Author: Andy Rowell

  • But we need to practice!

    Ryan grabbing Jacob's feet as Jacob tries to crawl away: 
    Me: Ryan, we do not touch people who do not want to be touched. 
    Ryan: But we need to practice!

    Ryan kneeling with his face to the ground: 
    Amy: You need to go to the bathroom. 
    Ryan: But I am praying to God! 

    Ryan on seeing lots of toy tanks at a friend's house: 
    Ryan: Brian Williams on Nightly News has a matching set of army tanks.  But he only has four or five. 

    Jacob started cruising tonight.  

  • Reflections on Twitter

    I started experimenting with Twitter

    Follow me if you are interested:

    In short, with Twitter you can update people by answering the question, "What are you doing?" in 140 characters and people can follow what you are doing.  The fun is seeing in real time what those you are following are up to and those who follow you can know what you are doing. 

    In the hierarchy of quality writing, Twitter is near the bottom, just above text messaging and instant messaging. 

    • Nobel Prize literature
    • Published material
    • Graduate papers
    • Undergraduate papers
    • Blogging
    • High school papers
    • Elementary school papers
    • Twittering
    • Instant Messaging
    • Text Messaging

    My first impression is that it is pretty narcissistic practice and a waste of time but I am still experimenting. 


    inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.

    Psychoanalysis. erotic gratification derived from admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes, being a normal condition at the infantile level of personality development.

    To clarify, I don't think the people who do it are more shallow than anyone else.  I just think the dynamics of the technology do not lend themselves to quality relationship-building or quality reflection.  The same also applies to Facebook (which I also do a little) and blogging.  Read books!  Interact with human beings in the flesh! 

    Still, often my blog has greased the wheels to have good face-to-face significant conversations with people and has made me a better writer.  Will I be better informed about the world outside of my study carrel at Duke's library because of these technologies?  Probably.  Will I be better able to get connections to write and teach?  Probably.  I have already done a lot more writing because of the exposure my blog gives me.  Does this technology give me practical reminders of why I am doing this doctoral work?  Probably.

    I think David Swanson is right in the comments when he says that Facebook and Twitter supplement his relationships with his congregation because many of them are in their twenties and use these tools.  As for me, my Facebook and Twitter friends have almost no relationship to my primary day-to-day relationships.  Facebook was more useful for me when I used at Taylor University as a professor.

    Wisdom in using these technologies is needed.     

    I will end with this quote by Neil Postman in 1998, author of Amusing Ourselves to Death,

    In the past, we experienced technological change in the manner of sleep-walkers. Our unspoken slogan has been "technology über alles," and we have been willing to shape our lives to fit the requirements of technology, not the requirements of culture. This is a form of stupidity, especially in an age of vast technological change. We need to proceed with our eyes wide open so that we many use technology rather than be used by it.

    Below are nine posts by church leaders I follow who use Twitter.  They can explain its "benefits" and how it works.  Below that I have listed the people I am "following." 

    1. Why We Twitter

    from Tony Morgan | one of the simply strategic guys

    2. Twitter

    from Mark Batterson – Evotional, Thoughts on Life and Leadership

    3. Twitter– Lost & Found?

    from Dave Ferguson – Velocity

    4. Twitter Community

    from Mark Waltz | …because People Matter

    5. The Kingdom of Twitter

    from Tim Stevens – LeadingSmart

    6. 5 Reasons Why I Love Twitter

    from Mark Batterson – Evotional, Thoughts on Life and Leadership

    7. The Beginner’s Guide to Twitter

    from Michael Hyatt – Thomas Nelson Publishers CEO From Where I Sit

    8. 12 Reasons to Start Twittering

    from Michael Hyatt – Thomas Nelson Publishers CEO From Where I Sit

    9. How Do You Use Twitter?

    from Dave Ferguson – Velocity
    Here are some church leaders I am following:

