Mark Driscoll

Larry Osborne has invited Mark Driscoll to speak at his October 2020 conference

Larry Osborne has invited Mark Driscoll to speak at his October 2020 conference. Here is my Twitter thread about that. 

Here is a PDF of the thread. 

Download Larry Osborne and Mark Driscoll

Eric Metaxas Evangelicals Franklin Graham Maria Butina Politics Russia Trump

American evangelicals and Putin and Russia: Eric Metaxas, Maria Butina, Prayer Breakfast, and Franklin Graham

Here is a Twitter thread about American evangelicals and Putin

Here is a PDF of the thread: 

Download American evangelicals and Putin



Samuel Rodriguez and the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference


Here is a Twitter thread about Samuel Rodriguez and the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

Here is a PDF of the thread: 

Download Samuel Rodriguez and the NHCLC