Ryan is saying
"The thing is . . . " all the time. I wonder where he gets that.
He also vowing when angry to "never play with toys again," "never eat again," etc.
Jacob is tossing food off his high chair and getting put in time out by turning him to face the wall but he continues to do it. Hmm . . . Is he obstinate or clueless? He doesn't like timeout but perhaps doesn't see the connection to his actions yet.
We should probably be teaching Ryan to take his clothes on and off. We have not worked on that much.
Ryan will just sit and talk with you now about most anything.
Jacob is walking with you just holding one hand.
He loves doing the scooter.
"Nana" is every food–that's what happens when you have banana first thing in the morning every day. His other vocabulary consists of emphatic "da da da da", "all done," "ni night," "woof woof" (for any animal), a coo for cats, and howls when Ryan is picking on him.
Jacob loves Amy's hairdryer and cords–yes, not very safe habits.
Ryan continues to love peanut butter and honey sandwiches, juice/water, popcorn, Life cereal, Barbara's Bakery Shredded Oats, and BBQ sauce for chicken.
Jacob loves bananas, hot dogs, popcorn, Life Cereal, Barbara's Bakery Shredded Oats, whole milk, water, pita, and yogurt.
They both love to dance. Jacob likes animal books. Ryan is starting to like books with lots of words with just one small picture per page.
Below I have put the 30 books Amy requested from the library this week: