Catalyst Conference, Fuqua, Willimon, Publishing, Newbigin and Rosetta Stone: my 62 tweets from the last month

I have been using Twitter to write down micro-blog posts.  I post about two "tweets" per day on average.  I highlight articles worth reading and share quotes and ideas on my mind.  I have tried to keep my tweets focused around the theme of church leadership like this blog.  Each “tweet” is only 140 characters.  I try to provide something of value and not just tell you what I had for breakfast.  Anyway, I just thought I would post the last 62 here so you can see what has been on my mind the last month.

The tweets descend from most recent November 7th at the top to October 5th at the bottom. 

  1. Dave Travis of Leadership Network @leadnet helpfully collates a list of 13 (mostly megachurch-oriented) church trends about 3 hours ago from
  2. Duke Divinity's @faithleadership has published my "Liturgical and Free Church leaders can learn from each other"  4:36 PM Nov 5th from web

  3. On any given day, 95% of U.S. adults watch TV, Nielsen reports.  1:45 PM Nov 5th from

  4. RT @DeadlyViper: TOWARD RECONCILIATION – update from @mikefoster @judwilhite @profrah #dvca  10:17 AM Nov 5th from web

  5. I recommend the earnest post by @edcyzewski on the recent evangelical Asian protest against racial insensitivity  10:14 AM Nov 5th from web

  6. Newbigin: Congregation should be known for (1) praise, (2) truth, (3) locality, (4) integrity, (5) mutuality, (6) hope.  1:25 PM Nov 4th from web

  7. Newbigin "the only hermeneutic of the gospel, is a congregation of men and women who believe it and live by it."  1:07 PM Nov 4th from web

  8. We are reading for class today Newbigin's "Evangelism in the Context of Secularization" (readable at Google Books)  12:29 PM Nov 4th from web

  9. I have become a big believer in Rosetta Stone and have reviewed it at my  12:08 PM Nov 4th from

  10. I commented on post by @FaithTheology about AAR paper "Apocalyptic gospel: J. Louis Martyn on Galatians"  12:06 PM Nov 4th from

  11. I have responded to all the comments at @OutofUr about my post "Catalyst, Liturgy, and Innovation"  3:51 PM Nov 3rd from

  12. My post about the Catalyst Conference is up at @OutofUr: "Catalyst, Liturgy, and Innovation"  1:26 PM Nov 2nd from

  13. Great to c 79 y.o. OT scholar Bruce Waltke furthering evangelical conversation on evolution. via:  11:37 AM Nov 2nd from

  14. My two comments on U2 @TheJesusCreed #31 pre-evangelism and #35 Lyrics of "I still haven't found"  11:30 AM Nov 2nd from

  15. I commented on Douglas Campbell's interview about his new book Deliverance of God.  11:22 AM Nov 2nd from

  16. Changed all our clocks for "fall back" but I put them all 7-10 minutes fast following @scotmcknight comment about that  11:32 PM Oct 31st from web

  17. I have posted my Microsoft Publisher document with my blog banner and Twitter profile background.  2:25 PM Oct 31st from

  18. You can now watch the whole Oct 25 U2 concert from the Rose Bowl on YouTube. Setlist:  10:55 AM Oct 30th from

  19. Earth (rated G) is a wonderful new nature documentary. Some animals do eat other animals–shocking I know–so some parts a bit disturbing.10:37 AM Oct 30th from web

  20. I have added Scott Calhoun's Books & Culture article comments to my "Resources for Theological Reflection on U2"  8:55 PM Oct 29th from

  21. The dangers of syncretism & irrelevance and God's work in spite of us. See Lesslie Newbigin on Communicating the Gospel AM Oct 29th from

  22. Foolishness to the Greeks by Newbigin yesterday in class. He critiques modern presuppositions especially scientism & privatization.8:51 AM Oct 29th from web

  23. I posted my notes from today: Tim Morgan @CTmagazine “A Journalist’s Observations of the Anglican Communion”  9:45 PM Oct 28th from

  24. Someone post your notes from #story09 See good photo of opening from @FenderCat84  10:17 AM Oct 28th from web

  25. I posted my notes from Publisher Panel tonight @DukeDivinity: “I want to publish a book someday. What do I do now?”  10:34 PM Oct 27th from

  26. Kavin Rowe, today at Duke, "Habituation in specialization can cause the scholar to screen out the big questions humans need addressed."4:40 PM Oct 27th from web

  27. Jon Pott, Editor-in-Chief at Eerdmans at Duke today: "Publishers do not want books that evaluate a theologian; instead, be constructive."4:30 PM Oct 27th from web

  28. Christianity Today's new women's digizine @KyriaDigital launched today. Technologically cool. @carolynezer #KyriaNov09  8:55 PM Oct 26th from web

  29. My notes from “Cardinal Yves Congar: Ecclesiologist and Ecumenist” @DukeDivinity with Paul Philibert and Gerard Austin  2:32 PM Oct 26th from

  30. Personal interview with the most feared NT prof @DukeDivinity and expert on Mark, Jewish-Christian Joel Marcus  12:00 PM Oct 26th from web

  31. Prof David Steinmetz @DukeDivinity reflects on the differences between "The pope and the Anglicans"  11:44 AM Oct 26th from

