How much emphasis should we place on healing?

I have decide to remove this post.  I wanted to provide some resources for people to think more about this issue.  But this issue is complex and it is difficult to cover it carefully and briefly. 

I will leave one resource because it gives you an idea of the complexity of the issue. 

Miraculous Gifts for Today?

by Stanley N. Gundry (Series Editor), Robert Saucy (Contributor), Richard B. Gaffin (Contributor), Sam Storms (Contributor), Doug Oss (Author), Wayne Grudem (Editor)
Zondervan (October 10, 1996)


One response to “How much emphasis should we place on healing?”

  1. L.L. Barkat Avatar

    hmmm… ever think about addressing an issue over multiple posts? I know I like to argue with myself, and this is one of the ways I do it sometimes. 🙂
    TITLE: How much should we expect God to heal?
    BLOG NAME: 42
    DATE: 10/11/2006 08:32:09 AM
    How much should we expect God to heal?. It helps me to think of Africa. The you can have the riches of heaven now if you just believe theology does not make sense of Africa. Is it that the continent