Author: Andy Rowell

  • Tim Russert and Tiger Woods inspire me to do my tasks with greater focus and determination

    Tim Russert, moderator of NBC's Sunday morning show Meet the Press, died on Friday of a heart attack at the age of 58.  I watched Meet the Press every week as a podcast download.  Here was someone who was gracious, passionate about the truth, playful, prepared, thoughtful, and sensitive.  A good man.  A devout Roman Catholic who never missed Sunday mass.  I looked forward to hearing his take on things.  I was often moved by things he said. 

    Tiger Woods, just hit a shot to tie the U.S. Open and force a playoff tomorrow.  He had to hit the put on hole number 18 to tie it.  He has a sore knee from recent surgery.  Huge crowds follow him everywhere.  I heard one golf expert predict before the tournament on ESPN radio that the only two golfers he would predict winning would be Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson – no one else is close.  So under all that pressure, Tiger does it anyway. 

    They both inspire me to approach life's duties with more focus and energy.  Russert worked at Meet the Press for some 19 years.  His integrity and outstanding work eventually became clear to everyone.  Woods worked at the game of golf from the time he was in diapers.  Most of us are doing mundane things tomorrow morning.  I am studying German and writing a paper on John Howard Yoder.  But I think Russert and Woods inspire me to do both of those things a bit better.  Work, excellence, focus, integrity . . . they are often done in the darkness of the mundane but these things do impact people.  Eugene Peterson borrowed Friedrich Nietzsche's phrase, "a long obedience in the same direction" for the title of his book.   Will we do what we are called to do tomorrow with determination to do it well?  Eventually, it will impact people and bring glory to God.  We can trust God for the results. 

    NBC's Meet the Press videos and podcast tributes
    PBS NewsHour: Mark Shields and David Brooks Mull Campaigns, Reflect on Russert's Life
    NBC's Coverage
    CNN's Reliable Sources

    Tiger Woods at NBC Sports forces playoff

    See my post: Why pastors should be both goal-setting fanatics and cynics

  • 8 pieces of advice for a new pastor

    A friend asked for advice in his first month as a pastor.  He writes,

    So tomorrow I begin and lead my first staff meeting and begin my first
    week of being a pastor. What are the things you all think I should make
    sure I do.

    Here is my take:

    1. Study the Scripture text you are
    going to preach on.
    Read 2 commentaries on the passage. If you and the
    commentators agree, you are on the right track. Preach it!  Get this reference to help you find some good commentaries: Commentary and Reference Survey: A Comprehensive Guide to Biblical and Theological Resources

    by John Glynn

    (Paperback – Feb 15, 2007)

    2. Take walks just for the purpose of praying.

    3. Learn everyone’s name (first and last name) including the kids and janitor. Make your own photo directory or flash cards if you need to.

    Schedule as many meals and coffees with people as possible.
    Go to their workplaces and pick them up and
    take them to a place nearby that they often go when they go out to
    lunch. These meetings should be 45 minutes
    to 1 hour 1/2–no longer.  Pay and turn in the receipts to the church. But only order very
    basic (as opposed to extravagant) things at the restaurants–equivalent to the price of a burger
    and soda. No dessert or alcohol on the church’s bill. I’m tempted to
    say on this one, “It is better to ask forgiveness than permission” because I think you should do it even if the church does not typically pay for these sort of things.  You will not get fired for meeting with lots of people. It
    is difficult to do it if you don’t meet at restaurants and coffee shops
    in this day and age. People don’t have time to go to your house and
    people often don’t host people in their homes often. Every day meet
    with someone. Please! This is crucial. There is a book called:
    Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time by Keith Ferrazzi (Author), Tahl Raz (Author)   It is a good motto.

    Questions to ask when you meet with people:
    a. Where did you grow up? Where are all the places you’ve lived?
    What is your job? Can you tell me enough about it so I really understand what
    you do? Is it terrible or great or just so-so? Why? How is your
    relationship with your boss?
    c. What is your church background? Why did you come to our church?
    Should I just lift up these things we have already talked about to the
    Lord or is there something else I can pray about as well? (In other
    words, you will know enough already to be able to pray for them). Do a
    quick prayer for them.

    People will be surprised at how
    pleasant and interesting and good it is to meet the pastor and you will
    be relieved not to get into all the church politics until you get to
    know people. This person is more important than their complaint about
    the church.  When you get to know people, you will understand where they are
    coming from. The person who is passionate about missions grew up in
    Africa. The person who is passionate about pastoral care, works in a
    nursing home.  They are passionate for legitimate reasons!

    As you can see from my questions, I would urge
    you to have low expectations for those first 1on1 meetings. The point
    is to get to know people. You will get close to some of them eventually.
    You will need to have difficult conversations with some of them
    eventually. But at this point, just enjoy people and get to know the
    basics. This is critically important to eventually ministering deeply
    to them.

    Pastoring is 1/3 preaching (study, prep, reading),
    1/3 administration (meetings, email, phone calls, mail, chaos), and 1/3
    pastoral care (meeting with people). But you will have to initiate and
    be intentional to meet with anyone. Very few will reach out to you.

