I'm not doing much blogging but still tweeting regularly. By posting my tweets here every once in a while, I can make them searchable for me and others.
Loved David McCullough's voice (narrator of Ken Burns's The Civil War) reading his audiobook The Wright Brothers. Pleasant, not profound.
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"Someone who, through the force of their example, animated a desire to read more, study more and know more." http://mobile.nytimes.com/blogs/opinionator/2015/09/12/there-is-no-theory-of-everything/ …
Rising Strong by @BreneBrown (Aug 2015) is a vivid, warm proposal for responding to disappointment and addressing conflict.
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Video which @PLeithart describes: Simon Chan, @FredFredSanders, Ephraim Radner, Tom Rausch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZOPrJnTRp8 … https://twitter.com/firstthingsmag/status/642352025934544897 …
Between the World and Me, #2 on NYT Bestseller List of Hardcover Nonfiction, @tanehisicoates's reflection on race, was good education for me
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Andy Rowell retweeted Oxford Academic
A matter here for @RichardHammar
Andy Rowell added,
Oxford Academic @OUPAcademicJohn Oliver, televangelists, and the #IRS by @CardozoLaw prof. Edward Zelinsky http://oxford.ly/1JKYmZx #politics1 retweet0 favorites -
Watch the other BYU receiver hug the referee after he signals touchdown. http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=13592022 …
42 year old pitcher Bartolo Colon doing his thing. http://m.mlb.com/news/article/147630622 …
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Crying my way through #9 NYT Sept 13 paperback nonfiction bestseller Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson. Audiobook read by him is moving.
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Andy Rowell retweeted
BREAKING!! @espn calls the #BURoyals head shots the best amongst all college football teams! http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/13573538/schlabach-best-offseason-last-gasp-picks …
103 retweets174 favorites -
Andy Rowell retweeted
.@runofplay on Jonathan Franzen, #Purity, and where real life fits in http://gran.tl/1UiWuzu
Tullian Tchividjian Files for Divorce: lost his ministerial credentials earlier this month. @CTmagazine @tmorgan815 http://www.christianitytoday.com/gleanings/2015/august/tullian-tchividjian-files-for-divorce.html …
"Why former 49er Chris Borland is the most dangerous man in football" http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/13463272/how-former-san-francisco-49ers-chris-borland-retirement-change-nfl-forever …
Simon Fowler (@sifowler) tweeting for The rWorld non-profit: Putting relationships at the heart of American life.
Andy Rowell retweeted
Ruth Graham retweeted Oliver Roeder
All is forgiven; I
Ruth Graham added,
Oliver Roeder @olliecall and response.13 retweets21 favorites -
Satire: "Amazon's new internal EmpathyTrack enables employees to secretly report on colleagues’ lack of humanity." http://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/amazon-chief-says-employees-lacking-empathy-will-be-instantly-purged …
Andy Rowell retweeted
Karl Barth's lectures on Ephesians have been translated & are available for free download! https://research-repository.st-andrews.ac.uk/handle/10023/399 …
12 retweets11 favorites -
"CCCU and Dissenters" from @scotmcknight http://www.patheos.com/blogs/jesuscreed/2015/08/17/cccu-and-dissenters/ … citing @cgehrz
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Executives at Amazon worry about work-life balance and warehouse workers worry about physical health. @ezraklein http://www.vox.com/2015/8/17/9166023/new-york-times-amazon …
"The reason we are here is to get stuff done, that is the top priority." Jeff Bezos, Amazon in The Everything Store. http://www.vox.com/2015/8/17/9166023/new-york-times-amazon …
Andy Rowell retweeted
Ten tips for seminary students: http://bit.ly/1MuEoEv
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Andy Rowell retweeted
He says, “I was raised in a Catholic tradition. I'll start there,” and I think he means to *finish* there. But he’s delicate with Lovell.
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Amy Schumer: "I think people hate women… My experience has been sort of tricking people into listening." http://www.gq.com/story/amy-schumer-late-night-roundtable …
Colbert: "take everything with gratitude. It doesn't mean you want it. I can hold both of those ideas in my head." http://www.gq.com/story/stephen-colbert-gq-cover-story …
Andy Rowell retweeted
The Best of Times for Church Leaders https://willwillimon.wordpress.com/2015/08/16/the-best-of-times-for-church-leaders …
Andy Rowell retweeted The New York Times
I'll assign today's article on http://Amazon.com when we talk about task vs. relationship in leadership.
