Church Leadership Conversations

  • Update: Brian McLaren’s Everything Must Change tour and book

    Update March 25, 2008:

    I thought I would update the post below from January 15th.  I went to Brian McLaren’s Everything Must Change event in Charlotte and was interested to see Brian’s structuring of the sessions as worship services.  He had written most of the songs that were sung.  I think he misses being a pastor! 

    I also read the whole book.  I put off writing a review because it would need to be nuanced and fair as well as quite critical.  I am glad though to be able to refer you to Tall Skinny Kiwi Andrew Jones’s blog post from today "Brian McLaren Responds to Everything Must Change Concerns" in which Brian responds to a number of strongly-worded questions by Andrew, a friend of Brian’s.  I also had many of these same questions about the book.  See also Scot McKnight’s multi-part review linked to below for critique of the book. 

    Original post January 15, 2008: I’ll be at Brian McLaren’s Everything Must Change Tour in Charlotte Feb 1-2

    Brian McLaren’s new book Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution of Hope came out October 2nd, 2007 and already has twenty-five reviews on, has been reviewed by Scot McKnight, and is reviewed by the editor of Books & Culture John Wilson in the January 2008 issue of Christianity Today.  (Now available online: see link). Brian McLaren: Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution of Hope

    In the book, McLaren draws on his extensive global travel over the last few years and (as always) seeks above all to stimulate fresh lively conversations.  This time he wades into the issues of capitalism, poverty, politics, terrorism, Islam, and the environment.  Though some reviewers wish McLaren had more economic and scientific expertise to add more weight and nuance to his conclusions, none question the importance of the questions this book explores. McLaren frequently admits that his MA in English and years of pastoring a church do not make him an expert about anything he has written about (postmodernism – A New Kind of Christian, Jesus scholarship – The Secret Message of Jesus, theology – A Generous Orthodoxy, and now global crises).   But, he is a master at speaking in language that grabs the attention of ordinary people.  And, though there are some who would disagree with me here, for not being an expert, I would say he gets a lot right. 

    McLaren and a few friends are doing an eleven-city tour in the next few months.  The very first event is in Charlotte February 1-2 – just two and a half weeks from today.  I’m leading a "Late Night Discussion Group" on Friday night entitled "Thinking Seminary."  I’ll be presenting 15 minutes and then we’ll have 45 minutes of discussion.  Here is the description of what I’m presenting:

    Are you thinking about going to seminary? Andy
    will discuss “Ten Things You Should Know If You Are Considering
    Seminary,” as well as how to pick a seminary, why you should go, why
    you shouldn’t
    go, the largest ones, theological differences, going part-time or
    full-time, financial issues, and other questions you may have about
    theological education. Are you from a seminary (either on staff or currently a student)? Andy
    will also be discussing how emerging and missional church movements are
    challenging theological education and how seminaries must change in
    light of Everything Must Change.

    The event in Charlotte is going to be a fairly intimate setting – just two hundred people or so, so you’ll have the opportunity to ask some questions, meet some people, and hear the latest things on McLaren’s mind.  Again, this is the opening weekend of the tour.  With all of the added events connected with it, it will go from 6:00 pm Friday Feb 1 until late, and all day Saturday Feb 2 until late so you’ll get your money’s worth if you are interested.   The main sessions will end at around 9:00 pm Friday and 5:00 pm Saturday.   It is $109.  ($79 with a student ID).  Email me if you want to meet there and get coffee at a break.

    Here are a few people who I think would enjoy the tour. 
    1. Those who have enjoyed McLaren’s very stimulating, easy-to-read books will enjoy McLaren in person. 
    2. Those interested in politics, economics, environmental, and law who want to hear someone in plain terms give a stimulating explanation on how those realms should intersect with the Christian faith will not be disappointed.   
    3. Those curious about the emerging church conversation will get a chance to see that movement of mostly younger Christians do what it does best: sit around and try to sort through the chaos of this world and craft creative faithful Christian responses. 

    Though McLaren is probably the most influential emerging church leader
    in the United States, this doesn’t mean many emerging church leaders
    swallow McLaren’s conclusions or even share his views.  However,
    McLaren has often had a big influence on the subject of the
    conversation.  In the past, he has encouraged the movement to discuss: social justice, evangelism to postmoderns, appreciating ancient Christian tradition, church
    planting, eschatology, theology, spiritual formation, and Jesus
    scholarship.  He is now encouraging the movement to look at global

    I predict that MacLaren’s new book Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution of Hope will raise the expectation throughout
    young American Christianity that having a basic familiarity with the
    global crises of our world is a prerequisite to future church
    leadership.  The feeling is already growing among laypeople that if a
    pastor never mentions any of the problems non-Americans face, he or she is probably unfit to suggest ethical
    implications of the biblical text.   McLaren’s book attempts to give
    church leaders just that type of introduction to the world’s problems. 

    Additional resources:

    Everything Must Change Tour Website

    Blog for Charlotte site of the Everything Must Change Tour

    Registration page for Charlotte site

    In his Christianity Today review of MacLaren’s book, John Wilson mentions Nobel Prize-winning Robert Fogel’s 2004 book

    • Robert William Fogel: The Escape from Hunger and Premature Death, 1700-2100: Europe, America, and the Third World (Cambridge Studies in Population, Economy and Society in Past Time)


    William Fogel: The Escape from Hunger and Premature Death, 1700-2100:
    Europe, America, and the Third World (Cambridge Studies in Population,
    Economy and Society in Past Time)

    My "Seminaries" blog post category

    Tony Jones interviews Brian McLaren about Everything Must Change at the Emergent Village Podcast

    Scot McKnight’s 18 posts on Everything Must Change can be found at his Emerging Movement category.

