Category: Emerging Church

  • Excellent analysis: Ed Stetzer on the Emerging Church

    In the The Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry, there is an excellent article on the Emerging Church Movement by Southern Baptist missiologist of North America, Director of LifeWay Research, Twitterer, and prolific author Ed Stetzer.

    [Download PDF].

    "The Emergent/Emerging Church: A Missiological Perspective"
    Dr. Ed Stetzer
    pp. 62-95
    Fall 2008
    Vol. 5. No. 2.
    The Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry
    The Baptist Center of Theology & Ministry: A Research Institute of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

    Andrew Jones, Tall Skinny Kiwi, also recommends the article, "Dr. Stetzer has an outstanding paper on the American emerging church
    just released on The Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry.  Well researched and worth the read."

    Stetzer does an excellent job of telling the history of the movement drawing on many good sources: Tony Jones, Scot McKnight, Brian McLaren, and Eddie Gibbs and Ryan Bolger.

    He concludes by expanding on his taxonomy: Relevants, Reconstructionists, and Revisionists.  He explains further that this based on a missiological assessment.  I think all of this is very helpful. 

    Essentially, he is arguing that it is important for all churches to adapt to their culture in order to communicate with them.  However, they should not accomodate to the culture too much.  He tries to identify some ways that the emerging church movement is doing the former and some ways they are in danger of doing the latter. 

    Stetzer's work is mapping the terrain.  Others who are leading churches will need to do the constructive work on what precisely this looks like.  I think my paper on Rowan Williams's missional ecclesiology does some helpful work in this regard–arguing that there are four practices that cannot be lost in contextualization if the church is to remain faithful. 

    But if you want to get a basic idea of how to evaluate the emerging church movement and to understand its breadth, you cannot do better than reading Stetzer's analysis. 

  • The missional ecclesiology of Rowan Williams

    I have posted below for download the paper I finished recently on the missional ecclesiology of Rowan Williams, the current Archbishop of Canterbury, the head of the Anglican Communion.  The question I was asking was, "What would Rowan Williams be thinking
    about if he was a church planter or emerging church pastor?" 

    Download Rowan_Williams’s_Theology_of_the_Church_as_Missionary.pdf

    I look forward to reading your comments.  I am not an expert on Williams but I have read eight books by him.  If you know of any place I might consider publishing this, I would be open to advice.   

    Three benefits of my paper:

    This paper has three main benefits.  First, Christians might use the four “practices” as a guide for evaluating their own churches.  Does our church embrace fully the four practices in Williams’s work that can help ensure our faithfulness to the gospel? 

    The terms “practices” and “standards of excellence” are borrowed from MacIntyre and are not used by Williams but I think they are an enlightening way of organizing his arguments related to the mission of the church.

    Second, Christians might use the “standards of excellence” for the practice of communicating the Good News to evaluate their own church’s outlook toward mission.  Does our practice of communicating of the Good News adhere to the standards of excellence which should characterize that practice according to Williams?

    Third, this paper brings together in an organized way the diverse thought of Rowan Williams for the edification of the church.  Williams tends to be misunderstood as the recent furor over his comments about Sharia exemplify.  His writings have different audiences and content so that one could get a skewed understanding of Williams’s thought if they are unaware of the scope of his work.  For example, if someone only read Lost Icons, they might be unaware of his explicitly Christian writing such as Tokens of Trust.  This paper allows both liberals and conservatives, critics and fans, to better appreciate and understand Williams.  By organizing it in these categories and explaining it, I hope to set Williams’s work “on a lower shelf,” that is, making it somewhat more accessible than it might otherwise be.  I have also quoted liberally from Williams in order to point readers toward the places in Williams’s writing where he makes these arguments so that further research can be done.

    When one understands Williams’s work in its breadth, it is difficult not to appreciate the beauty and sensitivity and brilliance of his writing.  His writing truly can help churches who are attempting to do innovative mission work to do so with faithfulness to the Christian tradition as well as great effectiveness and flexibility.  The difficulty in reading Williams is that his essays tend to be so occasional, that is, trying to address a specific situation.  Therefore, it is possible to misinterpret them if they are taken to be representative of Williams’s approach to related issues.  I think this essay helps to relieve some of those possible misconceptions by framing the issue in terms of practices and standards of excellence and bringing together eight of Williams’s works.

    A few websites with Anglicans thinking about new forms of

    Fresh Expressions

    Jonny Baker

    Emergent UK:

    Emergent UK

    Jason Clark


    Archbishop Rowan Williams: How is emergent church viewed in the Anglican Communion?

    Archbishop Rowan Williams: What are the strengths and weaknesses of the emergent church?

    Archbishop Rowan Williams – What is church?

  • Update: Brian McLaren’s Everything Must Change tour and book

    Update March 25, 2008:

    I thought I would update the post below from January 15th.  I went to Brian McLaren’s Everything Must Change event in Charlotte and was interested to see Brian’s structuring of the sessions as worship services.  He had written most of the songs that were sung.  I think he misses being a pastor! 

