Church Leadership Conversations

  • FAQ about Worship: Seekers, Emotions, and Me-Songs

    Some students at Taylor University, where I taught the last two years, have asked me eight questions about worship.  Their questions touch on a number of issues related to contemporary worship but also worship in general.  Here are my responses. 

  • #1: What is your definition of worship?
  •     #2: How do you wrestle with the "me" focus and making a meaningful response to God?
  •     #3: How do you choose worship music? Are there certain themes that you look for? Does that change depending on environment?
  •    #4: How do you react to the statement "One cannot sing praise songs
    without noticing how first person pronouns tend to eclipse every other subject?"
  •    #5: How does the corporate worship that occurs on Sunday morning
    differ from the corporate worship of chapel or other Christian formation experiences throughout the week?
  •     #6: What can seekers gain from worshiping?
  •     #7: What kind of music we should sing, particularly in regards to worship music?
  •     #8: What part do you think that traditional worship should play in corporate worship?
  • Jack Welch: Most pastors could never make it in the business world

    I have a new post today on Leadership Journal’s Out of Ur blog entitled

    Are Pastors Competitive Enough?

    A CEO says pastors would never make it in the business world, but is that bad?

    by Andy Rowell

    I comment on a BusinessWeek article by Jack Welch regarding people trying to move from the non-profit world (i.e. church) to the business world. 

    Make your comments there!

  • Bonhoeffer / Emerging Church paper and AETE

    [I have revised this post].

    At the last minute I was asked to be ready to present my paper on Bonhoeffer and Emerging Church movement at the Academy
    for Evangelism in Theological Education
    meeting.  But as it turned out, they didn't need me as all four presenters showed up.  The AETE met this year in Ashland, Ohio
    at Ashland Seminary. 

    The paper I was going to present was the one I wrote for my Duke Th.D. application.  It has been on my blog for six months and I have made the changes people suggested there.  You can see it at: Bonhoeffer and the Emerging Church: Ph.D. Application Paper

    "Who is the Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education?", you
    might ask.  The professors on the board are United Methodist, Cooperative Baptist
    Fellowship, evangelical Anglican and Southern Baptist.  The theme of this annual meeting was "engaging the
    emerging church." (Download AETE

    The presenters this year were:

    Bob Whitesel – who is a church consultant, author, adjunct professor at Indiana Wesleyan University, and is finishing his Ph.D. at the School for Intercultural Studies at Fuller Seminary.  Bob tried to describe the way organic / emerging / missional church leaders think.  He tries to help older church leaders understand this mindset.      

    Paul Chilcote – who is a visiting professor of evangelism at Duke Divinity School shared a paper comparing various positive aspects of the emerging church movement to the work of John Wesley. 

    Bryan Stone – who is a E. Stanley Jones Professor of Evangelism at the School of Theology at Boston University, pointed out that though the emerging church may appear at first glance disgusted by the institutional church, it is deeply focused on seeing people connected into community. 

    Len Sweet – who is E. Stanley Jones Professor of
    Evangelism at Drew University also presented comments about the emerging church movement.

    There were also a couple of papers presented by Southern Baptist pastors, Adam Greenway and William Henard.  Henard is an adjunct professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY and Greenway is a Ph.D. student.  They both have concerns with Brian McLaren's view of Scripture, doctrine, atonement, evangelism, and ethics. 

    The United Methodist E. Stanley Jones Professors of Evangelism from various United Methodist seminaries sometimes attend this meeting and then meet afterward together.  The Foundation For Evangelism which funds the E. Stanley Jones professors of evangelism are also funding my doctoral program.