Author: Andy Rowell

  • Weekly U.S.A. Church Attendance: The Sociologists Weigh In

    How many people attend church on a weekly basis?

    There are two ways of figuring out the answer to this question.  You could ask a representative sample of adults how often they attend church.  Or you could go find a representative number of congregations and ask them to provide an attendance count.  Both methods are used but neither is perfectly reliable.  The problem with the first method is that people might lie or "misremember": Do they really attend as much as they say they do?  There is evidence that people answer that they attend more than they actually do.  The problem with the second method is that it is very difficult to get a representative number of congregations and to get them to count attendance in the same way.  Need I mention that this is a difficult task?  "There are more than 300,000 congregations in the United States." Mark Chaves, Congregations in America (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004), 3.

    As you will see below, most sociologists stress that (a) self-reporting of church attendance has been relatively stable (around 35%?); (b) that the actual attendance is probably lower than what is reported; and (c) that it is difficult to declare based on the evidence how much church attendance has decreased if at all. 

    Here are two contemporary analogies which hint at the enormity of the task of detecting weekly church attendance rates:

    (1) How do we really know that the U.S. economy is doing poorly?  It is a massive thing and so every day different indicators are trotted out–some positive and some negative.  Similarly, it is very difficult to tell whether the religious attendance is up because there are so many people and institutions involved.    

    (2) The second analogy is this: How do we know whether the U.S. population wants to elect a Democrat or Republican for president?  Let's just look at the popular vote:

    In 2008, 53% Democrat (Obama) to 46% Republican (McCain).

    In 2004, 48% Democrat (Kerry) to 51% Republican (Bush). 

    In 2000, 48% Democrat (Gore) to 48% Republican (Bush).

    As a country, there has been a small shift in the last eight years from Republican to Democratic presidential candidates.  But we need to have a national election to precisely determine to what degree the country has shifted (or not shifted).  Up until the last days, the result is in doubt. 

    Similarly, there are people who are stopping and starting attending church regularly in the United States but it is difficult to precisely determine how many.  Like political beliefs, people's religious beliefs and practices do change but it is difficult  to easily discern how much the entire country is shifting. 

    The best we can do is to

    (a) look to national polls where there is a margin of error acknowledging their limitations (Gallup, Barna, Wuthnow, Stark); or

    (b) check the attendance levels at some churches and try to make reasonable deductions (Olson, Chaves, Ammerman, Thumma, Stetzer).     

    Without further ado, here is what the sociologists say. 

    Most researchers are familiar with the following article that argues that reported numbers may not reflect the actual number of people who show up. 

    C. K. Hadaway,  P. L. Marler, and Mark Chaves, “What the Polls Don't Show: A Closer Look at U.S. Church Attendance,” American Sociological Review 58 (1993): 741-752.  (It is available as a PDF at the link and will only take you 5 minutes to read.  It is easy to read and fascinating).

    There is also a 2005 article which only Scott Thumma  and Randy Travis and David Olson seem to have noticed: it strengthens the argument of the 1993 article that church attendance may be below 22% of the population. 

    C. Kirk Hadaway, and Penny Long Marler, "How Many Americans Attend Worship Each Week?  An Alternative Approach to Measurement," Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 44 (2005): 307-322.  

    Here is the abstract:

    Opinion polls indicate that
    over 40 percent of Americans attend worship services each week.
    However, attendance counts in several North American counties and Roman
    Catholic dioceses suggest that worship attendance may be much lower. In
    this article a new measurement strategy is used to estimate total
    weekly worship attendance. First, using a variety of resources we
    develop an estimate of the total number of religious congregations in
    the United States by religious family. Contrary to many published
    sources, the total number of congregations is estimated at just over
    330,000. Second, using known population values and sample-based
    attendance counts we develop estimates of average weekly worship
    attendance for religious congregations by religious family. The
    resulting totals suggest that fewer than 22 percent of Americans attend
    worship services each week. This lower level of attendance provides
    further evidence that Americans tend to overreport worship
    participation and are less religiously active than the polls show.

    Nancy Ammerman writes,

    "somewhere between 25 and 40 percent of the population (depending on which surveys you believe) showed up for services on any given weekend."