Andy Rowell added,
The New York Times @nytimesInside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace http://nyti.ms/1J9ODNu0 retweets1 favorite -
Powerful 6 minute story here: 'Running Away Is The Best Policy': Syrian Refugee Recalls Journey To Greece AUGUST 14, 2015 5:27 PM ET @npratc
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Miguel Cabrera started an untucking war with Jose Altuve (via @ZachJMayer) http://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2015/8/14/9158255/jose-altuve-miguel-cabrera-uniforms-first-base-untuck-mlb-baseball … https://vine.co/v/epuBnVvBV2H
94 retweets150 favorites
Andy Rowell retweeted
New blog post: Summary notes of #GLS15 Session 1, @BillHybels The Intangibles of Leadership http://bit.ly/1IKTMqA
30 retweets55 favorites -
Andy Rowell retweeted
"If there's laughter in the room, people will solve whatever problem is there, no matter how hard it is." – @edcatmull #leadership #GLS15
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Andy Rowell retweeted
"Don't just deliver, over-deliver!" – Jack Welch #GLS15
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Andy Rowell retweeted
"If you have a charismatic cause you do not have to be a charismatic leader." – Jim Collins #GLS15
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Andy Rowell retweeted
The key one is fifth from the left. @millinerd @JoelBGreen @brehmcenter @AndyRowell @james_ka_smith
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I'm just making the point here that Collins and Hybels describe leadership quite similarly to Northouse's textbook definition.
Andy Rowell retweeted Willow Chicago
"Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal" Northouse
Andy Rowell added,
Willow Chicago @WillowChicago"Leadership is the art of getting people to do what must be done." @level5leaders #WillowChicagoGLS #GLS150 retweets1 favorite -
@WarrenKinghorn FOLLOWS YOU
psychiatrist and theologian at Duke, co-director of the Theology, Medicine, and Culture Initiative at Duke Divinity School
Andy Rowell retweeted steve carter
Good to see "vision" critiqued as "giving an inspirational speech" is most common poor understanding of leadership.
Andy Rowell added,
steve carter @steveryancarterVision is not the core of leadership. Self sacrificing love will always be at the core of leadership. #GLS150 retweets0 favorites -
Andy Rowell retweeted steve carter
"Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal" Northouse
Andy Rowell added,
steve carter @steveryancarterwe define leadership as moving people from HERE to THERE. – @BillHybels #GLS150 retweets1 favorite -
How Ben Roethlisberger Grew Up and Became One of the NFL's Great Teammates http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2505720-how-ben-roethlisberger-grew-up-and-became-one-of-the-nfls-great-teammates …
Howard Schultz: America Deserves a Servant Leader. President needs to be unifier and like Pope Francis. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/06/opinion/america-deserves-a-servant-leader.html … @lead2purpose
Andy Rowell retweeted
Today @Zondervan @ZonderAcademic released these! @leithanderson thanks for believing in me & all you taught me.
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Eagles' Chip Kelly challenges NFL status quo on player acquisition, scheme, sports science, and practice techniques. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2511711-chip-kelly-and-his-relentless-assault-on-the-status-quo …
Andy Rowell retweeted
"You're so…snooty! And look down on people!" "I think you mean I'm pretentious and condescending."
18 retweets40 favorites -
"Black churchicality" is "an alternate mode of social life… a clearing." @jkameroncarter https://syndicatetheology.com/commentary/what-was-dylann-roof-shooting-at/ … @synd_theology
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Remember the Seattle boss who set a minimum salary of $70,000? Read about the unexpected consequences By @patcohennyt http://nyti.ms/1KEoQz3
@HeatherVacek1 FOLLOWS YOU
Historian, theologian, @pghseminary, reader, writer, runner. Author of _Madness: American Protestant Responses to Mental Illness_ - …
Andy Rowell retweeted
25 years later the stars of Friday Night Lights reunite to relive their story http://on.si.com/1U7jUnH
489 retweets576 favorites -
Andy Rowell retweeted
Twitter wants to become more like Facebook, and it's a terrible idea http://bit.ly/1JSdG41
Andy Rowell retweeted
BREAKING: Two Christian colleges-@EMU_News & @GOSHENCOLLEGE-to permit hiring of faculty who are in same-sex marriage http://bit.ly/1VlmTKM
22 retweets13 favorites -
Andy Rowell retweeted
If you have been taken in by Rob Bell's mess, please kindly consider: http://www.academia.edu/2053275/The_Single_Individual_in_Ordinary_Time_Theological_Engagements_with_Sociobiology … See especially Moltmann quote on page 81.
Andy Rowell retweeted
Former pastor Rob Bell's lecture tour quotes Chopra & Rumi; "maps Christian faith onto modern evolutionary science." http://www.religionnews.com/2015/07/28/rob-bells-everything-spiritual-tour-explores-evolution-universe/ …
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Twitter's changes http://ift.tt/1U6FNDV #textpatterns
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and just tweet as you would want tweeted unto you.
On Twitter, I think it is best to be blissfully ignorant about who doesn't follows you, receive favorites as surprises,
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Mark Driscoll Confirms Move to Phoenix http://www.patheos.com/blogs/warrenthrockmorton/2015/07/27/mark-driscoll-confirms-move-to-phoenix/ …
8 retweets1 favorite -
For book and movie recommendations for 10-, 7-, and 5- year olds, I have been helped by https://www.commonsensemedia.org/ and http://www.parents-choice.org/adv_search.cfm
I have gotten all these movies via DVD from the Hennepin County public library.
