My tweets from March 22, 2013 to October 3, 2013 on the pope, organizational leadership, teaching, and theology

For quite a while now I have been mostly tweeting instead of blogging. I often have a resource that I have found useful or interesting that I want to share with others. I can do that in a sentence. I sometimes do think that I could comment further about each link and thus keep blogging but I suppose at this point, I am not wanting to take the time to do that. Perhaps my functional philosophy is that my longer reflections are saved for my students at Bethel Seminary and books and articles I am writing. But of course many of you are not on Twitter and just checking out my blog so you get pretty little from me. So I like every few months to post my tweets so that my blog readers can scan through them and see things they may have missed. See below the latest batch. They are in descending order from most recent to March 27th. That's 190 days and there are 251 tweets so about 1.3 per day. I end up drawing on a lot on these resources for illustrations and examples as I teach courses at Bethel Seminary. I may occasionally link to something not particularly pleasant but generally I am trying to highlight things that are praiseworthy under the philosophy that I am recommending or collating good content–like an editor might. There is so much bad stuff out there, highlight the good. Furthermore, I do not like having arguments on Twitter so merely saying "I found this interesting"– I do not get too many people angry about that. Sorry for my picture below so many times: the photo does help you see the difference between my tweets and those of others that I "retweeted." Blessings to all. If you are in Minneapolis-St. Paul, come by and see us at Bethel Seminary.




  1. "The church has two purposes: worship and mission." Scott Sunquist, Understanding Christian Mission, @BakerAcademic …

  2. @AJDTS @between2worlds Yes, I have read those. I like Newbigin's autobiography. Biographies are great for getting theology through story.

  3. .@mattjenson lists 10 books @tgc on ecclesiology that you probably haven't read but probably should: 

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  5. "Excommunicating elders at a megachurch is messy business" 

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  6. Justin Taylor has gotten recommendations for biographies: … @between2worlds / I noted: Nietzsche, Simone Weil, Kuyper.

  7. "Trends Among Growing Churches: Some Reflections on the Fastest Growing and Largest U.S. Churches" @edstetzer …

  8. I think this is the FB page I posted today. 

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  9. Sobering autobiographical piece from Brandy Daniels on rape culture and the theological academy  via @WomeninTheology

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  10. @joecarter @spulliam I hear @drmoore but many distinguish proselytism from evangelism & P. was talking with a non-Christian. See my tweets.

  11. Newbigin: "Evangelism" is not "proselytism": "the attempt to enlarge itself by manipulating those unable to resist." …

  12. Newbigin: "Proselytism" is "drawing people into conformity." "Evangelism" is "freedom of the Holy Spirit… doing a new thing." Signs, p.82.

  13. I would rather define the task of the church: as witnessing to Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8)–which helps shape "meeting the needs of people."

  14. I worry a bit about this from @Pontifex : "the purpose of our mission: to identify the needs of the people and try to meet them as we can."

  15. When @Pontifex says "Proselytism is nonsense" he may be defining p. as "making people in my image"–so perhaps still commends "evangelism."

  16. .@roddreher says: I’m still not going back to the Catholic Church, & Pope Francis only confirms my decision to leave 

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  17. Don't be that dude: Handy tips for the male academic 

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  18. Is it normal for Word for Mac 2011 to take almost 20 seconds to load on a brand new MacBook Pro (after a restart)?

  19. I tried for a month to get EndNote X6 (bibliography software) to work on my new MacBook Pro until I learned EndNote X7 is out–it works!

  20. I was not impressed with the volume on my new MacBook Pro but I recommend the Boom app for $5.99 as a fix. 

  21. Our 5-year-old's excuse for being unable to find her pajamas: "I have little eyes!"

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  22. Reminded that his uncle & I played fball on Wheaton’s field, Ben asked, “Should we be able to find your fossilized footprints from long ago?