    Nancy Ammerman, Pillars of Faith: American Congregations and their Partners (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005), 1. 

    Jackson Carroll cites the Gallup information (though he footnotes that it has its detractors),

    "In tracking U.S. poll responses over time to questions about the importance of religion, church attendance, and self-reported church membership, we can see considerable stability over time.  Although ups and downs in the trend lines are evident, they are, in general, remarkably stable."

    Jackson Carroll, God's Potters: Pastoral Leadership and the Shaping of Congregations (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006), 38.

    Scott Thumma and Dave Travis write,

    "In addition, when phone pollsters ask self-identified Christians, 'Have you attended a religious service in the past seven days?' the figure is consistently around 40 percent, with a recent poll showing a quite optimistic figure of 47 percent.  Recently, academic researchers Kirk Hadaway and Penny Marler have made very credible claims that this stated behavior doesn't match the reality found in actual congregations around the country.  We generally agree with these researchers' findings that show actual attendance on any given week to be around 20 percent of the adult population.  Nevertheless, we feel the larger percentage is still a significant measure of those in the population with a strong commitment to Christian religious practice, even if this practice doesn't include worship attendance every week."

    Scott Thumma and Dave Travis, Beyond Megachurch Myths (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2007), 4.

    Stanley Presser and Mark Chaves write,

    "Yet, existing evidence does not definitively establish whether attendance at religious services declined in American society from the 1950s to the present. We examine the trend in religious service attendance between 1990 and 2006. Evidence from several sources converges on the same answer: weekly attendance at religious services has been stable since 1990. However one reads the evidence about trends between World War II and 1990, the recent past has been a time of stability."

    Stanley Presser and Mark Chaves, “Is Religious Service Attendance Declining?” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 46 (2007): 417.

    Robert Wuthnow writes,

    "A great debate has emerged around the topic of religious participation in recent years.  Some observers believe it is declining.  Others do not.  Some argue that it is being replaced by more private expressions of faith–belief without belonging, as some writers describe it.  Still others question whether religious participation can be measureed accurately at all.  Perhaps people somehow want to be 'religious' badly enough to lie to pollsters about how often they attend. 

    Much of this debate is fairly easily resolved once we move from speculation to actual research.  Overall, polls and surveys suggest that attendance at religious services among the full adult population of the United States has remained fairly constant for at least thirty years.  Constant, but with perhaps some erosion in recent years.  The reason some observers think religious participation may have declined more than polls and surveys suggest is that research based diaries suggests that it has.  Diary studies ask people to record carefully what they do day by day and hour by hour.  Thus, they require more thoughtful answers about what someone did, say, on a recent Sunday morning than is typically the case with a brief question survey. The trouble with these diary studies, though, is that they have not been conducted among very many people, and it is unclear whether the methods used over the past several decades provide comparable evidence.  However, nobody claims that religious participation has been rising in recent decades."

    Robert Wuthnow, After the Baby Boomers: How Twenty- and Thirty-Somethings Are Shaping the Future of American Religion (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007), 51. 

    Wuthnow's endnotes on page 260:

    An excellent overview of the recent research is available in Chaves and Stephens, "Church Attendance in the United States," see also Chaves, "Abiding Faith."

    Hadaway, Marler, and Chaves, "What the Polls Don't Show" is the source of much of the recent debate about the accuracy of survey data on church attendance; on diary evidence, see especially Presser, "Data Collection Mode and Social Desirability in Self-Reported Religious Attendance"; other useful contributions to the debate include Hadaway, Marler, and Chaves, "Overreporting Church Attendance in America," Hout and Greeley, "The Center Doesn't Hold," Hout and Greeley, "What Church Officials' Reports Don't Show," Smith, "A Review of Church Attendance Measures," and Marcum, "Measuring Church Attendance."

    Rodney Stark writes,

    In The Churching of America, 1776-1990, the authors [including Stark] reconstructed church membership rates, beginning in 1776 and ending in 1990 . . . The reason the book's title refers to the churching of America is because through the past two centuries Americans have become far more churched–an increasingly higher percentage actually belong to a local congregation.

