Taylor students (and their parents) often ask: what can I do with a minor or major in Christian Educational Ministries? This is the handout we give them. See below.
To learn more about what courses make up a Christian Educational Ministries major or minor, click here.
If you want to know how to find a Ministry position, see my post about that here.
If you’re curious, I taught two sections of "Teaching and Learning Strategies," two sections of "Program and Curriculum Development" and the "Senior Capstone" course this year. See my earlier posts about the sites we visited in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and relevant books and articles on ministry in Philadelphia .
My wife Amy has taught three sections of "Personal Foundations for Ministry" and a course entitled "Ministry By Women in the Contemporary Context."
Amy and I are both majored in Christian Educational Ministries at Taylor University and graduated in 1998.
Opportunities for Christian Educational Ministries Majors and Minors
Church (From small to megachurch) – Pastor, Youth Pastor, Associate Pastor, Christian Education Director. Pastor of specialized ministry: children, youth, Jr. high, Sr. high, student ministries, family ministries, college ministry, young adults, next generation, singles, men’s, women’s, adult ministries, pastoral care, worship arts, outreach, missions, evangelism, discipleship, spiritual formation, special needs, small groups, recreational ministries, administration, executive pastor, church planter, etc.
Para Church –Youth For Christ, Young Life, InterVarsity, Campus Crusade, Navigators, etc.
Missions – trainer, linguist, church planter, discipler, evangelist, curriculum developer, house parent, teacher, community development, student mobilizer, short term missions leader, rehabilitation.
Inner City – church planter, youth center director, ministry with youth, community development worker, recreation director, house parent.
Christian Camping – conference, wilderness, director, assistant director, retreat center director
Christian College – resident hall director, student development leader, professor of Christian education, student ministry director, practicum supervisor.
Writing – Sunday school/children, youth, adult curriculum, books, magazine editor, book editor.
Christian high school – Bible teacher, director of missions, coach.
Chaplain – hospital, military
Media Specialist – film, music, video, communications.
Training for some of these positions could be further supplemented by taking courses outside of the Christian Educational Ministries department (Accounting, Biblical Literature, Church Music, Communication – New Media, Early Childhood Education, English Writing, Intercultural Studies / Missions, International Business, International Studies, Management, Physical Education, Psychology, Social Work, or Sociology).
One response to “What can I do with a major or minor in Christian Educational Ministries at Taylor University?”
what can I do with a minor or major in Christian Educational Ministries? This is the handout we give them.