I filled in the forms to receive coupons for the Children and Infant's Tylenol and Motrin that is being recalled.
Category: Uncategorized
See my Christianity Today online piece about pastors resigning after book success
Jim Belcher, Francis Chan, N.T. Wright, and Others Leave the Pastorate to Write and Speak
Why church planters often quit their congregations.
In this piece I wrote yesterday morning for CT, I am trying to be intentionally vague about the pastors' different motivations while trying to find some common factors in their journeys. I hope it is thought-provoking but also hope the article comes across as benign and modest in its aims.
Alice “Allie” Madelyn Rowell was born this morning
Alice "Allie" Madelyn Rowell was born at 1:29 am this morning May 6th
weighing 6 lbs 4 oz and measuring 18 1/4 inches. Mom and baby are doing well.
We arrived at the delivery room at 1:19 am. Alice is Amy's maternal
grandmother's name (who went by Ali) and her mother Nancy's middle name. She
has a full head of hair. I will put a photo on this Rowell Kids blog on Thursday
night or Friday morning after we get home: http://www.andyrowell.net/kids/ See photos below.Much love to all,
Andy, Amy, Ryan, Jacob, and Allie Rowell
Update 10:00 pm: Here are some photos from today. Ryan (5) and Jacob (2) came to see their baby sister. Jacob said, "I'm done. I'm ready to go home now." Ryan said, "Ohhh, aren't you having fun?"