Reflection on communication mediums and Tweets – Oct 3, 2013 to May 22, 2014

I sometimes blog but I mostly post resources on Twitter these days. I could probably expand each tweet into a blog post with my comments about why I thought it was interesting but usually I do not have much to say about it and moreover I am pouring my energy into academic writing and the classroom, where I have amble opportunity to expand, connect, and analyze. Plus, I am not sure if people are reading blogs as much as they used to (post-Google Reader). I used to use Google Reader and now use Feedly RSS readers like I use Twitter now. I would scan through the titles of posts to see what was worth checking out. Now, I scan through the tweets of those I follow.

The odd thing about every publishing medium is that you are not sure it is making a difference. Should you put your energy into books, academic articles, blog posts, or tweets? People used to talk about publishing books and getting very little feedback after that mountain of work. Of course, that has changed a bit since instant reviews on Goodreads, Amazon, and blogs. But are books the best way to get an audience? Will people actually finish your book? Is it not better to write something shorter and freely accessible on the net that people will actually read? But if you publish blogs or tweets, will anyone read them? Of course, there are sophisticated tracking systems now but even if you know what the numbers are, you still do not necessarily know whether what you are writing is sinking in.

Or maybe the old-fashioned way is best. In the pulpit or classroom, you can see the people you are communicating with. Plus, there is some chastening there of the one-way / monological thinking. There are people who are full-time conference speakers and popular writers but I sometimes wonder whether their content is being filtered through a group of critics (classroom or congregation) that eventually leads to more quality material. People come up to the preacher after a sermon and criticisms trickle in through nooks and crannies. Students ask questions in class and you read their papers. But in the pulpit and classroom, the material you have prepared does not have a chance to reach a larger audience. You can post your manuscripts online or podcast your sermons but usually people prefer reading or listening to something that has been vigorously edited or highly produced. Given the frequency of sermons and classroom lectures, it is hard to spend time editing or producing them for a broader audience. As for me, I plan on continuing to publish in a variety of mediums (academic journal articles, books, blog posts, and tweets) and that I love having a day job that allows me to communicate face to face as well.

When I think about who I admire, it is sometimes people like Andy Crouch, Alan Jacobs, John Wilson, and Scot McKnight who participate in Twitter or blogs and thus consume voraciously what is going on and understand the culture well. Yet they also write cohesive work like books and they have day-jobs which force them to interact with people and get real things done. Their theological and biblical reflections then are more interesting and applicable because they are seasoned with contemporary examples and dilemmas and their ability to connect with a broad audience is superb. I wonder if Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Lesslie Newbigin, and Stanley Hauerwas would all have been into social media if they had born in a different era because of their accessibility and openness to popular writing despite pressure against it.

On the other hand, I admire the people who do no social media and are instead producers of quality books and articles. While they may not be the most accessible communicators because they are spend much of their time doing research, their work has high quality because of their focus and discipline. I think here of Karl Barth, Eugene Peterson, and Richard Hays.

I don't know of anyone else who posts their tweets on their blog but for me it has a few benefits.

(1) For myself, it is fast and easy to access my past tweets when I am writing, preparing for class, or even during class–to find that quote or article.

(2) It is a way of making Twitter tweets have a longer usefulness to others. Twitter's design tends to bury old tweets so that you cannot search nor is it convenient to read back through old tweets. Google scans the tweets on my blog. It is certainly possible for someone to search through my Twitter category on my blog and see all of the references I have made to Barth, Newbigin, Bonhoeffer, audiobook, etc.

(3) People who do not have a Twitter account can also access them easily.


  • Tweets and replies

Of all the tasks of the church, witness is the one ring to rule them all. Barth IV/3.2, 797 + Tolkien. / @jakeeyler reminded me I said this.

I like the weekly 1 page reflections: to force consistent reading, fuel class discussion, & have less stressful poorly-prepared long papers.

What you get in my Christian ministry courses: Bible, Barth, Bonhoeffer, Newbigin, @Pontifex, sociology, church stories, Twitter, and HBR.