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  23. "People who love to eat are always the best people." –Julia Child

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  24. The Legacy of Hans W. Frei – Conference Announcement: Folks, I’ve recently been notified of a conference to be… 

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  25. @jr_briggs Looking forward to hearing Garber here at @BethelSeminary October 10. … but means I miss TU 15 yr homecoming

  26. Thanks to smart IVP colleagues, I've now discovered Trello. Killer organized. Your overdue manuscript is in my sights. . . . Yes, yours!

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  27. Openings on SBL Student Advisory Board: If you’re a student member of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)… 

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  28. Minister-turned-atheist Teresa MacBain loses Harvard job after inflating resume  by @kjwinston11 @RNS

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  29. Wrote awhile. It went like this: scribble scribble lurch despair scribble scribble sigh herky jerk herky scrawl; and I thank God. A miracle

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  30. RT @skye_jethani "When ministry conferences left us empty, we hit the road."  / Also good for seminary classroom.

  31. Some good insights and one-liners in Hauerwas' "How to write a theological sentence" … via @abcreligion

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  32. NYT correction: Although her résumé says Teresa MacBain earned an MDiv degree from Duke, she received no degree. .

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  33. When Taylor Swift started, I decided I should apologize to all the old people who had visited our church. #loud #IgetItNow

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  34. Fellow soccer parent: "We took our kids to the Paralympic Games, now when they see someone in a wheelchair they say, 'There's an athlete!'"

  35. Enjoyed 8/26/2013 @booksandculture podcast by @jwilson1812 on Eugene Peterson's new book of poetry. Beautifully done. 

  36. At  9/8/2013, @JessInProcess described how teaching of @greg_boyd on suffering helped her process tragedy.

  37. Enjoyed 2 sermons by @johnortberg — on love: "The Table" 5/19/2013 and on marriage: "Closeness and Love" 6/19/2013. 

  38. After reading the whole interview with @Pontifex I'm very encouraged by his theological & leadership instincts. 

  39. "The risk in seeking God in all things is the willingness to explain too much … We will find only a god that fits our preconception."

  40. "I think the cases should be investigated by the local bishops’ conferences…These cases, in fact, are much better dealt with locally."

  41. "Proclamation in a missionary style focuses on the essentials, on the necessary things: this is also what fascinates and attracts more."

  42. "church as a hospital after battle:It is useless to ask a seriously injured person if he has high cholesterol! You have to heal his wounds."

  43. "the ancient Catholic churches and the young ones is similar to the relationship between young and elderly people in a society." @Pontifex

  44. "negative behavior in ministers of the church: ‘Here’s an unfruitful bachelor’ or ‘Here’s a spinster.’ They are neither fathers nor mothers"

  45. "We must not reduce the bosom of the universal church to a nest protecting our mediocrity. The church is Mother; the church is fruitful."

  46. "When the dialogue among the people & the bishops and the pope goes down this road and is genuine, then it is assisted by the Holy Spirit."

  47. “The image of the church I like is that of the holy, faithful people of God." @Pontifex / Bingo.

  48. "They asked questions and we opened the floor for discussion. This greatly helped me to make better decisions." @Pontifex

  49. "It was my authoritarian way of making decisions that created problems… Over time I learned many things." @Pontifex 

  50. Was reminded of Stanley Hauerwas's similar comments on leadership and power from 2009  by new book Playing God by @ahc

  51. *binges on Netflix*
    "Just doing some cultural exegesis."

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  52. After surprise resignation, president says: "Regent has been an institution with a pretty volatile past"  @ctmagazine

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  53. Growth of Evangelicalism & Orthodox Judaism can be attributed primarily to high fertility & high rates of retention, not conversions.

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  54. Now they all want to be church planters which means "I could be a great pastor if I got to hand-pick my congregation" 

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  55. RT @greg_thornbury "Radically and basically, all sin is simply ingratitude." Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics IV/1, p. 41.