    DJ Chuang
    djchuang / DJ Chuang


    Jason Clark
    jasonclark / Jason Clark


    c. wess daniels
    cwdaniels / c. wess daniels


    Andy Crouch
    ahc / Andy Crouch


    Doug Pagitt
    pagitt / Doug Pagitt


    Mark Driscoll
    PastorMark / Mark Driscoll


    Kem Meyer
    kemmeyer / Kem Meyer


    Mark Batterson
    MarkBatterson / Mark Batterson


    Cameron Strang
    cameronstrang / Cameron Strang




    tony morgan
    tpmorgan / tony morgan












    Michael Hyatt
    michaelhyatt / Michael Hyatt


    Ed Stetzer
    edstetzer / Ed Stetzer


    Tim Stevens
    timastevens / Tim Stevens

  • Impotent or missional? Is Bush right that the Chinese need not fear religion?

    Headline: Don't fear religion, Bush tells China

    Aug 9, 2008

    "Laura and I just had the great joy and privilege of worshipping here in Beijing," Bush said. "You know, it just goes to show that God is universal and God is love, and no state, man or woman should fear the influence of loving religion."

    We could respond to Bush's comments by saying, "But religion (like Christianity) should be subversive!  It should undermine nationalistic values.  It should empower the vulnerable.  It should be a conscience to the state.  A state should fear it."

    But before we are too hard on Bush, some people think that the book of Acts was written partially in the hope that the Roman Empire would recognize Christianity was harmless with regard to the state.  The book of Acts depicts Peter and Paul as innocent healers and reasonable people who had unreasonable detractors.  Luke implies that the church of Jesus was a law-abiding religious community–that the Roman state had nothing to fear.  As it turned out, the Roman Empire did not regard Christianity as innocuous for long–persecuting it and then later submitting to it.

    One of my professors at Duke, sociologist Mark Chaves argues that indeed congregations in the U.S. are not all that "scary" because they are not very influential with regard to political and social issues.  Bush is right, China has little to fear if congregations are as tepid there as they are here!  Chaves bases his comments on the largest congregational survey ever conducted in the USA.  Chaves concludes, "If we ask what congregations do, the answer is that they mainly traffic in ritual, knowledge, and beauty through the cultural activities of worship, education, and the arts; they do not mainly pursue charity or justice through social services or politics"
    Mark Chaves, Congregations in America (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004), 14.

    Chinese government leaders worry about Christians like Alexander Solzhenitsyn and William Wilberforce who helped achieve great social changes.  I remember reading Charles Colson's The Body in college which anecdotally describes how Christians had a significant influence in bringing down communism in Eastern Europe.  

    John Howard Yoder argues throughout his writings that a congregation's internal practices should inherently have social impact.  Christianity need not jettison its Christian practices to be missionally impactful.  Even baptism and communion “are not ‘religious’ or ‘ritual’ activities, they are by nature ‘lay’ or ‘public’ phenomena” (Yoder, “Sacrament as Social Process: Christ the Transformer of Culture,” The Royal Priesthood, 370). 

    My conclusion is not a profound one.  Chaves and Yoder are both right.  As Chaves's data shows, congregations too often have very little social and political impact.  But Yoder is right that congregations have potential to have great social and political impact if they would only recover their missional focus.

    Yoder writes,
    "Pietism later sought to fill this gap by creating circles of believers.  Yet, without the dimension of outward mission, this type of gathering around common pious experiences is immediately threatened with stagnation and becomes little more than communal introspection." (Yoder, “A People in the World,” The Royal Priesthood, 78).

    I recently read Luther Seminary professor Pat Keifert's book about the way he helps congregations think through their missional effectiveness. His church consulting method is called, Partnership for Missional Church (PMC).  He urges congregations to analyze their sense of mission together, rather than merely have leaders implement a new small group structure or contemporary worship service without this step.

    “Absent that shared sense of mission—a deep cultural reality—strategic plans, no matter how well gathered and formed, fail to gain the commitment of energy, time and resources for transforming mission.”
    We Are Here Now: A New Missional Era, 50.

    Other comments:

    See also Keifert's colleague at Luther Seminary Van Gelder's book:

    The Missional Church in Context: Helping Congregations Develop Contextual Ministry (Missional Church Series) by Craig Van Gelder (Paperback – Oct 26, 2007)