I still think of insights from Advice for New Faculty Members by Robert Boice that I read when I taught at Taylor University from 2005-2007.

I used lots of PowerPoint. I found it faster & more flexible than lecture notes + handouts and better for students than no outline/guide.

Last class tonight of 1st year at @BethelSeminary. 7 courses X 14 lectures = 98 lectures. Lots of Thomas Groome's Shared Christian Praxis.

@jbaylor105 I say a bit about doing doctoral work at: … and a smattering about parenting at 

A number of Twin Cities mission and evangelism theological gatherings in June and July …

"Yoder hinted that …bodily intimacy …was based in his … vision of a radically nonconformist church." … Accurate.

"during softball games [Yoder] … preferred playing outfield, so he could read a book while waiting for a fly ball." …

See articles "On Teaching John Howard Yoder," Mennonite Life, May 2014. …

@tedolsen This has been a helpful counterpoint for me as I rail against silos. Thanks, Ted.

David Harvey's critique of Picketty's Capital book …

The "good" student vs. pursuing life's wisdom: 

Did you catch the second part of my conversation with @GordonPres, Michael Lindsay, about leadership & ambition? …

As one is a professor longer, it is hard to imagine becoming more energetic, optimistically helpful, and conscientious in one's grading.

I find myself writing longer comments for online/hybrid student papers than traditional because I have less time to clarify things in class.

I know I should ideally turn all of this into published articles / books but is that realistic? And won't it be outdated? Is this new era?

Pouring so much into teaching, I wonder about posting on the blog PowerPoints and nuggets of advice given to students while grading.


trigger warnings and trust  #textpatterns

@james_ka_smith @byronborger It doesn't sound like he's read the book. My Philistine meter is going off.

A gentle, friendly request for Baptist writers to stop conflating their issues w/issues in American Evangelicalism. …

@fitchest It seems to me this is a fight between Reformed @TGC and Lutheran @PastorTullian theology–see Pauline studies for parallels.

Ministry is piling manure (βάλω κόπρια) on the seemingly dead that it might grow (Lk 13:8). -Willimon … @WillimonTweets

@sniequist And if you vacuum broccoli, you will need to get rid of that vacuum.

@FaithTheology The downloadable OneClickDigital audiobook from my library is read by Frank Muller. Will have to see if I can get Hootkins.

@joshmrowley I listed 20 other ones in my previous couple tweets that I think better represent those most influential on evangelicals.

@JasonGoroncy In my last two tweets, I give you a different list of 20 which I think represent influence on evangelicalism in the US.

20 living American influential evangelicals: Plantinga, Carson, Dobson, Coleman, McLaren, Keller, A. Stanley, Crabb, Sanneh, Yancey. (11-20)

20 living American influential evangelicals: B. Graham, Sider, Perkins, Foster, Peterson, Hybels, Piper, Guder, Fee, Vanhoozer. (1-10)


We're still working on restoring services – no ETA just yet but we'll update when we have that info. #typepadstatus

@joshmrowley The list is from a Southern Baptist in Nashville. I tweeted it because I have referred to it in class re: perceived influence.


I love @edstetzer's rants against bad survey research. Today's on youth groups driving teens to apostasy is great. …

Enjoying audiobook Moby-Dick so now want Moby-Dick in Pictures, Marvel Illustrated, & Pop-Up Book. H/T @FaithTheology …


Top 50 Leadership and Management Experts 

20 of the Most Influential Evangelicals in America (Mar 31, 2014) by @ThomRainer … List has oddities as comments note.

"An individual who has no geniality… had better be an undertaker." Spurgeon … via Sandy Millar …

Today kicks off #KBCDIII – read the front matter to the end of page 5 in III/1 today. It pairs well with coffee.

a quick announcement about me, and I hope you don’t mind if I **SIT DOWN** first  via @sharethis

Ironically, I've never felt respected after any sentence beginning with "With all due respect…"

Biographer of Franklin, Einstein, and Jobs, @WalterIsaacson says science needs the humanities and vice-versa. …


Anybody else interested can join us. Starting the Barth Vol. III reading group 5/19. 5 pages a day, Sunday off. #KBCDIII @cabematthews

Just finished my last @BethelSeminary online class. After 6 yrs, thought I'd be ecstatic, but truth is I'm a little sad. Been a great ride!

