Author: Andy Rowell

  • Bunk Beds Review

    product image

    Diamond Twin/Twin Convertible Bunk Bed in Oak by Wildon Home

    Features: , Twin over twin bunk bed , Oak finish , Constructed of hardwood , Convertible bed , Beds have slats, side rail and a ladder , Assembly required , Overall dimensions:…

    Your Review:


    Solid purchase but instructions weak

    By Andy the Dad from Durham, NC on 1/30/2010


    Durable, Attractive Design, Comfortable


    Difficult To Assemble

    Best Uses:

    Kids Room

    Describe Yourself:

    Budget Shopper

    Bottom Line:

    Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

    It is sharp looking and solid. We looked and looked and feel like this is a great purchase for the money. But the directions are small and unclear so assembling it is a big chore. The pictures need to be better in the assembly manual. I made three major mistakes but I was able to figure them out eventually and go back and fix them. I think it took me about 6 hours total to set it up. After looking around a little, we bought the mattress that Bedroom Furniture recommends and it works well for the top bunk. You will need to provide your own regular size twin bed mattress for the bottom bunk. Guide holes were only drilled for 12 of the 56 slats so I had to use my drill to do the rest. All of the parts were provided. The bunk beds came in three boxes (46 pounds, 52 pounds and 66 pounds). The smaller two I could carry myself and the big one I could carry easily with another adult. We are happy with our purchase.

  • Sports for Kids in Durham, NC

    I have been asking some other parents what sports their kids do here in Durham.  Our kids are 2 and 4 so I have been looking at the 2-5 age activities.  

    Sports for Kids in Durham

    See also my post: Advice about moving to Durham, North Carolina

    Update February 12, 2011:

    See the excellent directory of SPORTS LEAGUES & CLUBS in the Triangle area at Carolina Parent magazine

    We have ended up doing Hillandale Soccer in the fall (starting at age 3) and YMCA basketball (starting at age 3) in the winter, and Hillandale Baseball in the spring (starting at age 4).  We have chosen Hillandale sports for proximity to where we live.  We do basketball at the Y because as parents we like going to work out at the Y with childcare provided and we like to swim in the pool before or after basketball.

  • Our baby due in May is a girl

    Our baby due May 12 is a girl. We're excited. 


    Me, Ryan (4), Jacob (2), and Amy (with baby girl due May 12, 2010) on January 3, 2010 at my brother's house in Parker, Colorado.
