Author: Andy Rowell

  • Is Congregational Singing Seeker-Sensitive?

    Singing Last Sunday I visited Willow Creek DuPage, one of Willow Creek’s Regional Campuses, which meets at Wheaton Academy.  I actually just made it for the end of the service because I went to another church service first. 

    The Willow Creek DuPage room seemed quite full.  All of the rows were 70% full.  400 people perhaps?  After the service, they had lemonade and cookies set out at different tables labeled with different high school names in the area.  The idea is that people can more easily find people who live near them. 

    But I had one question.  At the end of the video message by Mike Breaux, the worship leader came up and led three songs.  He invited people to stand and later to clap their hands.  It didn’t seem to me like many people were singing.  Then again, I was in the back.  Perhaps many of the people visiting are "seekers" and thus feel uncomfortable singing. 

    For this reason I thought that Willow Creek did not invite people to sing very much in their weekend services.  I thought the focus was on performed music as opposed to congregational singing.  Is this still the line of thinking?  Or are Willow Creek and other seeker-driven churches incorporating more congregational singing?  Just curious.

    P.S. I’m sorry for not asking the regional pastor this question but I felt bad because I hadn’t been at the whole service and he had invited people who were hurting to talk with him.  I threw away my brochure but I have sent an email to the general DuPage regional church email address to see if someone wants to comment. 

    I’m also sorry for not carrying my camera and taking a photo.  The law of copyrights with photos is that you usually don’t get in trouble if you post your own photos.  So I’ll have to do that more often.  This photo is free to use because I found it on stock.xchnge

    See my recent post about video venues for more discussion about this concept. 

  • Media and Preaching

    A fellow professor e88711_1752_2 mailed me this question:

    I’m looking for a book that can help explain the communicational importance of using electronic support during worship. Any ideas you have for me to peruse would be appreciated.

    Here is what I said:

    Check out these in this order. You can see my notes below.

    High-Tech Worship?: Using Presentational Technologies Wisely (Paperback) by Quentin J. Schultze

    Publisher: Baker Books (January 2004)

    Schultze was in my class this year because he has been a visiting scholar at Taylor. This book is short and wise and would fit your purpose I think.

    Communicating for a Change : Seven Keys to Irresistible Communication (Hardcover) by Andy Stanley, Lane Jones

    Publisher: Multnomah (June 1, 2006)

    Andy is one of the leading communicators in the nation. (He is speaking at Willow Creek’s Leadership Conference this year). This is his new book.

    The Hidden Power of Electronic Culture : How Media Shapes Faith, the Gospel, and Church (Emergentys) (Paperback) by Shane Hipps

    Publisher: Zondervan/Youth Specialties (February 1, 2006)

    Taylor communication professor and my friend Kathy Bruner is reading this book. She says it is good. He has been on Leadership Journal’s Out of Ur recently. See my blog post responding to his article about Video Venues here.

    — The rest of these books I don’t know much about. Abingdon (of United Methodist roots) has published all of them.

    · The Wired Church: Making Media Ministry (Paperback) by Len Wilson

    Publisher: Abingdon Press; Bk&CD Rom edition (March 1999)

    · Digital Storytellers: The Art of Communicating the Gospel in Worship (Paperback) by Len Wilson, Jason Moore

    Publisher: Abingdon Press; Bk & DVD edition (April 2002)

    · Media Ministry Made Easy: A Practical Guide to Visual Communication (Paperback) by Tim Eason

    Publisher: Abingdon Press; Bk & DVD edition (April 2003)

    · The Spectacle of Worship in a Wired World: Electronic Culture and the Gathered People of God (Paperback) by Tex Sample

    Publisher: Abingdon Press (September 1998)

    —I have a few other books about how to use movies in teaching here.

  • Categories

    I hope you will enjoy the categories to the right in the "cloud."  I have gone back through all my old blog entries and categorized them!  The ones in larger fonts (like Taylor University, Syllabi and Books) are referred to in more posts.  You can click on the category and it will take you to all of the posts that are connected to that category.  Yeah!  Categories