Frozen is a metaphor for Academia …

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On Charles Marsh's new bio of Bonhoeffer: The Strange Glory of a Fully Human Life  @bonhoefferdaily


Excellent take on the Q conference from John Murdock: …

@ayjay I value Arthur Holmes's influence on Wheaton College (leadership) more than what it takes to rise to be president of Wheaton College.

@ayjay Being a "good conversationalist" may help you social climb in American elite circles but that does not mean you accomplish things.

@ayjay So @GordonPres reports how people have climbed to the top of US orgs in last 30 years. If they help groups achieve, = "leaders."

@ayjay If a leader "influences a group… to achieve a common goal," leadership ≠ positional power (Northouse, p. 5). …

I listened to audiobook Theodore Rex by Edmund Morris (2002) from library. It left lasting impression of Roosevelt's infectious energy.

A senior leader needs "liberal arts curiosity." – D. Michael Lindsay @GordonPres Great interview with @james_ka_smith …

Corporate Time Equivalents: …


People think men are disorganized, bad at communicating, and yet magically good at leadership: …

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@danielsilliman @VeggieTales Telford Work, "Veggie Ethics," Theology Today, 2000. …


Competent women are getting bypassed by overconfident men. Watch:

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RT @DukeDivinity Convocation & Pastors' School Oct.13-14, featuring Hauerwas, Willimon, and James Davison Hunter 

Watching @edstetzer @LeeStrobel @MarkMittelberg talk about Spiritual Discovery Groups–similar to Alpha.  #TheExchange

On @BozT & @netgrace_org investigating sexual abuse in Christian organizations – by @kathrynajoyce@theprospect …

Confirmed: philosophers–like most rational readers!–prefer footnotes to endnotes > …

@ahc @larsleafblad I'll have to hear how you two met!

@jrgordon13 Hauerwas was normal i.e. great. Mohler was mostly respectful–blustered but seemed to know better than to attempt to argue.

Good interview by @albertmohler with Stanley Hauerwas. …

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We celebrate the life of Glen Stassen. Read about the incomparable legacy he leaves us: 

On Barth and evangelicalism/pietism – A New Barth Book is On the Way  via @sharethis

My Op/Ed in today's TIME: …

The numbers do not support the claim of millennials leaving the church: 

Twin Cities pastor @PeterHaas1 of @substancemn pragmatically responds to specialization and comparison in preaching. 


Dante's Path to Paradise—a marvelous piece by @roddreher in the @WSJ 

Very good review by @byronborger of Who's Afraid of Relativism? by @james_ka_smith … #Wittgenstein #Lindbeck

This by @DavidDark is going viral. Spread the word about his good writing, shown off here re: Colbert/Letterman 


Excellent review at @commentmag from @jgsphd of Charles Marsh's new biography: A Real Bonhoeffer for the Real World 

@michaelfrost6 "Thy kingdom come… surpasses… all other possibilities of human revolt against disorder" Barth, Christian Life, 261. 1960

Students' superb integrative work confirms assigning books by theologians, biblical scholars, and social scientists in ministry courses.

The central criticism of Hauerwas: does it stick? 

I enjoyed the library downloadable audiobook of The Presidents Club by @nancygibbs & Michael Duffy (2012)–great tales of power & character.

The Ideal Length Of Everything Online, According to Research:


I noticed the Association for Theological Schools (ATS) 2013-2014 data table is now available: …

Congrats to Dr. David Taylor, one of our favorite arts pastor/theologian! …

New from Robert Moses (ThD Duke): Practices of Power: Revisiting the Principalities and Powers in the Pauline Letters …

My friend David Taylor is taking a position at @fullerseminary …

Increasing enrollment in theological education: nondenom; students in 20s & over 50; African Americans, Hispanics. …

Grading papers is just as fun as Twitter–reading quickly, making quick judgments, learning a little–right? #selftalk #gradesduetoday

Lake Valentine from @BethelSeminary Yes, people sled on that hill and ice skate out there in winter and canoe in sum.