My favorite Apple thing (and I have had iPhones and MacBook) is the earbuds ("EarPods") which have survived much yanking & are comfortable.
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in order that we can look out and also that people can look into the Church.” Karl Barth, "Fragebeantwortung bei der Konferenz der WSCF."
“The Church must be a building with many, many windows and doors on all sides, in order that people may go out and that people may come in,
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Perhaps Christians should see Facebook and LinkedIn as a tool for transparency so outsiders see you're NOT weird but trustworthy.
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On Facebook, I have labeled basically everyone as "acquaintance" so my timeline only shows me "big news." If you haven't, FB must be awful.
On Facebook I'm conscious single people, parents of disabled kids, and the poor are pained by constant selective depictions of ideal family.
Theory continued: On Facebook people are scanning for significant news about family/friends so opinions/resources appear narcissistic.
Theory: There are more people on Facebook who are eager to hear from you. But there is also a higher chance you will annoy people there.
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E.g. Organization: TeamSnap app helpful. Stations and reps then fun in practices. Structure rotation of players for variety & winning.
Finished coaching 9-10 year old baseball. Lessons: organization is crucial, communicate rationale for approach, structure around values.
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Also liked Selma, Mandela, Hannah Arendt. Intense: Whiplash, 12 Years a Slave, Birdman, Philomena, Her, Edge of Tomorrow, Boyhood, Ida.
Pixar's Inside Out is a must see. Parents and 10-, 7-, 5- year olds enjoyed it.
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We enjoyed Begin Again (2013) by director of Once (2006) John Carney. Also Chef (2014), Grand Budapest Hotel (2014), Museum Hours (2012).
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John Smoltz at Hall of Fame: "Baseball is not a year-round sport . . . Play other sports." http://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/07/john-smoltz-warns-young-players-about-tommy-john-surgery-in-hall-of-fame-acceptance-speech … / Ditto all sports.
Via Apple Contacts, one can still share contacts between Facebook and Gmail. http://blog.contactually.com/2015/05/3-facebook-contacts-workarounds-to-give-you-control-of-your-network/ … /Though I haven't tried it.
Facebook friend suggestions are out of date stretches because it does not know who you currently email. Thus Facebook increasingly stagnant.
So you can be emailing via Gmail or Outlook with a person frequently but LinkedIn and Facebook don't know. Or vice-versa. $ and privacy.
So Facebook and LinkedIn don't allow you to export contacts. Nor can Facebook import contacts from Microsoft or Gmail. Silos, privacy, $.
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This website where you can paste in something in capitalized letters and it will change it to regular type is handy. http://convertcase.net/
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Andy Rowell retweeted
All of the lectures from #KBC2015 and #KBPC2015 are now up and available at http://av.ptsem.edu/
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Andy Rowell retweeted
If Wendell Berry wrote The Lord of the Rings Frodo would have never left the Shire.
26 retweets55 favorites -
Andy Rowell retweeted
Divinity Dean Richard Hays Stepping Down Aug. 1; Professor Ellen Davis to serve as interim dean. http://bit.ly/1TM9ee2
35 retweets10 favorites -
I must use cash for vacuuming the car, the ice cream truck, and a Craig's List purchase. That's it.
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Andy Rowell retweeted
That theory about birth order debunked for good: http://ow.ly/PQkRL http://fb.me/4sNXBKJnU
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Andy Rowell retweeted
James K.A. Smith retweeted LA Review of Books
In which I review Peter Harrison's recently published Gifford Lectures for @LAReviewofBooks:
James K.A. Smith added,
LA Review of Books @LAReviewofBooks"Just who stands to benefit from the narrative of a perennial conflict between Science and Religion? http://ow.ly/PNfJW2 retweets2 favorites -
Barth Conference June 21-22: Moltmann–pastoral election; Gregory–ethics as gratitude; Jennings–sad banking; Rutledge–a formed church.
Expect National Association of Evangelicals president Leith Anderson to be realistic and candid in his counsel.
Lesser leaders can lead paid staff, only great leaders can lead volunteers well.
I recommend posthumous Feb 2015 Allure of Gentleness by Dallas Willard–his apologetics. Sad not to have his final edits but much wise here.
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Andy Rowell retweeted Brian Anderson
The Volunteer Church and Volunteering by @leithanderson and @foxjill are Aug 4 releases from @Zondervan.
Andy Rowell added,
Brian Anderson @andersonbrian@leithanderson and @foxjill Congratulations on your new book!1 retweet3 favorites -
Recordings from the Karl Barth Conferences at Princeton Theological Seminary in June. http://av.ptsem.edu/ http://www.ptsem.edu/library/barth/events/ …
7 retweets6 favorites -
If you are paying too much for your phone, switch over to @republicwirelss. I am heavy user and do $25 a month plan but usually pay $17.50.
2 retweets6 favorites -
There is a new Google Calendar if you have iPhone or Android. http://www.google.com/calendar/about/ http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2015/06/google-calendar-for-iphone-more-ways-to.html …
0 retweets0 favorites -
I highly recommend the free app @Podcast_Addict for podcasts if you are on Android.