  56. Can a theologian ever really retire? Theologian Stanley Hauerwas reflects on why the work of theology must go on: …

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  57. The Perils of Doing a Ph.D.: Be Forewarned 

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  58. What’s the value of a PhD? 

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  59. "Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal." Peter Northouse, Leadership, p.5

  60. #PlayingGod hasn't arrived at the Site That Shall Not Be Named, but it IS at Hearts & Minds—use BOOKNOTES for 20% off 

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  61. The opening chapters of #PlayingGod are online for free . . . 

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  62. Really sorry to hear this: "Two Colorado Springs ministries laying off a total of 60 employees." 

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  63. Lectured on Why leadership?: Bonhoeffer – visible church, Barth – living & constant, Hybels – stakes, Buckingham – managers. @BethelSeminary

  64. Taught today on "Why discipleship?": Dallas Willard on kingdom, Karl Barth on confusion, Malcolm Gladwell on 10,000 hours. @BethelSeminary

  65. Wonderful news: We reached our goal for @booksandculture : Thank you! Here's a letter from @HaroldSmithCT 

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  66. Visited Woodland Hills Church last Sunday and heard @greg_boyd give this tremendous sermon "Living in Communication." …

  67. On the problem with white Legos and the architectural philosophy that bore them 

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  68. Twitter, I wish I could quit you. 10 things I've learned about Twitter: 

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  69. W/writing, the bad news is you HAVE to put in the time–major fly in the ointment. But if you do this, you & the work will get a draft done.

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  70. Great lineup here: Christianity21 

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  71. An Invitation from Matt Chandler – 

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  72. Books & Culture may shut down if literary magazine doesn't meet fundraising goal by Monday 

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  73. @matthauger @booksandculture I don't know. As you know, all publications (Washington Post, Newsweek, etc.) are in trouble.

  74. @matthauger @booksandculture Matt, I don't know the backstory except that this was just announced Sept 4th.

  75. Every professor of any discipline who is a Christian should be appalled that Books & Culture is facing extinction. 

  76. Books & Culture–the most thoughtful Christian magazine–will cease to exist if it does not raise $90K by Monday! 

  77. People, PLEASE support Books & Culture magazine: 

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  78. The Nov/Dec issue of @booksandculture will be the last unless we raise $110,000 in the next 3 days: 

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  79. My favorite mag in seminary @booksandculture will cease publication if we don't raise $110K by Monday. 

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  80. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us on Books & Culture? More details here: …

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  81. Pledge a 2014 donation to @booksandculture. They need to raise $110,000 by Monday to continue operating. 

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  82. The evangelical and publishing worlds will be significantly worse off if @booksandculture has to close up shop. Go: 

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  83. .@booksandculture combines excellent writing and capacious thinking. Losing it would be tragic. Donate now.  #fb

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  84. So, academic institutions also have cultural dynamics to navigate: graduate school feedback in US vs. Europe …

  85. Rich post from my colleague @BethelSeminary NT prof Jeannine Brown on Christians and politics in the NT and today. …

  86. @greg_boyd Thanks for talking with Amy and I today. I emailed Kevin Callaghan about getting together sometime to talk discipleship.

  87. The Golden Rule says in everything you do—which means also in evangelism—do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you @MiroslavVolf

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  88. @missioalliance @Matthew__Warren @scottkentjones Enjoyed the presentation. I'm finishing dissertation on Barth's ecclesiology. Well done!

  89. Laura Ortberg Turner @lkoturner is doing a good job tweeting and blogging the Willowcreek Global Leadership Summit. #wcagls

  90. John Updike’s Advice to Young Writers: ‘Reserve an Hour a Day’. And don't bitch about the crass publishing world. 

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  91. @jess_h_b @revthb Yes, the church's task is witness (Acts 1:8) today and so must point well to Jesus not just hope 17th century rites speak.

  92. Trying to attract emerging adults? "Change carefully; change wisely." Terrific piece by Andrea Palpant Dilley. 

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  93. I don't know of anything that will help us find emotional health faster than being vulnerable with safe people.