The view from my office @BethelSeminary – 6 in of snow last night but it will be 56F Sunday.


The best thing about pregnant women is the free Wifi

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@bradley_wright Done.


Douglas Campbell on Paul’s Letters and His New Book “Framing Paul”  via @sharethis

@edstetzer mentions @WilcoxNMP @bradley_wright @ShauntiFeldhahn at @BethelSeminary @BethelU about bad stats but recommends assessment.

"Even Though I Hear He Is a Wonderful Guy . . . " (Excerpt from Nicholas Healy's Hauerwas: A (Very) Critical… 

Ta-Nehisi Coates Being Awesome Again 

New job at IVP: Academic Editorial Asst. Check it out along with 3 other full-time openings. And spread the word! 

Beginning long trek back to be in Minneapolis at Bethel:  and Acts 29:  // Hope you can join us!

Hauerwas Ph.D. grads Michael J. Baxter and William T. Cavanaugh of DePaul defend their radical Roman Catholicism. …

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April cover story of @CTmagazine on N.T. Wright by @Jasonbyassee …


Jesus is God's selfie. (via @craigmosgrove)

@thebigboid @WilcoxNMP @DouthatNYT I commented at the NYTimes page … that majority Christian position is not theocracy.


Exercise is no excuse for unhealthy choices. Via @WSJ


A little bit of religion can be a very bad thing says @DouthatNYT 

It's official! I'm filling Curtiss DeYoung's soon-to-be-vacated position as Prof of Reconciliation Studies at @BethelU. #BigShoes #honored

Regarding "fit concerns," @BillHybels suggests giving bad attitude 30 days and low performance 3 months (Lead. Summit, Aug 2011).

Heading to #Sabbath, a profound piece by @BrigidSchulte on the inner compulsions of our busyness  #Itsaboutourinterior

Pope Francis goes to confession and you can watch. Never seen anything like this. …


Traveler and church interpreter extraordinaire @edstetzer@BethelU @BethelSeminary Thurs, April 3rd. Recommended! …

Astonishing. Not ONE. MT @MichaelPeppard CBS Poll: Not a single Catholic said Francis's leadership has hurt church. 

"seminaries either haven’t seen or have resisted need for new courses and training in areas of practical theology" …

@hankcoates Theology and practice. Maybe will require last chapter of Bosch. Maybe Sanneh's book. Maybe essay by Walls for history.

I'm teaching "Global Mission of the Church" in the fall and books are due April 11th. Textbook suggestions?

I'm teaching "Leading Congregational Worship" in the fall and books are due April 11th. Textbook suggestions?

“Teaching is a distraction and a burden, but it’s also an incredible stimulus.” —Marilynne Robinson 

@DavidDark Favorite can also mean: "Congratulations! Way to go!"

@DavidDark I may favorite something witty with the meaning, "That made me smile." But it is too "inside joke" to retweet to my followers.

@cwdaniels We made switch a month ago from basic phones to smart phone with RW. We're happy. Christians are involved: …

From Dr. Doug Campbell's office door at Duke Divinity. Happy Friday!


Secrets of the Vatican (Feb 25), a @frontlinepbs documentary, describes the institutional mess Pope Francis faces. …

Year 2 brings high expectations for change for #PopeFrancis. Here are 5 takes on where reform should start: 

Steven Greydanus delivers a great review of NOAH: …

"Wright’s discussion [of Paul] can be seen as a classic 'great man' treatment of a historical figure." @LarryWHurtado …

Hurtado on Wright’s reading of Paul 

The decline of the mainline? The Alban Institute, an important institution for church leaders, is closing its doors. …

Having read Barefoot Church, I bet good character of @brandonhatmaker @JenHatmaker will come through on reality tv. …

@michaelbd @ayjay GSS says very few cradle Protestants become Catholics, far more cradle Catholics go Protestant


I "right click" on links in Twitter and "Open Link in New Tab" but that should be the default.

