Category: Politics

  • Frank Rich of the New York Times wrongly says that Christianity Today affirms Oprah’s Spirituality

    The number one article right now on the New York Times website is

    Frank Rich: Latter-Day Republicans vs. the Church of Oprah

    Frank Rich misleadingly quotes Christianity Today, implying that the great evangelical magazine supports Oprah’s religious beliefs. 

    He writes,

    Five years ago, Christianity Today, the evangelical journal founded by Billy Graham, approvingly described
    Oprah as “an icon of church-free spirituality” whose convictions
    “cannot simply be dismissed as superficial civil religion or so much
    New Age psychobabble.”

    Rich totally cites these phrases out of their context.  In fact, the Christianity Today article graciously but firmly cites a number of things that are very problematic about  Oprah’s spirituality.  Here is one of the final lines in the Christianity Today article,

    "What the Oprah phenomenon . . . shows . . .is that this brand of spirituality is ultimately unsatisfying."

    Here is the link to the Christianity Today story:

    Oprah viewers and all Christians should read the
    Christianity Today article.  While Oprah is a great person, Christians
    need to realize her advice is not necessarily Christian advice and viewers should think more critically before accepting her brand of spirituality. 

    I am appalled that Christianity Today was misquoted in
    an article that thousands of people are reading.  No doubt most of them
    will not realize that Christianity Today is being misquoted.  I commend
    Frank Rich for providing the link to the original Christianity Today
    story in his article so that people can easily find out how badly he
    misconstrued it.

    Tangential comment:
    I am not saying that Barack Obama’s religious faith is likewise a problem.  He seems to be a serious Christian.  I have put below in bullets a few stories about his faith.  I am not saying I support Obama.  I am going to refrain from citing my opinions on presidential politics.

    Below are a few links to articles about Obama’s faith.  It differs from Oprah’s. 

  • Do Church Leaders Promote an Unbiblical Patriotism?

    The article below in the second most popular article on the NY Times right now.  It is free for reviewing for the next week or two.

    Disowning Conservative Politics, Evangelical Pastor Rattles Flock

    Published: July 30, 2006
    Video: Politics and the Pulpit

    Bill Alkofer for The New York Times
    The article is about Gregory Boyd and his denuniciation of evangelicals for being enmeshed with the political right.  He is teaching pastor at a 4,000 person megachurch near St. Paul, Minnesota.  He is famous for his involvement in the Open Theism controversies and for his book Letters From a Skeptic. 
    The first few lines of the article (which I have pasted below) should serve as a good springboard for discussion.  Like Boyd, I have had people ask me to do all sorts of "political things" from the pulpit.  What should we do and what shouldn’t we do?

    MAPLEWOOD, Minn. — Like most pastors who lead thriving evangelical megachurches, the Rev. Gregory A. Boyd was asked frequently to give his blessing — and the church’s — to conservative political candidates and causes.

    The requests came from church members and visitors alike: Would he please announce a rally against gay marriage during services? Would he introduce a politician from the pulpit? Could members set up a table in the lobby promoting their anti-abortion work? Would the church distribute “voters’ guides” that all but endorsed Republican candidates? And with the country at war, please couldn’t the church hang an American flag in the sanctuary?

    After refusing each time, Mr. Boyd finally became fed up, he said . . .

    See the great discussion at Scot McKnight’s Jesus Creed.  See the summary on of this discussion at Vanguard Church’s post Randall Balmer Review at Scot McKnight’s "Jesus Creed"