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  94. @jess_h_b He makes a good case that simple carbohydrates (without fiber)–flour, sugar, etc. are pretty bad. Do as I say not as I do.

  95. Listened to audiobook Why We Get Fat by @garytaubes Says carbohydrates make us fat (not eating too many calories or sedentary lifestyle).

  96. .@FaithTheology I wrote a short blog on how students can engage w/ primary sources minus the intimidation factor. 

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  97. On books written for students: a polemic 

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  98. If only 1 practice? Scripture memorization. Passages such as Mt 5-7, Jn 14-17, 1 Cor 13, and Col 3. Dallas Willard, Great Omission, 58, 126.

  99. Dallas Willard repeated this often: "Grace is not opposed to effort, but it is opposed to earning." The Great Omission, pp. 61, 133, 166.

  100. "People will not recall 99% of what we say. But they will never forget the kind of persons we are." Dallas Willard, Great Omission, 124.

  101. After Dinesh D'Souza, Union's @greg_thornbury announced as the new president of The King's College, Christian college in New York City.

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  102. @jr_briggs How about that. I worked through that book (slowly!) while a pastor–"appointments with G.B." Yes, my memory of it: dense & rich.

  103. "The work of the pastor is much more about leadership & much less about management than the typical business person." …

  104. "In the Duke provost's view, the health of the institution required that the faculty have a 5% annual turnover." …

  105. "I read the bulletins from the first year of my predecessor’s ministry. I saw most of my 'new' ideas." @DaveOdomDuke …

  106. Superb piece by Tish Harrison Warren (April 2013) on Courage in the Ordinary: "ordinary life vs. radical Xian life." …

  107. "The idea that you might do something radically brilliant—that assumption is very empowering." Marilynne Robinson …

  108. @jasonbhood I think that next tweet is all I have got for a review: … I also liked @jmeacham last evaluative chapter.

  109. The best of Jefferson was his belief in people/democracy vs. monarchy but his manipulative use of power (including slavery) is nauseating.

  110. Finished listening to Thomas Jefferson by @jmeacham Successful book in giving me sense of TJ but I can't say I admire TJ after it.

  111. @missioalliance Barth's answer: Jesus Christ. We don't "discover the revelation of God in our midst" lest we misconstrue Hitler as from God.

  112. For those who asked (based on my earlier tweets): 5 reasons I connect w/ random strangers (or churches) via Twitter: 

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  113. My take on "Lean In" after finally reading it: great advice for working the system, not for changing the system.

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  114. @foliovision Thanks for the input. I will consider that.

  115. My wife Amy, "So who are some of daddy's friends?" 5-year-old son Jacob, "Well, there's Dave Miller and Bonhoeffer."

  116. “A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word on paper.” —E.B. White 

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  117. Thomas Jefferson agreed with Ben Franklin's aim "never to contradict anybody" to their face. (@jmeacham p.308) / Probably applies to Twitter

  118. Exciting new reason to move to Minneapolis—it now anchors the lowest-unemployment major metro area in America: …

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  119. A disturbing 50 percent of doctoral students leave graduate school without finishing: 

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  120. We are now faced with the end of American Protestantism – and not a moment too soon, writes Stanley Hauerwas …

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  121. William Turner, pastor and Duke colleague, advancing to legislative building where arrest awaits him #MoralMonday

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  122. Wow wow. What happens when tenured faculty take on the adjunctification of their campus: … via @ryancordell @gradhacker

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  123. Is this what egalitarians think? I say No. What say you? 

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  124. New blogpost: My Fall 2013 Required Textbooks at @BethelSeminary for Discipleship, Evangelism, and Leadership courses …

  125. "What did you learn at VBS today?" 3-year-old Allie: "An angry mom was chasing Paul!" [Acts 17:5 "a mob started a riot in search of Paul."]