Best book cover of the year so far. Kudos, @eerdmansbooks & @ericaustinlee


Gifted for Leadership: On Taking the New Guy to Lunch …

@jakeeyler You can read one. Then get busy.

Really excellent advice on applying for academic jobs.  via @mikehigton

Mark Driscoll’s Citation Errors At A Glance 

Cent Ch (256f), @timkellernyc treats missional streams (Van Gelder/Zscheile): evangelistic, incarnational, contextual, reciprocal/communal.

In Center Church ch. 16 @timkellernyc describes four models of the church: Transformationist, Relevance, Counterculturalist, Two Kingdoms.

@joeldemott I have posted my syllabi from this year, which will give you an idea: …

7 features of church for the city from @timkellernyc Google Books link to Center Church list of the 7 (p. 173): …

12 of 24 hours in to Center Church by @timkellernyc fav parts are: 7 features of urban min 172-179, ch. 16 "models", and ch. 19 "missional."

My courses next Interim/Spring @BethelSeminary: Discipleship in Community, Missional Outreach & Evangelism, Intro to Transf Lead, Elective.

My courses this fall @BethelSeminary: Global Mission of the Church, Leading Congregational Worship, and Org Leadership & Church Government.

The No-Fail Secret to Writing a Dissertation 

@ScribesTrained Of course FB, LinkedIn, Twitter and blog of job-seeker have current info and photo that convey professionalism.

@ScribesTrained I think people on the market should be natural and not start something new just for the job search. But Twitter is fun!

@ScribesTrained Some people use FB and Twitter interchangeably but my FB friends and fam want funny kid quotes and fam pics not Barth.

@ScribesTrained I think the people who follow me are other academics or intellectually-interested pastors. I share about fam on Facebook.

@ScribesTrained I would recommend generally being positive and resisting mentioning things that annoy you. Criticism will reach the person.

@ScribesTrained I direct people to resources related to my field: books, articles online, and videos. Things that edify–that help people.

My pal @Eat2Gather shares my love for the table. Great list of what to bring people you love when things fall apart: 

@ayjay Yes, probably. But it has a high degree verisimilitude to what Barth said and with translation from the German, it is conceivable.

@ayjay The prayer "thy kingdom come" "surpasses . . . all other possibilities of human revolt against disorder." Barth, Christian Life, 261.

@ayjay It is not in the Karl Barth Digital Library but see §78 in Christian Life on "Thy kingdom come" as "revolt against disorder" (205f.).

Amazon Raising Annual Prime Membership Fee to $99 

Playing God by @ahc is outstanding. Contemporary, classic, biblical, theologically-nuanced, beautiful, edifying. My students loved it too.

I thoroughly enjoyed Deep & Wide by @AndyStanley (Audiobook of 8 hours is great). Self-deprecating, concise, interesting, rich.

John Ortberg's church pulls out of the PCUSA for ECO: 

It seems that @PastorMark took a page from the marketing playbook of @RickWarren for his marriage book. …

We remember @DukeDivinity professor Allen Verhey, who died peacefully in his home last week


I have posted my syllabi from interim and spring semester at Bethel Seminary in a new blog post: …

Distinguished scholar, beloved friend, colleague and teacher Allen Verhey died today at 68.


I listened to the audiobook The Generals by Tom Ricks (2012) for the 2nd time. First time I have ever done that. Superb book on leadership.

Anecdotal input may be stimulating but should be filtered through rigorous social science and Tradition. – Dilbert …

Totally agree with @pankisseskafka that school rankings should factor in % of adjuncts. Only way to make them care …


Hey, I'm all about respecting your pastor but this is creepy and cultish. 

@JonRCoutts It shouldn't be.

Tom Ricks interview about his book The Generals (Nov 2012, 1 hr). … Leaders need accountability & critical thinking.