    Read books by pastors for some sympathy. 
    Read Eugene Peterson’s books The Contemplative Pastor and Under the Unpredictable Plant. Just read the stories if you get bogged down. Ditto
    – David Hansen’s The Art of Pastoring. I would also recommend the
    Mitford books (fiction) by Jan Karon to get a sense of warm personal
    pastoral ministry practiced by Pastor Tim.

    6. Eventually, read some leadership books to help you analyze the organization. 
    “Pastors overestimate what they can accomplish in one year and
    underestimate what they can accomplish in five years.” Sandy Millar,
    former Vicar at Holy Trinity Brompton, London, England. Next year, when
    you get madly frustrated by the disfunction of the organization of the
    church, you can read leadership books like Five Disfunctions of a Team
    by Patrick Lencioni and his book Death by Meeting; Good to Great by
    Jim Collins; Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman; First, Break all the
    by Marcus Buckingham; Seven Practices of Effective Ministry by
    Andy Stanley; Simple Church by Thom Rainer and The Effective Executive:
    The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done
    by Peter Drucker.
    In addition to these books, the article (available online for free) entitled “How to Minister Effectively in Family, Pastoral, Program, and Corporate Sized Churches” by
    Roy M. Oswald, former Senior Consultant, Alban Institute, was helpful for me.  At a minimum, these books will help you realize that disfunction in
    churches and other organizations is the norm but that there are some
    things you can do to start positive movement in the right direction.  Will Willimon reports in his post, “Non-synoptic church leadership in church” that he was given the following advice as a young pastor which he now shares with others, 

    am sure someone has told you that you shouldn’t change anything when
    you go to a new church for at least a year,” he said to me.  Indeed,
    someone had told me just that. “Well, forget it!  Don’t change anything
    in a new church unless you become convinced that it needs changing! Change anything you think that needs changing and anything you think
    you can change without the laity killing you.  Lots of churches are
    filled with laity who are languishing there, desperate for a pastor to
    go ahead and change something for the better.  Lots of times we pastors
    blame our cowardice, or our lack of vision, on the laity, saying that
    we want to change something, but we can’t because of the laity.  We
    ought to just go ahead and change something and then see what the
    consequences are.”

    7. Get 8 hours
    of sleep.
    to bed the same time every night and get up the same time.  You will thus have more resources of patience to keep your
    cool as you encounter all kinds of craziness, disfunction, and beauty.
    The sleep will help you from getting too discouraged. Expect the
    organization to be terrible! Expect the people to be great . . . once
    you get to know them.

    8. Learn the history of the church.  You need to be able to tell the old, old stories as well as anyone. 

  • Introduction to the online theological world

    Someone emailed and asked me about the online theological world because she is researching it for her DMin. 

    Here is the online theological landscape in my opinion:

    1. There are a few collaboration projects. The New Testament Gateway is run by Duke professor Mark Goodacre.  You can also check out Theopedia.  See also TheResurgence for Conservative Reformed Folk and Emergent Village for the emerging church and Anglimergent for emerging church folks who are Anglican.  Here is a Yahoo group for Jurgen Moltmann
    that Tony Jones alerted me to.  Many organizations that exists in the
    real world have a way to interact online today.   Christianity Today
    and Beliefnet especially God's Politics with Sojourners have powerful online presence. 

    2. Most of the real discussion is happening on blogs.  Some blogs have multiple authors like Reformation 21 for conservative reformed folk and the Generous Orthodoxy Thinktank which has a lot of evangelical professors.  They sometimes collaborate.  See the recent post about an online Karl Barth theology conference.

    3.  Here are a few important individual blogs by professors:

    4.  Sometimes bloggers get together in real life. 
    For example, people like Mark Goodacre get together with other bloggers
    at meetings like the SBL and AAR -major theology

    5. Some seminaries are now offering free online courses. 

    Covenant Theological Seminary's "Covenant Worldwide" – free seminary courses.

    Gordon-Conwell's Dimensions of the Faith free online theological education program. Listen to full Church History, Systematic Theology, and Biblical Studies courses.

    Many other seminaries are putting MP3's on iTunes so people can listen to audio.  See Chris Tilling's post Theology and NT lectures on iTunes and Nijay Gupta's Excellent Christian Academic Material (Free) on ITUNES-U.

    Fuller Theological Seminary puts all of their Syllabi / Course Descriptions online

    6.  Most seminaries have all of the faculty email addresses on
    the web on the faculty pages which leads to some interaction with the
    online world. 
    Some schools that make available the email addresses of their professors include Duke Divinity School, Princeton Theological Seminary, Fuller Theological Seminary, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Gordon-Conwell, Luther Theological Seminary, Wheaton College, Tyndale, Bethel, Denver, Aberdeen, and Durham.  On the other hand, Regent College, Asbury Seminary, Westminster Seminary, and Covenant Seminary do not make faculty email addresses available.  I think seminaries should make them available online.    

    7.  I have a Facebook account but I have not seen much theological discussion going on there except for some groups to join.
    See the Out of Ur group for the Christianity Today Leadership Journal
    Out of Ur blog and another group for Tony Jones's book The New