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Interesting interview with Coursera founder and Stanford prof Daphne Koller on NPR's From Scratch by @JessGHarris. http://www.npr.org/series/126166186/from-scratch …
Andy Rowell retweeted
YDS excited to welcome Dr. Willie Jennings to our faculty. Great addition! http://notesfromthequad.yale.edu/notes/2015-07-17-110000/prize-winning-theology-and-race-scholar-willie-jennings-joining-yds-faculty …
23 retweets15 favorites -
Andy Rowell retweeted
Wishing my beloved advisor Willie Jennings every blessing as he prepares to leave Duke for @YaleDivSchool.
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Meanwhile, back home, some good news about a bad story: http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/disabled-undercover-cop-waits-for-robbers-in-vancouver-but-only-finds-kindness …
Andy Rowell retweeted
I liked PLANT a lot – a web comedy about church planting – and they're fundraising for season 2! http://ow.ly/PJFpq
Andy Rowell retweeted
Declaring What She Sees: Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman https://willwillimon.wordpress.com/2015/07/16/declaring-what-she-sees-harper-lees-go-set-a-watchman …
Sketch of Brooks's religious background is at: http://www.aleteia.org/en/society/article/is-david-brooks-converting-to-christianity-5844469127577600 …
Most of Brooks's examples are Christians & quotes Tim Keller, James D. Hunter, and Charles Taylor. Background is observant conservative Jew.
Brooks's previous book Social Animal drew upon social science literature; this time history. He is a seeker–searching, recently divorced.
. . . Frances Perkins, Dwight Eisenhower, Dorothy Day, A. Philip Randolph, Bayard Rustin, Johnny Unitas, and Joe Namath.
In Road to Character, David Brooks seeks moral lessons from: Augustine, Montaigne, Samuel Johnson, George Eliot, George Marshall, . . .
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Authority, #Mission, and Institution: Matthew 28.18-20 in Karl #Barth's Doctrine of Baptism: https://www.academia.edu/7630594/Authority_Mission_and_Institution_A_Systematic_Consideration_of_Matthew_28.18-20_in_Karl_Barths_Doctrine_of_Baptism … via @academia
Andy Rowell retweeted
Discipleship is stunted unless it includes both the centripetal phase of worship and the centrifugal phase of mission. Avery Dulles
7 retweets17 favorites -
Andy Rowell retweeted
Republic Wireless’s Next Target: Data ‘Breakage’ http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2015/07/07/republic-wirelesss-next-target-data-breakage/ …
7 retweets1 favorite -
Andy Rowell retweeted
“The best thing you’ll read all day,” “This is a must-read,” “The seven books you should read this summer,” etc. = “I don’t read very much.”
7 retweets12 favorites -
Andy Rowell retweeted
Lester Ruth (@jl_ruth) gets some well-deserved recognition: "Yes, Jesus Has Always Been Our Boyfriend" via@CTMagazine http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2015/june/under-discussion-yes-jesus-has-always-been-our-boyfriend.html?share=eofyWo3Lp2G24O76b3JXJTwECZLMDccI&&visit_source=twitter …
9 minute film of life-story of Jan Hus for 600th anniversary of his death July 6 by Hussite Museum, Czech Republic. https://vimeo.com/130072911
Andy Rowell retweeted
Notre Dame may have known of John Howard Yoder's sexual harassment, ignored it http://ncronline.org/news/accountability/allegations-sexual-harassment-against-john-howard-yoder-extend-notre-dame …
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Episcopal Church elects Michael Curry first black presiding bishop: http://www.religionnews.com/2015/06/27/episcopal-church-elects-michael-curry-first-black-presiding-bishop/ … @RNS
32 retweets35 favorites -
Andy Rowell retweeted
At the book release for John Webster's festschrift, 'Theological Theology', with editors Sarisky, Nelson, & Stratis.
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Andy Rowell retweeted
It's official! Starting July 1, I'm a Visiting Professor of Theology for Fuller Seminary, a 3 year position based in @FTS_Sacramento
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Andy Rowell retweeted
United Theological Seminary Welcomes New Faculty http://omkt.co/AAE7jE via @PRWeb Good to see two friends here!
Andy Rowell retweeted
Pursuing our own integrity with different ideas, along different paths: "@fullerseminary and Me" http://www.jrdkirk.com/2015/06/29/fuller-and-me/ …
Andy Rowell retweeted
The @booksandculture Historical Adam Symposium is available now. A lot worth reading here. http://bit.ly/1JjdLzZ
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Andy Rowell retweeted
"Business critics say Twitter is falling because the suits don’t know what do to with the service. In…" http://tmblr.co/ZA1xby1oLIPWk
You followed Shit Academics Say and Trevor Martindale
Baseball has changed because of statistical analysis. Data analysis will grow in importance in churches and theological education as well.