    Church attendance has held rock steady, except for the entirely understandable decline in Catholic attendance [after Vatican II relaxed its rules about attending Mass].

    In recent years there have been a number of attempts made to minimize the actual rate of attendance in America, some of them remarkably impassioned . . . No one disputes that a significant number of Americans who tell pollsters that they go to church every Sunday, probably only go most Sundays and therefore that the consistent finding that about 35 percent are in church any given Sunday is a bit high . . . More careful studies by more qualified researchers suggest that the overstatement of church attendance is quite small, being only about 1.1 times the actual rate of attendance, so the average rate probably is around 31 or 32 percent."

    Stark's approving reference at the end of the last quote refers to the article:  

    Brian M. D'Onofrio, Lindon J.  Eaves, Lenn Murrelle, Hermine H.  Maes,  and Bernard  Spilka, "Understanding biological and social influences on religious affiliation, attitudes, and behaviors: a behavior genetic perspective," Journal of Personality (67) (1999): 953-84.

    Rodney Stark, What Americans Really Believe (Waco: Baylor, 2008), 12, 14, 17, 204.

    David Olson writes,

    "From 2002 to 2005, the yes answer to
    Gallup polls ranged from 40 to 44 percent.  During that same period,
    the Barna Research Group reported similar findings: 43 to 47 percent of
    American adults surveyed said they attended church on the past weekend
    (Olson 26)."

    Olson concludes based on his own research that

    "The research
    of the American Church Research Project shows that 17.5 percent of the
    population attended an orthodox Christian church on any given weekend
    in 2005" (Olson 28).  He continues, "By using statistical modelings to
    calculate the frequency of attenders in the typical American congregation, the results show that 23 percent of Americans are
    'regular participants'" (Olson 29).

    David T. Olson, The American Church in Crisis (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2008), 26-29.

    I have difficulty understanding Olson's methodology.  See his research methodology page online and the one paragraph description of his methodology on page 16 of the book.  I will reproduce here that paragraph and the paragraph before it  which dramatizes the statistics so you can judge his methodology.  At the end of each chapter, Olson notes that there is more information online about each chapter (e.g. chapter 1) but I did not find this to be the case; nor the statistics about birth rates (page 230, note 18 )–I got Page Not Found notices.

    Here is the description of his methodology on page 16:

    "In reality the church in America is not booming.  It is in crisis.  On any given Sunday, the vast majority of Americans are absent from church.  Even more troublesome, as the American population continues to grow, the church falls further and further behind.  If trends continue, by 2050 the percentage of Americans attending church will be half the 1990 figure. 

    For the past twenty years, the American Church Research Project (TACRP) has compiled comprehensive data on the state of the church in the United States.  This research provides reliable attendance numbers for each of the 3,141 U.S. counties, for each state, and for the nation as a whole.  The database includes attendance figures for more than 200,000 individual Christian churches, as reported from head counts conducted by each church.  It also includes zip code and founding date of most of these churches.  In addition, for the 60,000 churches that do not report attendance, their membership was multiplied by the denominations attendance-to-membership ratio.  For the remaining 45,000 Christian churches that report neither membership nor attendance, a realistic estimate was developed by using a statistical model that factored in the population, growth rate, and average attendance of the churches' counties.  The research includes all historically orthodox Christian churches but does not include nonorthodox Christian churches or non-Christian religions" (Olson 16).  

    What Olson seems to be saying is that: "Attendance is down in the churches for which I have records."  This says something but one needs to be careful about generalizing to the entire American church. 

    D. Michael Lindsay, assistant professor of sociology at Rice University, notes in response to Olson's research:

    heads to estimate weekly worship service attendance is far less
    reliable than estimates based on survey responses . . . For researchers
    to generalize head counts to the entire adult population, they must be
    conducted as an exhaustive consensus or a representative sample."

    D. Michael Lindsay, "Gallup's Research Remains More Reliable Than Counting Heads," Rev. Magazine (Mar/Apr 2008): 59.

    See also:

    Mark Chaves and Shawna Anderson, "Continuity and Change in American Religion, 1972-2006," in Social Trends in the United States, 1972-2006: Evidence from the General Social Survey (ed. by Peter V. Marsden; Princeton, Princeton University Press, forthcoming).