    I also read the whole book.  I put off writing a review because it would need to be nuanced and fair as well as quite critical.  I am glad though to be able to refer you to Tall Skinny Kiwi Andrew Jones’s blog post from today "Brian McLaren Responds to Everything Must Change Concerns" in which Brian responds to a number of strongly-worded questions by Andrew, a friend of Brian’s.  I also had many of these same questions about the book.  See also Scot McKnight’s multi-part review linked to below for critique of the book. 

    Original post January 15, 2008: I’ll be at Brian McLaren’s Everything Must Change Tour in Charlotte Feb 1-2

    Brian McLaren’s new book Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution of Hope came out October 2nd, 2007 and already has twenty-five reviews on, has been reviewed by Scot McKnight, and is reviewed by the editor of Books & Culture John Wilson in the January 2008 issue of Christianity Today.  (Now available online: see link). Brian McLaren: Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution of Hope

    In the book, McLaren draws on his extensive global travel over the last few years and (as always) seeks above all to stimulate fresh lively conversations.  This time he wades into the issues of capitalism, poverty, politics, terrorism, Islam, and the environment.  Though some reviewers wish McLaren had more economic and scientific expertise to add more weight and nuance to his conclusions, none question the importance of the questions this book explores. McLaren frequently admits that his MA in English and years of pastoring a church do not make him an expert about anything he has written about (postmodernism – A New Kind of Christian, Jesus scholarship – The Secret Message of Jesus, theology – A Generous Orthodoxy, and now global crises).   But, he is a master at speaking in language that grabs the attention of ordinary people.  And, though there are some who would disagree with me here, for not being an expert, I would say he gets a lot right. 

    McLaren and a few friends are doing an eleven-city tour in the next few months.  The very first event is in Charlotte February 1-2 – just two and a half weeks from today.  I’m leading a "Late Night Discussion Group" on Friday night entitled "Thinking Seminary."  I’ll be presenting 15 minutes and then we’ll have 45 minutes of discussion.  Here is the description of what I’m presenting:

    Are you thinking about going to seminary? Andy
    will discuss “Ten Things You Should Know If You Are Considering
    Seminary,” as well as how to pick a seminary, why you should go, why
    you shouldn’t
    go, the largest ones, theological differences, going part-time or
    full-time, financial issues, and other questions you may have about
    theological education. Are you from a seminary (either on staff or currently a student)? Andy
    will also be discussing how emerging and missional church movements are
    challenging theological education and how seminaries must change in
    light of Everything Must Change.

    The event in Charlotte is going to be a fairly intimate setting – just two hundred people or so, so you’ll have the opportunity to ask some questions, meet some people, and hear the latest things on McLaren’s mind.  Again, this is the opening weekend of the tour.  With all of the added events connected with it, it will go from 6:00 pm Friday Feb 1 until late, and all day Saturday Feb 2 until late so you’ll get your money’s worth if you are interested.   The main sessions will end at around 9:00 pm Friday and 5:00 pm Saturday.   It is $109.  ($79 with a student ID).  Email me if you want to meet there and get coffee at a break.

    Here are a few people who I think would enjoy the tour. 
    1. Those who have enjoyed McLaren’s very stimulating, easy-to-read books will enjoy McLaren in person. 
    2. Those interested in politics, economics, environmental, and law who want to hear someone in plain terms give a stimulating explanation on how those realms should intersect with the Christian faith will not be disappointed.   
    3. Those curious about the emerging church conversation will get a chance to see that movement of mostly younger Christians do what it does best: sit around and try to sort through the chaos of this world and craft creative faithful Christian responses. 

    Though McLaren is probably the most influential emerging church leader
    in the United States, this doesn’t mean many emerging church leaders
    swallow McLaren’s conclusions or even share his views.  However,
    McLaren has often had a big influence on the subject of the
    conversation.  In the past, he has encouraged the movement to discuss: social justice, evangelism to postmoderns, appreciating ancient Christian tradition, church
    planting, eschatology, theology, spiritual formation, and Jesus
    scholarship.  He is now encouraging the movement to look at global

    I predict that MacLaren’s new book Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution of Hope will raise the expectation throughout
    young American Christianity that having a basic familiarity with the
    global crises of our world is a prerequisite to future church
    leadership.  The feeling is already growing among laypeople that if a
    pastor never mentions any of the problems non-Americans face, he or she is probably unfit to suggest ethical
    implications of the biblical text.   McLaren’s book attempts to give
    church leaders just that type of introduction to the world’s problems. 

    Additional resources:

    Everything Must Change Tour Website

    Blog for Charlotte site of the Everything Must Change Tour

    Registration page for Charlotte site

    In his Christianity Today review of MacLaren’s book, John Wilson mentions Nobel Prize-winning Robert Fogel’s 2004 book

    • Robert William Fogel: The Escape from Hunger and Premature Death, 1700-2100: Europe, America, and the Third World (Cambridge Studies in Population, Economy and Society in Past Time)


    William Fogel: The Escape from Hunger and Premature Death, 1700-2100:
    Europe, America, and the Third World (Cambridge Studies in Population,
    Economy and Society in Past Time)

    My "Seminaries" blog post category

    Tony Jones interviews Brian McLaren about Everything Must Change at the Emergent Village Podcast

    Scot McKnight’s 18 posts on Everything Must Change can be found at his Emerging Movement category.