  126. @jasonbhood @tedolsen Ted leans toward Anabaptist approach: be an example vs. Reformed: legislate morality. Perhaps different for abortion?

  127. @jasonbhood @tedolsen Yes, don't try to read history. Barth–no natural theology!

  128. Duke NT PhD grad & Roman Catholic Nathan Eubank: "Eastern Christianity is the Manic Pixie Dream Girl of NT Scholars." …

  129. Joan Bolker: "When you sit down to begin a piece of writing, your first aim ought to be to make a mess." @TrevinWax …

  130. I don't want to pay for TypePad anymore for my blog ( ). Move it to WordPress? Recommendations on who helped you?

  131. @KarlVaters @AndyStanley I have gone with Priscilla and Aquila in a marriage sermon: hospitality, mutuality, work, community. Mary/Joseph?

  132. @hbarw One goes out to Starbucks for 2 hours. Then rotate.

  133. too evangelical for twitter, too liberal for facebook. #socialmediaproblems

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  134. Here's @ahc's response to the questions I raised about his editorial: … I may say more later, but for now, read Andy!

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  135. @jr_briggs Thanks! I think I'm going with Life Together because the textbook Teaching the Faith quotes so much Willard and Peterson.

  136. Interesting to read Wayne Grudem's comments about egalitarians (on women issue) who have not become liberal. … @TGC

  137. Recap: Leaving @ptseminary in New Testament: Ross Wagner to Duke; Beverly Gaventa to Baylor. Dale Allison coming to Princeton.

  138. New Testament professor Nijay Gupta suggests "Six Academic Journals That Pastors Should Be Reading." …

  139. @dmmowers Great. Looking forward to it! Thanks for tweeting. I'll follow you now.

  140. Considering also Yoder's Body Politics and Jeannine Brown, et al. "Whole and Holy" and Thomas Groome's "Sharing Faith."

  141. @jr_briggs If you had your choice on spiritual formation book for seminary course, B's Life Together or which Willard or Peterson book?

  142. For "Discipleship in Community" course @BethelSeminary, considering: Parrett/Kang's Teaching the Faith & Bonhoeffer/Willard/Eugene Peterson.

  143. "The real good news for humanity is that Jesus is now taking students in the master class of life." (Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy)

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  144. If black bean burgers, kale and quinoa appear frequently at your church's cookouts, then it's too late you're already one of us.

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  145. A pep talk for writing compelling footnotes by a historian admiring David Foster Wallace's footnotes. … via @D_T_Max

  146. Please sponsor me to help find a cure for passive aggression. But really fine if you can't, we'll just have to find the money another way.

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  147. Excellent reflection by @jhiskes on living in urban Christian community during college. @theotherjournal …

  148. Lots of tweets today because I recently defended why Twitter should not be dismissed & realized I should tweet some instead of just lurking.

  149. I remember this @ayjay post striking me deeply when I read it 6 (!) years ago: 

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  150. I was Ken Carder's teaching assistant @DukeDivinity Here's his tribute to his mentor Will Campbell who died recently. …

  151. In which I argue that counting humanities majors is not the best use of our time: … @amconmag

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  152. @kylearoberts I allude in my dissertation to Marten's The Heterodox Yoder saying Yoder is drawing on Barth dogmatically so is not heterodox.

  153. Death of the humanities watch, actual #s edition:  Humanities degrees were 17.1% of all degrees in 1971, 17.0 in 2010.

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  154. "Grandma, your carbon dioxide smells like coffee." The 8-year-old

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  155. @dwcongdon Ys, talking with Wilbert Shenk and George Hunsberger are at the top of my highlights of going to ASM.

  156. @praxishabitus I'll definitely be using some sociology books and tools to broaden and test our assumptions about churches.

  157. @wesleyhill Thanks! We hear it is great place. Just long winters . . . and bad wind storms apparently! Yes, Roseville is close to Bethel.

  158. @theoskaris Yes, I'll be Assistant Professor of Ministry Leadership at @BethelSeminary. Thanks, Jim.