I enjoyed the audiobook David and Goliath by Malcolm @Gladwell See also his "How I rediscovered faith" @RELEVANT …

If you really need to know about wealth addiction on Wall Street, may I suggest reading this in lieu of 'Wolf'? 

Joseph L. Mangina says "the correlation among postliberalism, ecumenism, & non-supersessionism is strong" …

Of New Atheists and Noble Lies: 

The one theology book all atheists really should read …

A glimpse into our dinner table conversations…Here's @mallelis and @johnortberg talking about predestination: …

A conjunction not to be missed: Betty Smartt Carter on Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In: 

On pg 393, Gates says this about Obama, "I was offended by his suspicion that any of us would ever write about such sensitive matters" hmmm

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Finished 36th CD of Team of Rivals @DorisKGoodwin Lincoln's character, Seward's friendship, Stanton's focus, Chase's ugliness. Will miss it.

Good thoughts here from @ScotMcKnight: New Year Resolution: Conversation 

This is why I'm grateful that @DouthatNYT is in the pages of the NY Times: , winsomely bearing witness. Our Belloc.

Love my Twitter feed. Wit, insight, links to good stuff.

Publisher: John Howard Yoder's books will now get sexual abuse disclaimer: @CTmagazine reports: …

RT @BostonReview: For all you writers: @TheAtlantic compiled a list of the best writing advice of 2013 …

Sports Illustrated journo: I came to a conclusion: The story of Jesus Christ really is the greatest story ever told. …

The incredible story of how a reporter (@billy_baker) helped an at-risk teenager get into Yale … via @ryanpbroderick

Must read. Amen! RT @rachelheldevans: @ScotMcKnight raises some great questions here: "Platform and Publishing" 

I honestly think that last vacation did David Brooks a world of good: …

4 aspects of a professor's life: "Job, Career, Vocation, Life" by Charles Mathewes of UVa …

My reflections on #Mandela memorial on Christianity Today @CTmagazine. …

Had a chance to see Mandela (PG-13) (which comes out Dec 25) last night.Worth seeing. Also loved Peter Storey on M: …

Seven Thoughts on Pastors Writing Books 

GOCN is Gospel in Our Culture Network – inspired by Newbigin, produced The Missional Church, Darrell Guder, George Hunsberger, @jfranke etc.

I'm presenting: "'Missional' Ecclesiology of 1 Cor 14" with Richard Hays responding at GOCN forum on Missional Hermeneutics. 4-6:30 pm Sat.

I'm glad to get together with people at Society of Biblical Literature / American Academy of Religion this weekend in Baltimore.

Watch video from the #dukediv Nov. 1 event honoring Hauerwas on the occasion of his retirement:  @DailyHauerwas

Must not publicize poor theological tweets by famous pastors . . . Must not publicize poor theological tweets by famous pastors . . . .

.@pegobry defends Spufford's Unapologetic (sort of): …

Four elements of my writing life: 

Just donated to @WorldVision to respond to devastating typhoon #Haiyan in Philippines. Been supporting WV for decades! #trusted #effective

Living a Happy Life based on "Triumphs of Experience: The Men of the Harvard Grant Study" by George Vaillant (2012). …

Jax has loose tooth-fall on bike. He said, "The tooth fairy brings you $30,000." I said, "Here's a hammer, Hon. I'm going to close my eyes."

PW's reviews director has issued a ban of the words "compelling," "unique," and "poignant" 

Highlights of Colin Woodard's American Nations: A History of the 11 Rival Regional Cultures of North America (2012) …

Tomorrow heading to @RedeemerCFW  in NYC with @gratefultodead Breakouts w/ @michaelluo & @DanSiedell ! #humanizingwork

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What digital tools do you use for ministry? Here are 11 of my favorites: 

Our own @BethanyJenkins interviewing our own @amandageisinger on her Emmy, illustrations & journey to faith: … via @TGC

Diptych of the wonderful Rev. Dr. Sam Wells and Dr. Stanley Hauerwas on Stanley's tribute day… 

Bonhoeffer and the conspiracy, the new theory: 

For my students contemplating pursuing a PhD: ProfB @AntheaButler is dispensing some excellent advice via her tweets today. Check them out!


