
15 Parenting Badges

Parenting badges shall be earned by people who accomplish the following tasks:

1. Enduring labor

2. Being pregnant

3. Breastfeeding

4. Cleaning up puke.  (Eligible for additional medal if puked upon).

5. Trying to comfort coughing baby in the middle of the night.

6. Changing a poopy diaper in an airplane.

7. Responding appropriately to child having meltdown in public place.

8. Accompanying screaming child to dentist.

9. Accompanying flailing child to haircut. 

10. Accompanying berzerk child to get shots at doctor.  

11. Engaging imaginatively with the game or scenario a child has thought up.  

12. Cleaning up rice from under the table after eating.  

13. Cleaning up child after beach or sandbox.    

14. Putting sunscreen on child.  

15. Reading child's favorite book (Good Night Moon or Rolie Polie Olie) for 50th time.

Note: babysitters, nannies, grandparents, child care workers, uncles, aunts, teachers, etc. are eligible.