Church Leadership Conversations

  • Small church vs. large church

    On Out of Ur, the Leadership journal blog, the latest post is about two nonChristians who have been attending churches in Toronto.  The post is called: "Razzmatazz or Ragamuffins? Two non-Christians paid to visit churches are impressed with charity not facilities."

    They were turned off by the megachurches they visited but were moved by the devotion to Jesus by a small church that served the homeless.  I posted the following comment. 

    This post is exactly right to point out that churches without flash and pizzazz can still definitely show people who Jesus is.  Small churches do not have the resources to put on a fancy Sunday morning show.  They should be who they are – equipping their people to serve and showing the community Jesus by serving them.  Many, who are not attracted to the slick production, will be attracted by them. 

    But I do question the implication that the majority of young people and unchristian people are not attracted to quality Sunday morning programming.  I do not think we can make that conclusion based on the opinions of these 2 college students.       

    My experience is that more young adults and nonchristians are attracted to megachurches and cool emerging churches than poor social justice churches.  But I would be thrilled to be wrong.

    The sample size of two is inconclusive.  Are there statistics about how many people are coming to Christ in megachurches vs. small-churches that are more oriented toward social justice?  There are many sociologists people out there doing research on this kind of thing: Gallup, Barna, Christian Smith, Christian Schwarz (Natural Church Development), Lilly Endowment, Baylor survey, denominational stats, and the Alban Institute.

    There is still a place I think for quality Sunday morning programming (welcoming, music,  and preaching) for the purpose of drawing in new people and equipping the Christians.  And yet it is easy to spend all of a church's resources on the Sunday morning show.

    May the Spirit of God give us eyes to see what he is doing through the variety of church forms.

    Further thoughts:

    I want to affirm small churches and churches that care for the poor.  I also want large churches to appreciate these small churches.  Posts like this one on Out of Ur serve to do that.  That is good. 

    But it also bothers me when churches don't at least try to have quality Sunday morning programming.  (The end results will vary depending on the size of the church.  A church of 500 can do more than a church of 30 in terms of quality programming). 

    This probably bothers me because this is one of my strengths – organizing people into a team to improve Sunday morning programming.  (See my post "How to plan and lead worship.") I just don't want churches to get complacent thinking that the quality of the Sunday morning programming is irrelevant to their outreach to young adults and nonChristians.  I think the seeker folks (like Granger Community Church and Willowcreek Community Church) are right to urge churches to welcome people well, clearly explain the elements of the service to them, and try to relate the eternal truths of Scripture to the world of today. 

  • Moving, Summer Schedule and New Email Address

    June 3, 2007 (See updates to this post farther down in the post). 

    Dear All,

    Sorry for not blogging much recently but we are busy preparing to move from Upland, Indiana to Duke, North Carolina.  I am going to be doing my Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) at Duke Divinity School.   The full update about that is at my post Starting Doctor of Theology (Th.D) at Duke Divinity School in the fall


    Here is our upcoming schedule if you want to keep track of us or meet up with us. 

    • June 5-7 Wheaton, Illinois. Visiting my parents
    • June 13 Upland, Indiana. Packing the PODS moving container.
    • June 14-17 Traverse City, Michigan. Wedding for Deepak Prabhaker and Corinne Fosdick.  I am giving homily.  Deepak is a high school friend of mine. 
    • June 17 Grandville, Michigan.  Amy and I are attending church at Rob Bell's Mars Hill Bible Church on Sunday at 11:00. 
    • June 18 Drive to Durham, North Carolina. 
    • June 19-21.  Paint inside of house. 
    • June 23.  Move stuff in to house. 
    • July-August.  Teach myself to read German to pass language exam in the fall if possible.  I haven't been able to find anyone yet to study with me. 

    New email address

    I have also updated my email address.  My primary address will be andy.rowell@ (There is no space).  I don't plan on ever posting that one on the web in its entirety to try to keep away the spam.  I have another one listed on this website rowell.andy@  That one will be forwarded to the main account.      

    I also have a Duke email address but since it is limited to 100 MB and gmail gives you 2860 MB I am just going to go with the gmail one.  If you are curious, it is andy.rowell@ (there is no space) – that will also be forwarded to the main account.  Perhaps if I am writing any serious proposals, I will use the duke address but the practical aspects of the gmail one are strong!

    I can send you a gmail invitation so you can get gmail if you email me and ask. LATER NOTE: Anyone can now sign up for gmail.  No invitations are needed. 

    My wife Amy's new email address is rowell.amy@ (no spaces).  Her website is

    I used How to Import Archived Outlook Email Into GMail Using GML – wikiHow to import our Taylor University email messages into gmail.