0 retweets3 favorites -
I recommend "How Google Works" even if you have to constantly remember this is a rather unique company. Themes: ideas matter, great people.
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Andy Rowell retweeted
The #BenedictOption discussions have begun. Something radically different for a radically different world: http://goo.gl/QfKgnK
Andy Rowell retweeted
Musing about the "Benedict Option" and Christian sexual ethics after #SCOTUSMarriage: http://spiritualfriendship.org/2015/06/27/the-benedict-option-and-the-dazzled-pagan-eye/ …
Andy Rowell retweeted
Thanks to @ptseminary and the #KBC2015 for recordings of the live stream! http://www.ustream.tv/channel/princeton-theological-seminary-channel …
Andy Rowell retweeted
Moltmanniac retweeted kessia reyne
This was a hilarious moment during Bruce McCormack's lecture today. #KBC2015
Moltmanniac added,
kessia reyne @kreyneA revered theologian pauses in his really deep lecture. A voice from the audience is heard: "I'm sorry, I didn't quite get that." It's Siri.6 retweets21 favorites -
Andy Rowell retweeted
Barth On Christology’s ‘Identity Problem’ https://theologyoutofbounds.wordpress.com/2015/06/25/barth-on-christologys-identity-problem/ … #KarlBarth
Karl Barth Conference: Karl Barth and the Gospels @ptseminary #KBC2015 Streaming Live: http://av.ptsem.edu/live/ #KBC2015
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Billy Graham's grandson steps down from Florida megachurch after admitting an affair http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2015/06/21/billy-grahams-grandson-steps-down-from-florida-megachurch-after-admitting-an-affair/ …
121 retweets69 favorites -
Andy Rowell retweeted
Five good, and tough!, questions for me from @MrJoshuaRogers and @BoundlessTeam — http://www.boundless.org/blog/five-questions-with-bestselling-author-andy-crouch/ …
Sheryl Sandberg reflects well thirty days after her husband's death: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10155617891025177&set=a.404308695176.365039.717545176&type=1&permPage=1 …
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@DarrenSumner FOLLOWS YOU
Christian theologian and instructor in theology, church history, and religion in western Washington | PhD, University of Aberdeen
Andy Rowell retweeted
For a beautiful read, read @winbassett on using poetry while working as a hospital chaplain. http://www.poetryfoundation.org/article/250578?Src=longreads# …
20 retweets19 favorites -
Andy Rowell retweeted
Today Wheaton College announced it has removed Dennis Hastert from center named after him http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2015/05/29/after-indictment-dennis-hastert-steps-down-from-wheaton-colleges-hastert-center-board/ …
17 retweets8 favorites -
Andy Rowell retweeted
RT BREAKING: Swiss Police confirm that, when arrested, all seven FIFA officials threw themselves on the ground and pretended to be injured.
8,763 retweets5,475 favorites -
"Silicon Valley’s religion has a clear eschatological vision of the future-a vision of increasing dematerialization." http://marginalia.lareviewofbooks.org/the-vibrant-religious-life-of-silicon-valley-and-why-its-killing-the-economy-by-samuel-loncar/ …
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Lots of great responses from @timkellernyc in his question and answer session on Twitter today on preaching.
Andy Rowell retweeted
"Grace works." These beautiful words were spoken to me on the telephone today by my friend, brother and mentor. Thanks Jay Kesler. @yfcusa
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See also the recent discussion between @JohnPiper, @ajwtheology, and @DrTomSchreiner http://www.desiringgod.org/articles/should-a-woman-preach-next-sunday … All rides on 1 Tim 2:12.
"he too had never seen civil disagreement on a matter of importance in the university classroom." Carl Trueman, http://www.firstthings.com/blogs/firstthoughts/2015/05/in-praise-of-the-dying-art-of-civil-disagreement …
Historian Elesha Coffman correctly exegetes 1 Cor 9: All Things to All People? it’s explicitly evangelistic http://www.christianitytoday.com/gifted-for-leadership/2015/may/all-things-to-all-people.html … @GFLblog
Andy Rowell retweeted J.D. Greear
A new but typical application of complementarian position, which rests as usual entirely on 1 verse: 1 Tim 2:12.
Andy Rowell added,
J.D. Greear @jdgreearCan women teach in the church? http://buff.ly/1Q1oqQQ0 retweets0 favorites -
Andy Rowell retweeted
"Grudem is ready to throw the Nicene faith overboard, if only he can keep his complementarianism" http://steverholmes.org.uk/blog/?p=7507 via @SteveRHolmes
9 retweets9 favorites -
Film clips from @BreneBrown by @twotp prior to April 2011 about returning to church. http://www.theworkofthepeople.com/jesus-wept http://www.theworkofthepeople.com/grace-is-not-attractive …
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Excited to read: Becoming the Gospel: Paul, Participation, and Mission (The Gospel and Our Culture Series) May 6, 2015 by Michael J. Gorman
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Big news at Eerdmans: welcoming James Ernest. Introducing the Next Eerdmans Editor in Chief http://wp.me/p1cJiv-3oe via @eerdmansbooks
Theologian @JonRCoutts reviews Disunity in Christ by @CSCleve of @BethelU @DukeDivinity at @Reformation21 http://www.reformation21.org/articles/disunity-in-christ.php …
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Many of us at @BethelSeminary attend and enjoy @wcagls Global Leadership Summit. It and http://seminary.bethel.edu/academics/st-paul-programs/transformational-leadership/ … used to have formal tie.