  159. This year I'm teaching Discipleship in Community, Missional Outreach and Evangelism, & Intro to Transformational Leadership @BethelSeminary.

  160. AND we're thrilled to have sold our house to great folks! We're moving out of Durham, NC around July 23rd.

  161. The boys will be going into 3rd grade and kindergarten at Island Lake Elementary School in Shoreview, MN.

  162. Looks like we have a townhouse to rent in Arden Hills, MN 4-7 minutes from Bethel Seminary. Will give us the chance to get to know St. Paul.

  163. @dwcongdon Sorry to miss ASM and Barth Conference in Princeton this June. Moving to St. Paul, MN.

  164. Reflection on the legacy of Colin Gunton 10 yrs after his death on May 6, 2003 by @SteveRHolmes  via @FaithTheology

  165. Paul T. Nimmo, author of Being in Action: The Theological Shape of Barth’s Ethical Vision, Joins Faculty at Aberdeen …

  166. @chrishennessey Thanks for your help in helping me get it! 🙂

  167. @jonestony Looking forward to seeing you and getting your version of an orientation to the culture (police chaplaincy, pheasant, etc.).

  168. @james_ka_smith Thanks, Jamie. I appreciate your encouragement and your first reaction that it is a good fit. I think so too.

  169. @cewgreen Thanks, Chris. Maybe see you at AAR/SBL to talk Barth and mission this year? I'm presenting at Gospel in Our Culture Network.

  170. @davidswanson Thanks, David. I think of you fondly and look forward to crossing paths.

  171. @tedolsen Thanks. That means a lot coming from you–as you know the evangelical world.

  172. @BethelSeminary Thanks. Looking forward to tweeting and being with you all!

  173. News: I am taking a position as Assistant Professor of Ministry Leadership at Bethel Seminary (@BethelSeminary) in St. Paul, Minnesota!

  174. Will Willimon gettin' it done with this wake up call to seminaries on leadership, church, and Jesus:  @WillimonTweets

  175. "The new rebels might be the ones willing to risk the yawn, the rolled eyes, the parody of gifted ironists." DFW in …

  176. "Recovery facilities try to control the stress of their participants so they generally prohibit school." @D_T_Max on David Foster Wallace.

  177. A dear friend of Dallas', John Ortberg wrote a wonderful tribute. Thank you John. …

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  178. Please share reflections and tributes about my dear friend Dallas who joined the great cloud of witnesses today. …

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  179. @christilling There are a few pages on "The Work of the Holy Spirit" at the beginning of §62 in Church Dogmatics IV,1 pp. 643-650.

  180. John Webster is joining N.T. Wright, Scott Hafemann, Alan Torrance, Trevor Hart, and @SteveRHolmes at St Andrews.,217819,en.php …

  181. Finished reading 3rd book of Wingfeather Saga by @AndrewPeterson to my 7.5 year old. Highly recommended. Cf. @TheRabbitRoom @slugsandbugs

  182. April 10th post by Andrew Sullivan ‏@sullydish on David Kuo's funeral and Sullivan's first visit to a megachurch. …

  183. Visualcy, generational differences, and leadership skills named as growing edges for theological education by @ahc …

  184. Young clergy speaks on the occassion of Willimon's Episcopal Retirement. 

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  185. "Both the Roman Missal and the CDWDS instruct that the feet of men alone are to be washed." …

  186. Just when we thought #PopeFrancis couldn't get any more likeable, he goes and does something like this:  @aspeciale

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  187. Get Prodigal Christianity by @fitchest and @geoffholsclaw Two fine theologians + many humorous and insightful church stories. Recommended.

  188. I made a comment on John Howard Yoder and ecclesiology at the post by @fitchest "Is Tim Keller a Closet Niebuhrian?" …

  189. I'm loving The Generals by Thomas Ricks (2012). Leadership, politics, history, war. Downloadable library audiobook: …