    I will blog again soon.  Until then, there are lots of other good things to read and listen to.  See my:

    The Best Blogs for Church Leaders to Read

    Best Podcasts for Church Leaders

    I have also been reading Christianity Today's new LiveBlog

    Grace and peace, 


    Update July 9, 2007:

    We have arrived in Durham and are getting settled.  The photo below was taken July 1st in front of Duke Chapel. 


    Update July 19, 2007


    I have finished 10 of the 30 days of German Quickly: A Grammar for Reading German by April Wilson.  I have made and used German Quickly flashcards on Flashcard Exchange.  (You can use them online for free or pay $20 for a lifetime membership for access to printing them.  I used this site when I studied for the GRE last year.  See my post about the GRE here).   

    July 21, 2007

    Email update

    I send out an email yesterday to friends and family with our new phone numbers and address.  If I didn't email you and you are a friend, I don't have your email address!

    Here is the quick update I sent to people:
    • I am starting my Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) degree this fall at Duke Divinity School. 
    • We thoroughly enjoyed serving as professors of Christian ministry at Taylor University the last two years.
    • We have purchased our first home and have moved to Durham, NC.   
    • Amy is due to have Baby #2 September 27th.  It's a boy. 
    • Ryan turned 2 in April and is doing well. 
    • It will probably take me about five years to finish the program. 
    • Amy is hoping eventually to work part-time in pastoral ministry at a church.
  • Three outstanding business advice resources that church leaders will love

    These new business resources have helped me to become a better strategic thinker as a church leader.   

    1. TED Talks.  This is church for secular people.  They bring in the most passionate, worthwhile, creative and successful people to share what they feel other leaders most need to hear.  You can watch the videos of the talks online.  They are informational, inspirational and remind me of what church should be.  In March 2007, David Pogue of the NYTimes gives this summary,

    Last week, I attended my second TED conference, which stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design. During the four-day conference, you hear 50 speakers, who are given 18 minutes each. They are the most compelling, passionate, informed speakers you’ve ever heard (all right, maybe 45 of them are). Some bring back reports from the edge of medicine, archaeology, nanotech, neurology, psychiatry or the Web. Some, like Paul Simon, Tracy Chapman, and They Might Be Giants, perform live. But a good number of them bring you face to face with some of the most upsetting realities of human existence. The horrors in sub-Saharan Africa. The viruses that are gaining on us. The increasing scarcity of drinkable water. And over and over and over again, climate change, presented with the most harrowing examples, measurements and projections . . . There are so many standing ovations, you’re practically doing 18-minute calisthenics. And the cumulative effect of the conference is devastating. You can’t return to the real world thinking the same thoughts you thought before; you just can’t do it.  Only 1,000 people can attend TED live (it’s in Monterey, California). The auditorium holds only 500 people; the rest sit downstairs in a comfortable "simulcast lounge" and watch on flat-panel high-definition TV sets. (So why don’t they hold the thing in a bigger theater? They tried. Last year, they held one afternoon’s talks in a Broadway-style theater. It was a disaster. The enormous hall drained all sense of intimacy, humanity and urgency from the speakers.)


    I listened to Bill Clinton’s talk on the world’s health-care crisis.  At the beginning, Clinton rattles off statistics about the plight of the world.  Oh, that all American pastors (including me) could do the same. 

    I can’t help but think these 18 minute presentations are what our congregations are hungry for: intelligent, passionate talks about changing the world.  Watch them at TED’s website here

    2. Jack and Suzy Welch’s The Welch Way column and podcast.  I have listened to all the podcasts.  They are outstanding.  It is great to hear the "greatest CEO in history" give his take on common management (leadership) issues.  You will be a wiser supervisor for having listened.  The Businessweek Welch Way website is here.  I subscribe with iTunes.  The link for that is here

    3. Businessweek’s Cover Stories.  I love the interviews on iTunes but you can read all of the past cover stories on Businessweek’s website.  These give you the latest of what is happening in business from the inside.  There have been fascinating recent stories on Wal-Mart, Best Buy, McDonald’s, Home Depot,, the Best Performers, the Best Places (Companies) to Launch your Career, MTV and the World’s Most Innovative Companies.  Businessweek’s website is here.  The iTunes link is here.

    Of course, a church is not a business but we can certainly learn from the strategic thinking and the creative structures of other effective organizations.  All of these resources inspire me and give me confidence to be an innovator – to make changes, to lead.

    For more information about podcasts and iTunes, see my article the Best Podcasts for Church Leaders.

    For more arguments about church and business, see the various posts related to Andy Stanley who embraces business practices.  He is a good case study of the strengths of that approach and I also point out some possible weaknesses.