Andy Rowell retweeted Willow Creek
"Go where leadership is taught." @BillHybels along with biblical, theological, spiritual formation = @BethelSeminary
Andy Rowell added,
Willow Creek @wcagls"Go where leadership is taught." – @BillHybels // Don't miss #GLS15. Best rates end tomorrow. http://bit.ly/SbHu1S0 retweets1 favorite -
U2 and B.B. King "When Love Comes to Town" 1988 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRHV-HWhqWQ … and May 15, 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzZvezvpoXc … @Overstweet @danielsilliman
Andy Rowell retweeted Daniel Silliman
One of my favorite Twitter friends @danielsilliman chronicles B.B. King's conflicted relationship with Christianity.
Andy Rowell added,
Daniel Silliman @danielsillimanOn at least one occasion B.B. King recalled singing a spiritual song, changing the word “my Lord” to “my baby” http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2015/05/15/how-the-church-gave-b-b-king-the-blues/ …0 retweets0 favorites -
Gregory wanted monks for church leadership because of their integrity but had to teach them how to navigate its complexity. @GDemacopoulos
Andy Rowell retweeted George Demacopoulos
Demacopoulos did excellent translation of Gregory the Great's classic "The Book of Pastoral Rule." Bio will be good.
Andy Rowell added,
George Demacopoulos @GDemacopoulosMy next book (a biography of Gregory the Great) has made it Amazon pre-order: http://www.amazon.com/Gregory-Great-Ascetic-Pastor-First/dp/0268026211/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1431908622&sr=1-3&keywords=demacopoulos …0 retweets1 favorite -
What was God doing before creation? Making a hell for those who pry. – Calvin http://www.ccel.org/ccel/calvin/institutes.iii.xv.html … from Augustine http://www.ccel.org/ccel/augustine/confessions.xiv.html …
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President Resigns at Northwest Nazarene U. After No-Confidence Vote http://chronicle.com/blogs/ticker/jp/president-resigns-at-northwest-nazarene-u-after-no-confidence-vote … and http://www.christianitytoday.com/gleanings/2015/may/christian-college-president-resigns-tom-oord-evolution.html … @CTmagazine @Mepaynl
Andy Rowell retweeted David Congdon
Yes, David Bentley Hart's comments here zing with his usual verbal flair–this time defending universalism.
Andy Rowell added,
David Congdon @dwcongdonDB Hart's comments on this post have given me new respect for him. Apparently he's also translating the NT! https://afkimel.wordpress.com/essential-readings-on-universalism/ …1 retweet2 favorites -
Dad, husband, and 44th President of the United States. Tweets may be archived: http://wh.gov/privacy .
Andy Rowell retweeted
Dean announces @CSCleve appointed associate professor of the practice of reconciliation and the director of @dukecfr http://bit.ly/1dZt2Lt
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Andy Rowell retweeted Christianity Today
Rich article here with lots of statistics and data to ponder.
Andy Rowell added,
Christianity Today @CTmagazinePew: Evangelicals stay strong as Christianity crumbles in America over past seven years http://bit.ly/1EyLuQv0 retweets1 favorite -
Andy Rowell retweeted Sharon Hodde Miller
Yes, be "brave" about the right things in the right way, not just going off. Similarly, "lean in" rightly.
Andy Rowell added,
Sharon Hodde Miller @SHoddeMillerThe Dumbing Down of "Brave" – my latest for @CT_women http://www.christianitytoday.com/women/2015/may/dumbing-down-of-brave.html …0 retweets1 favorite -
Andy Rowell retweeted The Gospel Coalition
An opportunity here to hear Tim Keller's one hour seminar on preaching.