    E. Brooks Holifield,  “Towards a History of American Congregations,” in American Congregations, Volume 2: New Perspectives in the Study of Congregations (ed. by James P. Wind and James W. Lewis; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994), 23-53.

    See my post:

    October 16, 2008

    On the use of surveys by church leaders

    and other posts within the Sociology category

  • Great movie for pastors: Lars and the Real Girl

    Go rent Lars and the Real Girl (PG-13).

    How I pick movies:
    I have blogged before about how I tend to pick movies: How to Sort Through Which Movies are Worth Seeing.  In short, we often look at Christianity Today Movies and see what they have given 3 1/2 or 4 stars–see their page Our Top Rated Movies.  Amy and I don't really watch R rated movies because they make us cringe too much–the sex and the violence–is that because we are around a 3 year old and 1 year old and so our normal environment is so gentle?  The Christianity Today Movies site is not foolproof–basically they have assembled a bunch of reviewers who are thoughtful Christians but their tastes vary.  So my final criteria is to look at the Rotten Tomatoes site which serves as a collecting place for reviews.  The beauty of Rotten Tomatoes is that they take something very subjective–movies–and provide survey results and excerpts of reviews so that you can easily get a snapshot of whether reviewers liked the movie or not.  Now, this may sound like a lot of research but it can help you find movies that were reviewed by a Christian highly and were liked by a lot of reviewers. 

    So, to my point, I would recommend Lars and the Real Girl rated

    Here is the Rotten Tomatoes information as an example of how their system works:
    Reviews Counted: 125

    Fresh: 101


    Average Rating: 7.1/10

    My synopsis of Lars and the Real Girl:
    In the movie,
    a small town (think "church") helps bring healing to a man with emotional problems because they love him well.  It is quite beautiful.  Lonely Lars
    pretends a life-sized doll is his girlfriend.  The town
    goes along with his pretending – showing that they really love him; but they also push him beyond his pretending.  It is a great picture
    of what the church should be. 

    The only disclaimer is that the doll he ordered is a life-size sex doll
    but this is really quite a minor part of the story.  It is thus rated PG-13
    "for some sex-related content." 

    Additional recommendations:
    Amy and I also liked Dan in Real Life.

    and Once

    Note again my post:
    How to Sort Through Which Movies are Worth Seeing (August 7, 2007).

  • Review of Pastor: Theology and Practice by Will Willimon

    Here is my review of:

    Willimon is a hero to me.  I would love to do the writing, teaching and leading that he has done in his life.  I appreciated his wise reflections in this book. 

    4.0 out of 5 stars Comprehensive, insightful but verbose, November 13, 2008

    Andrew D. Rowell (Durham, NC) – See all my reviews

    Reading this book is like having a very long conversation with one of the premier pastor of pastors in the United States. Will Willimon has a Ph.D. in theology, was the Dean of the Chapel at Duke University for many years, and is now a Bishop in the United Methodist Church. He has written many books and has written regularly for both Christian Century and Christianity Today’s Leadership Journal. He is worth listening to.

    Seminary students might want to read the book cover to cover to get 336 pages of reflection and insight into pastoral ministry. They will invariably gain a greater grasp of the types of dilemmas pastors face and some ways of reflecting on those issues. Others will want to have this book on their shelf–to consult when the issue of ordination, pastoral care, and preaching comes up; they can then turn to the relevant chapter and enrich the discussion. While reflecting on contemporary issues in the church, Willimon does significant exegetical work in the New Testament as well as drawing upon Augustine, Luther, Calvin and Wesley.

    As both Christopher S. Royer and S. A. Garno note in their reviews: the book is comprehensive in its reflections but is a bit difficult to read because it is so verbose and convoluted. Still, there are insights on every page–each person who reads it will grow in their understanding of pastoring.

    Your Tags: pastoring, pastoral theology, ordained ministry, clergy, pastor, church leadership

    Related resources: 

    Will Willimon’s Blog:

    A Peculiar Prophet–A Dialogue with Bishop Will Willimon of the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church

    Bishop Willimon’s Podcast iTunes link–will only work if you have iTunes (which is free program that works on PC’s and Macs) installed on your computer