Dick DeVos needs to resign as Board Chair of the Global Leadership Network due to his consistent record of protecting corrupt leadership

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The DeVos family made it publicly known this week that they will use their money to continue to protect Donald Trump. Their spokesperson made it clear that they are withdrawing future financial support from Justin Amash who became the first Republican in Congress to lay out why the House should begin impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump. Meanwhile, Dick DeVos continues to be the Board Chair of the Willow Creek Association (now The Global Leadership Network) that shielded for years Bill Hybels as he sexually harassed women and the board was repeatedly warned. After Hybels's resignation, the WCA Board led by DeVos continued to minimize and play down the seriousness of what had occurred. The Global Leadership Summit will continue to be damaged by the weight of DeVos's devoted support for Hybels and Trump as long as DeVos remains on the board. 

DeVos Twitter

On May 22, after Justin Amash went public with his criticism of Trump on May 18, the public spokesperson for the DeVos family noted their withdrawal of support of Amash. 

"DeVos family ends financial support for Rep. Amash"
By Colby Itkowitz
May 22
Washington Post

See also: 

DeVos support

"DeVos family ends longtime Amash support"
Jonathan Oosting and Melissa Nann Burke, The Detroit News Published 1:23 p.m. ET May 22, 2019 | Updated 7:26 p.m. ET May 22, 2019

The Detroit News


Here are the two tweet threads from Amash, which Romney called courageous, the Freedom Caucus condemned him for but did not refute, and who many legal commentators have said are accurate.



The redacted Mueller Report (April 20) makes clear Betsy DeVos's brother Erik Prince lied about Seychelles meeting with Dmitriev, deleted communication with Bannon, and funded search for Clinton's emails. The DeVos family should be embarrassed and apologetic for their association with Prince. 

should take a read through the Twitter feed of George Conway, whose wife also works in the administration, from 4 days ago (May 18-19) and see the myriad lawyers and Republicans who think Amash is right. Dick DeVos too could speak up for what's right. As Conway writes, The line is "between those who place the rule of law, the Constitution, and the country above personal interest, political expediency, and party cronyism, and those who don’t."


Meanwhile, it seems is still board chair of the Willow He was part of the denying of and then minimizing of the wrong-doing of Hybels

Letter 2

Letter 1

Open Letter to Willow Creek Association Board and Tom De Vries

The Willow Creek Association (now Global Leadership Network) Board has never publicly acknowledged their colossal failure in adamantly refusing to investigate in 2014, so that Nancy Ortberg, Jon Wallace, and Kara Powell, resigned in protest from the board in January 2015.

If an organization is going to teach people about leadership from a Christian perspective, it is dissonant to have a Trump booster or enabler as the chair of your board. See also Jerry Falwell Jr.

Dick DeVos's and Betsy's and Erik Prince's association with the immoral President Trump is hurting the brand of Global Leadership Summit so Dick DeVos needs to resign from the Global Leadership Network Board. That is one thing that would aid in restoring confidence in the organization and event.