Andy Rowell added,
The Gospel Coalition @TGC0 retweets2 favorites -
Andy Rowell retweeted
% of Americans who are Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran fall; nondenominational Protestants grow: http://pewrsr.ch/1PC1ozX
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December 2014 column from outgoing ESPN ombudsman about ESPN's preference for entertainment over journalism (truth). http://espn.go.com/blog/ombudsman/post/_/id/501/serving-sports-fans-through-journalism …
Andy Rowell retweeted
Phil. 4:8 — the social media version (edited and improved)
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Andy Rowell retweeted
A prayer of lament from Baltimore resident @RebekahAEklund : http://ow.ly/MyZ6H
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Andy Rowell retweeted
.@sherylsandberg posts a sad but lovely farewell to her late husband, @davegoldberg. https://www.facebook.com/sheryl/posts/10155493238390177 …
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Dear church leaders: @civarts is offering scholarships for you to attend this year's conference. @AndyRowell @cicw
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Andy Rowell retweeted
“Theological Police”? Paleo Evangelicals and Ben Carson http://ow.ly/MwsYq my latest at the Anxious Bench
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Updated: Dave Goldberg died of head trauma and blood loss, according to a Mexican government spokesman http://nyti.ms/1IbBNie
Andy Rowell retweeted
In lieu of an essay about conversion to Catholicism or Orthodoxy: All I Really Need to Know I Learned from… http://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2015/04/all-i-really-need-to-know-i-learned-from-evangelicalism …
"The spark of life is movement, color, love." Alessandro Giuliani, aesthetics professor (Mark Helprin, A Soldier of the Great War, 45). @ahc
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Andy Rowell retweeted
.@UCBerkeley finds high levels of depression among graduate students: http://bit.ly/1yS111S
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Q is next week in Boston! A friend is speaking and asked for advice—here's my reply. http://andy-crouch.com/extras/q_tips
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Andy Rowell retweeted
News! I'm joining the faculty at Duke Divinity as Assoc. Professor of the Practice of Reconciliation & Dir. of the Center for Reconciliation
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Evangelism is every leader's job. Here's how to do it well: http://s.hbr.org/1Gf7jpp @GuyKawasaki
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Andy Rowell retweeted
"Don't think of them as kids, think of them as little human startups." Dying. #veep
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Watch the 2015 MLK Lecture with Professor James H. Cone: https://youtu.be/ziEGUYKkVGY
Andy Rowell retweeted
I got a little obsessed with the phrase "No, totally": http://nyr.kr/1ah07R4
Andy Rowell retweeted
Home, the new album from @JoshGarrels is out today on iTunes & NoiseTrade https://itun.es/us/DtJa6
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My kids were mostly interested in *playing* basketball next to the TV r lil worried about tough kids at school who are big Wisconsin fans.
We enjoyed the Duke win but we usually cheer for the underdog so understand the many annoyed. Games are close. Players are kids.
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Not to mention: Philippians 2:12-13 "continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you."
So this tweet wrong: @PastorTullian Apr 4 When Martin Luther was asked what we contribute to our salvation, he said, “Sin and resistance.”
. . . and outwardly and publicly, before men and according to the judgment of men by works" (Barth, IV/2, 525). [2 of 2]
Luther speaks of "a twofold justification, inwardly in the spirit and before God only by faith; . . . [1 of 2]
[On justification and sanctification], "Luther himself [speaks]… with the same kind of two-sidedness as… Calvin" (Barth, IV/2, 525).
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Righteousness is endlessly complicated. http://bit.ly/1BsRzMN #KendrickLamar
I think biblical concept is not "self-love" but sabbath–strict 1/7th self-care (Deut 5:15) interrupted for occasional emergency (Mt 12:12).
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Barth (with Luther and Calvin; contra Tertullian, Chrysostom, Augustine, Aquinas) says we are not commanded to love ourselves (I/2, 387-88).
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Great interview with @QCook323 on Dan Patrick Show today http://www.danpatrick.com/?s=quinn+cook
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"Baseball is struggling to hook kids" http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/nationals/baseballs-trouble-with-the-youth-curve–and-what-that-means-for-the-game/2015/04/05/2da36dca-d7e8-11e4-8103-fa84725dbf9d_story.html …? / I'm coaching 3rd-4th graders. Teaching them @ practice, failure, high fives.
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The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene (1940) probes priest's role (service vs. purity); 1920-30 persecution of Catholic church in Mexico.
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I recommend Small Victories (2014) by @AnneLamott for its many vernacular depictions of why the good news is good news.
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Preaching after Easter – Part 1 http://wp.me/p2vVa8-lL
Andy Rowell retweeted
RT @bradleypenner: Good article on the Barth Wars between McCormack and Hunsinger. http://www.firstthings.com/article/2015/04/barth-wars …
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Andy Rowell retweeted
Before you watch #WolfHall on #MasterpieceTheater, read my piece on how it distorts history – at @washingtonpost http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2015/04/05/how-wolf-hall-will-entertain-millions-and-threaten-to-distort-history-in-the-process/ …
We liked the contemplative unharsh "Museum Hours" (from library) recommended by @Overstweet http://www.patheos.com/blogs/lookingcloser/2014/01/overstreets-favorite-films-2013/ … http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2013/october-web-only/nothing-better-than-real-thing.html?paging=off …
Andy Rowell retweeted
When Pope Francis comes to Congress, lawmakers will be expecting Santa Claus. What they'll get is John the Baptist.
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Andy Rowell retweeted
great piece on the best worship music you've never heard by @wenreagan in @CTmagazine http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2015/april/best-worship-music-you-wont-hear-on-christian-radio.html?share=rLLFuJkSSSvETynEomdr3tm8DAS46%2byt&&visit_source=twitter …
Male execs didn't like first personal computer because it had a keyboard and typing was considered women's work. @WalterIsaacson Innovators
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Please pray for Andy Stanley as he prepares my next sermon.