  32. The average Ph.D. in the Graduate Program in Religion at Duke is 5.7 years.  11:51 AM Oct 23rd from web

  33. Craig Heilmann is the first Duke Th.D. graduate ever. He did it in 3.25 years but is amazing. Some people do indeed finish! Here's hoping.11:50 AM Oct 23rd from web

  34. A bunch of new blog posts at my blog: Greg Jones, Willow Creek preaching, Tim Keller, and Will Willimon.  10:13 PM Oct 22nd from web

  35. I put forth the Nicene Creed and Marks of the Church as criteria for evaluating the "Virtual" Church at @OutofUr  5:49 PM Oct 22nd from

  36. Willimon's 2 new: The Early Preaching of Karl Barth and Undone by Easter: Keeping Preaching Fresh  2:47 PM Oct 22nd from

  37. Will Willimon, "Some biblical texts are all gospel or all law. I preach them in their onesidedness and then let communion balance it out."2:41 PM Oct 22nd from web

  38. Reacting to excesses in own tradition, Willimon (Methodist) stresses exegesis, while Campbell (Presbyterian) stresses more time with people.2:38 PM Oct 22nd from web

  39. Will Willimon, "By their 50's, pastors need theologians. Ministry is too peculiarly demanding. You need more than just liking people."2:32 PM Oct 22nd from web

  40. Will Willimon today at Duke, "As a pastor, it helps to be an intellectual. Amidst the ordinary, getting excited about ideas helps."2:29 PM Oct 22nd from web

  41. New Leadership Journal @OutOfUr arrived today in the mailbox with space/building theme and announcing @kyriadigital  11:01 PM Oct 21st from web

  42. Geoffrey Wainwright scoured Vatican website in Italian after reading: "Vatican Plan to Ease Conversion of Anglicans"  10:46 PM Oct 21st from web

  43. RT @PastorMark: 150 Tim Keller sermons online now for free via @drjohnjackson  10:41 PM Oct 21st from web

  44. At Duke NT Colloquium, Brad Trick argued Galatians is about legal adoption, not covenant. J. Louis Martyn, S. Eastman, D. Campbell asked Qs.10:37 PM Oct 21st from web

  45. My notes on James F. McCaffrey on Leadership in a Technology Disrupted Organization #coachkconference  12:37 PM Oct 21st from

  46. My notes from panel: Leading the Next Generation of Workers and Customers: the Social Network #coachkconference  11:38 AM Oct 21st from

  47. I just posted my notes from Jim Whitehurst of Red Hat: Competing as a 21st century Enterprise #CoachKConference  10:17 AM Oct 21st from

  48. Tomorrow I'm attending The Fuqua School of Business & Coach K Leadership Conference #CoachKConference  9:07 PM Oct 20th from

  49. Tim Keller "I give 15+ hours a week to preparing the sermon. I would not advise younger ministers to spend so much time"  1:43 PM Oct 15th from

  50. Today in class: Newbigin's Open Secret. Addresses liberation theology/Marxism (ch. 8) and church growth (ch. 9) with solid Trin theology.2:04 PM Oct 14th from web

  51. Tweets at Gordon-Conwell's Renewing the Evangelical Mission conf today: @jborah @andyatpeace @grahambuck @gideonstrauss  11:29 AM Oct 14th from web

  52. Spring 2010 Duke Divinity School classes released. http://www.divinity.duke.ed… Hauerwas, Hays, Rowe, Carter, Hall, etc.11:13 AM Oct 14th from web

  53. #cat09 speaker @MattChandler74 shares verbatim what he says in his welcome from the pulpit @villagechurchtx  1:38 PM Oct 13th from web

  54. Bill Mounce, Greek textbook writer and New Testament Chair of ESV Committee, Will Join NIV 2011 Trans Team @ctmagazine  12:32 PM Oct 13th from web

  55. I commented on Michael Bird's post Euangelion: Evangelical Ecclesiology – Apostolicity  7:04 PM Oct 10th from

  56. Best sources for Catalyst talk summaries are http://blog.christianitytod… and #cat09  7:52 AM Oct 9th from web

  57. Day1 Highlights #cat09 @AndyStanley on falling facedown, @Gladwell on overconfidence, @realrobbell on self-care, @MattChandler74 on gospel.12:02 AM Oct 9th from web

  58. "Nehemiah said 'If you do this again, I will lay hands on you' (Neh 13:21). I can identify with that." @perrynoble #cat09  9:43 PM Oct 7th from web

  59. Tales of massive attendance growth is ministry pornography: unrealistic depiction of what is never going to happen to you. @edstetzer #cat09  9:01 PM Oct 7th from web

  60. "Samuel went to meet Saul, but he was told, 'Saul has gone to set up a monument in his own honor'" (1 Sam 15:12) @MarkBatterson #cat09  8:54 PM Oct 7th from web

  61. Funniest line today #cat09 @perrynoble "Some pastors talk about closing the back door of the church but the Bible calls the church a body."8:42 PM Oct 7th from web

  62. Off to Catalyst @realrobbell @AndyStanley @reggiemcneal @MattChandler74 @edstetzer @mafeinberg @ahc @MarkBatterson @PastorChrisSeay #cat09  9:03 PM Oct 5th from web