  • Jürgen Moltmann and Stanley Hauerwas Audio Recordings from Society for Pentecostal Studies and the Wesleyan Theological Society joint meeting

    I attended the Society for Pentecostal Studies and the Wesleyan Theological Society 3rd Joint Meeting at Duke Divinity School, March 13-15, 2008.

    I recorded three of the sessions with my little recorder.  They are not the best recordings, but if you are highly interested, I assume you will still be grateful.  If you have questions about listening to MP3's, see below.   

    The Gospel and Peace — A Pentecostal-Wesleyan-Quaker-Baptist Conversation.mp3

    Here is the WMA version which is probably clearer because it is the original version. 

    2 hr. 6 min session, 144 MB size


    Thursday, March 13, 2008 SESSION 2

    Paul Alexander, Azusa Pacific University, Chair
    Theme: "The Gospel and Peace: A Pentecostal-Wesleyan-Quaker-Baptist Conversation"
    Stanley Hauerwas, Duke Divinity School, Panelist
    Ann Riggs, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, Panelist. (Dr. Riggs is now Adjunct Faculty at the Earlham School of Religion.)
    Glen Stassen, Fuller Theological Seminary, Panelist
    William C. Turner, Duke Divinity School, Panelist

    Jürgen Moltmann – Sighs, Signs, and Significance.mp3

    55 min lecture, 63 MB size

    Thursday, March 13, 2008
    Speaker: Professor Dr. Jürgen Moltmann, Tübingen University
    Sighs, Signs, and Significance: A Theological Hermeneutics of Nature

    Jürgen Moltmann – Darwin and the Interpretation of Natural Theology.mp3

    1 hr 28 min lecture and panel, 100 MB size

    Friday, March 14, 2008
    Professor Dr. Jürgen Moltmann, Tübingen University, Presenter "Darwin, Theology, and Culture"
    Ellen Davis, Duke Divinity School, Respondent
    Frederick L. Ware, Howard Divinity School, Respondent. (Dr. Ware writes, "I am attaching  my full written response to Professor Moltmann.  My
    oral presentation does not follow verbatim the written text I prepared
    for the plenary session.  Professor Moltmann has a copy of my written
    text." Download Ware_Response_to_Moltmann_Theology_of_Nature_Without_Moral_Realism.pdf)
    Barry Callen, Anderson University, Respondent

    Note to those interested in Moltmann:

    Tony Jones has alerted me to the Jürgen Moltmann Yahoo Group which you would be free to join.

    Instructions for playing MP3's:

    I have given you MP3's which play on any computer.  You just right
    click on it and click "Save Link As . . ." or "Save Target As . . ."
    and you can save it
    to your desktop (and it will be on your computer and you can listen to
    it whenever you want).  If you have an MP3 player, you just plug it in to
    your computer like a memory stick and move the MP3's from your computer
    to your player. 

    More Duke Divinity School Audio Recordings:

    There are more Duke Divinity School audio recordings at iTunes U / Duke / Religion / Divinity School.
    (This link will only work if you have iTunes, a free downloadable
    , installed on your computer).   See especially the talks by
    Wendell Berry, Stanley Hauerwas and Ellen Davis at "Our Daily Bread 2007: 2007 Convocation and Pastor's School" (iTunes link).  See also the talks by Dale C. Allison Jr., from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, on "The Historical Jesus and the Theological Jesus" (iTunes link).

    There are also some MP3's available at the Duke Divinity School Socratic Club blog.  See April 2008.  For example, one post  "Socratic Audio Files" has 2008 talks by Allen Verhey on Richard Niebuhr, Amy Laura Hall on the Yale School (George Lindbeck, etc.), Curtis Freeman on Karl Barth, Mary McClintock Fulkerson on Friedrich Schleiermacher, Stanley Hauerwas reading from his memoirs, and Richard Hays on biblical studies at Duke Divinity School.   These talks explore various influences on the strain of theology found at Duke Divinity School. 

    In the past, I have greatly appreciated it when people have recorded lectures and then posted them on the web.  I am keenly aware that it is not always possible to fly across the country to go to that conference you wanted to attend.  I posted recordings from the SBL and AAR meetings in November and the feedback from both presenters and listeners was 100% positive.


    Collin Hansen's "Theology in the News" web only Christianity Today article links to this post.  He writes,

    The period following Lent is the season for conferences. The Wesleyan
    Theological Society joined with the Society for Pentecostal Studies at
    Duke University in March for a conference called "Sighs, Signs, and Significance: Pentecostal and Wesleyan Explorations of Science and Creation."
    More than 600 scholars attended. Jürgen Moltmann delivered the keynote
    address, which explored the harmony between revealed Scripture and the
    natural world. Andy Rowell has posted audio.

  • My List of 80 Church Leadership Blogs I am watching

    Here are the blogs I am currently watching.  I am using the free
    Google Reader as my feedcatcher on
    my free iGoogle page which I use as my home page.  This is the
    sequel to my post My List of
    the 70 Best Church Leadership Blogs
    from February 2007.  I explained
    my choices in that post.  This list is totally subjective.  Browse through and see if anything is interesting.  Here is the link if you want to see the newest posts from these 80 Church Leadership blogs  – there is also a link there to get you started with Google Reader and my feed from the 80 blogs.  Feel free to list your
    blog or others you recommend in the comments. 

    Note to blog writers:  Because I subscribe to lots of blogs, I usually only read the titles of posts and if they don’t grab me, I skip them.  So take care how you title.  If the title isn’t clear, I do not know the subject of the post and will probably ignore it.  So be informative about the content of the post in the title!