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Andy Rowell retweeted
We're having a special outreach for Palm Sunday. Bring a frond.
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Here's my Sunday column, which may startle regular readers: I rise in defense of evangelical Christians: http://nyti.ms/1yniycy
Andy Rowell retweeted
Looking for a reporter focusing on American Christianity. @RNS is hiring! http://www.religionnews.com/about/careers/
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Key to academic writing. Pull out wand & turn scary prof-in-your-head into a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fbXS1polkQA …
Andy Rowell retweeted
AMBS accepts responsibility for John Howard Yoder's sexual abuses, apologizes to victims http://www.elkharttruth.com/living/faith/2015/03/22/Anabaptist-Mennonite-Biblical-Seminary.html … /via @jamesdpitts
Andy Rowell retweeted
"Cattywampus, onomatopoeia and antidisestablishmentarianism." Wisconsin players have fun w/ stenographer at presser. http://es.pn/1AYSq8Q
Andy Rowell retweeted
Singing in the first person: on “I” and “we” in worship http://bit.ly/1H96IuO
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Andy Rowell retweeted
Lyle Schaller loved and shaped churches of America. Wrote 100 books. #1 church consultant. Read my CT tribute: http://bit.ly/1H2t6SW
Andy Rowell retweeted
Reading Backwards with Richard Hays – Brief Reflections (Gupta) http://wp.me/p2Rhc-1FO
Andy Rowell retweeted
In our next cover story, Jeffrey Goldberg explores the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe. http://theatln.tc/1AtkWyY
217 retweets149 favorites -
Andy Rowell retweeted
THIS JUST IN: 49ers LB Chris Borland tells @OTLonESPN that he is retiring, says he fears brain injury. » http://es.pn/1LlgcG6
Andy Rowell retweeted
.@mrianleslie's piece on Doug Lemov and teaching is too good to excerpt. Read the entire thing. http://www.theguardian.com/education/2015/mar/11/revolution-changing-way-your-child-taught …
Andy Rowell retweeted
YES, here it is: Lila honored with the National Book Award: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/13/books/lila-by-marilynne-robinson-honored-as-top-fiction-by-national-book-critics-circle.html?_r=0 …
I thought Lila by Marilynne Robinson was more accessible and enjoyable than I remember Gilead and Home–the first 2 of the trilogy–being.
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Andy Rowell retweeted
I've got some tough news, junior. Grandma's personal brand was retired today. Let's remember all the relevant content she aggregated for us.
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Andy Rowell retweeted
I made a browser extension that replaces the “What’s happening?” question on Twitter’s text field:
657 retweets594 favorites -
@dgpogue FOLLOWS YOU
Follower of Christ, Husband, Worship Arts Pastor at City Church in Minneapolis, Songwriter, Coffee Enthusiast, St. Louis Cardinal and…
Andy Rowell retweeted
Richly deserved. Jean Vanier, friend of the disabled, living saint if you ask me, wins the Tempeton Prize. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/11/jean-vanier-templeton-prize_n_6842884.html …
Andy Rowell retweeted
The terrible loneliness of growing up poor in Robert Putnam’s America: http://wapo.st/1x0H6Y1
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Andy Rowell retweeted
My new book OurKids: The American Dream in Crisis is out today. Many thanks for your tweets. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1476769893/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER …
RT @roddreher Daniel Taylor's novel of ideas 'Death Comes for the Deconstructionist" is very, very good — and important. / @BethelU proud.
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Andy Rowell retweeted
My More magazine story on Nadia Bolz-Weber @sarcasticlutheran was just named best magazine article/Wilbur Awards: http://bit.ly/1xXb7rW
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Who to follow on Twitter: those who recommend quality resources and keep self-promotion low. Bonus: reads tweets so gets Twitter, expertise.
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If you don't like Twitter, look through the people I follow and try some of them. I recommend them.
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When people post great links on Facebook, I comment: "Try Twitter. You'd like it." Facebook=personal updates. Twitter=ideas/resources.
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A Beginning Song by @TheDecemberists @colinmeloy http://youtu.be/Cm6xtkX_Dvs / I think it's about longing for contentment around so much good.
Andy Rowell retweeted
BIG NEWS: Quest Church has purchased the building formerly known as Mars Hill Church. Join us in support and prayer: http://wp.me/pT6R-34F
Andy Rowell retweeted
Fred Craddock, influential homiletics prof, died today. @ChristianCent had a good story on him just last month: http://www.christiancentury.org/article/2015-02/people-s-preaching-class …
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Andy Rowell retweeted
.@DecentFilms @AndyRowell Starting the Chronicles of Narnia in chronological order is like watching Star Wars starting w/ Episode I
Andy Rowell retweeted
Low #expectations, however well-meaning, can end up confining & restricting both typical kids & kids w/ #disabilities http://ow.ly/JVTwk
Andy Rowell retweeted
We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Fred Craddock at around 11 am on this day. We will continue to honor his life and work.
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