@DWBarno76 discusses new "Building Better Generals" report with @BreakingDefense 

Building Better Generals – Tom Ricks author of The Generals summarizes the new @CNASdc report. … @ForeignPolicy

13 Things I Learned About Church History From ‘The Story of Christianity, Vol. 2’ by Justo L. Gonzalez 

@austinjwalker (1) Live in a house similar to congregrants'. (2) Be transparent about church and personal finances. (3) Study the Bible.

Pastor D. Wilson says ministers who voted Obama shld resign. @JonathanMerritt says maybe he should go 1st.  via @RNS

Elevation pastor Steven Furtick says huge house he is building is a 'gift from God' 

@DanSiedell Looking forward to "Excursion" to Gagosian Gallery … at the Redeemer Center for Faith & Work conference!

The first step to completing the Great Commission: "Do Nothing." 

Commuting’s Hidden Cost 

Review: Bonhoeffer's Theological Formation: Berlin, Barth, & Protestant Theology @oupacademic 

Paul, supersessionism, NT Wright: 

#Mennonite Church USA group addressing sexual abuse by the late theologian John Howard Yoder has set 5 goals 

Mark Oppenheimer on John Howard Yoder some background  #Mennonite #Anabaptist #JohnHowardYoder

New book: "Preaching in Hitler’s Shadow: Sermons of Resistance in the Third Reich" … @eerdmansbooks MT @ClayKnick

"Seminary was one of the most fulfilling times of my life." @chrishennessey @BethelSeminary …

My interview with Malcolm @Gladwell on his return to faith while writing his new book “David and Goliath”  @RNS

Farmer @JoelSalatin spoke during "Wholeness: A Conference on Food, Farming, and the Life of Faith." @DukeDivinity 


The Trouble with Malcolm Gladwell: revised & updated version of my piece about why his writing matters, now in @Slate …

On Gladwell's books: "the main flaw is a lack of logic and proper evidence in the argumentation." @cfchabris …

"The question is whether Gladwell is accurately conveying the science … whether he is getting the big ideas right." …

"Gladwell too often presents as proven laws what are just intriguing possibilities and musings about human behavior." …

Thinking of doing a PhD in philosophy? Be aware of this: since 2000 only 39% of grads got TT jobs: …

Will Willimon with @lillianfdaniel in @ChristianCent Being a pastor is like being a novelist without all the alcohol. …

@tmorgan815 In my experience, evangelicals are not distinguished by their high view of Scripture but by thinking the good news is good news.

@dane_womack Even at high school, the brain damage evidence is strong: …

Why I am not letting my boys play football and why we have stopped watching it. It is sad because I love football. …

@fitchest @james_ka_smith @lkoturner @jwilson1812 @ayjay VG's thesis: Though increasingly common, the megachurch may not be the future.


"With a Spartan rigour which never ceased to amaze his landlord-grocer, Nietzsche would get up every…" 


@pegobry You might be interested in the reading lists for the Great Texts program here at Baylor: …

Ready for Your Doctorate? Check out the Doctorate in Missional Effectiveness @BethelSeminary! 

Stanley Hauerwas on retirement: I plan to "do what I have always done. I will get up, read a book and write." …

Why Andy Crouch's (@ahc) Playing God is important for young pastors like myself—my review @TGC: 

For fellow screen readers: I'm enjoying Book of Common Prayer Daily Office readings in the New Living Translation. …

@jrgordon13 @j_andersen My 2¢: given few prof positions, it is good a PhD is serving pastors & (2) pastors should be upfront if they use it.

@j_andersen @fitchest Wow. I had no idea. Wow.

@fitchest @AndyRowell Notable that some of the bigger names using Docent to cut time: 

7 tips for sharing your faith @jasonclark … / I listened to the sermon. Excellent stuff.

"I used to not believe in lectures" (but I do now) A Manifesto for Active Learning  via @chronicle