate about.
  2. It is possible to learn to read German with some degree of competency in six weeks if you are disciplined about it.
  3. You do not want to just be adequate, you want to be competent so that translating is not stressful.
  4. Approximately 1/4 of all the theological journals at major English-speaking religion libraries are in German.
  5. English theological discourse has been greatly influenced by German vocabulary.
  6. There are some great Germans worth reading in their native tongue.  Luther, Nietzsche, Barth, Bonhoeffer, and Ratzinger come to mind.
  7. Knowing German will come in handy in the future in surprising ways–while traveling, in an emergency, and while enjoying music, foreign films, and restaurants.
  8. You want to establish consistent, effective, efficient, and productive study habits.  If you can learn German, you can learn most anything.
  9. You are grateful for the abilities you have been given and the appropriate response is doing your best with them.
  10. Learning German will make you a better professor and writer which will one day help the next generation of students.
  11. You can pass on to others what you have learned in the hard work of language study.
  12. You are grateful to others who have sacrificed that you might have time to study.
  13. You want to be able to translate texts with your friend who is also studying theological German.
  14. Karl Barth wrote in his “Letter to American Christians” in December 1942.  “I should like to add as an urgent wish: he [the person who wants to be helpful to European churches] must know our language a bit, be able to read our books and papers himself, if necessary, to follow our worship services and other gatherings with some understanding and perhaps be able to speak with us a little in our own tongue.”  Karl Barth, The Church and the War (trans. Antonia H. Froendt; Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 1944), 45.

The Top 9 Tips for Studying Theological German

  1. Have confidence in the book or resource you have chosen.  If you go through it, you will learn a lot.
  2. Study on a routine.  For example, from 9:30 am to noon work through the grammar book at the coffee shop.  From 1:00 pm to 3:30 study vocabulary and walk in the neighborhood.
  3. Get 8 hours of sleep. If you are sleepy, caffeine is not that helpful.  Take a 20 minute power nap or 1 1/2 hour rejuvenating nap, then try again (with caffeine if you like).
  4. Study German first.  Then check your email and tidy up the house.
  5. Beware of the internet.  Everything on the internet is more interesting than German grammar.
  6. Don’t do questions or translation when you do not have the answers or English translation.  Often book publishers and authors have all of the answers for the exercises and are glad to provide them if you contact them.  It is too frustrating to do questions and not have the answers to check them by.
  7. Language experience helps.  If you have it, great.  If not, this will help you in future language learning.
  8. Have deadlines. Make a schedule.
  9. There is always fog in language-learning.  In other words, you will always be slightly confused.  Push through it.

Theological German: Advice and Resources Homepage


What other advice do you have about staying motivated for learning theological German?

Note from August 2021: This webpage was created in 2009 and has only been sporadically updated since then.

German Learning Theological German website Theological German

Tips for German Reading Exams

Tips on German Reading Exams:

  1. Talk to other students who have taken the exam at your school.
  2. Take into the exam a very good dictionary (See Advice on Choosing a Dictionary) and the dictionary in Modern Theological German (See Textbooks and Grammars).
  3. You probably do not have time to write your translation under the German words and then later write your translation on your paper. So directly write your translation on a yellow pad.
  4. Skip lines so you have room to make corrections.  Start each new sentence on a new line.
  5. Use a Post-it Note to keep your place.  Put it at the end of the sentence.  When you have finished that sentence, move it to the end of the next sentence.
  6. People have still been known to pass even if they do not finish the whole thing if what they have finished is well done.
  7. If your translation of a certain sentence is unclear to you, leave your rough translation and move on to the next sentence.  Perhaps when you have translated the whole section, that sentence will become more clear from the context.  Leave time at the end for going over your whole translation and smoothing it out.
  8. Many advisors will choose a text you are somewhat familiar with if you ask.  Bonhoeffer’s Life Together / Gemeinsames Leben is a popular choice.
  9. Many programs accept a completed German academic course in lieu of taking the test.
  10. Standardization in language learning has grown increasingly common with the adoption of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in 2001.  However, this has not yet been adopted by many religion departments as the criteria for their evaluation.  Therefore, levels of acceptable proficiency vary widely.  See Deutsche Welle (sponsored by the German government) for a brief description of the CEF levels:
  • A-1 is reached with about 75 hours of German study.
  • A-2.1 about 150 hours.
  • A-2.2 about 225 hours.
  • B 1.1 about 300 hours.
  • B 1.2 about 400 hours.

Sample Guidelines:

See for example the description of language exams in the Duke Divinity School “Doctor of Theology” (Th.D.) program.  See Th.D. Course of Study and  Th.D. Language Guidelines (pdf)

For more about my program, see the Th.D. / Ph.D. category page at my blog.


Sample Exam 1:

For the test, you have two hours to translate two pages of a journal article with a dictionary.

Sample exam 1 is from an article in the journal Die Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche. (Duke University Library link to this journal).

Otfried Hofius, “Gemeindeleitung und Kirchenleitung nach dem Zeugnis des Neuen Testaments: Eine Skizze,” Die Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 103 (2006):185-186.

Download copy of sample German Exam.pdf

Sample Exam 2:

Matthias Konradt, Gericht und Gemeinde: Eine Studie zur Bedeutung und Funktion von Gerichtsaussagen im Rahmen der Paulinischen Ekklesiologie und Ethik im 1 Thess und 1 Kor (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2003), 521-522.

Google Books tells you that the most common terms and phrases in this book on its overview page.  Those terms might be worth memorizing as an example of current theological New Testament work in German.

Sample Exam 3:

Jörg Frey, “‘… dass sie meine Herrlichkeit schauen’ (Joh 17.24) Zu Hintergrund, Sinn und Funktion der johanneischen Rede von der δoξα Jesu” New Testament Studies 54 (2008): 395-397.

Sample Exam 4:

A selection from:

Ernst Käsemann, “Gottesgerechtigkeit bei Paulus,” Die Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 58 (1961): 367-78.

The translation is available at:

Ernst Käsemann, “‘The Righteousness of God’ in Paul,” in New Testament Questions of Today (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1969), 168-82.

Theological German: Advice and Resources Homepage


What other advice do you have about passing graduate program German reading exams?

Note from August 2021: This webpage was created in 2009 and has only been sporadically updated since then.